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Wing Wang Sour Diesel


Well-known member
I don't know what to say bro. I don't think it's just me who has this impression. You keep talking about it as if it's something "else", other than the original Sour Diesel. And yes you did apologize, which I appreciated, but then you went right back into doubting everything said by everyone. It's just frustrating, for people who had the real thing.

Now, Weasel says (Adam Dunn show interview) it's because he sold a half pound of seeded MSS, and all the original Sour cuts came from those seeds. I'm not sure if i believe that, or not. He openly says he wants to keep working those seeds, and make a new Sour bx. All I know is that was the first "Sour" I had, and the cut of Sour I got several years ago has the same smell/taste. I've grown a few others over the years that lacked the lemon head taste entirely, but were very diesel-y, with some grapefruit smell/taste on exhale.


Active member
I don't know what to say bro. I don't think it's just me who has this impression. You keep talking about it as if it's something "else", other than the original Sour Diesel. And yes you did apologize, which I appreciated, but then you went right back into doubting everything said by everyone. It's just frustrating, for people who had the real thing.

Now, Weasel says (Adam Dunn show interview) it's because he sold a half pound of seeded MSS, and all the original Sour cuts came from those seeds. I'm not sure if i believe that, or not. He openly says he wants to keep working those seeds, and make a new Sour bx. All I know is that was the first "Sour" I had, and the cut of Sour I got several years ago has the same smell/taste. I've grown a few others over the years that lacked the lemon head taste entirely, but were very diesel-y, with some grapefruit smell/taste on exhale.
Thats where you got the misunderstanding, Im not doubting you guys at all, everytime I responded I made sure to include that I was genuinely interested though and never said you were wrong, which means I was open to learn and add to my knowledge lol. Going back and re-reading I can understand though why it came off like that. When I was saying "weird this"insert text"" and "weird that"insert text"" I was actually being genuine not sarcastic thats why I put it in parentheses to help show what i meant as through text its hard to understand emotion. Who am I to tell you what you smoked in 2000 wasnt sour, or what you remember it to be? I did give examples that it could of been something else, which you then responded and confirmed No it was actually sour, not NYCD etc, at least thats how I took your response. And I proceeded to say well im definitely interested in it then.

Anyways my bad again to you and Berry if I came off wrong in the beginning as that wasn't my intention, I was taught to question everything lol. But to be clear, I do believe you guys smoked sour with those terps and I do hope it pops back up.


Well-known member
I don't know what to say bro. I don't think it's just me who has this impression. You keep talking about it as if it's something "else", other than the original Sour Diesel. And yes you did apologize, which I appreciated, but then you went right back into doubting everything said by everyone. It's just frustrating, for people who had the real thing.

Now, Weasel says (Adam Dunn show interview) it's because he sold a half pound of seeded MSS, and all the original Sour cuts came from those seeds. I'm not sure if i believe that, or not. He openly says he wants to keep working those seeds, and make a new Sour bx. All I know is that was the first "Sour" I had, and the cut of Sour I got several years ago has the same smell/taste. I've grown a few others over the years that lacked the lemon head taste entirely, but were very diesel-y, with some grapefruit smell/taste on exhale.
I remember hearing that too, years ago, and thinking if he sold some seeded weed and other people found seeds in there better than his plants. Or that the people who got the seeds grew them out and tried to cut in on their buddy's market share. I could see how that would sour a bunch of relationships

The other thing to keep in mind is these were really small time guys who got weed from some big time guys.
If you just look at the social atmospherics and economy around nitrous at those shows, there's a strong hierarchy and everyone has to STFU.
Weed is a way bigger game than nitrous. So, getting hooked up by some old Dead Fam crew with the best weed out there...maybe these kids were even told what to say. Or were smart enough to make it sound like they are the only players in the chain and never speak of the Family

I may be wrong, but one of the only open-book breeding projects from pre-MMJ says was DJ Shorts Blueberry. And even he got hooked up with genetics by BOEL.
I haven't heard one single breeding story where someone was like yeah my buddy was in the military and brought these seeds back or I used to smuggle and this here is me breeding my best imports over the course of 10 yrs before I cashed out and bought some land.
Alien Tek was open about the Afghan, but again that was post-MMJ legislation.
The Bubba crew may have been the most transparent so far, talking about smuggling seeds back on a plane from Amsterdam - that was pretty cool.

