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Raistlin's Room '08


♫All I want to do is zoom-a-zoom-zoom-zoom..
To cut or not to cut: that is the question....

To cut or not to cut: that is the question....

Raist: The cutting off of superflous or extra material on clones is a good idea when first cutting them. :respect: Once they're in a medium (rockwool, soil, coco, peat, etc....) I usually let them do their thing.....
Consider the extra leaves like "fat storage" for a hibernating bear. The plant won't be able to really get any nutrients...water is fairly easy because it can "transpire" (pass through the membrane of the plant cells). Nutrients absorbed that way can cause pretty harsh damage rather immediately.....that's why it's always suggested that clones don't need nutrients or only weak nutrients.
While the big fan leaves can be a detriment to fast plant growth, they also undoubtedly provide some safe nutrients that the plant can absorb as it is forming roots.
Basically it's a fine line that you will see as you start to take alot of clones. The other thing is that you'll see fan leaves dying off....this really isn't a bad sign...it happens even during flowering or later stages of vegative growth. The plant is just taking back what it needs.....
Human bodies do exactly the same thing with calcium from bones and other nutrients when necessary.

Ultimately the process of cloning is as ancient as plants themselves.....imagine a pre-historic animal munching on some plants....and a few get chewed and pieces get dropped to the ground in a semi-tropical moist environment.....there is a strong likelihood that roots would eventually form and a new plant would develop.

One of the best things you can do when you're having difficulty maintaining healthy clones is to take a bunch of them. In this scenario it's QUANTITY over QUALITY.
Invariably a few will live. Even inexperienced cloners should expect a 20-30% success rate......mild to moderate should be 40-40%....moderate should be 50%+. Expert cloners should be seeing around 80%+ success. The key for all of these categories is once again quantity. Every month I have at least 20-30 clones I could just throw out. Instead of doing that...I gift them to a few people that don't clone and just want to grow a plant in their living room for yucks. Other times I'm like Johnny Appleseed and I put plants in random places hoping for them to stick and grow....I'll make rounds in October to see who's left. Sometimes I have no choice but to throw them out....

You'll always want extra clones because you'll need to replace your Moms every few months....or they'll outgrow their containers and growth will become too irregular and bushy to get nice cuts. Plus having alot of clones allows you to select the most aggressive and healthy ones.....the ones that have tons of roots and are growing like animals.

By the way: after reading this thread....it appears as if I've caused a sh*t storm of suggestions to get an ez-cloner.....that wasn't my intention. It's certainly not the only way....but it is simply the easiest way. It was only after my friend who's a newbie grower (less than 2 years) was having marked difficulty getting clones to root....convinced me to get one after he did. I was amazed....but could get by without it if I needed to. They're kind of like a GPS system.....before I had one...I made due.....now that I have one...I can't get to the damn bathroom without it. Technology...sheesh. :nono:

By the way, I'll send you a PM whenever I have something kooky to ask.....but I noticed there's an IM feature here on IC mag....(the things you learn when you really look eh>?). We may want to take advantage of that.
Maybe we can do that sometime. :friends:

P.S.-This apology goes out to everyone that needs a pair of glasses or visine :bigeye: after my posts....I know they're lengthy and long winded.
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no worries Trippin Balls (I like that better than your nick) we are all long winded....I would agree with you regarding the trimming of the clone, generally better to not cut those leaves than to cut them me thinks.

Once again, xOOx has given some spot on advice about the clones.

Finally, just a shout out that because of your thread Raist, all the talk and watching your clones and my last experience with unhealthy plants = unhealthy clones, I am building a bubble cloner as we speak. I posted a pic of my materials on the Fuckem thread. Respect brother

Thanks for the inspiration Raist Trippin balls xOOx and anyone else that chimed in about the clones.

good luck on your moonlight planting. If you wait till next week, you could put them outside under a New Moon



♫All I want to do is zoom-a-zoom-zoom-zoom..
jipedestran said:
no worries Trippin Balls (I like that better than your nick) we are all long winded....I would agree with you regarding the trimming of the clone, generally better to not cut those leaves than to cut them me thinks.

