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Zack's Patch 2016


Just wanted to post a few pics real quick. I finally finished getting everything bagged and haven't even started trimming lol. I didn't chop the fire og because it never produced anything worthwhile and was covered in pm. Kind of a bummer but u live and u learn.

Here's a citrus sap nug

And cracked open

Pretty much my whole crop right here. Dont know how much it all weighs and dont really care lol. Its enough to smoke on for a while and to make my money back. All in all a pretty successful season.

I have been squishing some really nice rosin and need to get some pics of that up soon

I would love to go to the emerald cup this year but would only be able to make it for Sunday. Who all is going this year and where are you staying? There was a decent sized thread about 2015 but not too much talk about this year. Also my girlfriend doesn't have a recommendation, would it be really lame for her without one? I know I could get her one before hand but not sure if its worth it. Any tokin going on outside the designated med zones?

Also vote for Mendo420 for the outdoor grow contest!!!