Count me out. I'm not signing up to live in China anytime soon.Ai is going to dominate and it will happen extremely fast. PLTR has positioned themselves within this administration to be one of the leading Ai companies with a seat at the table. Musk is providing the soft sell to the public by way of using Ai to expose fraud and waste.
Did you recently join?Apparently, the deep state isn't going to go quietly into that good night....
I find humor in this "deep state" as it has a bunch of US Citizens and we know those are not the brightest people. That this group of regular citizens is a problem for the Billionaire Class ought to be enough of a shot across everybody's bow. But not in this lifetime. I'm ready for a front row seat at the Civil War in all honesty. It would feel really good to rid the planet of some of the vermin on both sides of the isle. Deep state.......haaaa haaa ha you are funny. Those public servants are definitely not the real threat, but nice try with the slant and bias.Apparently, the deep state isn't going to go quietly into that good night....
Oh Subie La LaThanks for the heart strings Walt but my tooth is feeling better now even before I made it to the dentist, I think the hot water salt rinse helped more than anything. I felt like crap all day yesterday from the antibiotics he gave me so I opt to quit them so I wouldn’t feel so bad everywhere else besides my tooth. My tooth checked out ok so maybe it was just some food that got lodged in there somehow. I have another appointment April 5th to look at it again.
Hope you and your beautiful witch are having a nice day![]()
If I may suggest eating some ice cream to quell the heat in your nether region.Got a bit heavy handed with the pepper flakes yesterday and paying for it today.
The same type of nerve that senses heat in your mouth also sense the heat exiting your anus..........your brains tasting it twice!
The more you know.
To lateIf I may suggest eating some ice cream to quell the heat in your nether region.
Count me out. I'm not signing up to live in China anytime soon.
It may already be too late to stop it coming to your local theater.
As an FYI, I was duly required to use this tool at my workplace.
So I am familiar with PLTR's tools from almost a decade back.
Exposing fraud & waste is one thing. Surveillance quite another.
Pure Evil.![]()
There was not a single one of them I would cuddle. And frankly, bare tits on a grimacing, painted harpy are not in the least enticing/enchanting. Boring. Equivalent to gargoyles.
There are many definitions of the deep state depending on interpretations,for me,the deep state is the multi billionaire class which influences political policies through financial support. You don't believe decisions are made without their consent do you?I find humor in this "deep state" as it has a bunch of US Citizens and we know those are not the brightest people. That this group of regular citizens is a problem for the Billionaire Class ought to be enough of a shot across everybody's bow. But not in this lifetime. I'm ready for a front row seat at the Civil War in all honesty. It would feel really good to rid the planet of some of the vermin on both sides of the isle. Deep state.......haaaa haaa ha you are funny. Those public servants are definitely not the real threat, but nice try with the slant and bias.
No. I know the billionaires seized control. I also don't believe government workers are part of the problem.There are many definitions of the deep state depending on interpretations,for me,the deep state is the multi billionaire class which influences political policies through financial support. You don't believe decisions are made without their consent do you?
Perhaps it depends on the government workers position and influence, fatter envelopes get things done, I'm assuming judges get bribed and doors are held open that should be shut. IMO everone has a corruption price and the poorer you are ,the lower the price. It's human nature.No. I know the billionaires seized control. I also don't believe government workers are part of the problem.
Hello Unca Walt, hope Florida life is treating you well.@oldmaninbc -- I just had a flash of Cheech Marin gutterally singing:
It was there when you looked out the small window on your front door and watched your neighbor shovel his drive. And then there was more, and More, and MORE. And, just how is your rectum feeling today, my Amigo? I'd wager that I am likely the only person who has used PLTR's tools here. Trust when I tell you that 1984 isn't very far off.Surveillance is already here Amigo.
My Cleo is in charge of Arlo and he knows itMy cat looks sweet but she stands her ground against dogs and gets them to run off. It's pretty funny. There's a neighbor who has a pit that's scared of her
It was there when you looked out the small window on your front door and watched your neighbor shovel his drive. And then there was more, and More, and MORE. And, just how is your rectum feeling today, my Amigo? I'd wager that I am likely the only person who has used PLTR's tools here. Trust when I tell you that 1984 isn't very far off.
Here is link describing PLTR's Surveillance (that may be a kind word):
Who’s doing all this research on bee and pig climax?when a male honey bee climaxes during sex, his testicles explode and he dies,the snapped off portion plugs the hole and prevents other drones from fertilizing the queen