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What year was Indica used for hybrids in Mexico?


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor

Mango Lights, from Sinaloa, wrote :

"Hello, I have been growing for a couple of decades here in Mexico. I can tell you that you can still get "landrace" or Sativa Pura Mexicana commercially. I don't know why it is said that they no longer exist, of course they do. Most of the commercial pot in Mexico City is still the sativa of 30 years ago. Little has changed in that aspect, with the "commercial" weed for the masses.... What has changed a lot is the quality Mota, now the market is flooded with Dutch Mota Indica OG Kush grown indoors. 20 years ago, you could get the famous Lemon-Lime-Zorrilluda, a sativa that tasted like lemon and also like Skunk, or the "Michoafghani", an Indica combined with some Sativa that resulted in something exquisite. Actually, it is difficult to talk about "names" 25 years ago there was no such concept, but the Mota "Export Quality" in my opinion, was hybridized with Indicas in massive Outdoor crops and came from Michoacan. Ok now, with knowledge of cause, I must guide you with some concepts: The pure Sativas are predominantly in the south, that is to say where the photoperiod is tropical as Oaxaca, Chiapas or Guerrero, from Michoacán, towards the north (Jalisco, Nayarit, Sinaloa and Chihuahua), predominate more the hybrids with Indicas, since the country is divided by the Tropic of Cancer, to the south Sativas, to the North Sativas mixed with Indicas. Speaking of what interests you, which are the pure Sativas, in my experience what arrives here in Mexico City and with 25 years self-cultivating, I want to see the day that I get a Sativa plant that tastes like Skunk, if you want to know something distinctive of a Mexican Sativa is that they always taste like fruit (as long as they are well cultivated). Within the fruity aspect, there are tendencies to pine, mango, tangerine, orange, and lemon, I even had one that tasted like honey, like sugar. But never hashish or skunk. The best Mota I ever saw in my life, was 23 years ago, my conecte brought a mota from Michoacan, they were giant colas the size of an arm, wide, sinsemilla, with crystals and giant red hairs, tangerine-skunk flavor, simply superior to anything I have smoked or seen in 25 years, it was clearly a superior Sativa/Indica, we called it the "fire" later I investigated and learned that at that time the growers called it the "Micho-Afghani". Insisting with the myth that the pure Sativas have disappeared, which is a fallacy, here in Mexico Mota of two types is cultivated: the commercial that continues being the Sativas that all want in Europe and that they believe extinct, and the Mota of Export that is Hydro Dutch, What disappears are the glorious hybrids of the 80's of the best Sativas with the best Afghanis and Kush, those first experiments were the maximum expression of the Cannabis. So don't panic, if you want pure Mexican seeds, there are plenty here, I send them to you by mail, (you pay for the shipping) anyway I throw them away, hahaha. Recently I came across a very rare specimen, which could be the Purple Zacatecas, in my life I had never seen a Sativa so purple, I attach photos below. It had a sweet taste almost like honey. Regarding the Aca Gold, for me it is a myth, or I did not get to know it because it is very old, the weed I have smoked in Acapulco is of terrible quality, with the same expired genes of the Sierra de Atoyac of 40 years ago, the Aca Gold must have been in reality some Lemon Lime.

The pure Sativas of the 70's in the south, have hardly changed and in their absence, their potency has diminished. The growers are foolish and ignorant, they insist to continue planting the same (Guerrero), when there are states that have evolved (Mich, Sin, Chih) their crops with Hybrids in the '80s and nowadays with Hydro. Only in the South you will find pure Sativas, in the North I see it difficult because of the extensive hybridization that took place in the 80s when marijuana was produced with "Export Quality" to the United States. The largest sinsemilla plantations in the world existed or still exist in the highlands of Sinloa and Chihuahua. All the Sativa that arrives to Mexico City is from the south and landrace, don't ask for names please. For me within the pure Sativas the holy-grail of Mexican weed, without a doubt is the Lima Limon, Verde Limon, they are the same and it is from Sinaloa, the gringos call it "Sinaloa Green". A mixture of mango flavor with skunk, exquisite. And as I mentioned, the glorious Ochentera era of export hybrids when the Colombian Sativa, Lemon Lime, was mixed with Afghani No1 which produced Michoafghani, which was the best natural marijuana planting the world has ever known. But not even the fucking Gringos or the Dutch like the whore of Arjan who feels like the slimy little prick, "The King of Marijuana" yes of course pendejo, take a walk so that he can give you your little classes.

