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100% male with feminized seeds?


Well-known member
Idk im seeing genetic drive millions of years ago and high pollen count...it was so successful it had to increase female output to balance male population and retain diversity? Nature wants balance and will find it thru evolution.
After doing some gross human male specific research and getting a number i need i can do this
Given that the diameter of the spheroid objects is 5 micrometers, the radius would be half of that, which is 2.5 micrometers (or 0.0025 millimeters).

V = (4/3) * π * (0.0025)^3
V ≈ 0.000065449 cubic millimeters

To convert this volume to milliliters, we divide by 1,000 since there are 1,000 cubic millimeters in a milliliter:

V ≈ 0.000065449 / 1,000 ≈ 6.545e-8 milliliters

Now, we can determine the number of objects that fit in one milliliter:

1 ml / 6.545e-8 ml ≈ 15,279,779 spheroid objects

Holy cow, that is in the range of the human numbers...now how many milliliters of pollen do we get from a male cannabis? Just absurd number really...way beyond male sperm numbers, by orders of magnitude even dude.
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Well-known member
The beauty of 2 phones is im still listening to my grateful dead 26min jam in the listening II thread lol


The Tri Guy
Man if you got knocked over, you'd look at how it happened by analysing the workings of the internal combustion engine. No, it happened because you stepped into the road without looking. Don't do that.

Another thing not to do : don't breed your drug cannabis with hemp.
Don't read studies about hemp, and apply them to cannabis. Don't read studies that don't know if they are working with X:Y or X:A. Don't read studies about sexual determination studies from before they had DNA marker tech to identify the actual sex of the plant. All that study tells us is that the level to which their girls hermied, in their opinion, varied. But did they regrow the same clone? Or did they compare different seeds, ? There is nothing of use here.

Sorry but I'm not chasing my tail on this. You can't say, I don't know how it works but I believe..... Who cares. Put up a logical arguement with facts, or accept the facts. I don't like it, or it doesn't make sense to me, are not valid arguments against.
Hermies are girls, Sam works with a lot of X:A where 100% are girls, but some have balls.


Well-known member
Man if you got knocked over, you'd look at how it happened by analysing the workings of the internal combustion engine. No, it happened because you stepped into the road without looking. Don't do that.

Another thing not to do : don't breed your drug cannabis with hemp.
Don't read studies about hemp, and apply them to cannabis. Don't read studies that don't know if they are working with X:Y or X:A. Don't read studies about sexual determination studies from before they had DNA marker tech to identify the actual sex of the plant. All that study tells us is that the level to which their girls hermied, in their opinion, varied. But did they regrow the same clone? Or did they compare different seeds, ? There is nothing of use here.

Sorry but I'm not chasing my tail on this. You can't say, I don't know how it works but I believe..... Who cares. Put up a logical arguement with facts, or accept the facts. I don't like it, or it doesn't make sense to me, are not valid arguments against.
Hermies are girls, Sam works with a lot of X:A where 100% are girls, but some have balls.
Can I respond to that what's wrong. Getting hit what's wrong. Unaccounted for.
Just the law why does cbd and thc not break down to seperate versions of compounds, Google cbd breaks down to thc. Aye I don't want to move out to the country but I did want a hemp/marijuana qualified as cbd with a little thc.

Planted at the right timing with the pollensacks just starting last week.. How many plants you think are out in that field 2,000. Why shouldn't I have some magic mystic Pakistan chitrali today. However I would understand not wanting them to mix and if necessary I will do it legally. Working. Hemp is its own. Lot of biomass coming out of that soil. I think the ones used to good feeding would go sparse for both. This is as legal as i can be today.. neighbors involved. If I'd I paid for all those seeds this crop I enjoy canna. So.. maybe I can make my seeds worth it for me. I just wanted original.

Regards, cannazen topic.


Active member
Man if you got knocked over, you'd look at how it happened by analysing the workings of the internal combustion engine. No, it happened because you stepped into the road without looking. Don't do that.

Another thing not to do : don't breed your drug cannabis with hemp.
Don't read studies about hemp, and apply them to cannabis. Don't read studies that don't know if they are working with X:Y or X:A. Don't read studies about sexual determination studies from before they had DNA marker tech to identify the actual sex of the plant. All that study tells us is that the level to which their girls hermied, in their opinion, varied. But did they regrow the same clone? Or did they compare different seeds, ? There is nothing of use here.

