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Yes I really live on an Island with a tribe of Natives


comodo dragon or something huh <<fk yees scran them also lol im suprized they fkrs run fae any<< they got dojie sulivere am sure fks yer nerv system if they chomp ye.

staretd up ma grow again muka:woohoo: fkin up against it tho <> 2 ma bulbs wher broke when I dug them out fae under the bed [ might been dew to love making way the wife:)] ,,, set up ma tent then turn round to see a wasp nest 1meter away from me,, and ma zip broke also on ma grow tent<> but the autos are in and its only a 10 week job so Game on!!

hope you and yours are well fella and the sun gets shining fur yer crop :tiphat:hagi$$


aw shit the fotos of the new boat didnt make it,,,,She-it,, ok I know whats up ,,,we have the technology,, gimmie a sec..

It`s a real shame this is not applied worldwide but i suppose thats commercialism for you , if your fishing for food you can afford to be sensible , if your fishing for profit fook everyone else .

Man If I launched into it I'd never finish, its endless..
Yuo should see um at night,, its like a major hiway of lights across the horizon,, big canning ships all lined up servicing smaller tender boats that put out MILES of nets and rape what evers in um,, fish, turtles, dolphin, the worse are the chinese fishing fleets, coksuckers still think they own the entire asian rim and ALL its outer island islets reefs sholes you name it, but is by far not the only country involved in "sea rape",,, ride out there you'll see flags from every western nation as well as eastern.

Gratz on the quality genetics masa, bet that shit made your day, ha.

You Know it did,,took some time,,,but hey,,I got some.. and its gonna be big fun when the sender opens their mail in the next few weeks,,,,,or so,,,gonna take some time.....:laughing:


Horse-toothed Jackass
The new boat sounds like a pretty sweet ride. Does this mean you're going to be traveling to the Philippines more?
Sounds like as long as you have your inflatable lifeboat and hug the coast you should be safe. Are there pirates out there?

None of the islanders eat blue fin tuna? Must not like sushi then...

Forget the boat pictures, I need to see pics of a banana leaf blunt and crocodile loafers!




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comodo dragon or something huh <<fk yees scran them also lol im suprized they fkrs run fae any<< they got dojie sulivere am sure fks yer nerv system if they chomp ye.

staretd up ma grow again muka fkin up against it tho <> 2 ma bulbs wher broke when I dug them out fae under the bed [ might been dew to love making way the wife:)] ,,, set up ma tent then turn round to see a wasp nest 1meter away from me,, and ma zip broke also on ma grow tent<> but the autos are in and its only a 10 week job so Game on!!

hope you and yours are well fella and the sun gets shining fur yer crop hagi$$


At it again ar we ? whats on the menu ??? some a dem stink bud chees and what else ?? and sounding like yer up against it on this grow,,broken lights ,,broken zips,,,crist m8t,,,I'da love to be there if ya jumped up and told the misses ta wait a sec, and started pulling yer grow gear from under the bad before having a go at her:laughing: oh hell yea,,,thata been funny...

Ave no fear shipmates, haggis is a Scotsman,, right down to is core, he"ll have this grow up and going with all sorts a funky shit going on to keep his autos alive and kickin, and in a few weeks he"ll show us his frosty lil nugs ,, im still laffin at the grow ya had going with the fkin bandaids on um.

Or,,,,,,or,,,,,This grow will go to shit quik and he'll toss it in the bin and have another plan in the back of his mind,,,,remember ,,,,he"s a Scotsman....
Kiss the misses and pat the wee one on the ead for me eh lad...

The new boat sounds like a pretty sweet ride. Does this mean you're going to be traveling to the Philippines more?
Sounds like as long as you have your inflatable lifeboat and hug the coast you should be safe. Are there pirates out there?

None of the islanders eat blue fin tuna? Must not like sushi then...

Forget the boat pictures, I need to see pics of a banana leaf blunt and crocodile loafers!

Duuuuude,,,lemme go get a cup a coffEe,,,BRB..
Awrighty,, I put the piks up first while i knew i had a chance but theres the new boat,,still needs a few things on her to travel but for right now im fishing the hell out of it and "wringing it out" i plan on running the piss out of it be fore we go somewhere,,,if it breaks i want it to break soon and close by, if it stays good with a proper shake down and no issues pop up then it'll go forever and 32HP of direct drive gives it a good power feel, but thats empty, load 2 tons of cargo on it and we all know whats gonna happen, but thats what it was built for, its a small islander built to travel along the coast lines about 3-4 kilometers off, the same way goods and people have been transported around here for 100s of years in boats that havent changed much in design in 100s of years.