But pre-MMJ, I don't think the full back story with all its facets will ever be openly published for all to read and archive.


Well-known member
I remember hearing that too, years ago, and thinking if he sold some seeded weed and other people found seeds in there better than his plants. Or that the people who got the seeds grew them out and tried to cut in on their buddy's market share. I could see how that would sour a bunch of relationships

The other thing to keep in mind is these were really small time guys who got weed from some big time guys.
If you just look at the social atmospherics and economy around nitrous at those shows, there's a strong hierarchy and everyone has to STFU.
Weed is a way bigger game than nitrous. So, getting hooked up by some old Dead Fam crew with the best weed out there...maybe these kids were even told what to say. Or were smart enough to make it sound like they are the only players in the chain and never speak of the Family

I may be wrong, but one of the only open-book breeding projects from pre-MMJ says was DJ Shorts Blueberry. And even he got hooked up with genetics by BOEL.
I haven't heard one single breeding story where someone was like yeah my buddy was in the military and brought these seeds back or I used to smuggle and this here is me breeding my best imports over the course of 10 yrs before I cashed out and bought some land.
Alien Tek was open about the Afghan, but again that was post-MMJ legislation.
The Bubba crew may have been the most transparent so far, talking about smuggling seeds back on a plane from Amsterdam - that was pretty cool.

But pre-MMJ, I don't think the full back story with all its facets will ever be openly published for all to read and archive.
You make some really good points/observations there! I hadn't even thought about it from that angle. Especially considering what was the main "network" that was operating in and around Dead Lot back then, they did not want attention by any means. Hmm.


Well-known member
Sure so you had years to take pics of the sour you grew back then like plenty of other people did stop the bull shit excuses you grew it until 2014 right, and you could of took pics in the early 2000-2014s as well like tons of other people did.. If you knew about sour enough, then you'd know she can look different in different gardens , even in the same garden on different runs with it. So you should know you can't just go by looks all the time. The homie i got the cut from is a very reputable breeder and his homie who he got it from received it from Chacos hands personally, end of story..stop acting like you know it all. You're just spouting bullsht with that claim like you know what cuts people were running or where/who they received them from early in the ecsd thread. You can speculate all you want. I read through it plenty of times, more than you it seems, because you said chaco's doesnt show purple and I proved you wrong with chaco's own picture too within the first 15 pages of the thread...Stop acting like you know everything, show some more humbleness. Seems you can use some.

Grow some fire sour and post it up, and stop trying to say what people have/dont have like you are there in their gardens. I have the cloney personally from cloney, and I have the chaco. What sours are you running right now? Or are you just here to talk shit to people and say they "dont have the real sour" or "thats not so and so cut because I know everything". Ive talked to ChunkyPigs who knows chaco personally, Ive talked with the homie MeltingPot , and I've talked with others who are knowledgable in the MASSACHUSETTS scene and NY scene.. I'm not just saying what I think. Ive even smoked AJ sour from Chemdog's personal garden, he grows at the dispensary not far from where I Iive at, and we have mutual friends..It's hilarious when some dude who doesnt have pics of sour he grew for so many years comes on here and acts like he knows it all and what cuts everyone is running. Be humble. Have a good night.
Excuse you? I don't know who you think you're talking to acting like that. Get your emotions in check dawg.

Flying off the handle cuz I said your cut could be Chaco but looks like Albany cut? Don't be so damn sour.

Instead of having a conversation like an adult, asking or learning how and why we did things differently back then, you spout off your assumptions and ruin any chance of understanding.

A dude who wasn't growing back then telling me how I should've taken photos. Foh with all that. People getting locked up for 10+ years, robbed or worse. Yet I've been growing damn near every day for 30 years for a reason.

It's all this person said this or that and you know somebody who knows them? Cool story bro idgaf. What have you done?