Once again, xOOx has given some spot on advice about the clones.

Finally, just a shout out that because of your thread Raist, all the talk and watching your clones and my last experience with unhealthy plants = unhealthy clones, I am building a bubble cloner as we speak. I posted a pic of my materials on the Fuckem thread. Respect brother

Thanks for the inspiration Raist Trippin balls xOOx and anyone else that chimed in about the clones.

good luck on your moonlight planting. If you wait till next week, you could put them outside under a New Moon


Trippin balls is what I like to be doing. There's a very specific reason why my handle is AccessNDX. I don't think it would be appropriate to get into the details here. I'm glad I could help with some clone advice....and I think the "tripping balls" nickname is growing on me. LOL.


There is ALWAYS meaning to my madness ®
I tend to ONLY cut the leaves of cuttings IF they are in my seedling trays or they are very large cuttings. The whole intent of trimming the leaves is to slow down photosynthesis and respiration of the cutting and get them concentrated on rooting.

If in my cloners, they VERY seldom dry out and I can leave the entire leaf mass intact because I fill the cloner up to the point where most of the leaves overlap and limit the photosynthesis.

BTW, Raist.....Check yer PMs....

Raistlin Majere

xOOx ~ ok learning all new shyt here
no dome next time
i have the one side propped up all day now about an inch
and there is no wilting going on
i also stopped misting them and will only do so when/if they wilt

your saying to recut the clone above the soil level right ?
then replant
i have rapis rooters i would be putting them into
what if i pul them out and they have roots everywhere, should i transplant right into a small pot then ?

Endo ~ thanks for backing up X i always like several opionions no matter who the source or sources may be

cellardweller ~ :wave: hey man whut up
gonna check that link before the night is over
glad your learning along with me here :friends:

vintner ~ i'll post pics once the corn is tall enough i can sneak in and hide well
nine plants from seed, i dunno how many ladies i'll get, but 9 would be great :muahaha:

accessndx ~ i have not cut the leaves since before i put them into the soil
note taken on the cutting though, once i have mothers to work with
i'll do a run of each side by side and see what the results are
i get why to take more clones, and remember reading take twice as many as you need, at least untill your survival percentage goes up
what was the price on that small EZ-cloner ? 230-270 ??

i have the materials to make a bubble cloner i may have to whip it up tommorow

jipedestran ~ with a third opionion i will follow the advice given now
thanks for the info
if i would have known about the new moon i would have waited

ok i have two healthy looking green cuttings
you guys want me to pull them up
recut the bottoms
split the one large one into two
and re-stick them into a new medium (RR)
should i apply more rootone ?
what if i find roots already growing what then

i'll add now, that while i respect your guys advice
if these cutting suddenly die off after i do all this, none of you will be welcome back in my threads :asskick: LOL

gonna do it tonight once the kids are in bed !!
Thanks guys :respect:


hey man thats not fair to a cat like me, i will feel responsible even though I am not responsible at all..... :violin: :violin: :muahaha: :muahaha:

I still say thanks for getting my mind going. we will see what it yields in a few days.

if you find roots growing, back into the medium they go...

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♫All I want to do is zoom-a-zoom-zoom-zoom..
Raistlin Majere said:
ok i have two healthy looking green cuttings
you guys want me to pull them up
recut the bottoms
split the one large one into two
and re-stick them into a new medium (RR)
should i apply more rootone ?
what if i find roots already growing what then

I don't think I ever suggested that. If you have two healthy looking green cuttings....don't pull them up unless you're going to transplant them.
I certainly wouldn't recut the bottoms (because they're healthy!)
As far as "splitting" the large one into two.....I think a cutting off of the large one would suffice.....and it would encourage more lateral shoots to develop...hence more cuttings available in the future.
If you're putting stuff into a new medium other than what you have already, I don't think that's wise (ie-transplanting to a bigger container with the same medium is o.k., washing off your medium and switching radically to a new one would be bad).
Applying more rootone is not necessary.
If you find roots growing....AWESOME! It's time to plan to get that gal bigger, stronger and faster (actually I think that's the bionic man....), well at least bigger. Then you can in fact take a sea of cuttings.

