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Wow...hydro hut?

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Mr. Bongjangles

Head Brewer
ICMag Donor
LOL whatever Sundance.. Skeet Skeet Skeet in ya face.

It's funny how 2 people other than myself have called you out for the Hydrohut shill you are in just the past 24 hours.

Do tell us more about the new IR blocking Hydrohuts though.. Make it just a little more obvious :muahaha:
The new homebox has better ceiling bars, The weak part of the original was possibly the bars, but that said, they still work fine on mine, holding up the lamp, adjust a wing and carbon filter, so no issues, just they bow in a bit.

Mr. Bongjangles

Head Brewer
ICMag Donor
Homegrow3r said:
The new homebox has better ceiling bars, The weak part of the original was possibly the bars, but that said, they still work fine on mine, holding up the lamp, adjust a wing and carbon filter, so no issues, just they bow in a bit.

Ah word, makes sense that they added the new-style support bars to the regular Homebox when they designed them for the Silver model.

Cool man, thanks for the update, I'm gonna edit my post to indicate that has changed.


Homegrow3r said:
The new homebox has better ceiling bars, The weak part of the original was possibly the bars, but that said, they still work fine on mine, holding up the lamp, adjust a wing and carbon filter, so no issues, just they bow in a bit.

First they bow .. and they they come crashing down

Take care

Mr. Bongjangles

Head Brewer
ICMag Donor
Sundance said:
Keep recommending shit product just because you had a bad experience and your little feelings are hurt

I stand by my recommendations.

One of them is to avoid doing business with Hydrohut.

Their lax quality control allowed a ton of toxic tents on the market.

I've also stated my opinion on their refusal to give refunds directly, so no need to explain again.

Even if I didn't think Hydrohut is shady, I wouldn't recommend their new tent until I'd seen feedback from people who aren't shills, so on multiple fronts I wouldn't recommend Hydrohut.

You can call the Secret Jardin and Homebox tents I recommend "shit product" if you want, but you're most certainly in the minority on that one.

Sundance said:
yes .. the blue is nice .. and quite possibly ... Hydro Hut's new tents are a lot nicer, better built, and better designed that Secret Jardin, or Homebox - I wouldnt know ... I never seen Secret Jardin or Homebox

LOL - days ago in this very thread you claim to have never even seen either tent.. Now they are both "shit product" huh?

All the respected people around here with Jardin and Homebox tents report that they love them.

Can't say the same for Hydrohut now can we..

Mr. Bongjangles

Head Brewer
ICMag Donor
LOL Sundance... Skeetin' in ya face one more time for fun... Feel that? hahahaha quote this one too plz

Anyways, guess you missed where another member asked which tents were good and which ones suck.. I gave my answer.. Looks like you're the one freaking out and making wild assumptions.

You're just a shill, one who got called out by multiple people in the last 24 hours.

Yea, lets do business with the company who does a recall, then sends back still toxic tents.. Get real man, Hydrohut botched every little bit of this situation and is lucky to still have enough resources to give it another try with their Secret Jardin knockoff.


Any body got any pics of the new hydro hut in action maybe a review to go along with it before this thread gets closed?



maryj315 said:
Any body got any pics of the new hydro hut in action maybe a review to go along with it before this thread gets closed?


Sorry Mary ... no pics .. bit of a boring story

But here is what I can tell you about my tents after having them about 2 1/2 - 3 weeks

I have plants in vegg .. they are doing great ... emerald green .. loving the environment ... zero problems ... I did take some cuts a few days ago .. and they have been in my prop tray w/dome ... in the past .. with the toxic tents .. I had real trouble with the prop tray and clones .. clones would yellow .. some would die off .. seemed like it was more in the center of the tray - Uugh .. and it was rough getting them to take ... in the new tents ... and after a few days ... the cuts are green and healthy ... looks like they are already taking ... and I am not rushing to get them out of there ... Much, much better ... much happier

Flower .. I am 5 1/2 weeks in flower ... Plants are doing great ... loving the new tent ... environment is correct ... got a flashlight to check during dark .. and plants are all sparkling, heavy with crystals ... and looking much happier and more healthy

I thought you mentioned your replacing a Hydro Hut tent ... Hope you get yours ... they kick ass ... you will be very pleased

You can see some pics of Hydro Huts new Silver Lined Series of tents at www.hydrohuts.com

Hope this helps MJ
Last edited:


Active member
Are ya Kiddin me??

