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Zamaldelica breeders pack info?

Cactus Squatter

Well-known member
@dubi can you give us some info as to what to expect out of the different seeds in the Zamaldelica Breeders packs?
I’m about to finally start playing with mine and now can’t find any info on your webpage about them. The zamaldelica thread is huge and the search function here is a little lacking.

Also anyone who has grown out the zamaldelica breeders packs, what has your experience been, and what was your process for selecting males?

I’m not sure yet which pack I’m going to get into.

Thanks all!


Well-known member
Multiverse Beans still had the descriptions posted.

Zamal is an exotic African Landrace sativa from Reunion Island, close to Madagascar, famous for its extreme vigor and legendary psychedelic effect.

An excellent Zamal mother selected for its trippy effect, fast flowering and remarkable sweet carrot and floral fragrances, was pollinated by the powerful Golden Tiger in order to create Zamaldelica, a super sativa hybrid with strong uplifting and lysergic effect and amazing vigorous growth.

Zamaldelica is receiving an excellent reception among sativa lovers from all around the world.
Its outstanding potency, very high THC content and the quality of its effect have no parallel in recent sativa breeding.

The first version of Zamaldelica was released in 2012 in the form of regular seeds as a direct cross between the Zamal A female and a Golden Tiger F1 male (Old Malawi Killer x Meao Thai). In 2013 we started offering the feminised version of Zamaldelica which is based on backcrosses to our Zamaldelica elite F1.

The discovery of our mother Zamaldelica elite F1 was a turning point in the advancement of breeding with this variety. The Zamaldelica elite F1 captures the best sweet, fruity, floral and musky terpenes, and the best euphoric and psychedelic effects of the Zamal A pure ‘mango carrot’ phenotype, but with much more resin, more potency, higher THC content (more than 25%), much better adaptability to indoor cultivation, much greater sexual stability and a shorter flowering time than pure Zamal.

In 2015 we continued to advance in the breeding of regular Zamaldelica producing F2 seeds of Zamaldelica elite F1 ‘mango carrot’ and also of the most interesting F1 parents of Zamal/Thai phenotypes. In 2020 we have made a new selection from the best batches of regular F2 seeds, selecting again towards the best Zamal/Thai phenotypes in terms of effects and terpenes, but with much larger yields and shorter flowering times than usual for these Zamal/Thai phenotypes. Specifically, 4 very productive males of Zamaldelica F2 Zamal/Thai phenotypes were selected to pollinate the Zamaldelica elite F1 ‘mango carrot’ mother, the best F2 females of Zamaldelica Zamal/Thai phenotypes, and at the same time that the pure Zamal A mother was pollinated, along with the ‘new’ pure purple Zamal female and the pure Thai Chiang Mai female, thus producing the interesting and varied offspring of this long awaited regular Zamaldelica Breeding Pack.

Description of the 5 lines included in the Standard Zamaldelica Breeders Pack:

– Elite F1xF2: Very tamed and refined descendent of our Zamaldelica elite F1. This is the line that best captures the qualities of our Zamaldelica elite F1 ‘mango carrot’ mother where the males with Zamal/Thai phenotypes reinforce the most electric and euphoric effects. Plants of moderate vigour, good robustness, short to moderate internode distance, short stretch, fast response to flowering and fast maturation for a sativa. Flowers of very good density, medium size and good flower to leaf ratio. Sweet, fruity, floral and musky terpenes. Clean, pleasant, euphoric and very well-focused effects. This line offers the most intense and refined terpenes, the highest amount of resin, and the shortest flowering times of 10-12 weeks. It will be ready for harvest outdoors in the second half of October.

– Zamaldelica F3 Zamal/Thai: Tamed offspring from our best F2 females and males of Zamal/Thai phenotypes, selecting for floral traits closely related to Meao Thai, but with much larger yields and shorter flowering times than usual for these Zamal/Thai phenotypes. This line produces already quite stable offspring, closer to the characteristics of Meao Thai in terms of the final product (woody, bitter lemon aromas and cat piss, with very nervy, electric effects), but with very manageable growth structures, floral structures and flowering times. Robust and columnar structure for a sativa. The flowers are voluminous, with a good flower to leaf ratio, and surprisingly good flower density for a sativa that was selected towards Thai qualities. Moderate resin production. Flowering: 11-12 weeks. Ready for harvest outdoors at the end of October/beginning of November.

