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Xhashish's TeltTur


Mary, Mary, Quite Contrary....
Hey there JC, thanks for stopping in again :yes: well, I think you better stick with the english, cause seems like there isnt any good translator available - seems like the one you found is even worse than the previous :D

That bubble on top off again row side in the portrayal looks out demented good! She is got all she miss of you peoplese. Cozy work! JC. Loves current thread peoples. you got safety :laughing::laughing:

Here is a little pic of bubba's



Its funny that when j.c. takes the danish that he got from the translator and translates it back to english, it usually says nothing like what was typed. :dunno:
But still put it up on here anyway.
Anyway, what j.c. was trying to say is that Bubba you have is one of the nicest looking have ever seen. You are giving that girl everything she needs and you got skills. Also was saying that j.c. likes this thread and the peeps that are in it. That is what was trying to be said.

Hi X.....great work.....your girls sure are fattening up......they must be dipping into the cookie jar.....hehe
Justin, Justin, Justin........hehehhehe I love you man......if not for anything else...then for making me giggle when I go online.......and I wake up with severe cronic pain and starting withdrawl symptoms.....so thank you for that Justin......please keep the translator:blowbubbles:
So X.....can you manage your heat issue these days??? really keen to know.......
Great pics by the way.....nice macros.......keep em coming!!!!:wave:

Sorry to hear about the chronic pain...I take it you smoking bubble for that then 'ey? yeah man, going to try out another translator that a friend of j.c.'s showed him.

He he ...looove those traslaters

"That bubble on top off again row side in the portrayal looks out demented good! She is got all she miss of you peoplese. Cozy work! JC. Loves current thread peoples. you got safety"

well, that about it then huh?



Active member
Det er nogen seriøse lange buds med masser af nuggets på de Pineapple Punch gror - det bliver spændende at se hvordan de fylder ud nu:)


Mary, Mary, Quite Contrary....
Det ser bare rigtigt rigtigt lækkert ud! Den telttur gad jeg godt på.

This is what j.c. gets when translate back.

"It is simply looking true right lækkert off! The telttur bother me."
And that another NEW translator! :faint:
Oh well.

What's telttur?
Anyway man, this is very nice looking. Great work. :good: That bubba is simply off the hook hash. :respect:




Well-known member
Tak for de fine ord charles :tiphat:

Hey justin , telttur, is like tent camping, or tent trip ;) , thanks for the nice words, im also pretty exited about the bubba, she's a fat little gal :D , the pot with 2 bubbas in, one of them just have started to turning purple (=

Here is a little pic i snapped today , from a Ice plant ..

Hope all is enjoying the sunny weekend :)


Mary, Mary, Quite Contrary....
Thanks for clarifying that for J.c. hash. Yeah man, that bubba is pretty much perfect! ZI love the dome shaped cola on top...sweet looking man. :good:


Hi X.....you rock the tent bro.......!!! (writing English for Justin)
I mean damn they look nice.......I can't wait to see the final result....Bubba's are yummy lookin.....please keep posting.....good karma to you!!:ying:


Mary, Mary, Quite Contrary....
Hi X.....you rock the tent bro.......!!! (writing English for Justin)
I mean damn they look nice.......I can't wait to see the final result....Bubba's are yummy lookin.....please keep posting.....good karma to you!!:ying:

:thank you:

He sure has some serious skills 'ey? :joint: That bubba is off the hook. Almost perfect.


Træk mig nu lige baglæns ind i groskabet..Virkelig flotte billeder og ikke mindst planter.

Lækkert med et fyldt skab:)