You keep missing the part where we got our cut almost a decade before Chaco’s thread. Almost 10 years of first hand experience smoking and growing Sour. Marinate on that.


Active member
Excuse you? I don't know who you think you're talking to acting like that. Get your emotions in check dawg.

Flying off the handle cuz I said your cut could be Chaco but looks like Albany cut? Don't be so damn sour.

Instead of having a conversation like an adult, asking or learning how and why we did things differently back then, you spout off your assumptions and ruin any chance of understanding.

A dude who wasn't growing back then telling me how I should've taken photos. Foh with all that. People getting locked up for 10+ years, robbed or worse. Yet I've been growing damn near every day for 30 years for a reason.

It's all this person said this or that and you know somebody who knows them? Cool story bro idgaf. What have you done?

You keep missing the part where we got our cut almost a decade before Chaco’s thread. Almost 10 years of first hand experience smoking and growing Sour. Marinate on that.
Sure keep squirming around trying to not take any accountability. You did say "could be, but doesnt look like it because x y z.", then I proceeded to tell you why it was as far as i understood it to be, then your post back was to try and find examples to try and prove it wasnt chaco's cut even further, while nit-picking which pictures you chose to represent chaco's like you didnt even look back and try to even look for purpling or foxtailing lol.
I didnt tell you how you should of taken photos. All I did was point out your Bs excuse to why you couldnt post 1 pic in 2025 of the sour diesel you grew in 2000-14 when thousand of pictures were being posted all over forums, etc back then and even now. Even a nug shot, be real..I didnt say you had to post it everywhere in those days, but you could of at least had a picture in saved somewhere etc. Like you just said "it's all this person said this or that" for all we know you didnt grow any sour at all if we take what you said literal, all we have is your say-so. If you were scared to take a picture of the sour because of being robbed, prohibiton, etc, it makes me wonder how you werent scared to grow it with all the smells it gave off back then. Id rather be caught with pictures back then than a room full of stanky diesel if that was your excuse as to why lmao. I didnt miss any parts, because I never once called any of your guys' cuts out and said it wasnt this or that, or that you never smoked sour back then etc. Now its what have i done? Lmao, I never claimed to have done anything, now that I got on your case about calling out cuts you want to call me sour lol.

heres your first post in 2024, a few months after you made your account, about chacos sour in the albany thread while you were looking for the one you were growing back then in 2003-2010. Seems you did a whole 180 on what you remember sour being. Makes us wonder if you even smoked the real sour yourself, sound familiar? here's what you said:

" Out of this whole thread, this ECSD looks like the sour we had in the circle. It didn't have any citrus, it was just straight skunky fuel. If you have any leads on this clone or would be willing to part with one, please let me know!" So what do you have to say now that you just exposed yourself. Like I said stop the bs. I was genuine with Wolverine and can take accountability for my part in this little drama, but you, its a different story.
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Well-known member
I remember hearing that too, years ago, and thinking if he sold some seeded weed and other people found seeds in there better than his plants. Or that the people who got the seeds grew them out and tried to cut in on their buddy's market share. I could see how that would sour a bunch of relationships

The other thing to keep in mind is these were really small time guys who got weed from some big time guys.
If you just look at the social atmospherics and economy around nitrous at those shows, there's a strong hierarchy and everyone has to STFU.
Weed is a way bigger game than nitrous. So, getting hooked up by some old Dead Fam crew with the best weed out there...maybe these kids were even told what to say. Or were smart enough to make it sound like they are the only players in the chain and never speak of the Family

I may be wrong, but one of the only open-book breeding projects from pre-MMJ says was DJ Shorts Blueberry. And even he got hooked up with genetics by BOEL.
I haven't heard one single breeding story where someone was like yeah my buddy was in the military and brought these seeds back or I used to smuggle and this here is me breeding my best imports over the course of 10 yrs before I cashed out and bought some land.
Alien Tek was open about the Afghan, but again that was post-MMJ legislation.
The Bubba crew may have been the most transparent so far, talking about smuggling seeds back on a plane from Amsterdam - that was pretty cool.

