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Small veins in leaves yellowing mid flower, Pictures inside


I filled out the questionnaire in the sticky and posted it below if that's a help.

All things aside this plant and its sisters in my tent have been looking and growing fantastic in the canna coco + canna adds, but im now running into a returning problem:

This plant is in a pot that is wayyyy to small that what it should have been in( major noob mistake, i know) so too high ppms and not enough moisture will cause this plant major probs.. just a thought

I have been noticing for the past 3-4 days a progression of the yellowing of the small veins in the leaves at the top of this plant, there is also, what i think to be nutrient burn on the tips and blade tips. This started on the PK boost week and i also pumped up base nutes to high also.. 1000 - 1100ppm YES BAD I KNOW, im a noob...this is why i think this is hopefully only nute burn.

I have since done a large volume, low ppm(400ppm) flush and reduced feed ppm's to 500-550

This plant is in Straight canna coco being fed on full canna coco range(AB + Adds) and has been being fed as per cannas semi-customisable sched you can make up on their site.

This plant is 39 days into flower and has a flowering time of 60 -80 days depending on how high your noob factor is( mine is off the scale)....

I have literally not had a problem in flower up until this, not even a single spot on any leaf, nothing has died... if your a major noob like me, give canna coco a shot.

Major note: I also saw this exact problem on another plant i flowered of this strain. But this plant was in a hempy with cheapo shit coco on canna classic flores nutes with no adds. The plant finished up ok and the problem didnt get so bad that it had a large effect on the quality of the finished plant, no leaves totally died or got majorly worse... maybe it did as it was only the second one i flowered and im unfamiliar with the strain.

Retouched these with lightroom so if the colours look weird, my apologies...
Plant at rear left of pic is the one effected, but here is a quick overview of the tent the plant look healthy overall and are growing like, well, weeds!

These other pics are closeups of the problem, effecting many of the top leaves:

Massive thanks for any help.

How long has this problem been going on? Noticed about 2 days ago
Are you growing in a PVC grow tent? (example: Hydrohut or any other non brand tents)Tent yes, not sure if its PVC though
What system are you running? (DWC? Ebb flow? Aero? Water Farm? Flood Tables? and so on...) Canna coco straight
What STRAIN are you growing? Unknown
What was the establishing technique? (Were the seed or clone?) Clone
What is the age of your plants? Day 4 of week 6 or 39 days into flower
How long have they been in there mixture they are in now? around 10 weeks?(coco,soiless etc..)
How tall are the plants? 77cm (stretch has stopped)
What PHASE are the plants in? (seedling, vegetative or flower) are the plants in? Bloom
What Technique are you using? Handwater coco
What substrate/medium are you using?(Hydroton, RockWool etc.) canna coco
What is the Water temperature?
What color are your roots? White? Brown? Are your roots slimy? white
What Nutrient's are you using?(If growing soiless) Full canna coco range
How much of each nutrient are you using with how much water? *Knowing the brand is very helpful* Feeding at around 500 -700ppm
How often are you feeding? (If using soiless) 2X day, 3 if im not lazy
How often are you giving nutrients? (If using soiless) every watering
If flowering, when did you switch over to using Bloom nutrients? canna coco ab so no REAL classic "switch"
What order are you mixing your nutrients? (example: veg nutes 1st, bloom 2nd ect)
What is the TDS/EC/PPM you are using As of discovery of this prob, 500ppm
What is the pH of the "Tank"? feed goes in at 5.5, because run off come out at 6-7.5
How often are you testing your pH/PPM/EC/TDS? every watering
Are you sure your calibration is correct on your equipment? yes
When was your last watering? today
What is your water temps?
When was your last feeding change? (ie. grow-bloom-micro-additional)
How often do you clean your system: example: Flush out water replace with clean water and nutrients? Flushed this plant with a low ppm feed when i discovered this prob
What size bulb are you using? 400w HPS
How old is the bulbs you are using? 40 days
What is the distance to the canopy? 1 1/2 ft
What is your RH Factor(Relative Humidity)? 40 during day, 70 at night, cant get it any lower at night ATM, BUT air flow is VERY good(update: managed to lower night RH to 60%)
What is the canopy temperature? 20c - 30c
What is the Day/Night Temp? (Include flucutaion range) 18 - 23c
What is the current Air Flow? (cfm etc.) unsure of CFM but have intake/outtake fans and large pedestal fan inside
Tell us about your ventilation, intake exhaust and when its running and not running ? 24/7
Is the fan blowing directly at plants? no
Is your water HARD or SOFT? 100ppm
What water are you using? Reverse Osmosis (RO)? Tap? Bottled? Well water? Distilled? Mineral Water? tap
If using tap water, what is the ppm/EC/TDS of the water right out of the tap? 100ppm
If using RO,Distilled,mineral water, what is the ppm/EC/TDS without any additives?
Are you using water from a water softener?
Has plant been recently pruned, cloned off of or pinched no
Have any pest chemicals been used? If so, What and When? been adding one drop of azamax to feed water for nats for a couple of day about 6 days ago.
Are plant's infected with pest's
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Cheers for the reply, so your fairly certain this is plain old nute burn or something more sinister?

