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Wow...hydro hut?

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Weedman Herb said:
You have no pics because you don't grow ... you have No Credibility because Hydro Hut did a Real Poor job in meeting disgruntled customers pleas for help with anything but Flat Out Denial to begin with (because they don't Grow in their products as in Testing It thoroughly after a material change) and sitting back on their heels at the shitfest that ensued ... Where was your fearless leader Indoor when this was coming to a head? Not here ... and Not until things are beginning to spiral ... What about that? Huh? AND ... What about the possibility of Hydro Huts Off Gassing being harmful to other organisms in addition to the plants grown in them? Hmmm ... There's just too many unanswered or poorly answered Questions concerning Hydro Hut as a whole IMHO. And yeah ... you're not gay (not that I have a problem with Gay people unlike some people who Obviously do) ... you just like the way Man Ass tastes? So that's all you have for me? weak ... real weak. You gotta admit my last post was a pretty good bid for me being the Meanest IC Magger ... wasn't it? Don't let that Join Date fool ya ... I opened this joint and will be posting here Long after you and your "boss" are Gassed Off.

What a laugh

You always make accusations without knowing shit ? ... juts like shooting off your mouth ?

Really 421 posts since August 2008 - must keep you very busy kiddie ... ROL

Meanest IC Magger ? ... ROLMFAO ... how about the dumbest !

BTW - Why are you here - commenting in this thread when in your first post - your first words were " fuck all tent makers " .. " they suck " .. " I suck " .. " everyone who uses one is an idiot " ... then a negative comment about my Mother - even though we have never talked ... or ever crossed paths before .. and how brilliant you are for building a grow room .. then you go on to say all the stupid shit in your post above

Its very clear from your posts in this thread - you dont know the facts - or even which way is up

Then why the fuck are you here - other than to shill for your girlfriend Bo ... you have less-than-nothing to contribute .. just your personal puke, punk attacks

I see why you and Bo are girl friends .... hahahahahahaha

Ode to Bo
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rizraz said:
Okay... I just want to add one thing here. I came to this forum particularly to find out if there were other tents on the market with NO gassing issues and one that was more recommended. I have never done a tent grow but am about to buy my first one. Now after reading this I think you're all asshole because this forum didn't have one bit of complete information. No pictures of the new Silver Hydro Huts (a digital one time use camera are really cheap) with a light inside no pictures of anything except a DR ( just to add here I have laid hands on a darkroom before and the corners are fucking rock solid.)which is what I was thinking of getting. So what I'm hoping by posting this is that SOMEONE who isn't here to just be an asshole and make point might lead me in the direction of good tent without all the bullshit.

Let me know if anyone who reads this isn't an asshole and wants to help out with my tent finding project.

I mean can't we just all get along. If the new Silver Hydro huts are the shit someone put a light in that bitch hang a fan or two and take pictures for fucks fucking sake. Maybe a pictures is worth a many many words. I mean all i've seen thus far is good looking pictures of the DR and people talking shit about the Hydro Huts so lets see something.


I own a HydroHut Deluxe which is two years old. I have not seen any off gassing issues with my plants (just pulled 5lbs with 1800 watts of light from my tent). But, as I have said before I exchange air at a very high rate (which I believe everyone should do regardless of the off gassing). I use a 8 inch fan for exhaust (actually draws the walls inward) with passive intake.

The build quality was first rate...from the zippers to the roof supports. The roof holds my filter (40lbs), fan, three 600 watt fixtures and three digital ballasts. The zippers work well and the canvas shows no sign of wear.

I will be replacing the tent this year since everyone is using a more reflective interior. I am leaning towards the Hydrohut since I am familiar with their build quality. But, the Darkroom is certainly in the running. I just wish they had a model here locally, so that I could check it out. I might schedule a trip to go and check them both out. Since they are a pretty hefty investment (money and time wise). My main concerns are that the tents be "light tight" and able to hold all of my equipment without safety concerns.

I wish you luck in your search. But, I would seriously consider driving to a location to check them both out. It is worth it in the end.