But pre-MMJ, I don't think the full back story with all its facets will ever be openly published for all to read and archive.
Totally agree on this, too many stories will for ever stay in the shadows because it was illegal when many things were set in motion so many people don't want to reveal where their money really comes from. I still live in a country where it's 100% illegal to smoke or grow cannabis, even the flowers sold in CBD shops are supposed to be made into drinks to consume, what a joke. I've grown most of my adult life and never told to anyone except my family the real size of my grows, here I give some infos and share some pics but never the full picture.


Well-known member
Totally agree on this, too many stories will for ever stay in the shadows because it was illegal when many things were set in motion so many people don't want to reveal where their money really comes from. I still live in a country where it's 100% illegal to smoke or grow cannabis, even the flowers sold in CBD shops are supposed to be made into drinks to consume, what a joke. I've grown most of my adult life and never told to anyone except my family the real size of my grows, here I give some infos and share some pics but never the full picture.
Shit, man. I live in a legal state, and I still don't like posting pics. You never know who's who, or when someone will get a hair up their ass about something. Don't know who has deep computer skills, and can dox you, or get you swatted, or any other number of fuckeries that happen. I still carry a hefty dose of that old paranoia around day to day, and it'll probably never fully go away. And I'm nobody, really. I've never done mass scale grows, or moved REAL weight like a lot of people here have. My little 10# harvests back then were nothing compared to the real soldiers, so I can only imagine the paranoia those dudes still live with. I'm friends with more than a couple of those guys, but still can't fully relate.

But I recognize it, acknowledge it, and respect it. Perspective matters.


Well-known member
Sure keep squirming around trying to not take any accountability. You did say "could be, but doesnt look like it because x y z.", then I proceeded to tell you why it was as far as i understood it to be, then your post back was to try and find examples to try and prove it wasnt chaco's cut even further, while nit-picking which pictures you chose to represent chaco's like you didnt even look back and try to even look for purpling or foxtailing lol.
I didnt tell you how you should of taken photos. All I did was point out your Bs excuse to why you couldnt post 1 pic in 2025 of the sour diesel you grew in 2000-14 when thousand of pictures were being posted all over forums, etc back then and even now. Even a nug shot, be real..I didnt say you had to post it everywhere in those days, but you could of at least had a picture in saved somewhere etc. Like you just said "it's all this person said this or that" for all we know you didnt grow any sour at all if we take what you said literal, all we have is your say-so. If you were scared to take a picture of the sour because of being robbed, prohibiton, etc, it makes me wonder how you werent scared to grow it with all the smells it gave off back then. Id rather be caught with pictures back then than a room full of stanky diesel if that was your excuse as to why lmao. I didnt miss any parts, because I never once called any of your guys' cuts out and said it wasnt this or that, or that you never smoked sour back then etc. Now its what have i done? Lmao, I never claimed to have done anything, now that I got on your case about calling out cuts you want to call me sour lol.

heres your first post in 2024, a few months after you made your account, about chacos sour in the albany thread while you were looking for the one you were growing back then in 2003-2010. Seems you did a whole 180 on what you remember sour being. Makes us wonder if you even smoked the real sour yourself, sound familiar? here's what you said:

" Out of this whole thread, this ECSD looks like the sour we had in the circle. It didn't have any citrus, it was just straight skunky fuel. If you have any leads on this clone or would be willing to part with one, please let me know!" So what do you have to say now that you just exposed yourself. Like I said stop the bs. I was genuine with Wolverine and can take accountability for my part in this little drama, but you, its a different story.
Bro seriously who the fuck do you think you're talking to like that? I can tell you're just some little wannabe tough guy with a tent who started growing after legalization. Im not reading all your whining, sour ass mf. GFY we're done here.

I dont need to prove shit to you. But as a lot of people are realizing around here, I can back up what I say.

THE Sour Diesel ⛽️ Sour tart "lemon heads, lemon lime, lime skittles 7up" as people describe it, stank out the block skunky fuel IYKYK.