Although I don't understand the hysteria about landraces if they are really regular quality weed. The only detectable Landrace, in my opinion, would be what is left of the Aca Gold, which today is the most horrible and disgusting weed I know, I lived in Acapulco for a while and never smoked anything good, pure "Golden" crushed septum that gets you high for 10 minutes and the rest of the day as if it were tobacco. My theory is that the further north you go, the better the quality of the weed, although in Oaxaca I did get giant green sativa colas. For me, the ugliest comes from Guerrero. The best is undoubtedly Michoacán and Sinaloa. The sativa weed that floods the df are crushed colas with seed, sativas from Guerrero and Oax, if I plant them, the quality improves a lot. You want pure sativas and I've had enough, hahaha, I'm looking for what is not here, which are hybrids or indicas. The old jipis say that there was a PopoBlue from the state of Puebla, you may have tried it once, it tasted like roses and it was like it had LSD, and also in the state of Mexico they grew very good weed, in Zacazonapan and Nanchititla, hot land, giant colas of indica sativa, that was 20 years ago the golden age. I remember we used to go to Ixtapan de la Sal and they would give us huge huatos, with huge green colas with a fruity pine smell from another planet. That no longer exists, only the mediocre landraces with expired genes continue to exist.
hello mango
i am from sinaloa, and i have the jarilla de sinaloa, and several others,
I was a planter of landraces all my life, until the chaparras indiconas arrived, that because of their speed, gained ground to the pure sativas, but I was not a planter in my house or yard, I planted in the Sierra Madre, and different parts. I worked with lemon green, lemon green, it owes its name to the smell of lemon, but what made it very good, and pursued is that it retains its green even after drying, it remains green and tender lemon color, very nice, that here in Sinaloa there are strong motes there are, but it depends on the taste, the young people want hybrids, that knockdown, the old ones want long December sativas,
I have talked about it a lot with my good friend kaiki from Cannabiogen, one of the only ones, or the only one who preserves the lines of the heart-shaped pot, if you're a heavy smoker, not just any pot will get you high,
i have a hybrid line la piedra de chihuahua, it's a tumbadora, full on, and they ask me for it everywhere, here, and personally i like them more if they are sativa upwards, like my jarilla de Sinaloa, and yes you are right, the pot here in Sinaloa has a reputation of being very strong, and yes there are. but I tell you it is a matter of taste, everything here is based on how the gringos ask for it, if you plant pot and you can not sell it, then there is no business, if the gringos ask for chaparras.

Not all Mexican landraces are tropical with thin leaves, I have seen a little wider leaf and darker green, without being indica. The same species can vary with the years with a difference of cultivation of 1000-1500m, there are two lines of height or zones of cultivation: from 500 to 1000 m of height (first massif of the western mountain range where they grow those of thinner and tropical leaf) and the second massif of the mountain range or more to the south what is the neovolcanic axis where it is planted to greater altitude say of 1500 to 3000 meters, where it adapted more the thick leaf starting from the same original species. The origin of the Mexican weed seems to be Sativa from India and Thai, speaking of more than 60-100 years ago. It was introduced by the Chinese in Sinaloa. The purple variety I grew had nothing indica about it, other than the appearance, but the taste and high was sativa. Nice pictures Glennorch and I agree with the Paraquat, but that happened in the north, not in the south, where pure landraces are still abundant, which have been mixed equally between them because the potency is still good, comes to mind the Acapulco weed that comes down from the Sierra de Atoyac, that landrace is the only one I have detected with low potency, the same genes of the 60's without mixing. Now there was a weed from the highlands of Guerrero very good, no longer found, it was the Cola Roja de Chilpancingo, similar to a lemon lime but more fruity. Well I found a couple of photos. One is of the commercial tropical landrace smoked by the general population in DFlandrace.jpglandrace2.jpg and the second is of those same home grown landraces freshly cut. As you can see it is 100% clear sativa. I envy my friend Sergio from Sinaloa who has access to the chaparra plant line and the lemon-lime and I know how good it is. The only time I visited Sinaloa, Mazatlan, we went on a mountain bike expedition to the Sierra, we got to a town called Panuco and some kids did me the favor of hooking me up with a 50 varos super grated guatito. Pura Verde Limón as you mention, azorrillada is delicious, we did not expect such quality at such a ridiculous price, and the guy told us that it was a little dry and that there was even better. Sinaloa is, has been, and will be the capital of Mota followed by Michoacán. And for Landraces, Mexico City, Guerrero or Oax, where Indicas have not yet arrived.