P.S. The guy who called his Hut an "execution chamber" had me rolling in the floor laughing. I had this picture in my mind of the movie "The Green Mile". Tom Hanks calling out "Roll On Two"...just to funny. You guys are to much :laughing:
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rizraz said:
Okay... I just want to add one thing here. I came to this forum particularly to find out if there were other tents on the market with NO gassing issues and one that was more recommended. I have never done a tent grow but am about to buy my first one. Now after reading this I think you're all asshole because this forum didn't have one bit of complete information. No pictures of the new Silver Hydro Huts (a digital one time use camera are really cheap) with a light inside no pictures of anything except a DR ( just to add here I have laid hands on a darkroom before and the corners are fucking rock solid.)which is what I was thinking of getting. So what I'm hoping by posting this is that SOMEONE who isn't here to just be an asshole and make point might lead me in the direction of good tent without all the bullshit.

Let me know if anyone who reads this isn't an asshole and wants to help out with my tent finding project.

I mean can't we just all get along. If the new Silver Hydro huts are the shit someone put a light in that bitch hang a fan or two and take pictures for fucks fucking sake. Maybe a pictures is worth a many many words. I mean all i've seen thus far is good looking pictures of the DR and people talking shit about the Hydro Huts so lets see something.


Hi John

Here you go


Sorry I dont have pics ... but you can see pics of the brand new Silver Series from Hydro Hut at their website

I have 2 tents from the brand new Silver Series ... The tents are made of lightproof, heavy black canvas, have a blue trim ... the inside is made of rugged, very reflective silver material ... and the zippers are great

I am very happy with the quality of the tents ... that my environment is correct ... and that my plants are doing great in all stages of growth

Additionally, Hydro Huts poles. corners, and ceiling - are all made of steel ... the strongest on the market

Not to complicate things for you ... I did see an add for a new additional line of tents from Hydro Hut call " Stealth Insulator " - which should be available in the next 4-6 months

Stealth Insulator is - Thermal Insulated ... and IR Blocked ... a fantastic idea ... especially if you live in a place like Florida where they constantly use FLIR

Best thing you can do is ... research .. and homework ... try to have a look in person .... then pick the best .. and what you like best

Come on back with any questions
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Next Stop: Outer Space!
I really wish you'd do the right thing and admit you work for Hydro Hut. I have nothing against you personally. I think these tents are silly and nobody should need a company to build this for them. I've had the skills to build this kind of thing since I was a teen, at the least. Maybe growing up around construction helped, but still, I have no vested interest in grow tents one way or another. I do have an interest in honesty though. I don't care who's tents are better or worse, they are all stupid. I care who admits they work for a company. I see you on here defending Hydro Hut, pimping Hydro Hut. It's all you friggin talk about. You're wasting bandwidth here advertising to people without paying the website for ad space(probably might refuse you but that's life). These kind of forums cost money to set up and are a huge help to the growing community. We don't need this sort of dishonest posting. Fess up man, just admit you work for them.


magiccannabus said:
I really wish you'd do the right thing and admit you work for Hydro Hut. I have nothing against you personally. I think these tents are silly and nobody should need a company to build this for them. I've had the skills to build this kind of thing since I was a teen, at the least. Maybe growing up around construction helped, but still, I have no vested interest in grow tents one way or another. I do have an interest in honesty though. I don't care who's tents are better or worse, they are all stupid. I care who admits they work for a company. I see you on here defending Hydro Hut, pimping Hydro Hut. It's all you friggin talk about. You're wasting bandwidth here advertising to people without paying the website for ad space(probably might refuse you but that's life). These kind of forums cost money to set up and are a huge help to the growing community. We don't need this sort of dishonest posting. Fess up man, just admit you work for them.