Sundance's word is as good as gold,on ANY board on the net!!!
Dont even let him rile ya Sun,the people that matter know,and Bo dont matter!!
Matter of fact......Skeet,Skeet,Skeet right in YOUR face Bo Jo ya fuckin Homo.I'd personally just like to kick ya in the cock and settle it.

Your a 1000% right why all the peeps left this joint SD,fuckin assholes like skeet boy!! :joint:

Mr. Bongjangles

Head Brewer
ICMag Donor
ROJO145 said:
Are ya Kiddin me??

Sundance's word is as good as gold,on ANY board on the net!!!
Dont even let him rile ya Sun,the people that matter know,and Bo dont matter!!
Matter of fact......Skeet,Skeet,Skeet right in YOUR face Bo Jo ya fuckin Homo.I'd personally just like to kick ya in the cock and settle it.

Your a 1000% right why all the peeps left this joint SD,fuckin assholes like skeet boy!! :joint:

Way to let us all know right off the bat that you're just Sundance's buddy and thus your opinion on the matter is useless to me and everyone else.

Multiple people have called Sundance out for what he is - a Hydrohut shill.

His every post makes it more and more clear, no matter how many of his buddies he asked to sign up in December when I first called him out - LOL.

Yea I had a little fun with the "Skeet Skeet Skeet" thing, my way of letting Sundance know I have zero respect for him. Funny to see you so worked up about it, you both seriously sound so far in the closet, I bet you can see Narnia.


New member
Step up keyboard cowboys, I'm in your face.

Step up keyboard cowboys, I'm in your face.

Bongjangles, Homegrow3r and magiccannabus, this is addressed to you three mainly, but certainly not limited to only you.

Attention: Sundance does NOT work for me. Homegrower, you called me a shill. I am the real McCoy. You got something stupid to say, say it to me. Homegrow3r you have no info, so do not walk yourself down this trap that Bongjangles has laid for himself and now you. Sundance does not work for me, he is not being paid by me in any way, nor is he an agent of mine nor does he have any fiduciary responsibilities towards me. He received good service from my company and he appreciates it. I do not know him personally and I have never met him!

Cut out your childishness, all of you, and pick a fight with me if you have something of merit to say. Homegrow3r & magiccannabus, if I were you two, I would back off- Bongjangles is the bully and he writes well so let him do it. Homegrow3r you just use Bongjangle's words and follow-in behind him after he rips down on my products like someone cutting down all forestation; you're there behind him. This time, you are caught in your masters screw-up. Please be quiet as you have nothing constructive to add to this topic, don't care about the well-being of tent clients of whatever brand in whatever country and you are generally annoying on the topic of my brand vs other brands. You do not have any constructive facts Homegrow3r and YES, I would be the one to know. You are simply Bongjangle's shill (decoy) and we can all agree on that. Find your own words to say what you want to say.

Mr. Bongjangles, the meanest man on the IC site, the biggest balls with all the information and a wordsmith to boot. I give you credit, you like to fight and I appreciate that in a man because I do too. You do not know half of what you claim to know! Do you have any clue how many times you printed complete bullshit on this site just to hurt my brand? Must be thousands by now. You claim consistently that you simply have your opinion and you are trying to protect your peeps. Bullshit. You continuously attack my brand, my company, the people that do appreciate us, the product itself without knowing all too much about us. Aside from probably having contacted us in the very early stages when the plant sickness started in the US, I do not believe I've ever had a real conversation with you about anything else. So, why do you keep claiming things as facts when they are not facts?

You have complained way too much about the recall. You have your version of the recall but you don't know shit about it. You claim to know for a fact that we didn't want to pay people back and yet we paid people all of 2008.

Bongjangles, the reason that we didn't start giving people their money back immediately is that we needed to prove the problem first, then we needed to find a scientific explanation for the problem and rule out ANY and ALL products used by the industry to make sure that it wasn't another products reaction within our product. Takes time man.

In my personal zeal to start helping people who had our tents I made the huge mistake of of letting out info to the public while I was working on it and it ended up being false. This hurt my reputation and cost me a lot of money. It also caused you to take down your tent and have me PICK UP your poles on my dime. We paid to do a process to them and during this, we realized that I was wrong. The poles were a false positive in the testing. My partner, a pH D in physical chemistry who teaches at a local university told me not to share my results as they may be wrong but I did it anyway because I really wanted to help as fast as possible. I screwed up in my zeal to help.