Now, also in my local area I have noticed that in my growing conditions at 2400msn all plants tend to smell fruity, whether indica or sativa, you have to consider that, the same variety growing in another place, in the forest at higher or lower altitude could acquire different fragrances. This I comment it since some time they brought me a super skunk of Sensi seeds and the plant grew smelling like fruit chewing gum, not to indica. There is a landrace that I have not mentioned that comes from Chamela Jalisco, I named it the "Mango Light" and the story is that in 1997 we were smoking junk on the beach and luckily we got an "export" looking hybrid and skunky, I saved and planted the 3 seeds it brought, and of 3 plants, 2 of them came out very "monster" type, big and fat colas (I have some photos to look for them) but with little flavor and the 3rd plant came out different, with thin leaves, skinny cola, being of the same strain, very sativa, and very green-golden (as they like it) it had the most exquisite flavor I have ever tasted, better than any hydro. One toke and it made you salivate from the intense mango flavor. I imagine that this variety is the one that everyone is looking for and that I myself am still looking for, if it is a pure Sativa. I imagine that Mango Light must be like the Aca Gold was back in the day (or hopefully it was preserved, but in 97).

Don't mess with the Sergio!!! ufff how it must smell!!! pure skunk!!! what a beauty. I can imagine it must be a mix of lemon lime (tall) with Afghana (short). I hope that this weed is not pressed into partitions at harvest time, as this is the most effective way to break the mother of a good cola. Here in Mexico City the chaparras from Sinaloa, with indica smell, are sold as hydro (as it smells the same) 100 varos per gram. The key to their high price is not to crush them.
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secretion engineer
ICMag Donor
Mango Lights

"En resúmen: 1-El Mundo entero (Europa y Estados Unidos principalmente) tienen una idea errónea de lo que son las Landraces Mexicanas, al creer que ya no existen y que TODAS son de hoja delgada y tropicales, si la mayoría lo son, pero: 2-También hay Sativas de hoja mas ancha y de verde mas obscuro siendo puras. 3-Una misma variedad de origen adquiere diferencias en cuanto al ancho de hoja, potencia y sabor con los distintos tipos de suelo, flora, y variaciónes de altura. 4-Sinaloa es la Capital de México en cuanto a calidad de se refiere y de donde se originó todo 5-Todavía abundan las Landraces en Guerrero y Oaxaca. De hecho el concepto de "landrace" como se tiene, no lo comparto, ya que en teoría la Landrace original sería la hierba Thai e Hindú que introdujeron origialmente los Chinos hace mas de 100 años, es decir: SATIVA SINALOENSE, que fue lo primero en sembrarse y de donde se originaron las primeras semillas que llegaron hasta a Guerrero, Oaxaca y al resto de México en un inicio. Todas esas hierbas se fueron aclimatando volviéndose "landrace" Mexicana, pero ojo que también se introdujeron Indicas (al menos en Sinaloa y Michoacán) así que también hay o hubo una rara sepa de Landrace de Indica Mexicana (Michoafghani) tan antigua como cualquier Sativa Tropical de las que añoran. 6-Estas Sativas se mezclaron con las Indicas desde antaño, creando especies híbridas estables antiquísimas (que yo considero landrace también, y las mas apetecibles) Me permito aclarar que todo lo que he estado explicando, no hay información, solo a cuenta gotas, todo es a título personal y a través de lo que he visto y vivido. A mi me vale una chingada lo que opinen los "expertos" Americanos u Holandeses, que se sienten dueños de la verdad. Habrá quien no esté de acuerdo. También algunos libros del narco que explican lo de los Chinos y como fueron desde antaño introduciendo la Cannabis a México, y como en Sinaloa existieron los sembradíos de Sinsemilla mas grandes del mundo en los 70´s, como Caro Quintero introdujo semilla de mota chaparra mas masivamente también en los 70´s, como siempre ha habido un pique entre Sinaloa y Michoacán por producir lo mejor, y aunque Sinaloa es no1, hay una zona específica en Michoacán (Tuzantla) donde se cultivaba exclusivamente la Indica Mexicana (Landrace) y que hasta donde yo se, ha desaparecido casi en su totalidad. Me tienen sin cuidado las Landrace Tropicales, ya que son las que surten a la masa. 7-Las variedades que están extinguiéndose no son las Landrace Tropicales, sino los híbridos espectaculares de los 70´s y 80´s (Indica-Colombiana, Lima-Limón-Zorrilluda) o la Indica Pura (Michoafghani). Todo por culpa de las semillas holandesas y cultivos hydro, acá ya es como en Holanda o Vancouver, y yo extraño la mota fina natural potente sinsemilla con sabores exóticos de plantío profesional en la montaña, que es imposible de conseguir hoy! Ya no hay hierba de calidad de plantío natural!!! eso si es de preocuparse"