I am as honest as one can be - the truth will always set you free

I am a customer .. and truthfully, after reading all the bullshit and in-balanced hate mongering ... I decided to offer my opinion and a more balanced prospective

I have been attacked many times personally for it ... and have engaged .. rather than be a pussy and look the other way

Its been quite amusing - listening to all the bullshit from people who dont have anything intelligent to say

As for the pimping - its gotten so ridiculous .. I am doing it just to further aggravate people who hate the company - especially Bojangles - who freaked... fucked up his own shit with his retailer .. his retailer told him to get lost ... he is miserable about it .. and will be for the rest of his fucked up, gay life - the guy would not let go .. couldn't shut up .. or control himself .. and kept on hammering .... and hammering .. and hammering me ... to the point of ad nausea and absolute ridiculousness - it fucked up these threads .. and kept relevant information that is helpful from showing thru

Toxic Hydro Hut tents are history ... the market ... and ... everyone is moving forward

As for tents vs building your own grow room ... everyone has their preference in everything .. and clearly there is enough demand for tents to suport a market with many makers .. for some people - its plug n grow .. and space restrictions are also an issue, etc, etc, etc

I have said - many times now ... people interested in tents ... should do their homework .. look at everything on the market .. then pick the best .. and what they like best

I could care less what people do - I got my own shit to worry about .. and no interest in tents - other than for myself and friends ... or in this business at all

Sorry to disappoint you
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k nuff with the jokes i am also looking at tents, but hyrdohut is out, what is the best brand?

or should i just get some panda plastic, 2x2 and make my own?

i just like the idea of being able to colapse my grow if landlord is on the way over, and it has vents built in. i could probably build my own for $50-60, but if i need to take it down where do i hide the 6-8ft pieces of lumber?

It really is up to you, but in my opinion you need to look at what you want. If you want to have a grow where you know is secure and wont ever move, and be stumbled upon(and really who knows that, right?) AND if you are a DIY guy then go ahead, panda plastic. But tents have a great advantage over mobility and refletive material. Honestly, I know all these mixed messages are going around, but Bongjandles, myself and others think Jardin is the way to go, it is slightly cheaper and has never had any off-gassing problems. So maybe check them out if you want a tent. And if it's just a small grow, dr.120 is a great choice.

PM Bongjangles and I for more information if needed, so we can aviod un-necassary arguements in this thread.

And Mr.Bongjangles I believe you are fighting a losing fight just because of how stubborn sundance is. :smoke:


And Mr.Bongjangles I believe you are fighting a losing fight just because of how stubborn sundance is. :smoke:

Thanks for the kind words Chunky

Your certainly entitled to your opinion .. as is everyone

But stubborn - thats a laugh

Your girlfriend Bojangles freely admitted what he is all about - " Ode to Bo " .. and just cant get over it

What is funny .. is that you say ... you think that Jardin is the way to go - does that make you stubborn ?

I just happen to like Hydro Huts .. and their brand new product kicks ass ... my environment is correct .. my plants are very happy .. construction of the tent is excellent .. and I could not be more pleased

Way to go Chunky

BTW - Bo lost a long time ago ... and not because of anything I did
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Thanks for the kind words Chunky

Your certainly entitled to your opinion .. as is everyone

But stubborn - thats a laugh

Your girlfriend Bojangles freely admitted what he is all about - " Ode to Bo " .. and just cant get over it

What is funny .. is that you say ... you think that Jardin is the way to go - does that make you stubborn ?

I just happen to like Hydro Huts .. and their brand new product kicks ass ... my environment is correct .. my plants are very happy .. construction of the tent is excellent .. and I could not be more pleased

Way to go Chunky

BTW - Bo lost a long time ago ... and not because of anything I did

Do you understand what I was coming across, snuggy1955? As I said before, if you want un-necassary arugments (high school drama) then you must PM Bongjangles and I for CORRECT information. If you want a biast opinion, then please, continue reading what Sundace has to say. But I think all you'll hear is things such as
Sundance said:
Your girlfriend Bojangles
from Sundace. It is completely up to you.

I look at this site as a dictionary and a place for information to learn. Yet, I run into people that turn it into a battleground. It really is sad.