I have done a light ppm flush since and like you mentioned, dialed back the ppms.

Also if anyone could study the questionnaire and let me know if im dicking anything up?

If anyone else has any help please go right ahead.


Well-known member
Some plants like grapefruit turn yellowish red colors on the leaves and can fool you into thinking there is a problem

Vanilla Phoenix

Super Lurker
ICMag Donor
looks like you're about to lock it out. dial it back a notch. overfeeding.

I agree. I was getting this on the white walker kush that I was giving a strong dose of nutes to. I misdiagnosed it to be needing more calcium. Problem didn't get any worse even after the extra calmag I gave. But it slowly kept creeping up like it had been.

As soon as I lowered the nutes the week before flush, and now that I am flushing (she's a week or so from harvest) the spotting has stopped.

The other strains I have running, using the same strength, never showed anything wrong.

Oh, and the problem started about the same as you, midway thru 12/12.


I agree. I was getting this on the white walker kush that I was giving a strong dose of nutes to. I misdiagnosed it to be needing more calcium. Problem didn't get any worse even after the extra calmag I gave. But it slowly kept creeping up like it had been.

As soon as I lowered the nutes the week before flush, and now that I am flushing (she's a week or so from harvest) the spotting has stopped.

The other strains I have running, using the same strength, never showed anything wrong.

Oh, and the problem started about the same as you, midway thru 12/12.

hrm this maybe genotype(is that the right term?) specific, maybe this particular kind of strain needs something at a very specific time in flower to off set this... who knows what it might be

There's 2 other plants in that tent a week behind this plant, i did the same flush on them as i did the effected plant and also lowered ppm's but they are in their P/K week so I'm being ultra careful with their ppm's... so im very eager to see if these other 2 begin to show the same symptoms even though I've near halved their base nute ppm's.


I was just reading another post on runoff ph in coco and got me to thinking, could my high PH runoff be the problem? Crazy too small pot + high PH runoff?

I didn't give it too much thought as I've read that as long as long as plants look healthy and growing at a good rate(which these are.. they look great for my skill level anyhow) feed PH is on par and you feed often enough, runoff PH isn't too much of a concern... but this plant being in a crazy small pot....

Thanks again for any help.


Any thoughts on the PH swing from feed to run off? Just to restate what it is: Run off is coming out between 7 -7.5, and that happens whether i feed at 5.0 or 6.0, same thing when i was feeding up at 1100ppm(before the flush) before this problem presented itself, 7.0 - 7.5.

there are 2 other plants in the tent(same cuts) being fed same everything, also experiencing this same PH swing but have not shown these leaf symptoms, BUT as their a week behind SAID plant and i flushed and reduced feed ppm as stated in an above post this still leads me to think this is nute burn..... anywho this doesn't seem to be affecting growth though, buds are still blowing up nicely, maybe even a little better than its sisters...

Thanks again for any and all help.


This is getting worse and worse and now happening to a second plant on nearly every leaf... while another plant(a week behind) with same everything, looks perfect no yellowing........................ wtf

Was told somewhere else that my feed ph was too low. And im locking out mag and to up it to 6 - 6.2, what does anyone think?

DID the large flush and reduced ppm's and the problem still worsening so i cant see that it would be burn?

FFS, plants looked absolutely perfect then right when i get to end of flower i get a bad deficiency.

thanks for any help.

Vanilla Phoenix

Super Lurker
ICMag Donor
I grow in soil instead of coco. I know coco is a lot more sensitive than soil. It can build up ferts in it easier and I also know most ppl ph around 5.9 and let it drift up a little before pHing back to 5.9. Alot of coco growers have to supplement with some Epsom salts to get the Mg you want. Like a 1/4 tsp a gallon. Not sure if you are already doing this.