Muchas gracias Hammerhead ^^ (y)


secretion engineer
ICMag Donor
Clarke's MJ Botany ...1981 iirc.

"Seeds from most Mexican strains are fairly large, ovoid, and slightly flattened with a light colored grey or brown, unmottled perianth. Smaller, darker, more mottled seeds have appeared in Mexican marijuana during recent years. This may indicate that hybridization is taking place in Mexico, possibly with introduced seed from the largest seed source in the world, Colombia. No commercial seeded Cannabis crops are free from hybridization and great variation may occur in the offspring. More recently, large amounts of hybrid domestic seed have been introduced into Mexico. It is not uncommon to find Thai and Afghani phenotypes in recent shipments of Cannabis from Mexico."

CharlesU Farley

Well-known member
Mango Lights

"En resúmen: 1-El Mundo entero (Europa y Estados Unidos principalmente) tienen una idea errónea de lo que son las Landraces Mexicanas, al creer que ya no existen y que TODAS son de hoja delgada y tropicales, si la mayoría lo son, pero: 2-También hay Sativas de hoja mas ancha y de verde mas obscuro siendo puras. 3-Una misma variedad de origen adquiere diferencias en cuanto al ancho de hoja, potencia y sabor con los distintos tipos de suelo, flora, y variaciónes de altura. 4-Sinaloa es la Capital de México en cuanto a calidad de se refiere y de donde se originó todo 5-Todavía abundan las Landraces en Guerrero y Oaxaca. De hecho el concepto de "landrace" como se tiene, no lo comparto, ya que en teoría la Landrace original sería la hierba Thai e Hindú que introdujeron origialmente los Chinos hace mas de 100 años, es decir: SATIVA SINALOENSE, que fue lo primero en sembrarse y de donde se originaron las primeras semillas que llegaron hasta a Guerrero, Oaxaca y al resto de México en un inicio. Todas esas hierbas se fueron aclimatando volviéndose "landrace" Mexicana, pero ojo que también se introdujeron Indicas (al menos en Sinaloa y Michoacán) así que también hay o hubo una rara sepa de Landrace de Indica Mexicana (Michoafghani) tan antigua como cualquier Sativa Tropical de las que añoran. 6-Estas Sativas se mezclaron con las Indicas desde antaño, creando especies híbridas estables antiquísimas (que yo considero landrace también, y las mas apetecibles) Me permito aclarar que todo lo que he estado explicando, no hay información, solo a cuenta gotas, todo es a título personal y a través de lo que he visto y vivido. A mi me vale una chingada lo que opinen los "expertos" Americanos u Holandeses, que se sienten dueños de la verdad. Habrá quien no esté de acuerdo. También algunos libros del narco que explican lo de los Chinos y como fueron desde antaño introduciendo la Cannabis a México, y como en Sinaloa existieron los sembradíos de Sinsemilla mas grandes del mundo en los 70´s, como Caro Quintero introdujo semilla de mota chaparra mas masivamente también en los 70´s, como siempre ha habido un pique entre Sinaloa y Michoacán por producir lo mejor, y aunque Sinaloa es no1, hay una zona específica en Michoacán (Tuzantla) donde se cultivaba exclusivamente la Indica Mexicana (Landrace) y que hasta donde yo se, ha desaparecido casi en su totalidad. Me tienen sin cuidado las Landrace Tropicales, ya que son las que surten a la masa. 7-Las variedades que están extinguiéndose no son las Landrace Tropicales, sino los híbridos espectaculares de los 70´s y 80´s (Indica-Colombiana, Lima-Limón-Zorrilluda) o la Indica Pura (Michoafghani). Todo por culpa de las semillas holandesas y cultivos hydro, acá ya es como en Holanda o Vancouver, y yo extraño la mota fina natural potente sinsemilla con sabores exóticos de plantío profesional en la montaña, que es imposible de conseguir hoy! Ya no hay hierba de calidad de plantío natural!!! eso si es de preocuparse"