Do you understand what I was coming across, snuggy1955? As I said before, if you want un-necassary arugments (high school drama) then you must PM Bongjangles and I for CORRECT information. If you want a biast opinion, then please, continue reading what Sundace has to say. But I think all you'll hear is things such as from Sundace. It is completely up to you.

I look at this site as a dictionary and a place for information to learn. Yet, I run into people that turn it into a battleground. It really is sad.

Good thing people are intelligent .. and can read

I am sure your PM's will be off the hook - lol


I really wish you'd do the right thing and admit you work for Hydro Hut. I have nothing against you personally. I think these tents are silly and nobody should need a company to build this for them. I've had the skills to build this kind of thing since I was a teen, at the least. Maybe growing up around construction helped, but still, I have no vested interest in grow tents one way or another. I do have an interest in honesty though. I don't care who's tents are better or worse, they are all stupid. I care who admits they work for a company. I see you on here defending Hydro Hut, pimping Hydro Hut. It's all you friggin talk about. You're wasting bandwidth here advertising to people without paying the website for ad space(probably might refuse you but that's life). These kind of forums cost money to set up and are a huge help to the growing community. We don't need this sort of dishonest posting. Fess up man, just admit you work for them.

well, thats the way I feel too and many others reading this name calling thread, reminds me of high school with all the gay insinuations.

And the sock puppet attack strategy is not working, I've never been more turned off by hydro hut in my life lol


Next Stop: Outer Space!
I do want to reply to this again though I feel like this thread has indeed become absurdly juvenile as basilfarmer pointed out.

Far as I'm concerned Sundance I know manufacturing issues come up, but these tents aren't made out of stuff that's really all that expensive from a manufacturer's standpoint. Replacing these things or providing a fix would have been easy to do very early on. Even just a simple solution like providing crucial fixes fast and the harder but less important fixes slower. If you really do work for them, it might help to just admit that Hydro Hut fucked up hardcore and be mature about it. This current tactic is costing you customers. I've had enough business experience to know exactly how devastating a little thing like acting like a jackass online can be. I've seen a lone employee posting as a rep of the company without proper permission cost our company major contracts. Even after it was explained that he did it without permission, some of those involved were not willing to get over it. If you work for Hydro Hut, you're doing them zero favors right now.

If you don't work for them, then you admit you needlessly spam and incite because you're angry with how people have treated you. This negativity helps no one. Lets stop it and take a step back here so we can stop polluting IC Mag forums with this. Be an adult and lay off the name calling. I spend a lot of time here and really the only serious negativity I have encountered has been in this thread.


well, thats the way I feel too and many others reading this name calling thread, reminds me of high school with all the gay insinuations.

Me too .. However, I did not start any of it ... especially the gay insinuations ... Bojangles did ... not worth repeating what he said ... but in all my years on this planet .. no guy has ever said that to me

I am as straight as can be ... not even close to being gay

Skeeved me out too

Sorry - it has NOTHING to do with Hydro Hut, or their products

I just chose to engage - rather than be a pussy and look away
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I have some news that might be of interest.

Plenty of people know I am a licensed medical grower and make no bones about it. Some of you know me from other discussion groups and some know me from the medical community. I have quite a few friends that are indoor veggie growers.

I call it as I see it and if a product is a failure (whether by design or the manufacturers failure to back the product) then I spread that around. Because no one wants to see others fall for the same mistakes. With that said...

I ran into a friend of mine at a local hydro store when I flew out to southern California. After catching up on the local gossip we got on the subject of grow tents (since there was an assembled tent in front of us). Of course the subject of off gassing came up. Unlike me, he had issues with his plants using a HydroHut. In his case, even using a high exchange rate still affected his plants to a certain degree. So he contacted HydroHut, last week, and told them of his issues. HydroHut asked him for his address and told him to be expecting a new tent, to replace the old one. That was it...no quibbling, no argument, just give us your address and expect a new tent. Needless to say I was floored...I mean seldom do you hear stories of a manufacturer taking care of the consumer and rectifying past mistakes, so easily. My friend was so impressed that he is purchasing two more HydroHuts. His reasoning is that he knows that he can go to HydroHut if he has any issues...and HydroHut will take care of it.