Sorry but I'm not chasing my tail on this. You can't say, I don't know how it works but I believe..... Who cares. Put up a logical arguement with facts, or accept the facts. I don't like it, or it doesn't make sense to me, are not valid arguments against.
Hermies are girls, Sam works with a lot of X:A where 100% are girls, but some have balls.
I don't know if you're responding to me... Marijuana and hemp are the same species, Cannabis Sativa, and are governed by the same principles.
Neither you nor anyone else knows how the sexual determinism of cannabis really works. I have already provided you with a modern study in which they continue to debate the different models, real scientists, not charlatans like you or me.

It's not that there are two models, X/Y or X:A.

I don't know if you really know how X:A works, but it is very simple: in a diploid system with a fixed number of autosomes, there are only 3 possibilities of expression, and this does not even remotely explain all the variability and levels of sex expresion in cannabis.

The same for X/Y, which is even simpler with only 2 possibilities.

I already said that I thought it was maybe a mix between X/Y (or X:A) and a very broad set of genes that dominate sexual determinism... whose expression is so widely varied, that from my point of view it can only be explained as a polygenic trait.


Edit: in X:A there are only 2 possibilities if we rule out polyploids (>2) and haploids
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Active member
Monoecism is something inherent to this plant, which cannot be eliminated, it has not disappeared in millions of years, nor have we managed to eliminate it for decades.
Fortunately, dioecism is more dominant and is what mostly prevails in a natural state.

Monoecious varieties are not another species of plant, they have simply targeted this trait to make it predominant.
But as has been said, it is an unstable state, and without constant maintenance, it returns to its natural dioecious state.


Active member
And that monoecism has not disappeared is another indication that it is a polygenic trait. If it were only a few genes, it would have been eliminated a long time ago.


There are probably hundreds of genes involved in cannabis sexuality, imagine the complexity.
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Well-known member
I was just considering the neighborhood.. pollen. Okay they chose a low resin cultivar for seeds. I have a right to grow seeds of my choosing also I like cbd. 99.99% of large fields they have won't be pollinated by mine. It's been great. Sorry nvm my post above. I try to keep it legal while also growing a bunch of nice plants for diet seeds and smoke. I don't exactly want them mixing with mine either though cbd is wished.


Active member
I was just considering the neighborhood.. pollen. Okay they chose a low resin cultivar for seeds. I have a right to grow seeds of my choosing also I like cbd. 99.99% of large fields they have won't be pollinated by mine. It's been great. Sorry nvm my post above. I try to keep it legal while also growing a bunch of nice plants for diet seeds and smoke. I don't exactly want them mixing with mine either though cbd is wished.
I thought GMT was referring to me... I'm also mixing marijuana and hemp... I'm making a cross between an Auto strain of CBD and hemp (Finola).
I haven't tried THC in a year, so I do it as a hobby, I like to watch plants growing... and at the same time learn something new besides consuming CBD.


Well-known member
I thought GMT was referring to me... I'm also mixing marijuana and hemp... I'm making a cross between an Auto strain of CBD and hemp (Finola).
I haven't tried THC in a year, so I do it as a hobby, I like to watch plants growing... and at the same time learn something new besides consuming CBD.
:) I'm kind of an enthusiastic I've pictured like the photos of fields trsc in the sunshine a picture of health. And I like the wonderful varieties. Unfortunately it's not mixing well with me since 2017 when I started up on meds and cigs. Anyway carry on. Things have been really great for me, more than I had hoped could be for me. I really gotta keep pushing. I'm just growing.
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Active member
All that study tells us is that the level to which their girls hermied, in their opinion, varied. But did they regrow the same clone? Or did they compare different seeds, ? There is nothing of use here.
They tried seeds from the same batch.
By applying different photoperiods they saw that the female/male/hermaphrodite ratio changed.

In the rest of the studies that I mentioned, they tested with different temperatures, different levels of N... Always on groups of many seeds, but all from the same lot.

Hence today it is still thought that the environment influences the determination of sex.

Sam works with a lot of X:A where 100% are girls, but some have balls.

Can you develop that idea? I don't understand what you mean by X:A.

X:A ignores the Y, and refers to the ratio between the number of X to autosomes.

There are two possibilities:
XX (2 Xs) to 18 autosomes, that is 2:18 is Female.
XY (1 X) to 18 autosomes, that is 1:18 is Male

In a diploid system with a fixed number of autosomes, there is no possibility that X:A explains hermaphroditism or any other expression than these 2 possibilities: male or female.
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Active member
Both are still cannabis sativa? So that's not a rule written in stone.
If they were so separated it should be a different species.
The other day he argued me that the studies on hemp could not be used because they were polyploid... which is not true, since the majority are diploid (carmagnola, finola...). Yes, they have done some tests with polyploid hemp, but as surely some banks have done with marijuana, to achieve new combinations.