Muchas gracias Hammerhead ^^ (y)
¡Muchas gracias por este artículo! Realmente aprecio leer sobre la historia del cannabis, escrita por aquellos que realmente la vivieron. De nuevo, muchas gracias por este artículo. Normalmente tengo una relación muy adversa con los moderadores en los foros de cannabis, pero cada interacción que he tenido con un moderador en ICM ha sido fenomenal. De nuevo, muchas gracias por el artículo.

Lo hice con Chet GPT, espero que sea mejor que Google Translate. :)


See the world through a puff of smoke
Clarke's MJ Botany ...1981 iirc.

"Seeds from most Mexican strains are fairly large, ovoid, and slightly flattened with a light colored grey or brown, unmottled perianth. Smaller, darker, more mottled seeds have appeared in Mexican marijuana during recent years. This may indicate that hybridization is taking place in Mexico, possibly with introduced seed from the largest seed source in the world, Colombia. No commercial seeded Cannabis crops are free from hybridization and great variation may occur in the offspring. More recently, large amounts of hybrid domestic seed have been introduced into Mexico. It is not uncommon to find Thai and Afghani phenotypes in recent shipments of Cannabis from Mexico."
Actually for Colombia it was the other way. Early 70s a ship load of Mexican seed were send to Colombia and in 1977 introduction of Thai genetics from what I read.

Lyster Dewey, hemp breeder in the early 20th century was talking about a variety Smyrna, which came from Turkey. It had narcotic properties and was mainly used for bird seed production.



Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
All cannabis today is a hybrid IMO. Both NLD/WLD are found in Sativa genetics, even a landrace will have variations,. A landrace must be 100 years old and isolated from any other varieties of cannabis. it's not a landrace otherwise.. These recessive traits have been bred out of most lines today. I prefer them to breed with to find lost chemotypes any day. I should add when a landrace is removed from its natural environment any special physical traits can be lost due to environmental changes.
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Well-known member
I'm just absolutely fascinated by the history of the brave souls that took the risks to give me this plant. In NJ/NYC in the 80's-90's my circle had Jamaican, some from Massachusetts they called hydro that was off the charts real tasty, and the rare mexi brick shipment.


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
Bringing back those old chemotypes I remember is what I've been trying to do. It's been difficult, to say the least. Breeding stock is hard to locate. The best breeding genetics I've gotten came from @Donald Mallard and @MadMac . I'm finding a lot of quality old school Sativa hybrids in those projects. I wish we had more old breeding stock to work with. The old Sinaloa lines would fit perfectly. @Raco if you can get your hands on those you should.

CharlesU Farley

Well-known member
In NJ/NYC in the 80's-90's my circle had Jamaican...
In the 60s-70s, if you were in Bensonhurst, Bayside, or Howard Beach, this guy was responsible for it:


From my website:

"It was a variety from Jamaica that smelled very different from what they were used to. It was expensive, didn't have seeds, and you didn’t get much but it was really, really good. The tourists didn’t mind paying for it, after all, they were on vacation. It came from Jamaica into Haulover Cut on small sail and power boats, passed by Beer Can Island on the way to Maule Lake Marina to be offloaded. I was a pool boy, so I knew many of those involved who were bringing it in.

If you can't do the time, don't commit the crime.

I was raised by a man who was a sergeant in World War II and was held P.O.W. in Germany. I had 3 older brothers, so I spent my whole childhood being told what to do. Because of this, there was nothing I valued more than my freedom and independence. Not cannabis and certainly not money.

I wouldn't sell cannabis, I wasn’t going to prison.