I hate to tell ya to start a new thread, but you would probably get a more experienced in coco response if you post in the coco forums.....

I cut back on nutes and problems stopped progressing....soil is more forgiving though.


Cheers for the reply, and yea i will make another post in the coco forum, heres some updated pics just to show, these are from like 3 days ago so its actually more worse than in thse pics.



Thought it may help to show the progression:

from this:

TO this:

To this:

And even worse as of right now, need to take updated pics.

thanks for any and all help.
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Genetic Resource Management
It's not Mg lockout it's overfert, your EC is too high. Dial it back.

A 400 ppm flush is way too much, it's not really a flush at all.


Most Loved
like i said too mush food. you locking it out.




this is the eventual progression. but it was almost time to chop anyway so i just started flushing for chop. but yours don't look like they're close enough to harvest. maybe they are. but assuming you're in the final stretch i would give em a shot of fish, and then water with plain water and molasses till the chop and use up those nutes rather than trying to fix it by flushing and flushing.


apologies if i have this wrong, are you trying to also display the same problem, because i see no yellow veins in your pics, just burnt tips.

It's fucking weird, there's another cut in there that's the same EVERYTHING, age, nuts, PH, pot size, and its not even showing the slightest hint of this yellowing....

And yes the oldest plant is coming to the end of its swell and i was going to start its plain water flush on next watering.

And thanks for the tip on the fish and molasses. I don't have fish anything, but i do have a couple of different brand kelp/seaweed adds, will they help in place of the fish add?

EDIT: Fogot to mention that I did a really good scoping of the plants last night for rot/pests and found no sign of pests on the leaves or plant, but I do have a gnat problem, not a bad one bu its there, ive given up trying to fight them when your watering coco 2 times a day, it never dries out enough to hurt them......
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Genetic Resource Management
Really it's too much N as much as anything; notice how dark & "forrest green" the leaves are?

That already past 'blue hue' and the shiny kinda textured leaf?

The spots and venation become almost rusty looking and your leaf tips and serration tips become necrotic (brittle, brown/yellow)... classic over fert.

In most vars, you can see the apex of the leaf begin to bend slightly before the necrosis starts. This is the sign to look out for- it's the first warning sign that you are feeding too aggressively. Learn it and pay attention, and you should never see the problem reoccur. It is the sign you are pushing the plants past their ability. Back it off and you'll be surprised at the results - feeding plants is often one of those times where less = more.

Vanilla Phoenix

Super Lurker
ICMag Donor
Really it's too much N as much as anything; notice how dark & "forrest green" the leaves are?

That already past 'blue hue' and the shiny kinda textured leaf?

The spots and venation become almost rusty looking and your leaf tips and serration tips become necrotic (brittle, brown/yellow)... classic over fert.

In most vars, you can see the apex of the leaf begin to bend slightly before the necrosis starts. This is the sign to look out for- it's the first warning sign that you are feeding too aggressively. Learn it and pay attention, and you should never see the problem reoccur. It is the sign you are pushing the plants past their ability. Back it off and you'll be surprised at the results - feeding plants is often one of those times where less = more.

I've never seen him be wrong.... and backing off the nutes some solved my symptoms. And my leaves had the spots on the veins and everything.



ill def take that advice and bring ppm's right down on my younger flowers to 200, 50 ppm above my tap water so now only 50ppm of actual nutes( been at 350 for a week now)(im just going to start the oldest plants final flush)

The thing with canna coco A/B is you can reduce ppm's all you want, your still going to have the same ratio of N.

So if i bring the ppm right down to reduce N, and with using canna coco AB in mind, am i in danger of under ferting P/K?

ALSO, If this isn't PH/mag lockout then should i start PHing at 5.8 again?

Thanks again for all the help.
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Ok overnight while lights on i did a proper flush this time, i put tap water through them(PH'd) till runoff was close to input, so here's hoping.

Here are some updated pics from a few hours ago:


Changed white balance on this one to bring out different colours, if that helps:

In this pic oldest plant is on the left the one on the right is a week behind and starting to show this yellowing:

Also something else I've noticed, is that the lower buds are not affected, example here, this is a lower bud on the most affected plant:

Thanks for any help.