Hey nlasyfrim the past. That interesting about 4-cpa. Spot of info to read up on on my down time. But in maaso case be hard to come by plus customs if mailed.
You can buy it at a Veggie seed place locally
It is a great thread, by far the most massive ever for the Introduction Forum.
I will see if I can make it a sticky, so that it would appear at the top of the Forum,
because this has become a popular destination for people from all over the world.
kind regards from guineapig
I think starting two of each is a good idea. Also,one of those seed packs looks mislabeled. The Blueberry Dream is either Blue Dream BX,or Blueberry Muffin. Not sure which one you ended up with. The Blue Dream will probably do better in your climate and have less chance of molding.
I think you'll really enjoy them all,but if I had to choose one I'd pick the ECSD X OG x Chemdog.
Either way thanks for sharing so much about your exciting lifestyle. I hope you enjoy these seed and make enough to last you for many years to come.
Made me chuckle , in masa`s case it would probably mean a 5 day boat ride .
impressive read. ive been fortunate enough to live in some remote beautiful areas, all of which are only in the US....AK, to the rockies, to north eastern US/canada. nothing i have seen compares to that. i can only imagine what it must be like to not feel the need to consume and swim in this river we call life. gorgeous my friend, love it.
I would like to see this become a sticky as well. Not too many guys living on an island with indigenous people on icmag...
How are those seedlings doing?
And the hot water baths, have you made those happen yet?
Ask and ye shall receive!!!!
This thread was made a sticky, and the site has been re-organized and looks great!!!!
kind regards from guineapig
Congrates maaso on becoming a sticky. You really deserve it brother.Stay safe and hope you don't flood to bad and have a hell a time keeping a tarp on those ladies.
Yea the wifes really messin with me about the tarps,,,I got um tied up and strapped down "tighter than dicks hatband",,looks like a little COs tent..
That grows going well but if the weather turns it's gonna be a long time to finish and I'll be racing the mold,,, see there,,,sometimes it sucks to be me.....
And here we go with a good start to getting stickyed,,,
Ive seen these things 100s of times, most of the time they see or hear you coming and skittle on down the line and you never knew it was there, when I have seen um its always been a chance encounter and they run off quick so even if I was holding a camera getting a foto would be tough, when they run they run into over under around and through things ,,they go erratic when startled and bolt off never to be seen again....
Well it was time for a lil "stoner break" this afternoon whilst wondering the lower area where the river meets the sea looking for turtle eggs. It was getting about noon, we were having a nice lunch of cold chicken rice and some tree ripened Mangos, It was nice and cool in the shade of the coconut trees,,tropical, tranquil, quiet,, you can just barely hear the sea 40-50 meters away outside the jungle line,,, Ahhhhhhhhh, quiet..
All of a sudden we could hear something crashing through the jungle behind us,,,and getting LOUD,,sticks snapping ,,leaves rustling,,, getting closer too,
Now my wifes starting to get scared (lil bit),,,, me,,,I'm armed,,,do the math,, but on the real I kinda knew it wasent going to be anything to terrible,, i was even starting to think it was a long lost goat or even a pig, so me being the "dick" I am,,,, took out my camera and started taking fotos of a scared but quickly turning to pissed off wife, when she looked at me dead panned and said,,,,,, " Dadi,,, what if it's a crocodile ? :jawdrop:
Ok so that got my attention,(lil bich), now im standing there with a camera in one hand and a 45 in the other, doing a quick recon of the area, ingress and egress points, any areas of cover, do we evade and escape or make our stand here ? my old school 1911s got 7 in the box and one in the pipe and as always,,,confidence level is high..... Be amazed it the amount of information you can take in and process at the blink of an eye.
Out of the jungle pops this guy chasing a little red ground vole, that it caught and snapped up in one bite, as soon as it heard the camera shutter it hauled ass,,, never to be seen again.
Greetings, Masamaaso!
Congrats on the stickie. Hope they send you a Tee shirt.
Your story reminded me how a little adrenaline will stimulate the thought process.
Have a nice day and please send our best wishes to Tam Tam and his family if that's ok. bg
he looks very tasty.
dragon / monitor / goanna they all taste good. Spear that fucker and call him dinner.
Holy crap capt! Bet that gotten the ole ticker pumping ffs. Haha, I can almost imagine an what if scenario from your encounter there... The wifey jumping onto your back, the camera momentarily forgotten in the underbrush and both of yall's ear drums still ringing from an emptied 45 on a head shot with a big ole charging grandpappy of a croc that's now dead few feet from you.
Have you ever eaten one of em over sized iguana? Probably needs lots of garlic anyways over a slow open fire.
Mucho respect maaso. And hope both you and the missy stay safe brother.
Damn there are Crocs there? Yikes! I'm a 1911 nut too and yeah, confidence level improves in those situations
Yay for sticky status, makes this thread easier to find.
Nice pics of the lizard, but is it a croc? Kind of looked like a baby monitor lizard, or an iguana, especially in that first pic.
So is it rainy season in your neck of the woods? We had some all time floods and rains here in the midwest last month, but our thunderstorms probably pale in comparison to what you can get.
It's hard to take pictures of rain, but if you get any righteous lightening storms out there that might make for interesting pics...
so If im not gonna eat it and its not needed as food for someone in the ville,,,,back it goes.