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Zamal genetics side by side test comparison grow


Well-known member
Zamal A 75%
I have 9 girls. 5 of them are very tall and branchy with different flowering times, 3 of them are columnar and one is short and branchy. 7 of them are on soil vegboxes and 2 of them are in 20 liter pots, the last ones to show sex
Girl 1 is the most advanced and the most semiauto together with girls 8 and 9, she is 2 meter tall columnar
Zamal A 1.jpeg
Zamal A 1 top shot.jpeg

Girl 2 is a short 1,3 meter tall branchy plant in a 20 liter pot
Zamal A short.jpeg

Girl 3 is another columnar pheno 1,8-2 meter tall
Zamal A 3.jpeg

Girl 4 is a 3 meter tall plant with just a few pistils in a 20 liter pot, clearly not semiauto
Zamal A tall.jpeg

Girl 5 is columnar
Zamal A 5.jpeg

Girl 6 and 7 are at a different greenhouse reaching 3 meters tall with little flowering
Zamal A 6 and 7.jpeg

Girls 8 and 9 are the most productive at the moment, they are 3 meters tall, real productive beasts and they are auto
Zamal A 8 and 9.jpeg

Girl 9 lower bud
Zamal A 9 lower bud.jpeg

So, after investing all this time, effort and money it is not clear
Which one is the real Zamal A???? The columnar semiauto pheno, the branchy semiauto or the short stout one?
I guess the tall photoperiod pheno must be from Golden Tiger, probably the Malawi because I am guessing after growing Purple Haze x Meao Thai that the short branchy one is the Meao Thai


Well-known member
Double Zamal I have 9 girls and same like Zamal A there are differences
Except one girl on 20 liter pot all of them are all on 40 liter vegbox soil
They are in 3 different greenhouses as well in order to check similarities/differences
Double Zamal 1 is branchy around 2,7 meters tall
Double zamal 1.jpeg
Double zamal 1 lower bud.jpeg

Double zamal 2 is on 20 liter pot and hardly has a few pistils
Double zamal 2 pot.jpeg

Double zamal 3 is columnar, similar to the columnar phenos of Zamal A and Mango Zamal.
Double zamal 3.jpeg

Double zamal 4 is columnar, same height like Double zamal 3, around 1,7 meter tall
Double zamal 4.jpeg

Double zamal 5 to the left is 3 meters tall and just a few pistils, Double zamal 6 to the right is about 2,3 meters tall
Double zamal 5 and 6.jpeg

Double zamal 6 lower bud
Double zamal 6.jpeg

Double Zamal 7 is reaching 3 meters tall
Double zamal 7 (1).jpeg
Double zamal 7 (2).jpeg

Double Zamal 8 and 9, both are 3 meters tall
Double zamal 8 and 9.jpeg


Well-known member
Mango Zamal I have 5 girls all on soil and all with similar structure and semiauto flowering times
Girl 1
Mango zamal 1.jpeg

Girl 2
Mango zamal 2 (1).jpeg
Mango zamal 2 (2).jpeg
Mango zamal 2 (3).jpeg

Girl 3 left and 4 right
Mango zamal 3 and 4.jpeg

Girl 4
Mango zamal 4.jpeg

Girl 5
Mango zamal 5.jpeg

Mango Zamal tricotyledon, trifoliate or whatever you want to call this mutation is clearly a lot more productive than his brothers. He made quite a lot of seed, more than his brothers and makes chunky formations of male flowers, brothers make different flowering
He is getting attacked by local fauna. I am not sure if it is the brazilian guinea pig or the white eared opposum. I think by the damage is the opposum
They are clearly coming for the seed, they love eating seed
I succeeded to manually harvest 150 mature seed from this tri boy which I am intending to test and sprout next august and just in case of attacks I saved around 50 seed from each brother but so far the only attacked plant is the tri. Enough seed for me to keep busy for some time in case I like the genetics

Mango zamal tri attack
Mango zamal tri attack (1).jpeg
Mango zamal tri attack (2).jpeg
Mango zamal tri attack (3).jpeg


Well-known member
Oh wow you're growing on the beach.

A lot of weight on this plant, I wonder if she will be strong enough to hold the buds without support
Lesson learned from last years tomatoes was to provide extra support at the first appearance of such thoughts hehe (I wasn't laughing then).

For the pip popping guinea pigs..



Well-known member
Nice spot you're at there @funkyhorse !