The other argument was for monoecious hemp... because there is also dioecious hemp (carmagnola, finola...)... and also the monoecious character was achieved starting from the monoecious individuals that sporadically appear in dioecious crops, that is, exploiting a trait that is inherent in cannabis.

But for me the most incomprehensible thing is that talks about the X:A model to explain that only females are intersexual in nature... and the X:A ratio without polyploids cannot explain intersexuality.

Also says that males can only be intersex with chemical induction...
I think that chemical induction only amplifies due to hormonal decompensation what can happen in nature, such as stress in very rainy summers, abnormal light conditions, hail, cold, drought, deficiency/excess of nutrients in the soil, mutilations due to extreme winds, animal bites and a countless number of situations that can stress the plants.... and this sexual plasticity is nothing other than a survival system in the face of natural calamities, and that allows it to produce seeds and its offspring to survive.

From my point of view, the difference between hemp and marijuana is that they have been bred for different purposes, in one the traits seek the production of fiber or seeds in plants with very low THC, and in marijuana they have sought to enhance THC levels. But we are talking about the same plant, cannabis sativa.
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Active member
Hemp is attributed to monoecious plants, drug pool cannabis isn't, this isn't rocket science.
Most tropical cannabis carrIes a lot of monoecious plants.
I don't think those hemp papers from 100 years back are gonna enlighten us.
My question is why in drug pool cannabis would you want unstable plants?
Most cannabis is sub dioecious until we change that.
I think this is now a circle jerk where some just want to ignore modern facts.


Active member
They tried seeds from the same batch.
By applying different photoperiods they saw that the female/male/hermaphrodite ratio changed.

In the rest of the studies that I mentioned, they tested with different temperatures, different levels of N... Always on groups of many seeds, but all from the same lot.

Hence today it is still thought that the environment influences the determination of sex.

Can you develop that idea? I don't understand what you mean by X:A.

X:A ignores the Y, and refers to the ratio between the number of X to autosomes.

There are two possibilities:
XX (2 Xs) to 18 autosomes, that is 2:18 is Female.
XY (1 X) to 18 autosomes, that is 1:18 is Male

In a diploid system with a fixed number of autosomes, there is no possibility that X:A explains hermaphroditism or any other expression than these 2 possibilities: male or female.
The environment DOESN'T influence the determination of sex ffs, it could influence the expression. This is painful.


Active member
Hemp is attributed to monoecious plants, drug pool cannabis isn't, this isn't rocket science.
This is also painful...

Carmagnola continues to be one of the most planted varieties today, and one of the most mentioned in literature.

It has always been and is DIOECIOUS....by the way, it is one of the oldest cannabis varieties that can be purchased today, a true relic. Carmagnola history

I have already planted it twice and was very surprised, it is super sexually stable, and the terpene profile is quite surprising.

Finola is by far the most planted variety of hemp today, and is equally DIOECIOUS. Which by the way, I don't know if you know that it comes from Sam's own selection of two ruderalis varieties that he crossed, and then sent a batch to Calllaway, which he finished stabilizing.
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Active member
Hemp is attributed to monoecious plants, drug pool cannabis isn't, this isn't rocket science.
Most tropical cannabis carrIes a lot of monoecious plants.
I don't think those hemp papers from 100 years back are gonna enlighten us.
My question is why in drug pool cannabis would you want unstable plants?
Most cannabis is sub dioecious until we change that.
I think this is now a circle jerk where some just want to ignore modern facts.
I don't want unstable plants, I don't ignore modern facts.

What's more, I am doing the crossing with Finola due to a very very recent study, which talks about a second locus, Autoflower2, different from Autoflower1

"Autoflower2 is a locus associated with photoperiod insensitivity in the hemp cultivar ‘FINOLA’. Autoflower2 appears to be dominant given the ability of heterozygotes to flower under continuous light, but the segregation for flowering time within allelic groups suggests that there are additional genes involved in photoperiodic control of flowering. (Dowling et al., 2023). Autoflower2 is distinct from the previously described Autoflower1 on chr01 which was identified in a photoperiod-insensitive high cannabinoid-type hemp accession (Toth et al., 2022)."
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Active member
This is also painful...

Carmagnola continues to be one of the most planted varieties today, and one of the most mentioned in literature.

It has always been and is DIOECIOUS....by the way, it is one of the oldest cannabis varieties that can be purchased today, a true relic.

I have already planted it twice and was very surprised, it is super sexually stable, and the terpene profile is quite surprising.

Finola is by far the most planted variety of hemp today, and is equally DIOECIOUS. Which by the way, I don't know if you know that it comes from Sam's own selection of two ruderalis varieties that he crossed, and then sent a batch to Calllaway, which he finished stabilizing.
I don't care about any hemp!! , so yes dioecious plants are more stable then?