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Sour Diesel Vs. New York City Diesel


He doesnt post, Because he is to busy really growing/breading. But felt the need to come on here because he heard of this crazy claim. If you guys can't see he has NO hidden agenda then there is something wrong. Just read his past post. Never did he brag, or put someone down and has been very respectful. But I know for a fact, He is one of the sickest growers around. And has a S.D. that will last 2 yrs. Infact he is the reason I gave this strain another chance. Until then I only had seed copy's. And was never pleased. Now I found a true admiration and respect for this strain. (Clone Only) And I have no problem saying it would put any of rezdawg's lines to shame.
Trivia Fact: True! :smoker:


Lost a bit of respect for rez as a buisness man as a customer but hes getting it in so cant knock his hustle but on another note I got f15 rks beans and green crack ibl thats f22 all for the reasonable price of 330 a pack obly 10 packs tho so hurry up and buy :)
Lost a bit of respect for rez as a buisness man as a customer but hes getting it in so cant knock his hustle but on another note I got f15 rks beans and green crack ibl thats f22 all for the reasonable price of 330 a pack obly 10 packs tho so hurry up and buy :)
do you mean $330.00 a pack..10 beans to a pack..


ICMag Donor
If it wasn't for Rez how many people would ever get the chance to even smoke anything sour diesel. Strain horders sure aren't sharing.


I do agree he brought sour to the masses just dont like to be called stupid or talked to like I am .but I have bought rez gear so wth and yes 330 for a 10 pack gettem while there hot now I see why ghs and rez are cool least rez can put out dank
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I remember when I was young (18) and went to Barnes & Nobles (really high) and started reading them weed books... me and the homies were all into the G13 description ($8000 a pound it said) but mostly the Sour Diesel we had read about... lemonheads (yum) and I thought it was as simple as "Mexican Sativa x Afghani." Ahh the good ol days lol.... I'm lost with the lineage already... hopefully I'll learn to get it down and also get me some pack of REZ's gear again (this time not free.) :(


I remember when I was young (18) and went to Barnes & Nobles (really high) and started reading them weed books... me and the homies were all into the G13 description ($8000 a pound it said) but mostly the Sour Diesel we had read about... lemonheads (yum) and I thought it was as simple as "Mexican Sativa x Afghani." Ahh the good ol days lol.... I'm lost with the lineage already... hopefully I'll learn to get it down and also get me some pack of REZ's gear again (this time not free.) :(
Real S.D. does not even have a lemon head taste. It has a diesel flav. with a lemon after taste. The genetics carry alot of traits. I have seen S1's come out rich creamy skunk with no lemon at all and little diesel. Just a killer exotic skunk.. But the bean copy's do have a lemon head taste. And IMO could never hold up to the real thing. But the real cut, is amazing. From growth to smoke. And the taste is something completely unique and one you never forget.
I honestly do think that Rez is providing a service to the community. Most people who have the ecsd aren't handing it out very often & it is really cool that you can buy a seed version.
Also from what I can see it sounds like most people who have grown his beans have been really happy, which is cool. Its nice to see someone actually sell some heady seeds.

I'm strictly talking about the ridiculous claims Rez is making about his breeding. why is it that everyone else in the world's strains lose vigor after the f5 stage & Rez is claiming his r f10's. Or was it f8?
Why all te secrecy Rez? Oh ya it's proprietary( which means it's easy)
If he was actually breeding to f8+ then he would b the worlds first. That would be se really hard shit & he would be years
ahead of everyone, so why keep it secret. If what he is doing was that difficult he would have no problem having transparency. He can't have real transparency because what he's doing is the easy part.
All the real work was done years ago by the people who made & selected the strain that made the chemdawg clone.
Experiment with enough males & an ecsd & u can def make your own sour diesel ibl.


Well-known member
What if you didn't have access to ecsd? The service provided is worldwide and where I'm from the ecsd isnt available so I get to grow sd in seed form pretty amazing huh? Liven and white mountain can you point me in the direction to where there is a better sd in seed form? I don't think there is and your both ripping into a breeder who is successful, strawberry d just won the lv420 was that a fluke? Surely the entry of ecsd that didn't place was the real deal with some of the old heads there that know what's what and 2 of Rezs hybrids (4sd & strawberry d) beat it?