Also tried the cuy? on my South American vacaciones. I don't recommend it. Too many bones and not enough meat 😉


Well-known member
Yes, I tried the cuy in the peruvian jungle
But this is not the same animal I have here
The ones you eat in the Andes are cavia porcellus. The one I have here is cavia aperea, it is wild and not for eating

This Double Zamal was more than 3 meters tall
Went intersex in just 24 hours and probably released a little pollen as well
I left the top shot to try it just to have a glance at what it is.
So far I have got 20% intersex from the females sexed from the Zamaldelica breeders pack and I am expecting more to come. I have found intersex females in 3 of the 5 genetics
Double zamal hermie (6).jpeg
Double zamal hermie (7).jpeg
Double zamal hermie (3).jpeg
Double zamal hermie (2).jpeg
Double zamal hermie (1).jpeg


Well-known member
I like this thread and seeing how you are struggling with some different challenges than what we have in this climate. Some of the problems are the same, ha.

Anyway, i was wondering about the ants. Have you tried repelling them with cinnamon powder? I have not tried that with our type of ants, yet. But i have used a boric acid solution that seems to knock them down pretty well. I use about equal parts boric acid and sugar, then add enough water to make those dissolve. Then toss cotton balls into the solution, enough to soak up all the liquid. These soggy balls (ha) get tossed around where the ants hang out. The cotton dries up, and the ants take the strands of cotton home to their nest mates, including their queens. I don't know if they eat the cotton strands, or just lick the 'sugar', but this seems to work, here.


Well-known member
I am learning mainly though this forum and it is very interesting to find the differences and similarities with the local agriculture. Solutions proposed are different too at this part of the world. One of the things I find surprising is the widest reccomendations for the use of gypsum in the northern hemisphere. Here it is not good and nobody uses it
Never tried nor heard of cinnamon powder
I am trying different things for the different problems. Now I am in a area with a heat wave, everyday temperatures are hitting 40C and we are having a huge thrips invassion coming from the GMO soybean fields, it is crazy

I tried nettle slurry and citric juice as repellers. I didnt like the results. It repels them, they move to the first plant not being sprayed and you are just moving the problem from one place to another

I have been told also to use one spoon of firewood ash diluted in 1 lt of water and spray the plants with it but I am not convinced of this method helping to repel ants

It seems ants get attracted to the molasses aphids make on the plants.
So for aphids, thrips and red mites I am using potassium soap shower, 10 grams per liter of water. Since I am using it I am not having any more PM problems so I think it must be fungicide as well
It must be noted that if weather is dry, potassium soap will dry your leaves and kill them. It works good on humid weather

When things get more complicated and start to appear bigger bugs like locusts green and brown or nezara viridula I use cypermethrin. I try to use this as least as possible, but an all around approach is needed if things get out of control

The Zamal males making seed are not sprayed often at all and they are suffering some fauna attacks, might be the cavia aperea doing it, some ant leafcutters helping or even the white eared oppossum taking turns on the praying


Well-known member
Updates I am taking notes for myself
New Caledonia I have 2 phenos
The 2,30 meter tall phenos sexed in about 70 days from seed and they are now after 100 days flowering
This is New Caledonia 2,3 mt pheno
New Caledonia 2,30 mt phenos.jpeg

NC 2,3 mt lower bud
New Caledonia 2 30 mt pheno lower.jpeg

The NC 3,2 mt tall pheno sexed after 100 days from seed and is currently after 70 days of flowering
New Caledonia 3mt phenos.jpeg

This is the survivor Elite F1 x F2
This is different than the rest. Pistils are thick like modern weed and it is the most resinous and smelly of the breeders pack. This looks like modern weed
Elite F1 x F2 (7).jpeg
Elite F1 x F2 (8).jpeg

This is Coljam sativa pheno from last year
This is in fact CG from Luiz BSC backcross. Breeders demand to be credited and worshipped yet they dont credit their sources. Breeders turn am indica into a sativa. Breeders tweak, twist, tergiversate and manipulate with facts and reality. And Luiz is still selling his Colombian Gold, it doesnt matter how much bullshit it is. This is the same like Kaiki getting pissed off about Destroyer being copied and then they go and copy others
I have the same respect for these breeders as they have for their customers
Coljam is sold like pure sativa. The sativa pheno is weed for rosin, this is not brick weed and you can consider a pure sativa weed which smokes better as brick and not as rosin
These degradationists who like to call themselves preservationists the only thing they are preserving is their ego, the bullshit and their own asses. My environment sucks for indicas and any indica blood gets exposed here mercilessly. The quality of my environment have nothing to do with the bullshit they release and the degradations they commit
Coljam lower bud sativa pheno
Coljam (3).jpeg


Well-known member
Zamal A semiauto phenos are fast
This is probably why it was selected indoors being flowering time a very important part of breeding at lat 50N
This 75% release have a lot of phenos and different flowering phenos some of them more semiauto than others
These ones are the fastest Zamal A, they are flowering now about 90/100 days
Zamal A corkscrew pheno was the worst with PM. Without potassium soap I could have never gotten this results. Zamal A phenos were affected by PM together with Elte F1xF2 and F3 Zamal Thai. Potassium soap is a very good solution for humid environments
Zamal A corkscrew pheno top shot
Zamal A columnar corkscrew pheno.jpeg

