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Yayyy! My first colloidal silver generator (photo)


Active member
great info!!! top rated thread in my opinion.....you haved helped a lot of us....hell, I guess we can put our FEM creations on seedbay......might as well....THANKS!
heres the seeds HG selfed and the one on its own is the gwsxhg


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Just read the entire thread, very awesome and educational.

I only have one question: How do you safely dispose of any unused CS solution? Can you just pour it down the drain?


Scotty, a couple hundred seeds there, congratulations mate :)

Sinxar, a very good question - re: disposal of leftover CS
I would leave it out in the sun for a few days to let it break down (colloidal silver is photosensitive) so you basically end up with water that has all the silver particles at the bottom, but are no longer electrically suspended to the water molecules.


Well-known member
Sinxar, you can store cs in the dark place until you need it next time, it will not lose its properties,
or you can just pour it down the drain, it does not hurt anything but microbes .
ionized silver is very safe and can be disposed of however you would*like. it will more or less sterilize any bacteria or viruses it contacts so dont pour it on soil you plan to use. it is useful for various fungal and some bacterial skin ailments. it will stain your skin brown for a few days like iodine but it does not hurt you.
one thing to know. to quickly get high ppm solutions add 20% of an already finished batch of silver with a ppm of 30 or more to the new distilled water in your genertaor this increases conductivity right away and batches take half as long to get to 40+ppm. with storage in a cool dry/dark place in glass(plastic produces static charges) i only see a drop of about 5ppm over a few weeks.
another tip which im sure phenom or jump mentioned use a surfacant/spreader/wetter/emulsifier otherwise much of the cs runs off the leaves and is wasted.


A great honour! Thankyou

A great honour! Thankyou

Wow, thankyou - that is a great honour :) :gday:

I'm proud to have this thread recognised as it has helped hundreds of people now (and ive put a heck of a lot of hours into it over the years!), but it also has to be said that many hundreds have also contributed their knowledge, their findings and their results along the way, and without them this thread wouldn't have snowballed into the knowledgebank it is today!

So cheers to everyone who's contributed to this thread :)
:thank you:
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Little update on my seeds.

not been able to pop any myself but a friend is growing some......he popped 8/10 paper towel method....not the best method for fresh seeds tbh.He has kept 4 and they are growing very much like each other same speed growth same bushiness ect so i'm pretty happy :)
hey PM, great thread on cs!!

I have been spraying 3 ladies for the past 10 days with GA3 and am about to flip them to flowering mode. I was planning on spraying with CS for the next 10 days to ensure sufficient pollen production. Can any complications or problems arise from using GA3 and CS together?


Im not aware of anybody using GA3 and then flipping to CS, but I'm sure it'd still work. Somebody in this thread commented not long ago that they used to use GA3 but have since switched to CS because they're getting better results from it (plus not to mention it's cheaper, easier to obtain and/or make, non-toxic, etc etc!)


Just an FYI

I thought black plastic bag meant Dark and so I covered the Jar with the bag.. Two tries later I figured out those plastic bags do not block the light.

So just an FYI

Using a used Cat food bag now since Iams makes a nice thick multi-layer paper sack for their cat food.

I just didn't think the black plastic was the problem .. Trash bags the same thing! Don't use them.


New member
Great thread, i've read the whole thing (took a while) and learned a lot. But i still have a few questions and i hope someone could help me on my way?

First off, i'd like to explaine what i'm trying to do so it all makes a little sense (i hope).
This will be my first attempt to make female seeds so i could use all the help i can get.

I've got 5 female seeds, Lowrider#2. I would like to make a batch of female seeds from these (and maby a little smoke for the effort). These seeds i would like to use to mix with all kind of tastes and hope to keep the autoflower qualities with different flavors.
I plan on using 1 seed to grow up and cs the sh*t out of it, and use that one to polinate the other 4.

As i have read it is advised to hand polinate the females to get the most seeds possible and i should plant my cs-plant a few (4 to 6 weeks) before the rest, so i have time to collect the male pollen. Is that true or could i just plant everything the same time and have time enough to grow the seeds?
Reason i ask this is because it is a autoflower, i can not play with the licht to keep them from blooming...

Another little detail about the cs production.
As i see on a lot of pictures there seems to be a lot of "stuff" collecting on one of the electrodes (silver pieces), should i be carefull when taking the electrodes out of the water or is there no problem gettig some of the "stuff" in my solution? Or is it vital to keep it in there?
I would think i should get as much of the "stuff" out of the water, looks to me it is not the collidol we need?!?

Thanks for any help,


Active member
I'm trying this again on some HBD auto's. Its a 10 week strain. I only have a inch stunted female that looks like it has cal-mag def, and is about to die. It's on week 6. So I have a couple weeks until the next sprout flowers and I know if it's a girl. Hopefully!

If I use CS on it on it at the third week(day 23), can I pollinate itself and expect finished seeds? Also I can use regular pollen and do half the plant, and still get fem and reg seeds?

Last question, if I pollinate a non-auto with fem pollen, it'll produce fem crossed seeds that are non auto the first generation right. Then what if I still use cs.


Im trying to read this whole thread but it is a long one. I appoligize if this has been address before (Maybe you could point me to the page #)

Has anyone tryed Argentyn-23 a lab made 23ppm CS hydrosol? I happen to have some and want to try this next run. It would be easier then making my own 30ppm CS. Could I srpay them more frequantly and obtain results?

Great Thread, thanx everyone!

Bud Bug

I just found out my neighbour makes ion/coloidal silver water. He took me to his work lab and holy fuck it looks like a super clean mad scientists lab. He's got an insane ro setup like I've never seen before and has custom made tanks that hold the water but he says because how small the silver is that's in his water the tanks have to be specially designed other wise the silver eventually passes through the plastic and embeds itself into the tanks making them useless. He also uses custom made silver plates that made just for him at a silver refinery. The water he uses is so pure he says it has to be used right away other wise bacteria grows out of control in it.

The label on his product say 10ppm 50mcg


Active member
high PhenoMenal, it's really good to see you still here
servicing your thread answering questions and offering
advice and encouragement!


i started this thread last night and read through page
20 before calling it a night, then i started again this
morning and read every word! . . .one of the absolute
threads on the site in my opinion and, for real,
you have changed things in a big way for me!

i also give you an awful lot of credit for your patience
in dealing with the less inspired questions, your tact
was almost perfect, lol.

anyway, my only question is more regarding breeding
and not CS generation or application and that is am i right
in assuming that if i take a clone of my, lets say, ChemD
and force it, then use that pollen to seed a clone sister,
it will give me the next best thing to clones in seed format?

and, lol, ...if i were to use that same pollen to pollinate
my Grand Daddy Purps, would i not get variation, coming
from 2 different parents, albeit, both female, as it were?

in other words, if i'm right in my assumptions, isn't this
where the real gold is? ...isn't it in the variation where
we may find offspring that might surpass both parents?

hopefully, that is the case as i can see myself forcing
a clone of each strain in my collection and using that
pollen to cross with every other strain in the archive
and then popping beans in search of the gold, lol.

again, i want to say thank you for this thread, and for
still being here for us who come late to the party!

peace, and stay safe, SOG

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