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Zamaldelica Breeders Pack pheno hunt šŸ„­šŸ„•


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3 of the plants are starting to lightly consume one or two lower fan leaves, including one of the Thai leaners ā€¦.. signaling that the previous EC of 1.5 might not be sufficient now that we are in peak flowering so Iā€™ve gently bumped EC up to 1.65 searching for a happy medium. I definitely donā€™t want to burn them especially the Thai leaners but it seems like they need a little more food at this stage, specifically N since they seem to want to consume their lower fans.

Crossing my fingers I donā€™t excessively burn some tips ā€¦ā€¦ we will see how they react in the next 3-4 days.


Well-known member
Day 40 on the Zamaldelica pheno hunt.

Distinct phenotypic differences continue to broaden as they develop.


1.8 EC 5.6 PH 800-1000 PPFD 1.76 kPA

VPD is getting away from me a little but I have another tent that is in late flower in the same room so I cannot risk mold by running the humidifier at this time. Nevertheless the plants donā€™t seem to mind at all šŸ¤˜šŸ¤˜šŸ¤˜

First up a whole tent shot


Zamaldelica elite pheno #1

This gal Im seriously eyeing for another run. Strong terps, very sticky, stacks well and has a beautiful frame. Very vigorous too and seems to be the ā€œslowestā€ of the elite phenotypes. Scents are loud but Iā€™m not getting much sweetness or mango carrot on this one at this stage of development. Profile is more in the range of bright-potent-floral scents



Zamaldelica elite pheno #2

Another strong contender. Sheā€™s not stacking **quite** as fully as #1, but she also is very vigorous and smells great. Strong terps also and of a similar profile but this one does have sweetness to it which changes things. I can see Mango-Floral being the descriptor on this one, although this one is maturing faster than #1 so maybe in time #1 will develop a similar sweetness ā€¦. we will see



Zamaldelica Thai pheno #3??? @dubi can you confirm please? Is it a Thai pheno? Iā€™m starting to wonder if this one leans more Zamalā€¦. Its scent profile is straight carrot šŸ„• No confusing it. Definitely carrot. Good flower to leaf ratio. Sheā€™s the most finicky in the tent and keeps throwing me hints that she might want to make a sceneā€¦. But yet she continues to stay in line lol. Sheā€™s been yellowing some of her lower fan leaves, just 1 or 2 so far which Iā€™ve removedā€¦ signaling she wants more nitrogen but yet her tips show the maximum amount of burn I want to allowā€¦. So Iā€™m calling her bluff and I wonā€™t change anything as so far despite her empty threats sheā€™s progressing wonderfully.



Zamaldelica Thai pheno #4

I have no doubts this one is a Thai pheno. Very leafy but underneath sheā€™s pushing out foxtailed flowers radiating off the center stem. While earlier on I thought I was getting ammonia/cat piss scents Iā€™m not sure thatā€™s true anymore. Profile seems to be floral similar to elite #1 but not as loud. Maybe my fingers were just getting coated with everyoneā€™s scents by then mixing them all together, itā€™s difficult to scent profile them all at once. Underneath all that leaf sheā€™s definitely sticky- sticky


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Zamaldelica elite #5

This is the low profile plant

Sheā€™s stacking wonderfully just as much as the other elite phenos and has a scent profile in between them both. Floral but also the sweetness is present that #2 has.



Zamaldelica Zamal A 75%

Im thinking this one leans more Malawi despite being backcrossed to the Zamal A mother. @dubi What are your thoughts here?

Not much scents but what is there is a similar woodsy profile same as the Malawi Iā€™m running in a separate tent had early on. That Malawi now has terped up and is surprisingly fragrant for what she is, but early on it was a dull woodsy type scent same as this plant here. Also similar spear-shaped colas

She has nearly completely recovered from her mild lockout event that happened earlier on. The tray cleaning worked well and she is greening back up and is progressing normally.




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Well-known member
Day 48 of 11/13 on the Zamaldelica pheno hunt.

83F 45%RH 1.75EC 5.6PH (res) 5.8-5.9PH (medium) 1.73 kPa


Some decisions might need to be made. The Malawi leaning Zamal A 75% plant has been pushing a few nanners off the bud tips. I only saw three but I'm not sure I'm a fan of picking nanners off this early. Im considering culling her for now and possibly attempting to rerun her again in the future at a lower EC to see if she does better with less food. Sheā€™s not burning up at all though so it certainly appears she likes the current rate of feed.