Zamal A corkscrew pheno lower
Zamal A columnar corkscrew pheno lower bud.jpeg

Zamal A 3 mt hyperproductive phenos. One branch makes more productivity than the whole corkscrew pheno
I hope this is not only about productivity but about quality as well
Zamal A 3 mt pheno semiauto.jpeg

Zamal A 3 mt pheno lower bud
Zamal A 3 mt pheno semiauto lower bud.jpeg
Zamal A 3 mt pheno semiauto lower bud (2).jpeg

Mango Zamal is my favourite at this stage and this is my favourite pheno
Girl 1 top shot is more than half meter
Mango zamal girl 1.jpeg

Mango Zamal girl 1 lower bud
Mango zamal girl 1 lower.jpeg

Mango Zamal girl 2 lower bud
Mango zamal (10).jpeg


Well-known member
I tested this weekend a few Mighty capsules of the Double zamal hermie girl 1 from post 66. I succeeded to collect about 3-4 grams of dried immature white pistils from the top shot
It is not the terpenes because it developed none
It is not the thricomes because there werent any visible
Smells hay, not particularly nice
Taste is horrible when vaping it
With 10 days dry and 2 days on the jar it was a long lasting 3 hour high, very nice with no munchies.

I am surprised, I didnt expect this at all, if I knew I would have saved until the last white pistil the plant made, I wasnt expecting to get high at all from this and without a cure
It is obviously in the pistils the high and not in anywhere else. I cant believe the potency, it is paraguayan quality of 15 years ago.
Any reasonable explanation for this would be appreciated

@Drunken Buddha
Is this your website?
If it is, thank you, it helped me solved the puzzle here with Zamal together with the quote from Madmac at post 27. The columnar phenos of Zamal A which make fungus must be Malawi phenos and the Mango Zamal from Mandala must be Zamal B type according to explanations by Gerrit and to what I see here
I dont smell anything carrot nor spices. It is not smelly
Could you link to the Manivelle pictures on MNS?

I also vaped a couple of capsules of New Caledonia 1 not even dry, I dried it in the vaporizer. Again, I didnt expect it would get me high but it did, without cure and not even dry. Shorter duration than Double zamal but very nice uplifting weed, it has light fruity smells which luckily are not disgusting but I care for the high and not for the taste, smell, terpenes or thricomes.
After these 2 unexpected trials I decided to take early buds of the most advanced ones and if I find anything hitting like the Double zamal intersex I will clone it before I chop. This is the first time I do this. For thais it will not work because they need long cure. I am surprised these ones dont need cure and get you high. Cut it dry it smoke it and get high is an interesting feature for sativas
New Caledonia 1 is the one I vaped this weekend. Soon after I vaped it undried I went and chopped more testing buds
NC 1.jpeg
NC 1 (1).jpeg
NC 1 (2).jpeg

New caledonia 2
NC 2.jpeg
NC 2 (2).jpeg

This is New caledonia girl 4. All of the girls sexed on december 8th and kept flowering all the way through the summer solstice so we are around 110 days of flowering. They took 70 days to show sex
NC 4 (2).jpeg
NC 4 (1).jpeg

This is the most advanced Double Zamal girl, I took tester bud. If I get same potency as the Double zamal hermie I will be returning customer
Double zamal (5).jpeg

Zamal A 3 mt chandelier branching pheno. So this is the mythical Zamal A pheno, these buds are not smelly
Zamal A (6).jpeg


Well-known member
First one coming down, PM on fan leaves coming back together with the humid days
At this stage it was not swelling and I dont want to keep washing it with potassium soap in order to prevent PM.
No rot at all in any plant so far which is impressive

For size comparison in front Zamal A corkscrew and F3 Zamal Thai bush in the back. The smaller bush in the back will be more productive.
Zamal A corkscrew pheno and F3 zamal Thai.jpeg

Zamal A corkscrew pheno final day, it looks better for extractions than for brick like many of her sisters
Zamal A corkscrew pheno (1).jpeg
Zamal A corkscrew pheno (2).jpeg
Zamal A corkscrew pheno lower (1).jpeg
Zamal A corkscrew pheno lower (3).jpeg
Zamal A corkscrew pheno.jpeg
Zamal A corkscrew pheno top shot.jpeg
Zamal A corkscrew pheno top shot (2).jpeg
Zamal A corkscrew pheno top shot (3).jpeg
Zamal A corkscrew pheno final trim.jpeg

Nico Farmer

Authentic Strains Farm
Nice job here.
I use Bordeaux mix on my tomatoes and others sensible plants every year, like everybody where I leave.
Oceanic climate with a lot of humidity.
Cooper don t go inside plants, just on surface and work very well.
Never use on flowers, pistils will become blue and not be smockable.


