Good Morning All (OF's):
A little behind today and have a meeting coming up. Need to get with it pronto.
We workerbees are half way though the grind. Some solace in that too. Amen.
You professional relaxers carry on. We need your input for peace & harmony.
Hope it's nice where you are. We...
Okay. Now that they determined that, per the crash, they could not assess fault to either the gubmint or the airlines...
Good Morning All (OF's):
Today's greeting is going to be short and sweet. Got assigned to an unanticipated call.
We are one day into the workweek which I am grateful for. I truly live for my weekends.
Hoping everyone relaxing at home or otherwise has an enjoyable day & that all is well.
It was there when you looked out the small window on your front door and watched your neighbor shovel his drive. And then there was more, and More, and MORE. And, just how is your rectum feeling today, my Amigo? I'd wager that I am likely the only person who has used PLTR's tools here. Trust...
Count me out. I'm not signing up to live in China anytime soon.
It may already be too late to stop it coming to your local theater.
As an FYI, I was duly required to use this tool at my workplace.
So I am familiar with PLTR's tools from almost a decade back.
Exposing fraud & waste is one thing...
"Get Rich" plays have always concerned me since watching the "Dot Bomb" market implosion from 2000-2002. I like safe and steady plays that I can hopefully stay in a year or more. This whole AI market reminds me far too much like that for my liking. PLTR in particular is nearly as disturbing as...
Small Caps last Friday had a low of 2032. So, they took the market down 142 points from 2174, when I first said it looked like support was in the neighborhood of 150 points below. Close enough for rock and roll. And they have succeeded in pulling the rest of the market down with them. Small Caps...
Good Morning All (OF's):
Time for another round in the saddle at the rodeo. Monday blues.
As usual have a ton of work to get & catch up to. Tomorrow more.
Weekend was nice. Got a chance to work on my home projects
Gotta start seriously grinding more so. Summer here starts early.
I hope all you...
Good Morning All (OF's):
So looking forward to the weekend. This week has been one for the books. Jeesh ..:oops:
Going to make this short and sweet. Sorry for any that notice the boilerplate format.
Hope everyone working especially has a nice final day of the week. And a sigh after.
Weather is...
Good Morning All (OF's):
Another busy day of busywork I don't particularly care for. Part of what I do is critiquing other folk.
Today is one of those days. Along with providing "expertise" regarding some hr and other issues.
Part of what makes the current day business model go round, and...