What if you didn't have access to ecsd? The service provided is worldwide and where I'm from the ecsd isnt available so I get to grow sd in seed form pretty amazing huh? Liven and white mountain can you point me in the direction to where there is a better sd in seed form? I don't think there is and your both ripping into a breeder who is successful, strawberry d just won the lv420 was that a fluke? Surely the entry of ecsd that didn't place was the real deal with some of the old heads there that know what's what and 2 of Rezs hybrids (4sd & strawberry d) beat it?
First off you are talking about strawberry diesel. This thread was to compare NYC and SD. So to say Rez grew a different strain that beat the real cut, just means SD is not the best in the world. Never did Rez put his cut next to the real one to see what would win. So that is kinda pointless to put in. Reservoir seeds can create some killer beans. And has done 90% of the smoking population a great service. The only reason we are NOW ripping into Rez, is it is absolutely CRAZY to say these are anything above a f5. And They are not even that. Plus now you are comparing better strains that he has since acquired and crossed. And as I do feel it is great he made it available that you can now grow some SD, So yes it is amazing. Yet it also makes everyone think that SD is weak in comparison to some elite strains, when its just not true.Now remember I live where the real cut is the most available. So I am personally sick of having someone pull out a bag of SD grown from seeds. And it being a b grade bud at best. This makes people around here think bad of SD, When in reality it is one of the headdiest herbs out. And this makes the market for SD drop. But more important. The legendary name of SD is being trashed by watered down samples people grow repping the SD. But back to the beginning we have a problem with Rez saying It is a true IBL. And it is just false. Then tryin to think we where dumb enough to believe he has made f6 f8 f10 f14 seeds. Now if you read anything about How to create an IBL or the history of documented ones you would just understand it is near imposable. And with the fact that he brags so much in the first few post. Why would he keep this a secret. He would be the first ever, and the second ever to document a real IBL. W.M. is completely logical on this and has made it clear he is not hear to bash. He like me has said it is a great service he is doing. But when it creates controversy like this. Is it really a service, Or just clouding things more?


WhiteMountain What was that book by D.j. Shorts that explains exactly what makes a IBL a true IBL. While going into great detail about how to do it? I know it is the most informative reading around on this subject. But that makes sense since it comes from the "only" person to ever document a true IBL.


Active member
WhiteMountain What was that book by D.j. Shorts that explains exactly what makes a IBL a true IBL. While going into great detail about how to do it? I know it is the most informative reading around on this subject. But that makes sense since it comes from the "only" person to ever document a true IBL.

Hey Liven,

Is this the one you were talking about?

Dj Short - Cultivating Exceptional Cannabis - $14

extra excerpts
The book is called "cultivating exceptional cannibis" what you posted is an article excerpt from the book.
Everyone who is into headies & strains should read this entire book.
He actually explains how to take seeds from a landrace & breed it into an ibl. Granted it took him a decade & tens of thousands of plants, but it can be done. & transparency isn't a problem bc in reality the average grower is so far away from the ability to do it that it doesn't even matter.

Saying that Rez just won a cup in Amsterdam don't mean shit to me. First of all that ecsd was grown in Amsterdam. I went to almost every coffeesjop in Amsterdam & while there was good herb, nothing was on the level of the ecsd or chem family, not even fkn close. Not in the same league, barely in the same sport. I garauntee that if Rez brought his strawberry diesel to the east coast it would b put to shame by the real ecsd & the chemdawg. Honestly in Amsterdam they
Barely even know what true headies r. They just learned how to cure their shit like 5 yes ago!
On top of that There's so many years of shadiness involved that I don't see how anyone can trust the resullts.
Have you ever talked to someone who has attended these
Cups? The best weed never wins, it's always the biggest/ most popular seedbank that wins for some reason. Every person I've talked to that has actually attended thought different herb that didn't even place was the best.
Remember that it's Amsterdam, do u really think they would allow a clone from the us to win the cup?! That's like saying"our seeds aren't the best herb in the world" they would never ever allow that
If Rez wins a growers cup in NY or northern Cali, then maybe I'd be impressed. I'll pit down 10 to 1 odds that no bean copy will touch the real clone.

We aren't bashing rez's work, his beans r obviously a good representation of ecsd In seed form, we r bashing his insane comments.
Can he offer up any actual proof that it is an ibl? I've seen nothing that even comes close to proof, just wild statements that mean absolutely nothing to someone who actually knows about breeding & growing. There has to b something besides just saying that it's an f14 lol.
How about a DNA test Rez? They can't cost that much, maybe I'll pay for it. A DNA test it should b really easy to tell if it's an ibl or an f1 hybrid. I know it's an f1
How's that sound Rez? Let's DNA test it. When I was in amsterdam the greenhouse seedbank offered my $10,000 euro if I got a clone of
My ecsd to them. They said that they can DNA test the clone to make sure it matches the bid & they said the results would only take like 2-3 days. So it's def possible no doubt. Tr

Then the whol "I coined the term east coast sour diesel" that has gotta b a joke right? Does anyone believe this crap?
Great beans yes, but an ibl it is not


So, what was the 1st quote about? You make confusing statements. Be careful the uneducated masses might take them for reality.
Btw I have 10 (ten) fingers.