And yup we'll be heading north west more often, like i said we been finding ourselves with a need to go somewhere and be at the mercy of a boat going the way we wanna go, this time of year most boats head this way and work their way around the asian rim on one side or the other of Indonesia and head north west from there ,, which is cool for me it means we get stopped at on the begining of the trip,,,in a few months when the weather and winds change we'll be on the ass end on the trip and get the ass end of the pickings...
I spotted this boat being made on another island kinda far from herea few months back,, the keel is from the heart of a hardwood tree called Kamilina further north its called ,Kalintas tree,, a solid 25ft by 3 ft by 2 foot solid wood shaped and carved into a boat keel called a ,"kasko",all the shavings and cutting from the solid are saved and used for smoke to bless the boat and make sure theres no bad spirits just before it gets wet for the first time, this boat was "smoked" by an old JuJu man they carried up in a small chair,,old guy didnt walk to good no more,owwwww lets take a bong hit.....:bongsmi:

The frame is made from mahogany and its sided with 3/4 marine plywood with 11 coats of epoxy paint,, you'll notice the "outriggers" are not made from the traditional bamboo, instead I had um use solid 2x3 hardwood and only the pontoon itself is made from bamboo. gotta lot of customizin to do to get it rigged for fishing and travel...

Pirates??? yea their called Governments, and I avoid um like the plague, as far as the Somalian style of pirate no really,, too many government boats,, all of um from all over the globe and the U.S. is really making their presence known in the asian pacific again been seeing alot of them past year or so, naw man , my biggest issue is theres a 2-3 hour open sea crossing we have to make to go north west other wise im planning on hugging the coast lines and trolling for blue marlin...:shark:

Oh and did i not already say the Virgin fishing trip,,,the "hymen breaker" scored a 10 kilo king mackerel a 6 kilo Baracuda and a 6 kilo bule fin tune,,,,yeaaaa I did,,,didnt I


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joe guy


Fuck yeha masa don't mean to be dick to start cursin
But some day when my boats grow up they will look like that,
I think I may design some of those stabilizers for my Pepsi
Can boat (12 foot aluminum John boat, 10 ft inflatable ) it's hooked up
With bow trolling motor and 5 HP Briggs and. GPS chart plotter
The whole nine but I'm diggin those arms...
She's a beauty lucky Man U are sir two beautiful women AND a cool ass son. I'm sure u have alota MEN jealous of your situation..
Rep +++ brother.. pm me a place to forward you some beans,
I'm by no means a master breeder but have some stock I would love
To see grown tropical style.. Oh yeha and I'm at least one guy on the jelouse side lol (rock on brother)
Last edited:


I need to see pics of a banana leaf blunt!

Im on it Brudda, and im gonna do it up right with a nice foto lay out exclusive right here just for the crew,,
Oh hey speaking of crew,,,,The new boats ,,,,got no name yet.....
Im just saying is all.......


, The Ghost of
What was it that masa maaso meant? Bad dog, or something like that? That's not half bad, or dogfish. Err, maybe not dogfish.


Horse-toothed Jackass
The boat is looking good! Sounds like it was built strong, although anything can be capsized.
I'm sure once you break it in you'll have no trouble crossing that open sea. You have GPS and nav and weather forecasts and all that? I'm looking forward to pictures taken by Captain Masa on his voyages around the Rim...

Been watching a lot of Game of Thrones lately, how about "White Hart" or "Swordfish"?
Top ten boat names according to the interwebs:
Second Wind
Wind Dancer
Carpe Diem
Summer Wind

Does a boat name have to be lucky?

Btw, the garden is looking healthy. Are those the hybrids you made with the indica males?

Mr Pink

Mhmhmh greetings Masa been reading for a while but never had an oportunity to post, thanks for this whole thread it's been a fantastic ride so far + hurray for the good willed people all over woooooot.

I've just finished reading the Earthsea set of books by Ursula Le Guin and the main character's boat is named Lookfar. It's instrumental in the stories and they're cool stories, very far reaching and with different superposed levels of meaning.

That's it just thought I'd share, all the best to you and keep sending the good vibez !


The wisdom (smarts of land and sea)
Elegant name for a bueaty...

What was it that masa maaso meant? Bad dog, or something like that? That's not half bad, or dogfish. Err, maybe not dogfish.

Keep um coming if ya got um....

This is just a classic lifestyle blog. The fact it contains weed is a bonus.

Yea right ,,,and ta think before I was handed a lil bag of seeds I went without for almost a year,,,,,yup,,,,,,had to smoke that black hash,,,was all i could get,, if fact got a half kilo chunk around here somewhere,,, shit blows the back of my head off,,,dont even touch it any more less I wanna take a nap,,, and if you can learn,, or teach yourself the "Tibetan mind fuk" hash is about the best way to cross over and relieve Mild to severe pain using "mental levitation",,,
Sounds like a bunch a BS don't it.....

