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Raistlin's Room '08


IcMag Resident Comic Relief
remember the strippers can touch you but YOU CANNOT touch the strippers.....

There is no sex in the champagne room... none.. oh theres champagne in the champagne room.. but you dont want champagne... you want sex....


wattup raist,just poppin thru to smoke a sensi star with you cool ass folks.tasty huh;)
you know me yo imma just hit this a couple times and you can kill it...make sure CF gets some of that shit,lol.peace brotha.

oh yeah,i know a few spots where theres more sex in the champagne room then champagne!
dont need to touch the strippers endo,without you touchin them ya can always get a spit shine LOL peace
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RAS--WHATS UP :wave:

if you cant touch the stripper in the back room i don't know if i want to be in the back room... i like rubbing butts and finger popping...no touch no money

Y-I cant hit your joint bro that's :fsu: bro :spank: :spank:

Pass the dobie on the left side :rasta:

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Raistlin Majere

you guys are gonna get me into trouble :muahaha:
only girls i keep in the back room are these ones

BPP just before they went into the corn feild

my PH have the same yellowing leaves on the bottom they can't wait to get out of those cramped azz cups LOL
i'll take a pic of the roots when i transplant them

building project pix now, i should be finnished SOON !!
i think i may just keep the cabs together and not split them,i still got some figguring to do in my head

my fan will go in here :joint:

you can kinda see how its getting set up here
ballests on the top left, filter on the right
my fan box will sit on the shelf outside the tent, up on the right hand side



GOOOOOOOOOOd Mornin Mr. Majere!
I gotta say that when it comes to buildin cabs, you got mad skillz brotha-builder! How goes the clone wars?? built myself a lil cloner you can check out in the cellar iffen ya want to. Seems to be workin ok so far..lost all my tops though,but not before I saw at least 4 fems! Well I'm off to do some IC surfin..peace to ya!!
oh yeah.. cant wait to see what that BPP does outside! I'm all wet with excitement for ya bro~

Raistlin Majere

mawnin cellard :wave:
thanks for the kynd words bro
the clones looking a bit yellower :badday:
i really need to get more cuts going to practice with
gonna take some cuts of the PH and see how i can do
practice makes perfect

i was just over and seen your cloner :joint:
it like that method, and have most the supplies
might do one up myself

stoked about the BPP, i hope they do well
lucky they are so close to the house i can really keep my eye on them


Reminds me of that old joke..How do ya get to Carnegie Hall?
practice son,practice.lol
best of luck with everything:friends:

edit: you plan on keepin them BPP in the bags? or you goin right to the ground with em?
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RM--What's up :wave: that's two rooms in one or that's one big cabinet......i am looking at your cabinet :respect: like when i done this run...i have to do some more to my cabinet........ :wallbash:


Careful, I just had my bullshit meter recalibrated
Raist: You da bomb DYI'er Bro! :jump: That room is looking good man. What's on the walls? Keep it up man! :rasta:

Raistlin Majere

cellardweller ~ yeah i am leaving them in the bags, late augest probably i will cut the bottems off and let the roots grow into the ground

SILVER BACK ~ ha this is actually my 3rd cab i built
the first was just a box when i realized i needed a better set up
the second was the one i documented
there is always room for improvement :rasta:

vintner ~ :friends: thanks bro !!
thats black/white poly, i really like how easy it was to put up


♫All I want to do is zoom-a-zoom-zoom-zoom..
That White poly makes the cab look like that scene in E.T. where the govt. locks down the house and is trying to keep him alive! (all the tubes and clean room stuff...) LOL.
E.T.: Grow home....

Looking goooooooooooood.

Raistlin Majere

i got a good sized roll too
could probably do two more cabs this size
its much faster and easier than plywood
no painting or dropping it on my toes

Raistlin Majere

hey thanks core :wave:
the thing i like about DIY is the cost !!
i havent kept track of what i spent so far, but i know its a fraction of the price on one of them tents
i also like knowing it will WORK, if it don't i have only myself to blame :joint:

take it easy core :friends:


that is some pimps work for sure! keepin busy i see Raist!

awesome DIY skills on display here!


Active member
you got it almost done.
now to get it fired up.
Hey let me tell you about my cloning method...nah, you have enough to think about.


Careful, I just had my bullshit meter recalibrated
So where do you get this black/white poly? Is is cheap? Is that fan box for noise control? Nice idea. :rasta:

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