You accuse someone else of confusing statements, and mention 'uneducated masses'? LOL

I have 8 fingers. The two big opposable digits are called THUMBS.

Antonio Alfonseca has 10 fingers, he was a pretty serviceable relief pitcher in his day.



The book is called "cultivating exceptional cannibis" what you posted is an article excerpt from the book.
Everyone who is into headies & strains should read this entire book.
He actually explains how to take seeds from a landrace & breed it into an ibl. Granted it took him a decade & tens of thousands of plants, but it can be done. & transparency isn't a problem bc in reality the average grower is so far away from the ability to do it that it doesn't even matter.

Saying that Rez just won a cup in Amsterdam don't mean shit to me. First of all that ecsd was grown in Amsterdam. I went to almost every coffeesjop in Amsterdam & while there was good herb, nothing was on the level of the ecsd or chem family, not even fkn close. Not in the same league, barely in the same sport. I garauntee that if Rez brought his strawberry diesel to the east coast it would b put to shame by the real ecsd & the chemdawg. Honestly in Amsterdam they
Barely even know what true headies r. They just learned how to cure their shit like 5 yes ago!
On top of that There's so many years of shadiness involved that I don't see how anyone can trust the resullts.
Have you ever talked to someone who has attended these
Cups? The best weed never wins, it's always the biggest/ most popular seedbank that wins for some reason. Every person I've talked to that has actually attended thought different herb that didn't even place was the best.
Remember that it's Amsterdam, do u really think they would allow a clone from the us to win the cup?! That's like saying"our seeds aren't the best herb in the world" they would never ever allow that
If Rez wins a growers cup in NY or northern Cali, then maybe I'd be impressed. I'll pit down 10 to 1 odds that no bean copy will touch the real clone.

We aren't bashing rez's work, his beans r obviously a good representation of ecsd In seed form, we r bashing his insane comments.
Can he offer up any actual proof that it is an ibl? I've seen nothing that even comes close to proof, just wild statements that mean absolutely nothing to someone who actually knows about breeding & growing. There has to b something besides just saying that it's an f14 lol.
How about a DNA test Rez? They can't cost that much, maybe I'll pay for it. A DNA test it should b really easy to tell if it's an ibl or an f1 hybrid. I know it's an f1
How's that sound Rez? Let's DNA test it. When I was in amsterdam the greenhouse seedbank offered my $10,000 euro if I got a clone of
My ecsd to them. They said that they can DNA test the clone to make sure it matches the bid & they said the results would only take like 2-3 days. So it's def possible no doubt. Tr

Then the whol "I coined the term east coast sour diesel" that has gotta b a joke right? Does anyone believe this crap?
Great beans yes, but an ibl it is not
W.M. I am willing to put in on that test.I want to see proof of this. Actually Rez said he is open for a full chem family discussion. And as we could be future, past or current customers. He should have no problem giving proof that it is at least a real IBL. And W.M. is right about the DNA testing. And you know he is Rez... So step up and show us proof or tell the truth.

Happy 7

You accuse someone else of confusing statements, and mention 'uneducated masses'? LOL

I have 8 fingers. The two big opposable digits are called THUMBS.

As one of five digits, and as companion to four fingers
The English word "finger" has two senses, even in the context of appendages of a single typical human hand:

1. Any of the five digits.
2. The four digits, not including the thumb.

Linguistically, it appears that the original sense was the broader of these two: penkwe-ros (also rendered as penqrós) was, in the inferred Proto-Indo-European language, a suffixed form of penkwe (or penqe), which has given rise to many Indo-European-family words (tens of them defined in English dictionaries) that involve or flow from concepts of fiveness.


Right, my 4 year old niece says she has 10 fingers, and thats fine; my 9 year old niece should know two of the digits on her hands are called THUMBS. If the 9 year old was talking about 'confusing statements' and questioning others education, i would point out her error (not cite the proto linguistic root words).

Basically, if your gonna bust balls, you better be spot on, or your gonna get called on it.

Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?

Hell NO!



Active member
Right, my 4 year old niece says she has 10 fingers, and thats fine; my 9 year old niece should know two of the digits on her hands are called THUMBS. If the 9 year old was talking about 'confusing statements' and questioning others education, i would point out her error (not cite the proto linguistic root words).

Basically, if your gonna bust balls, you better be spot on, or your gonna get called on it.

Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?

Hell NO!


Way to hijack the tread with completely irrelevant semantics. Seriously... Rez said more than you have fingers, so that would have to be more than 8 either way. You didn't add anything positive to the actual conversation.

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