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The Future of Energy


Grapeman, I have a few basic questions for you.....

What gives you the right to bankrupt an already fragile environment for future generations just so you can have cheap energy you can piss away on personal indulgences?

Since when are you entitled to shit on, deplete and exploit the only home our species has so you can have a big screen TV and all the rest?

How can you be so totally self centered, self indulgent, and arrogant to think that this is okdokey?

I hope you have some kinda real answers to my questions, cuz if you're just gonna call me names again and try to show yet another tree hugger his place yer just pissin' in the wind..................agin.

If there weren't so many people...8 billion?...there would be enough to go around. A world with just 1-2 billion CAN be sustainable...now go and convince all those poor people to stop having kids. A planet with 8-9 billion is NOT sustainable. There ARE limited resources, there ARE limits on how much we can safely pump into the air, there ARE limits on fishing and polluting the oceans. 1-2 billion don't permanently harm the environment...4-5X more destroys it.

So...are you ready for the TOUGH decisions? I don't think you are. Some have to go to save the rest. Ready to choose? Or are you going to kill everyone because you can't/won't?

Pretend you're in a lifeboat...there are 10 but only food/water for 2. If EVERYONE eats/drinks...EVERYONE will certainly die. What DO you do? Draw straws? Take your chances? The answer is draw straws. It's the civilized action. People nobly giving up their own life honorably so others may live. The OTHER option...and what WILL happen if you decide to take your chances...the biggest/meanest guy will kill the rest and live happily ever after. Choose wisely!


I'm using my HTC EVO to surf the forums. It's not bad. Anyone else on Android or iPhone here? All battery baby.


I wonder what the collective tax burden of all these bleeding(bone dry) hearts is?

Easy to spring for lunch on a corporate card :dance013:

Why shouldn't someone else have say so over your money? :moon:


I just read the thread but not sure if its been said.

I saw this on 60 min about Bloombox. how this guy figured out how to create renewable energy by compressing beach sand into small squares and coating then with a liquid then through some process out comes energy. I'm not an expert at all but I'm sure as Shit that its still expensive.

link to Bloombox http://www.bloomenergy.com/customers/

Would be cool to have my own personal energy box providing me continuous power for 5 years. I could literally go anywhere and have power.

Look at how far we have come as a species in such a short period of time. Technology is surpassed itself over a billion billion times now.

Billion billion bill I o n.. to high to type


weed fiend
I saw it too. The sand was baked into 4 x 4 ceramic cards, coated with 'ink' on one side and the 'secret sauce' on the other side. They're layered together like a car battery. Typical, daily household-energy could be stored in the size of a shoe-box.


DB, you know you and I fuck around in a good natured way, TBT, I'm in the process of ascertaining bids to have an array installed on the southern facing side.It just makes sense for me to do so.Initial hints at cost are a bit staggering(25k), may take a while to recoup...but what a difference/immediate impact it would have monthly, maybe even do something nice for the earth in the process.Maybe make a buck or two ;)

Geothermal<true> heat pumps another great investment,especially in cooler climbs.I'll be in the market for a dual-zoned, whole house A/C unit pretty soon.The strides that have been made(20+ years) is impressive.I'm actually looking forward to 'geeking' my house out a bit.

Anything to ease the nut works for me.:)


Active member
So...are you ready for the TOUGH decisions? I don't think you are. Some have to go to save the rest. Ready to choose? Or are you going to kill everyone because you can't/won't?

Tough decisions? Limited recources?? Where do you get this? Foundations of economics? It's all about scarcity and shit, isn't it?

What exactly do you say is limited?

That's what they told me back in school: Shit is limited. Fresh water is limited(what a bullcrap).... Oil is limited... iron, gold diamonds and all that shit is limited.
Well fuck that. Sun is plentiful... You can grow hemp nonestop, windpower, tidal power. That shit has no limits!

It does not have to be limited. There are no limits for humanbeings and we have already proven it for many times.

The only tough decision we will have to make is wether we want to believe in a world of ABUNDANCE or SCARCITY.
Yet someone has already decided for us some time ago, so what the fuck are we to decide?

The only reason why they want resources to be limited is to put price on it and let that price grow as the ability to extract those resources becomes diminished by ignorance and overindulgence.

The basis of Economics is a fucking bullcrap. Shit is not limited. Human ignorance makes shit limited!


Game Bred
DB, you know you and I fuck around in a good natured way, TBT, I'm in the process of ascertaining bids to have an array installed on the southern facing side.It just makes sense for me to do so.Initial hints at cost are a bit staggering(25k), may take a while to recoup...but what a difference/immediate impact it would have monthly, maybe even do something nice for the earth in the process.Maybe make a buck or two ;)

Geothermal<true> heat pumps another great investment,especially in cooler climbs.I'll be in the market for a dual-zoned, whole house A/C unit pretty soon.The strides that have been made(20+ years) is impressive.I'm actually looking forward to 'geeking' my house out a bit.