– Zamal A 75%: Backcross to the pure Zamal A mother that gave rise to the first version of Zamaldelica. This is the line that best captures the essence of the pure Zamal ‘mango carrot’ phenotype (since 75% of its genetic content is Zamal A), although not as tamed as the Zamaldelica elite F1 offspring. Vigorous, highly branched plants with slender, flexible stems and short to moderate internode distance. Floral structures with very good density for a sativa, voluminous and with an excellent flower to leaf ratio, very resinous in the bracts. Woody, floral, fruity (mango) and sweet (sweet carrot juice) aromas and flavours, a little musky. Powerful euphoric and psychedelic effect. Flowering: 12 weeks. Ready for harvest outdoors at the end of October/beginning of November.

– Double Zamal 75%: Offspring of the ‘new’ purple Zamal selected in 2015, which is characterised by being a very different pure Zamal from the Zamal ‘mango carrot’. Purple Zamal is not fruity or sweet at all, and its flowering is longer than the Zamal A ‘mango carrot’ mother. Its terpene profile is woody with floral touches of violet petals. Purple Zamal has great vigour, strong lateral branching, semi-autoflowering tendencies and a very powerful psychedelic and energetic effect typical of the best Zamal, with the distinctive characteristic of acquiring beautiful purple and reddish tones with low temperatures at the end of flowering, a pigmentation that is rarely found in pure Zamal individuals. Therefore, the cross of pure Purple Zamal with Zamaldelica involves the union of 2 different and divergent Zamal genotypes, fused into a hybrid with 75% Zamal genetic content. Vigorous and well-branched plants, with slender, flexible stems and short to moderate internode distance. This is a wilder, tropical and longer-flowering line, which prefers to be grown outdoors in hot climates, although it will mature properly in cold climates as long as there is no frost. Voluminous floral structures with a good flower to leaf ratio, but not very dense and not so resinous. Powerful euphoric and psychedelic effect that can give some anxiety or panic to users not accustomed to this type of intense journey. Flowering: 14 weeks. Ready to harvest outdoors at the end of November/beginning of December.

– Thaidelica: Incorporation of a new Thai in the breeding with Zamaldelica. Pollination of pure Thai Chiang Mai with Zamaldelica F2 male Zamal/Thai phenotypes has led to the creation of a new Thai- dominant hybrid (62.5% Thai: 50% Thai Chiang Mai, 12.5% Meao Thai, 25% Zamal A and 12.5% Malawi). This line is the one that best captures the personality and final product of Thai (woody, lemony aromas, green tea, cat piss, and strong euphoric effect without ceiling) in a more desirable and consistent way, but with much higher yields, better adaptability to indoor cultivation and shorter flowering times than the pure Thai, although the size of the plants is larger than the Zamaldelica F3 Zamal/Thai line. Vigorous and well-branched plants, with slender, flexible stems and moderate to long internode distance. Wilder, tropical and longer-flowering line, which prefers to be grown outdoors in hot climates, although it will mature properly in cold climates as long as there is no frost. Voluminous floral structures with a flower to leaf ratio that is, on average, more mediocre than the other lines, and with flowers that are not as dense or resinous. Powerful Thai effect, more positive and better-focused than the Zamaldelica phenotypes that tend towards Meao Thai. Flowering: 12-13 weeks. Ready to harvest outdoors in the second half of November.

The Standard Zamaldelica Breeders Pack contains 5 regular lines (10 regular seeds per line).

Cactus Squatter

Well-known member
I like the sound of the Double Zamal 75%.
Me too.
Pretty much the whole breeders pack has something I want to try really bad! Sucks to have space and number limits here. I also don’t trust my friends down here to be able to properly grow out these if I let them have a run.
It’ll probably come down to a coin toss on what I run next though. Some of these or a Thai run. My wife really wants the strawberry Thai. I want zamal to show me some hippo faced god creature, have him slap me with a cattle prod and then tell me what a good boy I am.
I’m looking for the super trippy.