Also ā€¦. The Zamaldelica #4 Thai leaner has an extremely leafy flower to leaf ratio which Iā€™m not a fan of. Since this is a pheno hunt to select some keepers. Iā€™m considering pulling this plant too, mainly because if I pulled both the Zamal A plant and the leafy thai pheno, it would give the other four plants more space and better light coverageā€¦. And would optimize the environment for them. That would leave me with three elite plants and one very very nice Thai pheno whose carrot smelling terps have now changed back to definite cat piss type scentsā€¦. Carrot cat piss? šŸ¤˜šŸ¤˜šŸ¤˜

Anyway I havenā€™t decided yet, what do you guys think? Keep picking the nanners off the Zamal A 75% plant or cull her? What about the leaf monster? Cull them both to optimize the tent for the other four plants? Or should I see them all through to the end? I go back and forth it seems I cannot decide.

Here is Zamaldelica elite #1

Iā€™m eyeing her as the favorite elite pheno, although this is a bad photoā€¦. Itā€™s hard to get a good pic of her with her placement in the tent. All the elite phenos now have a similar scent profile and they are starting to mature their pistils and frost up. Scent profiles are very complex and Iā€™m not sure I can do a description any justice but my best attempt is somewhere in the range of floral - sweet. Itā€™s hard to describe but the scents seem to have a ā€œvelvety smoothā€ quality to it. I understand that doesnā€™t make sense lolā€¦. Itā€™s the best I can do. Itā€™s not bright, itā€™s not sharp ā€¦.. but more of a creamy smooth quality. Creamy - Floral - complex sweet. Dark leaves on this girl.


Here is Zamaldelica elite #2

She isnā€™t stacking as well as the other two elite phenos, but sheā€™s shoved back in the corner so likely not getting the best lighting. Although her tops are still getting at least 700-800 ppfd. This gal Also has that creamy floral - sweet scent profile but in addition she has a vanilla pastry profile that lingers behind the upfront floral - sweet profile. It stays on your hands long after youā€™re done handling her well after the floral scents dissipate. Itā€™s a very very nice smelling plant. Unlike #1ā€¦ this gal has green leaves.



Zamaldelica Thai #3

This gal is AWESOME! Great flower to leaf ratio, she is easily eating 1.75 EC and she has a scent profile that has been evolving. This is the plant that previously smelled like carrotā€¦. But now has added an ammonia / cat piss profile along side it. As mentioned above Im going to call it carrot cat piss. Stacking nicely too for such a pheno! A good friend swears this is a dead ringer for a Chang Mai leaning GT he once had that was supposedly devestating. Letā€™s hope this gal lives up to that!



Zamaldelica Thai #4

A.K.A. Leafy bitch lol. Itā€™s possible this gal would have a better flower to leaf ratio if I ran her with a nutrient mix with less nitrogenā€¦. Orā€¦ā€¦ maybe this is just how she is. Either way this is the way I grow, and Iā€™m looking for plants that excel in my environment. She has a scent profile that has changed, and is now similar to the elite plants although a bit less loud. Underneath all that leaf she is stacking surprisingly well however and is developing decently dense flowers inside there. Trimming will / would be a nightmare. Iā€™m considering culling her now, along with the Zamal A 75% Malawi leaner in order to give the three elite plants and that awesome Thai #3 the best environment possible. I cannot decide lol


Zamal A 75% Malawi leaner.

This is the gal that is pushing a few nanners. Itā€™s very unfortunate because I really would like to see what kind of effects come from a Malawi leaning phenotype that came directly off the Zamal A garrets cut mother that ACE has ā€¦. I bet it would be quite the ride! Hehe

ā€¦.. if I culled this plant now, it would open up the tent for the three elites, and the one really nice Thai girl. Iā€™m not sure maybe Iā€™ll just pull her out and give her a good look over and make sure thereā€™s no signs of herm anywhere and itā€™s just a few nanners. Iā€™m not sure I want to continue picking nanners off for the entire grow though. Iā€™ll admit my environment is probably harsh for some of these linesā€¦. High EC and high PPFD so some stress is bound to show up in some plants with these types of genetic background.



Zamaldelica elite #5

This is the compact low profile plant with a sprawling horizontal growth pattern. That said, she might be the best stacker of the bunch forming dense, frosty colas stacked all the way up her branches. Dark green leaves similar to elite #1. Creamy - Floral - sweet scent profile same as the others. I have to say sheā€™s growing on me regardless of her structure.

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Well-known member
Good approach to the 2 questionable plants. I would cull the nanner and leaf. They all look great.


Well-known member
Good approach to the 2 questionable plants. I would cull the nanner and leaf. They all look great.

Thanks brother. Iā€™m thinking I may do that simply so the other four plants can spread out and give their best ā€¦.


Well-known member
Wellā€¦. I got in there and took a closer look at her and there were in fact more nanners on the Zamal A 75% plant and I found one that was in fact dropping pollenā€¦. So I pulled her and culled her. Itā€™s a shame she was a beautiful plant and I bet the smoke would be very interesting. I still have the mother plant held back so I can think about the running her with less EC.

Snapped this quick photo before I chopped her and trashed her


ā€¦.. I was in there contemplating the leafy Thai #4 plant and the timer shut the lights off on me so looks like Iā€™ll get to think about what to do with her over night. She does have some impressive colas in there.