My partner stepped in and did indeed figure out a way to off-gas tents after we spent months talking with the plastic fabric mfr who only lied and lied. We knew he made material for so many brands that at some point, the others were going to have problems too. The others never opened their mouths, they just kept selling them or giving them to people who brought in a HydroHut for credit. Those people got screwed two or three times. I never screwed anyone intentionally like those other brands or like you trying to screw me on purpose worldwide. You were doing it on purpose which makes you and me very different.

Our tent repair technique worked to off-gas and our initial results were good. Again I made the mistake of moving that fix to the market too soon. Two problems happened: our workers didn't run the fix as long as they should have on each tent--something you've already criticized Bongjangles and the off-gassing technique was de-gassing the skins unevenly. We shut it down. This is reality Bongjangles, like it or not. We had only three people running things and things were crazy so at certain points we did not have any of us top three with the workers while they were running the fix. Our fault and our loss in many ways. We are certainly very sorry that we hurt anyone! That was never our intention, nor is it now.

I've never run a multi-national recall and I guess I'm not very good at recalls. I never studied recalls 101 in business school. You can be angry with me for that too.

I don't believe you've ever studied business either. I mfr a product, I sell the product to a wholesaler, the wholesaler sells the product to a store and the store to you.

If I give you your money back, I just lost 3.5 times the money that I made on the product to begin with! Get it! I know you think I should lose 3.5 times the money but it isn't a prudent business practice to do so. Therefore genius, you return the product to the store who pays you, the mfr pays the store and I pay the mfr. This is how it worked all over the states and Canada. This is what happened and anything you say differently is simply conjecture.

While my recall is in full swing you're talking away on this site like Moses only you aren't Moses dude. I pulled my products and yes, it took a while for the distributors to get them back to me but it happened.

Many people chose to sell their Huts on eBay or Craig's list. Those people were all offered their money back. Selling a problem to someone else is unscrupulous. The people who sold to eBay were and still are wrong for doing so. I then had deal with those people and eBay. I've told eBay over and over through a program called VERO not to let these people sell them. You had some snide comment about this too. You are full of shit once again about this. But, in looking out for your "peeps" you were doing the right thing? Nope. You were doing your best to stir the shit because you were mad at us.

Now I'll turn to Homebox. Since Dirk was actively posting on this site, can you or anyone else tell me why he is now hiding under his desk? Homegrow3r, you speak German, what happened to Dirk? He was here a few months back publicly calling me names and whining about a bunch of nonsense. He dared me to come on here. Oh hell, I had the balls to come on here a long time ago and admit a problem, Dirk never did. He kept quiet about his problem, pretended it didn't happen and then when he finally got an account again in the states, claimed he never had one.

Where is the proof says Bongjangles to Homegrow3r and the minions follow suit... The proof is coming, you were told many times. Be patient for it, for it IS coming.

Why only Spain Bongjangles asks. Simple, the wholesaler is in Spain, sells to the Spanish and collected his data in Spain. Spain is hot not like Germany where it is cold. I'm sure the problem did spill into many countries but I'm not there to know. It took me this long to find the right people to ask who would agree to give up proof knowing that it will published around the world. So Homegrow3r and Bongjangles sit back and be quiet for a while and let's see what this company is going to give the world as proof. He says he is gathering the different pieces of proof now and he will send them to me. I'll get them to you through Neuroherb. The Spanish guy has a large company and there is no reason to distrust him. The more you two loudmouths keep talking about "there is no proof" and "I don't see any proof on this site" therefore it does not exist, the more stupid you two cowboys are going to look when it finally comes as long as it is coherent. There is no need to lie to you two or the world, I came out with the fucking truth in the first place.

Realize Bongjangles, you royal idiot, that many countries have tent makers and clients with loads of troubles because of it. They, the clients, are too waiting for a reason so they can get their money back or at least force the mfrs to acknowledge the problem.

So yes Bongjangles I do hold the key to potentially help most of my competitors not allow their respective mfrs to keep making the same mistakes. As much as it won't help me at all, it will help the growers around the world to rise up with truth to force those other companies to change their recipe. Granted, DR got lucky and produced for the EU before my problem showed up. They came into the US market just as I started having my problem and that was a great time launch. Kudos to them and I know them Bongjangles, they are nice guys. The back stabbing pricks in France who run the show with their guy in China are a different story.

The one thing you got right Bongjangles: While researching the plant toxicity problem early last year in the EU, quite by accident, I was approached by someone in the hierarchy of the DR distribution chain. He convinced me to make a tent for him that used many principals of the DR that he liked and the rest of the HydroHut that he liked. His idea, not mine. So, I know the DR very, very well and what is still wrong with it after all this time. It ain't light proof! Hold a CFL right up to the skin from the outside and zip yourself into the interior with no light on inside. You will see the CFL through the skin and no it wasn't the street version. I read people tell you continuously that their tent is not light proof and each time you bat them down meanly. They aren't crazy! You just aren't telling the truth or perhaps you never tested it. I won't speculate as you do.