So, I contacted HydroHut to see what the deal was. And sure enough, they were willing to replace my tent at no cost to me. I also asked them why it took so long to bring this about. HydroHut stated that it took over ten months just to test their new model...making sure that they were not experiencing any issues with that model. It also took a while to figure out if it was truly a tent issue.

So, I am going to place an order for another HydroHut. And here is my reasoning:

1) Jardin is having problems with their distributor and BGHYDRO is already dropping them. That worries me...
2) I know HydroHut will try to make me a happy customer. They were willing to replace my tent, no questions asked. I have no experience with the other manufacturers, so they are an unknown quantity.
3) I was very happy with the build quality of my HydroHut. I experienced no wear issues.

So there you have it...the Darkroom is out of the picture and I will be going for a HydroHut. I will post some pics (let me know if there are pics of certain items that you want) when it arrives and give you the low down on the build quality. The size of the one coming is about 4x8...



burnt out og'er
Ok this thread has run its course...

Ok this thread has run its course...

I have some news that might be of interest.

Plenty of people know I am a licensed medical grower and make no bones about it. Some of you know me from other discussion groups and some know me from the medical community. I have quite a few friends that are indoor veggie growers.

I call it as I see it and if a product is a failure (whether by design or the manufacturers failure to back the product) then I spread that around. Because no one wants to see others fall for the same mistakes. With that said...

I ran into a friend of mine at a local hydro store when I flew out to southern California. After catching up on the local gossip we got on the subject of grow tents (since there was an assembled tent in front of us). Of course the subject of off gassing came up. Unlike me, he had issues with his plants using a HydroHut. In his case, even using a high exchange rate still affected his plants to a certain degree. So he contacted HydroHut, last week, and told them of his issues. HydroHut asked him for his address and told him to be expecting a new tent, to replace the old one. That was it...no quibbling, no argument, just give us your address and expect a new tent. Needless to say I was floored...I mean seldom do you hear stories of a manufacturer taking care of the consumer and rectifying past mistakes, so easily. My friend was so impressed that he is purchasing two more HydroHuts. His reasoning is that he knows that he can go to HydroHut if he has any issues...and HydroHut will take care of it.

So, I contacted HydroHut to see what the deal was. And sure enough, they were willing to replace my tent at no cost to me. I also asked them why it took so long to bring this about. HydroHut stated that it took over ten months just to test their new model...making sure that they were not experiencing any issues with that model. It also took a while to figure out if it was truly a tent issue.

So, I am going to place an order for another HydroHut. And here is my reasoning:

1) Jardin is having problems with their distributor and BGHYDRO is already dropping them. That worries me...
2) I know HydroHut will try to make me a happy customer. They were willing to replace my tent, no questions asked. I have no experience with the other manufacturers, so they are an unknown quantity.
3) I was very happy with the build quality of my HydroHut. I experienced no wear issues.

So there you have it...the Darkroom is out of the picture and I will be going for a HydroHut. I will post some pics (let me know if there are pics of certain items that you want) when it arrives and give you the low down on the build quality. The size of the one coming is about 4x8...


There are many people with bad feelings about hydrohut obviously. I cant blame anyone for being pissed off that they had crop problems caused by the off gassing issues.

This thread has many opinions expressed by folks who have had their own individual experiences dealing with the situation. Some here spamming for the competition and some here expressing their positive experiences getting the problem remedied.

I can't say for certain how I would have felt if I had gone through all the headaches of having a crop failure caused by this situation. Obviously I'd be pissed off about it too, but then again, I do have alot of respect for any company who will stand behind their tarnished name and do whatever is needed to fix the problem and make their customers happy.

On that note I must say this thread is not going anywhere but in circles so I am now closing the thread and recommend folks who have the old hydrohuts please contact the company for a replacement.

further discussions regarding this please refer to the sticky thread.

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