Ez Cloner 30 site is $235. You can get raped online for almost $300+ for the 30 site unit.


RM--What's up...I had the same problem with wilting on the GA...but i think i put to much rooting gel on the stem...So i tried to cut it and put it back down again and it died on me :fsu: ....But you know i going to get another chance at it..I know peoples i have friends :friends: in all the right place
:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Raistlin Majere

jipedestran ~
ok i have two healthy looking green cuttings
you guys want me to pull them up
recut the bottoms
split the one large one into two
and re-stick them into a new medium (RR)
should i apply more rootone ?
what if i find roots already growing what then

is this what i am doing here or am i misunderstanding something ?

accessndx ~
If you have two healthy looking green cuttings....don't pull them up unless you're going to transplant them.
I certainly wouldn't recut the bottoms (because they're healthy!)

thats exactly what i was thinking !!

SILVER BACK ~ :wave: good luck with the next set bro !!!
we got the same kynd of friends it would seem too :muahaha:


♫All I want to do is zoom-a-zoom-zoom-zoom..
I'm going to put it into YODA speak so we're all on the same page:

Remove the clones not will you. Impatient you are.

Once you start down the dark path, forever will it dominate your destiny, consume you it will.

Try not. Do or do not, there is no try.

OK: back to reality.....Don't touch those puppies if they're healthy. Move them only when their roots are busting out looking for more room. Then you'll know you're safe.
As far as the other clones go....I'm playing T.A.P.S. through a trumpet for them. Some holy water and an obituary is all that is necessary.


In my own defense, and because we don't have the benefit of proper verbal cues....

The only advice I gave was that both xOOx and Y gave very good advise on the clones. I also chimed in that I personally would not trim up the leaves on a clone (but you can't go back and put them back on...so that doesn't help much, huh?)

Given where you are now, if you are a very curious person, just lightly break up the material on one of the clones,(meaning remove it from its container) and see if it is rooted. You may lose it all the way. If you are not a curious person, read on.

Go back to Y's advice about slowly hardening them off from the dome. Since they have become accustomed to the RH in the dome, they will need to get used to lowering it gradually.

hope this helps brother.



ICMag Donor
RM, I got your PM. Did you read the thread I have at the top of the page regarding cloning with RR's?

To much moisture will rot the cuttings. Just barely dampen the RR and spray the dome and not the cuttings if they are rotting easily. The dome needs to be closed for the first week, but the cover lifted and aired a couple times daily. After a week, prop the base of the lid open a quarter inch to start hardening them off. Also, stop pulling the cuttings out of the medium. If they have roots started you can rip them off. Patience, moiture, temps and light are the keys....

Raistlin Majere

accessndx ~ not impatient at all :rasta: they could take three months to root for all i care LOL
that is as long as they are healthy looking
but if i get advise from several fellows all telling me the same thing
well i am inclined to follow said advise

Hydrofome420 ~ :wave:

jipedestran ~ actually that is the only thing i have done so far
the hardning off that is
i am not to much of a curious person so i will just let them be for now

oh yeah i was only kidding about the not being welcome in my threads :laughing: sorry if you took it for serious

well guys i ate a nice handfull of fresh picked mushies a bit ago
i don'tremember how long exactly but i can still type fine LOL
dunno if i'll be back on all flocked up or if these posts will be the last for me tonight :muahaha:
and now i am gonna go hit the bong
peace from your friend Raist

Raistlin Majere

JJScorpio said:
RM, I got your PM. Did you read the thread I have at the top of the page regarding cloning with RR's?

