Old Uncle Ben
Well-known member
9/10 people here are not farmers; clearly but mocking & condescension isn’t a good way to lead them towards betterment IMO
Perhaps impart some your knowledge in a more humble way; while also being open minded to others & their attributes - I promise you there’s people here whom can even teach an ornery old dog a few new tricks - and others whom would appreciate your knowledge much more if delivered in a more respectable way
You attract more flies with honey….type a deal
Peace UB
Been doing this forum thing, teaching, busting myths and bullshit for 25+ years, before there was the internet as we know it. PGP and secret encrypted server chain linking between growers was how we communicated. And you?
The elitist lecturers, the chest beaters, the posers, is what makes me, or made me a long time ago jaded when it comes to cannabis forums. I just happen to say what others are afraid to say who know better.
I also consider organic purists wackos. sorry. It's a cult, a religion, feelings over facts with this group. You want some reality? Then spend some time here rather than cannabis forums - https://puyallup.wsu.edu/lcs/

What is organic fertilizer? - Garden Myths
Organic fertilizer. What is the real difference between organic and synthetic fertilizer? Why is organic fertilizer better for your plants?

You express some of the wacko stuff you find here to a "normal" professional gardening group, say to vineyard managers/owners such as me and you'd be laughed right out the door.
I have not learned much if anything from cannabis forums in all these years because there is very little botanical principles embraced. I do science, period.
Stay green and healthy,
Uncle Ben
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