Well-known member
Is ACE selling Zamal A s1's?
That would be cool
What I am growing was sold last year under the tag Zamaldelica Breeders Pack and it seems to be sold out
I saw the description was going to vanish so I copied descriptions of the 5 strains from the breeders pack at the first page of this thread.
Zamal A 75% description is post 4, I copy it here again
Zamal A 75%: Backcross to the pure Zamal A mother that gave rise to the first version of Zamaldelica. This is the line that best captures the essence of the pure Zamal 'mango carrot' phenotype (since 75% of its genetic content is Zamal A), although not as tamed as the Zamaldelica elite F1 offspring. Vigorous, highly branched plants with slender, flexible stems and short to moderate internode distance. Floral structures with very good density for a sativa, voluminous and with an excellent flower to leaf ratio, very resinous in the bracts. Woody, floral, fruity (mango) and sweet (sweet carrot juice) aromas and flavours, a little musky. Powerful euphoric and psychedelic effect. Flowering: 12 weeks. Ready for harvest outdoors at the end of October/beginning of November.

I am harvesting the auto phenos this month.
But from 9 Zamal A girls only 5 plants are vigorous, highly branched plants with slender flexible stems and short to moderate internodal distance as advertised. And from these 5 plants only 2 are semiauto so it is a polyhybrid mix
Please, it is not a complain, it is just a description of reality. In any case reality is complaining and not me.
I will just smoke all of them and after smoke I will judge it and see which one I like best

These are the 2 Zamal A 75% donkey dick semiauto phenos, 3 mt tall plants getting fatter every day. A single branch is more productive than many of their sisters.
They make very resinous bracts and no resin on leaves. I think they will be the most productive plants I ever grew so far. But I am not after productivity, I dont sell anything, this is just for myself so I am after quality of high and with the previous grows I only found one plant I liked in 20 on average, the dreadful 5% figure
I hope this year I get better numbers
Very resinous bracts as description says, no resin on leaves on all of them.
I am not good at taking pictures at all, these bracts have very visible resin and a lot of it. Pictures dont make justice
Zamal A donkey dick phenos.jpeg
Zamal A donkey dick pheno.jpeg

Double Zamal seems to be the strongest of the breeders pack and makes a lot of early resin on leaves

This is freshwater high humidity and high biodiversity environment. Where I am Bordeaux mix is sold in any small shop selling plants, it is wildly used and very effective and as Nico says, it is only for veg.
My neighbours taught me about it

During flower potassium soap has been very effective at keeping things at bay, I have plenty of crazy bugs
If you ever washed buds you know washing doesnt ruin the flowers at all, so you are washing them during flowering, plants are happy after the weekly potassium soap wash. This is a great discovery for me, I like it better than the bordeaux mix
Bordeaux mix works very well but only for funguses. Potassium soap prevents fungus and is insecticide as well for aphids and mites


Well-known member
I chopped a lower branch of both the Zamal A donkey dick auto phenos so I have something new to vape and I can leave all the rest of the plants to finnish without cutting any branch
Productivity from each of these lower branches is equal to the productivity I got from the sister corkscrew pheno full plant
No rot, no fungus, no bugs eating the plants at all. Impressive landrace resistance and productivity for these 2 girls

Zamal A girl 1
Zamal A 1 lower branch (2).jpeg
Zamal A 1 lower branch (3).jpeg
Zamal A 1 lower branch (1).jpeg

Zamal A girl 2
Zamal A 2 lower branch (1).jpeg
Zamal A 2 lower branch (3).jpeg
Zamal A 2 lower branch (4).jpeg
Zamal A 2 lower branch (2).jpeg

Mango Zamal girl 1 lower bud
Mango zamal 1 (4).jpeg
Mango zamal 1 (5).jpeg

Mango Zamal girl 2 lower bud
Mango zamal 2.jpeg


Well-known member
Storm coming tonight so I decided to chop New Caledonia girl 1. For testing rainforest humid weather conditions there are 3 more New Caledonian girls which grow spike form flowers and are longer flowering than girl 1
Fruity smells faded leaving place to pure sativa smells
During veg time plant suffered PM and was a bug attractor but to my surprise bugs dont touch the flowers at all and no fungus at all. Potassium soap shower maintenance seems to have done the trick
Very sticky and meaty buds which are different from the sisters
Looking forwards to smoke this one with some cure, very productive!!
New caledonia girl 1 chop day. Seed sprouted around spring equinox so for the fastest pheno a total of 6 and a half months from seed to harvest
NC 1 (8).jpeg
NC 1 (7).jpeg
NC 1 (6).jpeg
NC 1 (5).jpeg
NC 1 (4).jpeg
NC 1 (3).jpeg

I am tempted to do a little brick with this one