Because of my association and friendship with those who did import, I had access to some of the best quality, non-compressed, rapidly transported cannabis available in Miami during the late 60’s and 70’s. I introduced a couple of Italians and a Jewish guy to some surfers, who knew the Cubans, who brought it in for the Coptics and a very friendly relationship developed. They kept Bensonhurst, Bayside and Howard Beach supplied for quite a while and appreciated the intros, so anytime I needed to score, it was quite easy."

And to bring it back a little bit OT, like I said before, I know the Ethiopian Zion Coptic Church was using Indica in the late '60s - early '70s in Jamaica, because I grew it in 1980:

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Well-known member
Thai indica?
Indian hemp was the name for all drug cannabis really. Funny thing, a lot of the drug cannabis grown in India is narrow leaf "sativa", and what we know as indica is more modern day Pakistan, Afghanistan... Of course in the 18th century when the Cannabis indica term was coined, there was no Pakistan.
  • Habitat. ---This pistillate plant is a native of Persia, Western and Central Asia, now largely cultivated all over India and is found wild on the Western Himalayas and from Kashmir to east of Assam; and is acclimatised to the plains of India generally. When grown in the hot regions of the tropics, the plants (especially the female plants) yield a quantity of resin possessing remarkable intoxicating properties, and on this account hemp is largely grown in India and the East


secretion engineer
ICMag Donor

In spanish...fake interview ...very funny lmao

It mentions the "mota chaparrita" to insult a short stature man...enano...dwarf
I laughed hard the first time I heard the soundtrack...it's been a while since that :ROFLMAO:


Well-known member
All cannabis today is a hybrid IMO. Both NLD/WLD are found in Sativa genetics, even a landrace will have variations,. A landrace must be 100 years old and isolated from any other varieties of cannabis. it's not a landrace otherwise.. These recessive traits have been bred out of most lines today. I prefer them to breed with to find lost chemotypes any day. I should add when a landrace is removed from its natural environment any special physical traits can be lost due to environmental changes.
W89/TTX had made a German landrace (or heirloom).
It was a bunch of late 90's and early 2000's genetics he sowed at a spot and let go feral for a decade, then collected them after a decade or so.
The seeds were all tiny and completely uniform.
I had a shit ton, but lost all but a pack or so to the fire the other year. I hope to grow them out someday.
To have started with G13 crosses that have huge seeds end up with tiny seeds like Indian landrace in only a decade is pretty amazing


Well-known member
Actually for Colombia it was the other way. Early 70s a ship load of Mexican seed were send to Colombia and in 1977 introduction of Thai genetics from what I read.

Lyster Dewey, hemp breeder in the early 20th century was talking about a variety Smyrna, which came from Turkey. It had narcotic properties and was mainly used for bird seed production.

View attachment 18991151
Do you really believe that?

It is my and possibly most of the Cannabis living publics opinion that thats quite ridiculous.

Where did you read that I wonder...?


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Well-known member
View attachment 19011235
Times article 1979 about Colombia.
I think you mean TIME magazine and that is by no means any reference on truth in this matter or any other as far as i'm concerned.

Regardless its an interesting possibility. More so for me that have found totally Thai phenotypes come up once in a blue moon among my Punto Rojo.

In the long run in that scenario the introduced variety would just be absorbed by the sheer numbers and huge genetic pool of the native species and thats just science.

My experience is that the plant has remained the same.

I do definetely get the impression that certain folks want to push a narrative that Colombian landrace Cannabis is not Colombian. Ive heard the same shpeal with the Afghan varieties being introduced as well and of Colombian BLDs yaddayada but none of those theories hold water culturally, historically or scientifically in reference to Colombian landrace Cannabis.

I do appreciate the post though!

I'm gonna go ahead and do a re-read. From what I read its pretty hideous drug war propaganda where were basically all these Colombian families took it upon themselves to invade the US with drugs, crime and violence jaja while at the same time getting guidance on what to plant from nameless 'traffickers' who appear with SE Asian genetics.

Its an interesting story but thats all it is.

If I find that Thai Alacran phenotype ill definetely let you know!

Theres an airport 20 mins away and you might know about our hometown hero Carlos Lehder so anything is possible I guess!

I think they tried maybe!

Only a gringo- I mean a Colombian would do something like that.


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