Anything to ease the nut works for me.:)

i posted a link a few pages back(last page for me) check it out the guberment will pay for most of your conversion cost and pay for your maintenance as well!!

yay gubermant :jump:


Natalie J. Puffington
In~Plain~Site: "DB, you know you and I fuck around in a good natured way"
Phew, I was relieved to read that. :good:
Things got a little heated, or seemingly heated... :dunno:

I just hate fighting; especially here.

We have too much in common, and too much fight for, to let politics pull us apart.

....That's what "they" want!

"They" would love to see our movement fall apart...Infighting and division will only please our opponents.


Active member
I saw it too. The sand was baked into 4 x 4 ceramic cards, coated with 'ink' on one side and the 'secret sauce' on the other side. They're layered together like a car battery. Typical, daily household-energy could be stored in the size of a shoe-box.

They have to be hooked up to natural gas or fed some other hydrocarbon in gaseous or liquid state to generate power. And unfortunately they can't store power.

Tough decisions? Limited recources?? Where do you get this? Foundations of economics? It's all about scarcity and shit, isn't it?

What exactly do you say is limited?

That's what they told me back in school: Shit is limited. Fresh water is limited(what a bullcrap).... Oil is limited... iron, gold diamonds and all that shit is limited.
Well fuck that. Sun is plentiful... You can grow hemp nonestop, windpower, tidal power. That shit has no limits!

It does not have to be limited. There are no limits for humanbeings and we have already proven it for many times.

The only tough decision we will have to make is wether we want to believe in a world of ABUNDANCE or SCARCITY.
Yet someone has already decided for us some time ago, so what the fuck are we to decide?

The only reason why they want resources to be limited is to put price on it and let that price grow as the ability to extract those resources becomes diminished by ignorance and overindulgence.

The basis of Economics is a fucking bullcrap. Shit is not limited. Human ignorance makes shit limited!

How can you say shit is not limited? It most certainly is if you consider our 'closed' environment here on earth. Materials are limited by means of ability to extract them, initial supply, transformation.

You never CREATE anything really.. You're only transforming things.

Sure diamond is being made daily.. But its deep deep deep deep within the crust before getting pushed to the center. We can't go too far deep and it takes a hell of a long time to make diamond and transport it through the miles and miles of material below us. Our rate of extraction of some materials exceeds the supply available to us. Petroleum engineers work all day long to figure out to raise the limit on our oil supply.

Wind/solar/tidal power is by no means unlimited. If you were to convert all our oil/coal based fuel to wind/solar/tidal we would have a huge effect on mother nature.

Think about what that sun does to the surface of our earth, but instead we rob it to transform the heat to electricity. Heat that was going to warm the earth and contribute to its functioning.

Rob the earth of the wind and continue to screw up weather patterns and climate control of the earth.

Rob the tidal energy and you start messing with the earth/moon system causing all sorts of problems (relatively speaking)..

There are two solutions to our problem:
1.) Minimize and maintain appropriate population.. Probably less than two billion world wide.
2.) Explore and colonize space. Even if we can start harvesting materials from space, we still need to export people off this planet and maintain a healthy population.

There isn't a form of free energy. There isn't a form of energy that could power our lives today with the population we have, without serious (perhaps eventual) consequences. I believe Nikola Tesla discovered some tech that somebody found significant enough to hide, but I assure you it wasn't free energy. There is no such thing. And if he found a way to harness energy from the atmosphere, great. But it is just as potentially damaging as all other forms when required to operate at levels sufficient to maintain our recent, current, and future population numbers.

We have proven the earth is an EXTREMELY rare case in the galaxy and most likely the universe.
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Crotchety Cabaholic
Very limited, indeed.

You really think the Earth will stop spinning or the moon will stop exerting gravitational pull. Put down the pipe and pick up a book.


Active member
rob the earth of wind?
rob the earth of tides?

limited understanding of hydrodynamics?

Lol yes, just like many things on this earth, my understanding of fluid dynamics (aero/hydro) is not unlimited. But we all know that.

So care to explain how I am wrong?


Crotchety Cabaholic
Wind is generated by the spinning of the Earth and the subsequent Coroilis effect.
Tides are generated by gravitational pull.
How is harvesting these resources going to deplete them?


Active member
If I'm not mistaken, this was solar power / bloom box battery. :wave:

Someone has been using solar power with the bloom box or is this just speculation? I hadn't heard anyone was doing this yet. Is there a link?
And a battery is a storage device. The bloom box (whether it is running on solar, natural gas, diesel, etc) is a generator, or converter even. Everything credible source I have read (including their site) says it can't store energy or makes no mention of it.