I recently debunked Homeboxe's test that everyone raves about. I don't believe Dirk knew his test couldn't measure the correct level of compounds in order to kill off a plant but nevertheless the test is useless. I do blame Dirk for adding in Greenpeace as his only source. Greenpeace doesn't like plastic, what do you think they are going to say? Aside from the total invalidity of the test regarding plants, my personal problem is that test talks about PU. We used to use PU in a harder form. Dirk's(Greenpeace) test only talks about the foam version of PU which has nothing to do with what we used or anyone else. Most companies did not use PVC. PVC, PU, PE etc don't off-gas. It has been said many times. Then I read someone say: dude their plastic off-gasses and they said it didn't. It doesn't, the plasticizer in any plastic off-gasses. The plasticizer (softener) does.

Dirk, come back and clarify some stuff for us. Your website is wrong and you've improperly been scaring folks about their health with an invalid test.

The debunking of Dirk's (Homebox) test and all the info you need to know about the real plastic problem is all available by link from our website. Bongjangles et al, please spend a few hours reading the link, the references at the bottom and references for those references. There you will find the complete truth. Please feel free to re-post my post on other sites. Time to clear the air world-wide on what is going on.

Lastly Bongjangles, I am not the person you make me out to be. I've read your crap about me and how we run things for a year now. If you want to test my tent, step up and I'll send you one. You said you'd take one for free after crapping on us for year. Be a man and take one for free.


Active member
"His every post makes it more and more clear, no matter how many of his buddies he asked to sign up in December when I first called him out - LOL.

Yea I had a little fun with the "Skeet Skeet Skeet" thing, my way of letting Sundance know I have zero respect for him. Funny to see you so worked up about it, you both seriously sound so far in the closet, I bet you can see Narnia."

LOL.....You and 10 Homo's just like ya couldnt get me worked up maggot,lol....but nice try,Skeeter!I see Indoormojo shut your suck up for ya,wheres your brilliant response to his post?Cluck


New member

"So, I know the DR very, very well" ..."Hold a CFL right up to the skin from the outside"..."You will see the CFL through the skin"

Barring that, lol, which I think most folks can probably avoid, is there a problem? Are there any links to threads for example where a well known clone is all of the sudden throwing bunches of nanners do to this issue?

I decided on the DR's for one simple reason. None of the competitors tents are big enough for my intended purpose- which is to max out the area lit by a single 1000w lamp mounted vertically in a shalow cone reflector for selection/breeding projects. And 1.2 or even 1.5 meters wide just doesn't cut it. The DR240's seem to be the best current choice for my intended purpose, it's pretty much the only choice at the moment IndoorMojo?


New member
Hello Mr. Dissent,

if one's tent is in a room that they use all of the time that has a lot of light in that room but the tent is in darkness, I wouldn't like it. Can it cause a hermy, maybe. But I wouldn't want my Darkroom to not be dark. I really don't know if there is a thread about it or not. I was asked by the dude in the EU to help out on this light problem though. DR is great tent, nobody can say it is a bunch of crap. Does it have some issues, yes. There have been changes made to the DR since they came out, namely the zipper covers are much better. Have you seen the corners break? I can fish out some pics of broken corners. The aluminum poles sure won't rust and the HH runs that risk but I would prefer to have my ceiling structure hold weight, real weight. What is important to one may not be to another and we can all find consumers who prefer this over that for whatever reason. I mentioned it because Bongjangles claimed it wasn't true and I found it to be otherwise.


New member
Hello IndoorMojo,

Thank you sir for your honesty. I will take these concerns under advisement and I hope I can take the necessary precautions to make the DR's work for me. I appreciate you taking the time to make yourself available, your honesty, and your seeming desire to continue improving your product as well. In the future, your product will certainly have my consideration, assuming the dimentions get a little larger at some future point :D

Many Thanks

Mr. Bongjangles

Head Brewer
ICMag Donor
IndoorMojo said:
Attention: Sundance does NOT work for me. Homegrower, you called me a shill. I am the real McCoy. You got something stupid to say, say it to me. Homegrow3r you have no info, so do not walk yourself down this trap that Bongjangles has laid for himself and now you. Sundance does not work for me, he is not being paid by me in any way, nor is he an agent of mine nor does he have any fiduciary responsibilities towards me. He received good service from my company and he appreciates it. I do not know him personally and I have never met him!