To much moisture will rot the cuttings. Just barely dampen the RR and spray the dome and not the cuttings if they are rotting easily. The dome needs to be closed for the first week, but the cover lifted and aired a couple times daily. After a week, prop the base of the lid open a quarter inch to start hardening them off. Also, stop pulling the cuttings out of the medium. If they have roots started you can rip them off. Patience, moiture, temps and light are the keys....

i did read it JJ and thanks for the thread :joint:
i am not in RR but the 75% perlite 25% soil method you said works second best for you
i did add one part verm to the mix though
in the process of hardnng off right now
somehow i forgot that part :bashhead:
but the cuts look well
oh and i have not tugged on them at all or removed them from the medium
thanks for stopping by


Active member
RM -

no don't cut the part above the soil back down into a new cutting..last resort only. i ment only recut the base of the stem thats under the soil IF (only if) some of it is rotted, and it hasn't rooted yet. if it hasn't rooted and is rotted then cut back into the green part of the stem above the rot and retry in fresh medium. i clone very small cuttings that are only 3-3.5 inches with 2 or 3 tiny fan leaves. if you get good at it you could probably spilt them up yeah, you could experiment if you had an established mom, but now is not the time. i wouldn't do that until you have your method down pat.

what you can do is use a spoon and gently try to pry/lift the cutting out of the medium, very slowly maybe take 1 inch of soil all around the stem - make a little trench around the stem about 1.5 inch circle w/the spoon. stick the spoon in an inch or so deep, then lift it SLOWLY on an angle with the spoon to peek. very carefully crumble the soil away with your fingers until you get to the stem, if at any point you see roots, rebury it and let it grow. w/top off.. doesnt matter if you break some roots or tear them, they'll grow back, what matters if theres some roots there in the 1st place.

if you only saw how i treat some cuttings lol, tossing them around, leaving them laying flat with roots out and all on the table. spooning them right out of the soil and plopping them down on the table.. i always have a clone rooting or a rooted cut sitting in water now in case anything happens to the mom i can easily replace - i almost lost her once, and now i always keep a cutting rooting. i've kept a rooted cutting in plain water for 38+ days , they look like shit, but once they hit dirt, they grow.

i don't use any rooting gel or powder, i have used it for my other plants (non weed) and it tends to turn soft stem into a callus like to encourage rooting, sometimes it works, sometimes turns black and rots. i dunno, i don't use it anymore, i'd use it on hardwood cuttings though if i had no choice. i have a few tropical outdoor plants that are years and years old, cuttings of moms brought indoors then put back out every spring.

if you have roots then theres no stopping it, it grows like a weed. but i have only done this with my girl who happens to be pretty vigourous. for mine, if i see one quarter inch of white root sticking out, it's for sure taken, i can plant that tiny cutting with 1 tiny root straight into 2 gallons if i had to and it would grow like a weed. it depends on the plant too.. but i think those two you got are known rooters, i think you're just making it more complex then it is, i literally just pop them in water and forget them for a week or two.

good luck bro, it's so much easier w/clones then seed. you know what your getting everytime. i think they still look good, and will root for ya - if they haven't already.

rooooting for ya,



♫All I want to do is zoom-a-zoom-zoom-zoom..
cocktail frank said:
this thread is the new hot spot here.
more action here than the local brothel :D

This ISN'T a brothel? F*ck...I'm in the wrong place....

Someone get me the yellow pages.

Raistlin Majere

yeah frank its quite the jump off nowadays :rasta:
ever since i put the disco ball and the strobe light up that is
you never see them cause i only turn em on at night, and your working then
do a little dance, make a little love
get down tonight !!

accessndx ~ we got the special rooms in the back
you just haven't been around long enough to get invited back :muahaha:



♫All I want to do is zoom-a-zoom-zoom-zoom..
I hope you guys comp. drinks and h'orderves in the special back room. I never mind a frosty one and some finger foods while I'm getting my knob polished.