Well-known member
After careful consideration of my goals for this runā€¦.. Iā€™ve decided to cull the leafy plant as well to optimize the environment for the remaining four plants. Iā€™ll get to that tonight, and shoot some new pictures.

The main goal of this run, since these were seeds from the **Elite F1 x F2** line out of the breeders packā€¦.. was to find a nice Zamaldelica elite expression without regard for other phenotypes. Especially considering that I still have all the seeds from the breeders pack ā€¦. The Zamal/Thai line, the Zamal A 75% line, Thaidelica etc etc

As such I want to focus on the original goal of finding a nice elite pheno ā€¦. and give the three elites that I have the chance to show their best. They are all a little crowded in there right now as things sit.

With all that saidā€¦.. Zamaldelica Thai #3 is just way way too nice of an expression so she will get to stay as well. šŸ¤˜šŸ¤˜šŸ¤˜

Updates to follow šŸ‘šŸ‘
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Well-known member
Gotta cull some to get to the elite that's how it goes. Nanners never nice but if it's "75%" a line that is known for them, maybe expected?

For sure! I canā€™t say Iā€™ve ever heard specifically that the garrets cut Zamal A is known for throwing nannersā€¦.. semi auto flowering yes ā€¦. but i havenā€™t heard anything about nanners. I do get that tropical lines like that are of course more prone however. Also as mentioned it very well could have simply been that I was pushing her too hard on EC or something about my overall environment. Shes not burned badly but she does have a little bit of burned tips and tip curl so itā€™s possible she would behave better with a lesser EC.

Either way itā€™s no worries, I still have 9 more beans from the Zamal A 75% line to hunt through at some point so definitely no biggie there and as I say my main goal for this run didnā€™t revolve around that plant anyway. Also I still have the mother held back, I can let her hang out there and decide later what I want to do with her.

Upwards and onwards!

Iā€™ll be culling the leaf monster tonight too and then get the remaining four all spread out and staked up to let them breathā€¦ they should finish out really nicely by doing it this way šŸ¤˜šŸ¤˜šŸ¤˜
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Are you using chemical boosters? These kind of sativas are very sensitive to them and show nanners easily. Anyway, they are very healthy, good job!


Well-known member
Are you using chemical boosters? These kind of sativas are very sensitive to them and show nanners easily. Anyway, they are very healthy, good job!

Thanks Gandalb! šŸ¤˜šŸ¤˜šŸ¤˜

Pretty sure EC was a tad high for her. Iā€™m going to hold onto the Zamal A mother and try rerunning her at a lower EC around 1.5 when I run the other seeds from the Zamal A 75% line.

For now I culled the Zamal A 75% and the leafier of the two Thai phenos.

I rearranged all the remaining girls and staked up their lowers. I expect theyā€™ll love the extra breathing room.

So now that we are down to four plants Iā€™m going to relabel them as Zamaldelica elite 1, 2 & 3ā€¦.. and the Zamaldelica Thai (GT?) pheno. The Thai pheno has that one branch hanging off to the right I still need to stake up but it was getting late so Iā€™ll get it tomorrow.

Whole tent:


Zamaldelica elite #1 - creamy - floral scent profile and currently my favorite of the elite phenos. Nice yielder. Great structure, great vigor. Dark green leaves.



Zamaldelica elite #2 - creamy - floral also but with a yummy vanilla pastry thing going on in the background. Also very vigorous, tall with the most stretch out of the elite phenos. Looks to be the lowest yielding out of the elite phenos. Lighter green leaves.



Zamaldelica elite #3 - this is the more compact, lower horizontal growing elite pheno. Initially I didnā€™t like her structure or growth patterns but shes growing on me. This girl is STACKING. Literally sheā€™s covered in bud. I think she is easily the highest yielding of the three elite phenos.

For some reason I only snapped one pic but she deserves to be show cased, her branches are loaded. Creamy - floral ā€¦. Similar scents as the others. Very sticky.


Zamaldelica Thai pheno

Absolutely love this gal. Carrot catpiss scents. Great elongated colasā€¦. Just growing spears up and down her branches. Obviously much slower than the elite phenos but sheā€™s eating well and so far is fully capable of consuming the 1.7 -1.8 EC they all have been feeding on



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Well-known member
Re-arranged them all again last night to get the tall Thai leaner in the back. So as it sits the Thai leaner is back right, elite #2 back left, elite #3 front left, and elite #1 front right

Also, I dropped EC in the res to 1.6-1.7 after learning lessons from my Malawi grow ;)


Elite #1 - wouldnt you know, as I had this girl out moving around indeed I did get hit with some fruity notesā€¦. Sube mango will be coming afterall as she ripens. The terp profile on these elites is incredibly complex, very tough to describe for me




Elite #2




Elite #3



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