That may be true, but dude's posting doesn't really fit with that. Either way, I stand by calling the guy out as someone who is not impartial on the matter. He posts the same Hydrohut marketing stuff over and over word for word. Maybe he's just your number one fan and has Hydrohut flyers all taped in his room and stuff.. Its just the only thing I can come up with that explains it. I loves me some Jardin tent, but damn, its nothing like that when I recommend them or discuss them with other members.

IndoorMojo said:
Homegrow3r you just use Bongjangle's words and follow-in behind him after he rips down on my products like someone cutting down all forestation; you're there behind him. This time, you are caught in your masters screw-up. Please be quiet as you have nothing constructive to add to this topic, don't care about the well-being of tent clients of whatever brand in whatever country and you are generally annoying on the topic of my brand vs other brands. You do not have any constructive facts Homegrow3r and YES, I would be the one to know. You are simply Bongjangle's shill (decoy) and we can all agree on that. Find your own words to say what you want to say.

That is a bunch of BS.. Homegrow3r just sounds like a satisfied Homebox customer to me who isn't down with people like Sundance trashing them and never ever being able to provide a link to an off-gassed plant in a Homebox tent. Either way I don't know him, but I respect him for defending a product he likes against false attacks.

IndoorMojo said:
Bongjangles, the reason that we didn't start giving people their money back immediately is that we needed to prove the problem first, then we needed to find a scientific explanation for the problem and rule out ANY and ALL products used by the industry to make sure that it wasn't another products reaction within our product. Takes time man.

I've repeatedly made it clear I mean the time period prior to the recall. Of course people got refunds for a recalled product after that.

I can understand what you're saying from a business perspective, but I think the prudent move would have been to take care of the people whose retailers wouldn't work with them during that time period. I wish you guys had just eaten the loss for those folks, as the "early adopters" or people who dealt with the problem first were the ones who dealt with it for months with no info online to confirm it could be the tent causing problems. Those tents had cost these people their medicine for months, least they could get is a refund or a partial refund at that point. I feel like you might see it that way now based on your post, I feel some sincere regret that I have not seen before in any communication regarding the off-gassing issue.

IndoorMojo said:
In my personal zeal to start helping people who had our tents I made the huge mistake of of letting out info to the public while I was working on it and it ended up being false. This hurt my reputation and cost me a lot of money. It also caused you to take down your tent and have me PICK UP your poles on my dime. We paid to do a process to them and during this, we realized that I was wrong. The poles were a false positive in the testing. My partner, a pH D in physical chemistry who teaches at a local university told me not to share my results as they may be wrong but I did it anyway because I really wanted to help as fast as possible. I screwed up in my zeal to help.

You know, an upfront explanation like that could have saved a lot of sore feelings had it been given to the people who dealt with having their poles replaced, even if the shipping was on you/Hydrohut.

IndoorMojo said:
My partner stepped in and did indeed figure out a way to off-gas tents after we spent months talking with the plastic fabric mfr who only lied and lied. We knew he made material for so many brands that at some point, the others were going to have problems too. The others never opened their mouths, they just kept selling them or giving them to people who brought in a HydroHut for credit. Those people got screwed two or three times. I never screwed anyone intentionally like those other brands or like you trying to screw me on purpose worldwide. You were doing it on purpose which makes you and me very different.

Trying to screw you? By offering my opinion on how things went down? That is like saying people in Alaska who got oil dumped on their beach by Exxon are trying to screw them by saying they prefer to buy gas at the shell station. They are just expressing the opinion they are entitled to, and one based on an incident with which they were involved. Just like me.

As such, I think your characterization is unfair.

IndoorMojo said:
Our tent repair technique worked to off-gas and our initial results were good. Again I made the mistake of moving that fix to the market too soon. Two problems happened: our workers didn't run the fix as long as they should have on each tent--something you've already criticized Bongjangles and the off-gassing technique was de-gassing the skins unevenly. We shut it down. This is reality Bongjangles, like it or not. We had only three people running things and things were crazy so at certain points we did not have any of us top three with the workers while they were running the fix. Our fault and our loss in many ways. We are certainly very sorry that we hurt anyone! That was never our intention, nor is it now.

Yeah its too bad a bunch of people got their tents back still messed up.. That's pretty much what I've said on the matter.. Sounds like a "botch" to me or whatever term I've used. So I don't know what "reality" you're filling me on on here.