The boat is looking good! Sounds like it was built strong, although anything can be capsized.
I'm sure once you break it in you'll have no trouble crossing that open sea. You have GPS and nav and weather forecasts and all that? I'm looking forward to pictures taken by Captain Masa on his voyages around the Rim...

Been watching a lot of Game of Thrones lately, how about "White Hart" or "Swordfish"?
Top ten boat names according to the interwebs:
Second Wind
Wind Dancer
Carpe Diem
Summer Wind

Does a boat name have to be lucky?

Btw, the garden is looking healthy. Are those the hybrids you made with the indica males?

What up brudda,,, ya like that lil sea runner with both engines running 3/4 she took 2 hours flat to get from the river ville to a buoy I got anchored "exactly" 44 kilometers off shore, so Im going on a running speed of 22k an hour at 11.879049676 knots,, thats in calm seas, clear skies, and no load,, she's rated at 2 tons so with that onboard,,,cut all running speeds in half.
Now on the real bro,,, I have no intention of putting 2 tons on this boat,,,1 ton,,,sure thing,,all day long ,twice on sunday,,, but 2,,, F#k that. Put the dog on a diat,, cut down on some of them big ass bags:laughing:
Ive got 4 PVC pipes strapped to her now, sp I can put 2 lines straight out back and the other two are way out on the Kating( the wing) for that 4 line spread,,, gonnna be sweet,,,Im Jonesing to go out now and do some trolling but I cant chance cutting into the diesel supply,, leaving here Sat,, for a 4-5 day inter island journey, and fishin trip..:biggrin:

Oh and guys,(The Men here) my wifes all about the fishing part of this boat ,,she even wants me to "upgrade" my gear,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,KA-CHOWWWW,,,gotta luv it......

Mhmhmh greetings Masa been reading for a while but never had an oportunity to post, thanks for this whole thread it's been a fantastic ride so far + hurray for the good willed people all over woooooot.

I've just finished reading the Earthsea set of books by Ursula Le Guin and the main character's boat is named Lookfar. It's instrumental in the stories and they're cool stories, very far reaching and with different superposed levels of meaning.

That's it just thought I'd share, all the best to you and keep sending the good vibez !

Welcome aboard lad,,, glad ta have ya about,,settle in down below, chow call is soon,,,and don't forget,,,,the new guys rolls,, you'll find makings and materials on a bench in an aft cabin,,,ask around ,,anybody can tell ya where it's at...

Donald Mallard

el duck
Great thread masamaaso ,
ive been reading along since the start,

really enjoyed the stories and you relating how the day to day life is where you are,
id have to refresh myself with it all again,
but the return injured fisherman story and the witch doctor woman would have to be my favourite ..

been a real pleasure to see the meals you guys cook,
some great looking food there man ..

i know you dont need me to tell you your a lucky man,
you know it well already im sure ..

posting so i can keep an eye on that pot your growing ,
island pot is often fantastic ,
you have a great spot for producing some fine herb,
keen to see what you can come up with..


Horse-toothed Jackass
What's the Tibetan mink fuk? Is that transcendental meditation? Howard Stern swears by it; not for physical pain, but to center yourself emotionally.

1 ton of cargo, does that include the passengers and their luggage?

For a fishing upgrade, does that include trawling nets?

Have a safe and fun fishing trip, take some pics of the islands you visit and the fish you catch, and hopefully you'll catch any issues with the boat before you head out on a longer voyage.

joe guy

I wish I had some pissy smellin work but I mainly have fruity stuff
Like a mister nice( g13xhash plant )crossed with some cherry pie herm dust
(None of the 6 I've grown have shown nuts)
And a mr nice x white widow
Cherry pie. X white widow
Cherry pie x blue berry ( Cali connection never released)
The nice pie (mr nice x cherry pie) x white widow
And nice pie x blue berry
Any of those sound interesting?
Oh yeh and a purple pheno of bubba kush x cherry pie
Forgot to do a bubba x ww or bubba x blue berry
But I still have pollen and cuts so let me know maybe we should let the ship mates decide
But of course if somthing tickles your fancy ill happily add a few of ur pref..
All seem to have a very good resistance to mould and pest ( knock on wood)
Would love to see any one of my beans growing across the globe..
Like I said I'm not a breeder just a guy that won't pay nutty prices for a bean,
And has a vision of "MY perfect strain" and would love to add some fast flowers for a bumper crop for you to enjoy.. It's the least I can do for the short novel you have provided me,
Thanks captain...


Love the new boat Masa, I hope the seas are kind and she lands plenty of fish. How about naming her 'Madra' which I think is the Irish word for dog? Sounds like you're on to a winner if the mrs is suggesting upgrading your gear as well. A new boat AND new tackle? You truly are blessed:laughing: