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The Impeachment Of Trump

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Active member
Thanks for the reply White Beard. My post was in response to med4u claiming Alinsky tactics were used only by dems or libs as he claimed. I was pointing out the tea party used Alinsky's tactics.

This was my post right below med4u.

My reply was to this post by med4u


Actually I made no such claim...
However I dont think it's a stretch to say that many of the progressives/socialists running on the demo ticket identify with most if not all of these ideologies

I have no use for the tea party so I'm unaware of any political tactics disseminated within their party
So it holds no relevance too me


Well-known member
Actually I made no such claim...
However I dont think it's a stretch to say that many of the progressives/socialists running on the demo ticket identify with most if not all of these ideologies

I have no use for the tea party so I'm unaware of any political tactics disseminated within their party
So it holds no relevance too me

I completely agree, I didn't really get into politics until 2016 but I never really understand Tea Party reference the left always brings up. Are they referring to the Boston Tea Party?

White Beard

Active member
I've met quite a few educated people and they are dumd as shit when it comes to real problems. Education means nothing if they have never worked a day In their lives and sponged off their parents or student loans for their education.

Fortunately, I *know* you don’t think educated people are sponges...you’re too intelligent yourself not to see it in others. As for sponging off parents and never doing a day’s honest work in their lives, you can only be talking about Our Feckless Leader, who has BOTH of those ‘accomplishments’ to his...credit....

As for sponging off student loans: you clearly have no experience with them, or you would know that isn’t possible, and if you’ve heard different, and believed it - shame on you for taking the words of liars to heart against your fellow citizens.

Student loans are considerably less generous than welfare, and are not discharged via bankruptcy or any other avoidant ploy favored by the wealthy. The interest over time is usurious, and crippling to those forced out of their education by *anything*.

I hope you and your family are never faced with anything as...ruinous...due to misfortune


The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor
I disagree with this. The country does better economically, doesn't mean the people do better. The graduating student owing six figures to the government is in no way better for the student, but it makes the government look a lot more profitable, just like a large corporate hiring contract employees so it doens't have to pay benefits or holidays is more profitable on the books. Sure it looks better, but does it actually create a better company? I work with a lot of people who have PhD's, the large majority of these people have trouble doing basic tasks on their computers, the most necessary of all tools in the workforce today. Higher education doesn't mean higher intelligence, it simply means you can play the game better. It's almost Pavlovian, the more letters you 'earn' after or before your name, the more 'treats' society rewards you with. You're right though, it is very simple.

You are right and wrong at the same time. Having a degree does not make someone educated but striving to learn does. Some people with PhDs are very educated and some as dumb as posts. One should be responsible to educate themselves, whether through institutions or study. I believe I learned more than having 3 PhDs by spreading my education to several fields and denying the degree.

I think Trump just means really dumb people when he says he loves the uneducated.

White Beard

Active member
Thanks for the reply White Beard. My post was in response to med4u claiming Alinsky tactics were used only by dems or libs as he claimed. I was pointing out the tea party used Alinsky's tactics.

This was my post right below med4u.

My reply was to this post by med4u

Apologies, Absolem: I too was addressing that...person - and NOT you


The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor
I completely agree, I didn't really get into politics until 2016 but I never really understand Tea Party reference the left always brings up. Are they referring to the Boston Tea Party?

If you are going to discuss, best to learn the history [unless you are shining one on]
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Active member
You guys crack me the fuck up !

President Trump will block all attempts by the congressional committees. Full stop. lol




Active member
Skip to 3:20....hopefully everyone (yeah I know the local clowns won't) will watch...

This breaks it down...
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