Your apology is another thing that would have really helped some people walk away with a better opinion had it been delivered back in the day.

IndoorMojo said:
I've never run a multi-national recall and I guess I'm not very good at recalls. I never studied recalls 101 in business school. You can be angry with me for that too.

I don't believe you've ever studied business either. I mfr a product, I sell the product to a wholesaler, the wholesaler sells the product to a store and the store to you.

If I give you your money back, I just lost 3.5 times the money that I made on the product to begin with! Get it! I know you think I should lose 3.5 times the money but it isn't a prudent business practice to do so. Therefore genius, you return the product to the store who pays you, the mfr pays the store and I pay the mfr. This is how it worked all over the states and Canada. This is what happened and anything you say differently is simply conjecture.

I'm not angry about it man, its just that for those people who couldn't get a refund from their retailer, imo Hydrohut should have dug into their pocket and taken care of them as they requested. Sundance has explained that aspect for you well though.. I get it, just can't change my opinion that those, maybe few, people should have gotten taken care of out of pocket by Hydrohut so that their nightmare could have had some kind of ending other than "ask your retailer, peace" when it had already been made clear a refund was not going to happen from the retailer.

IndoorMojo said:
While my recall is in full swing you're talking away on this site like Moses only you aren't Moses dude. I pulled my products and yes, it took a while for the distributors to get them back to me but it happened.

Moses? Cause I've recommended people avoid your business due to my opinion on how the recall and other matters were handled?

Man I'm entitled to that opinion.. I don't ever lie about your tents or what I see as the facts about what happened.

You confirmed yourself how botched the recall was. I know it must be hard for you to see it being the owner of the company, but for the "everyone else" perspective, man its fucked up to see a company have this off-gassing thing happen, then mess up the recall too.

Hey maybe after a year or 2 with the new tent on the market, it becomes clear all is well with Hydrohut, people like Sundance keep sucking your dick, and man it would be all good in the hood for you guys.. But for now, I don't see how you can't understand that some people are gonna tell their peers, "hold off on Hydrohut, there's other good tents out there."

IndoorMojo said:
Many people chose to sell their Huts on eBay or Craig's list. Those people were all offered their money back. Selling a problem to someone else is unscrupulous. The people who sold to eBay were and still are wrong for doing so. I then had deal with those people and eBay. I've told eBay over and over through a program called VERO not to let these people sell them. You had some snide comment about this too. You are full of shit once again about this. But, in looking out for your "peeps" you were doing the right thing? Nope. You were doing your best to stir the shit because you were mad at us.

I think anyone who sold a hut on ebay knowing it was bad is a total scumbag..

Secondly, a member came in and said the reason he got a bad tent is because the person who sold it was left with them by Hydrohut.. You're mad because I characterized that as Hydrohut leaving him "out in the cold" which, if true, is a fair characterization to me. It was always clear I wasn't saying I knew that to be true or not, just what I thought about it if it were.

IndoorMojo said:
Where is the proof says Bongjangles to Homegrow3r and the minions follow suit... The proof is coming, you were told many times. Be patient for it, for it IS coming.

It would be too easy to put off-gassed plants into a Homebox now.. The proof I want is an existing thread about a Homebox with off-gas poisioning.. They sell enough of them that if there were ever bad ones it almost certainly would have made its way to the internet, even tiny knockoffs were documented left and right.

Don't get me wrong, I'll look at what you guys have to present... My argument all along when it comes to Homebox has been I've never ever heard of a problem with one. That still stands, and everyone who has said otherwise has been unable to demonstrate it with proof.

IndoorMojo said:
The one thing you got right Bongjangles: While researching the plant toxicity problem early last year in the EU, quite by accident, I was approached by someone in the hierarchy of the DR distribution chain. He convinced me to make a tent for him that used many principals of the DR that he liked and the rest of the HydroHut that he liked. His idea, not mine. So, I know the DR very, very well and what is still wrong with it after all this time. It ain't light proof! Hold a CFL right up to the skin from the outside and zip yourself into the interior with no light on inside. You will see the CFL through the skin and no it wasn't the street version. I read people tell you continuously that their tent is not light proof and each time you bat them down meanly. They aren't crazy! You just aren't telling the truth or perhaps you never tested it. I won't speculate as you do.

Well that explains why your new tent looks identical to the Darkroom.

I've seen people comment about pinholes appearing in the cover after taking the tent up and down, but no, the reflective material inside is opaque. With a 1000w light blasting inside, a 4x4 Darkroom tent is not lit up whatsoever.