Well-known member
Hey Cactus,
I’ve only had a chance to try the zamal A x zamaldelica so far. They stayed really small and manageable and were probably half the size of my New Caledonia with the same veg time. They would be perfect for a scrog if you like growing like that. No real need to top them. They just branch out like crazy.

I have one going right now that has an amazing fruity smell. Really looking forward to trying the purple zamal x zamaldelica too someday soon. I’ve tried a purple zamal x Panama and it was amazing. I actually have another one of those growing beside my zamal A right now.

I also want to start some of the pure Thais as well. Too many seeds-not enough space. I feel your pain…


Some people here reported hermies in the breederpack.
I have mine in the fridge but i will dev try the thaidelica and double zamal.


Well-known member
Very nice! Are you going to update here or start a new thread? I’ll definitely be keeping an eye out would love to see how they turn out for you. I’ve got the breeders pack too…. I ran a hunt on the elite line first. There was some nice plants in there. I found a really nice GT leaner.

Next up I want to run the Zamal/Thai F3 Line. I figure I’ll just work my way through the pack front to back popping all the seeds at once from each line….. whenever I have space or the ambition I’ll get to the Zamal/thai hunt next.

Here’s a nice flower off the GT leaner I found out of the elite line


Cactus Squatter

Well-known member
Very nice! Are you going to update here or start a new thread? I’ll definitely be keeping an eye out would love to see how they turn out for you. I’ve got the breeders pack too…. I ran a hunt on the elite line first. There was some nice plants in there. I found a really nice GT leaner.

Next up I want to run the Zamal/Thai F3 Line. I figure I’ll just work my way through the pack front to back popping all the seeds at once from each line….. whenever I have space or the ambition I’ll get to the Zamal/thai hunt next.

Here’s a nice flower off the GT leaner I found out of the elite line

View attachment 18935827
I ended up popping a pack of the Thai.
I read the descriptions of all of them to my wife and she really wanted to try the Thai, so now I’m letting them kick my ass with some insane growth vigor.

I’ll be getting into the Zamaldelica breeders pack soon. So many seeds, so few tents.


Anne enn Normal
@dubi can you give us some info as to what to expect out of the different seeds in the Zamaldelica Breeders packs?
I’m about to finally start playing with mine and now can’t find any info on your webpage about them. The zamaldelica thread is huge and the search function here is a little lacking.

Also anyone who has grown out the zamaldelica breeders packs, what has your experience been, and what was your process for selecting males?

I’m not sure yet which pack I’m going to get into.

Thanks all!
You're complaining about a thread being huge? the bigger they are the more knowledge you can mine from them....search function? What breed of lazy are you? READ HUMAN!!!


Well-known member
I ended up popping a pack of the Thai.
I read the descriptions of all of them to my wife and she really wanted to try the Thai, so now I’m letting them kick my ass with some insane growth vigor.

I’ll be getting into the Zamaldelica breeders pack soon. So many seeds, so few tents.

Very nice. Where will you be updating? Definitely want to follow along.


Well-known member
I’ll be posting Thai stuff in the main Thai thread and when I get to the Zamaldelica breeders pack I’ll either start a thread or just drop them into the massive zamaldelica thread.
Part of me is tempted to do them as my outdoor grow in ‘24.

Gotcha, I misunderstood I thought you meant the Thai line of the Zamaldelica Breeders pack. Best of luck with the grow! 🤘🤘


ACE Seeds Breeder
Thanks @OZZ_ for your efforts to dig into Zamaldelica breeder pack lines with such green hands :smoke:
The GT leaner from the elite line looked amazing and sounded truly epic in potency, psychedelia and depth.
Do you have in mind to explore other lines of the pack in near future ?

Glad to hear that @Cactus Squatter :D you chose to start probably my 2 favorite lines from the pack :yes:
Thanks, please keep us updated!

Cactus Squatter

Well-known member
1 out of 5 Zamaldelica elite is a female and is similar in structure to the previous zamaldelica fems I have run so far. Tight node spacing, broader leaves.

1 out of 5 Zamal A 75% is a female as well. Slightly longer node spacing and narrower leaves.

Lester Beans

Frequent Flyer
" I want zamal to show me some hippo faced god creature, have him slap me with a cattle prod and then tell me what a good boy I am."