With a cfl directly on the other side of the material, not one bit of light gets through. Here's a picture which I believe demonstrates this to be true.

No trickery.. The material is just lightproof, simple as that.

Hopefully others with Jardin tents can stop by and demonstrate that is the case, as it is most definitely false what you have said about the material not being opaque. Sounds like just what people say about the street version, even though you specify otherwise.

IndoorMojo said:
The debunking of Dirk's (Homebox) test and all the info you need to know about the real plastic problem is all available by link from our website. Bongjangles et al, please spend a few hours reading the link, the references at the bottom and references for those references. There you will find the complete truth. Please feel free to re-post my post on other sites. Time to clear the air world-wide on what is going on.

Maybe I'll have a look sometime.. Really though, I'm just not concerned with what Dirk said about the situation. Maybe his comments will be worth another look if you can "prove" homebox was ever involved. Otherwise, his efforts seem like just someone trying to help even if his research or conclusions are not perfect.

IndoorMojo said:
Lastly Bongjangles, I am not the person you make me out to be. I've read your crap about me and how we run things for a year now. If you want to test my tent, step up and I'll send you one. You said you'd take one for free after crapping on us for year. Be a man and take one for free.

LOL - "Be a man, take something for free" I get what you mean, it just sounds funny.

Its clear you've been reading my words closely, so you know I've not bashed on your new tent other than pointing out how much it looks like a Darkroom. What would a review from me, positive or negative, add to the discussion?

The fact that you've offered tells me that deep down you know I am not a liar and would offer fair feedback.


New member
Mr. Bongjangles
Originally Posted by IndoorMojo
Attention: Sundance does NOT work for me. Homegrower, you called me a shill. I am the real McCoy. You got something stupid to say, say it to me. Homegrow3r you have no info, so do not walk yourself down this trap that Bongjangles has laid for himself and now you. Sundance does not work for me, he is not being paid by me in any way, nor is he an agent of mine nor does he have any fiduciary responsibilities towards me. He received good service from my company and he appreciates it. I do not know him personally and I have never met him!

Bongjangles: That may be true, but dude's posting doesn't really fit with that. Either way, I stand by calling the guy out as someone who is not impartial on the matter. He posts the same Hydrohut marketing stuff over and over word for word. Maybe he's just your number one fan and has Hydrohut flyers all taped in his room and stuff.. Its just the only thing I can come up with that explains it. I loves me some Jardin tent, but damn, its nothing like that when I recommend them or discuss them with other members.

Maybe he is tired of you like so many others? You talk about him not being impartial but have you read your posts lately? You are partial against the Hut, even though now it is new and you've admittedly never tested one. Does everyone have to see things your way? The minute somebody pops up with something good to say about my company, you and a few others are always right there to talk shit.

Originally Posted by IndoorMojo
Homegrow3r you just use Bongjangle's words and follow-in behind him after he rips down on my products like someone cutting down all forestation; you're there behind him. This time, you are caught in your masters screw-up. Please be quiet as you have nothing constructive to add to this topic, don't care about the well-being of tent clients of whatever brand in whatever country and you are generally annoying on the topic of my brand vs other brands. You do not have any constructive facts Homegrow3r and YES, I would be the one to know. You are simply Bongjangle's shill (decoy) and we can all agree on that. Find your own words to say what you want to say.

Bongjangles: That is a bunch of BS.. Homegrow3r just sounds like a satisfied Homebox customer to me who isn't down with people like Sundance trashing them and never ever being able to provide a link to an off-gassed plant in a Homebox tent. Either way I don't know him, but I respect him for defending a product he likes against false attacks.

How do you know the attacks are false? You don't, end of story. In fact you know nothing about it, so back down and wait. Did you know Homebox changed mfrs and has new material that came to the states? Perhaps he changed mfrs for a reason? The company in Spain might have used that old materiel. Shut up and wait. Secondly, to hypothesize that the company is going to set up a fake test now to show the world is typical you when you have no argument. Nobody is going to take the time to falsify a test. He was nice enough to have his staff take the time to gather the old info. It isn't so crazy to think that someone still has info and you, the God of nothing, hasn't seen it. How many American companies admitted mistake and had direct communication with the public about it? 1 company, mine. So it isn't so strange that you, nobody, hasn't heard about an older problem from Europe. Lastly, I do not doubt that Homegrow3r has perfectly good Homeboxes. So far in the states, they have all been ok. We are talking about the EU and that would mean that Dirk wasn't telling the truth. I didn't say that Dirk didn't care and to boot, Dirk wasn't around yet with Homebox, his partner Dennis was running things back then.

Originally Posted by IndoorMojo
In my personal zeal to start helping people who had our tents I made the huge mistake of of letting out info to the public while I was working on it and it ended up being false. This hurt my reputation and cost me a lot of money. It also caused you to take down your tent and have me PICK UP your poles on my dime. We paid to do a process to them and during this, we realized that I was wrong. The poles were a false positive in the testing. My partner, a pH D in physical chemistry who teaches at a local university told me not to share my results as they may be wrong but I did it anyway because I really wanted to help as fast as possible. I screwed up in my zeal to help.

Bongjangles: You know, an upfront explanation like that could have saved a lot of sore feelings had it been given to the people who dealt with having their poles replaced, even if the shipping was on you/Hydrohut.

It was all happening right then and some of it not yet. Hindsight is 20/20 and you can say what you want now but people were not being nice or civil and I talked to many of them personally early on. It was a lynching and people like you don't listen too well as we all know.The people that were civil were sent a free Hut and kept in touch with us. You chose a different route all on you.

Bongjangles: "Trying to screw you? By offering my opinion on how things went down? That is like saying people in Alaska who got oil dumped on their beach by Exxon are trying to screw them by saying they prefer to buy gas at the shell station. They are just expressing the opinion they are entitled to, and one based on an incident with which they were involved. Just like me.

As such, I think your characterization is unfair."

You expressed conjecture for a long time and still continue to do so. That means you assume and guess. From what basis did you have to form an opinion on things that happened way after you stopped using your tent and got rid of it? Don't tell me others' opinion. Neither you nor they were in my company handling the day to day--conjecture.

Bongangles: "Hey maybe after a year or 2 with the new tent on the market, it becomes clear all is well with Hydrohut, people like Sundance keep sucking your dick, and man it would be all good in the hood for you guys.. But for now, I don't see how you can't understand that some people are gonna tell their peers, "hold off on Hydrohut, there's other good tents out there.""

It has never been the issue that I do not clearly understand why people got mad. Anger is warranted in many situations but how one conducts himself during that time, especially if one comports himself with aggression, totally changes the dynamic. Your continued mocking of people and vulgarity have become your diatribe full of invective. That is the problem, you. You are a keyboard cowboy, sitting safe behind your computer because you know nobody can see you or better yet, knock your ass out.

Bongjangles: "It would be too easy to put off-gassed plants into a Homebox now.. The proof I want is an existing thread about a Homebox with off-gas poisioning.. They sell enough of them that if there were ever bad ones it almost certainly would have made its way to the internet, even tiny knockoffs were documented left and right."

This dude, this is just stupid. Homebox hardly sold shit in the states before 07. They had been selling in the EU since 2001. The majority of their tents, especially the older ones are in the EU.

The Silver Edition does not look identical to a DR. It is much improved and it isn't the same as visible by the picture, you know about pictures don't you?

Bongjangles: "With a cfl directly on the other side of the material, not one bit of light gets through. Here's a picture which I believe demonstrates this to be true."

(pic not shown here)

NO Bongjangles, you are not correct! Total Bongjangles bullshit again. When you shot your pic the way you did, your camera metered off of the silver material not the light because it had to for you to get a pic that wasn't all white. Therefore the black will be constant. I told you the opposite, you have to zip yourself inside and put the light to outside of the tent. If you want to shoot that light leakage, small as it is, you must use a tri-pod inside the tent and also use a plunger so you can keep a long exposure and not shake the camera. Nice try but no, you got it wrong. Try it yourself with your EYES. Much easier to do that than shoot it.

You are not a good person. Reasoning with you about things you know relatively little to nothing about is a waste of time. IMO you need to get out more or perhaps get a girlfriend or boyfriend, whichever floats your little, little boat. You cannot have this forum be your only means of contact to the world to keep your ego afloat. Dude, help everyone you care for and take some time in the real world.
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New member
Mr.Dissent said:
"not so Dark room"


I have heard this about the "street" models, but not the reg DR's. Can you specify the model you are refering to please?

not sure of the model but my buddy had one and he had hermies constantly.
after 3 Cycles we finally nailed it down light leaks galore. swapped him to panda film on the frame and problems went away.


New member
Thanks for the tip Cannabislocator,

Was any thought given to just throwing 6mil black poly in one piece over the entire existing unit (leaving the tent in place), cutting holes for vents etc? What are your thoughts on this potential fix? IndoorMojo has eased my mind some but I've just ordered a grip of these units and some of you guys have me a little sketched :D
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