We've held this cut for 25 years straight from the fam. We keep plants, not pictures. I know what I'm talking about.

It's people like you who wonder why all the good cuts are "gone." Acting like that will get you nowhere. Zero class, zero respect, zero Sour. 🤙🏻

That Sour 2025.jpg

That Sour 1.jpg

Sour Diesel 2025.jpg

Sour Diesel 2025 1.jpg
Sour Diesel 2025 3.jpg

Sour Diesel 2025 4.jpg

Sour Diesel 2025 6.jpg


Well-known member
Shit, man. I live in a legal state, and I still don't like posting pics. You never know who's who, or when someone will get a hair up their ass about something. Don't know who has deep computer skills, and can dox you, or get you swatted, or any other number of fuckeries that happen. I still carry a hefty dose of that old paranoia around day to day, and it'll probably never fully go away. And I'm nobody, really. I've never done mass scale grows, or moved REAL weight like a lot of people here have. My little 10# harvests back then were nothing compared to the real soldiers, so I can only imagine the paranoia those dudes still live with. I'm friends with more than a couple of those guys, but still can't fully relate.

But I recognize it, acknowledge it, and respect it. Perspective matters.
You hit the nail on the head with that. I'm in a legal state too and even though I've been growing for 30 years, I've barely talked about anything up until a few years ago, didn't even post photos and still keep it minimal. Seems like a lot of us older heads understand that.

Imagine pressing your dealer or grower friends for photos, and calling them liars, questioning what they did, throwing a temper tantrum in public and telling him to prove anything he said or did. If I acted like that I'd be lucky if they found any part of my body.

The audacity of some people just never ceases to amaze me.


Well-known member
This is what I had as Chacos ECSD

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I never got it to its full potential imo. So maybe I didn't get the flavors...

@Wolverine97 What was the flowering time on the lemonhead candy one?

Also @BerryManilow what was the genetics of the purple sour ?
Your plants look really good so whatever you're doing keep it up.

11-12 weeks on the Sour with the lemon leads.

Purple Sour was Sour Diesel x either Bubba kush or Purple Kush, not the Cali Connection one. I believe he tried to recreate it. Got it through the same fam as the Sour.


Well-known member
Sour diesel is the new “road kill skunk” people gonna be selling seeds and clones looking for the elusive sour forever I personally don’t care once it taste good and sour enough I’m good

U can grow the best sour and someone is gonna say it’s not like I remember bc of whatever reason.
You called it. Sorry to bring out all the crazies everybody. I've never seen so many fragile people like over the Sour and the Skunk! I'll stay away from the Haze threads for the trifecta 🤣

Someone say Roadkill?



Well-known member
This was 08/09 Outdoor NYC pics below


Sour Deez bagseed - From That ⛽🦨 lime skittles bud

Looks similar to pics in the cannabible

I never knew then and still don't know now about Cuts . I grow / grew always from seed . But I know well what I've smoked this Diesel i speak of I've not tasted since maybe 2010



Active member
Bro seriously who the fuck do you think you're talking to like that? I can tell you're just some little wannabe tough guy with a tent who started growing after legalization. Im not reading all your whining, sour ass mf. GFY we're done here.

I dont need to prove shit to you. But as a lot of people are realizing around here, I can back up what I say.

THE Sour Diesel ⛽️ Sour tart "lemon heads, lemon lime, lime skittles 7up" as people describe it, stank out the block skunky fuel IYKYK.

We've held this cut for 25 years straight from the fam. We keep plants, not pictures. I know what I'm talking about.

It's people like you who wonder why all the good cuts are "gone." Acting like that will get you nowhere. Zero class, zero respect, zero Sour. 🤙🏻

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IM TALKING TO YOU. Im not no wanna be tough guy I can tell from you response you sound butthurt and your soft as shit, if you were to see me in person I bet I'd say the same shit to your face. Your soft as shit thats why you switched up your responses because you know you just spout bullshit and was called out in another thread for it as well, yeah keep trying to squirm out of this. Ill be sour if its calling out your lame kiss ass self. You change your views and points to match what older heads on here say like you need acceptance from them or something. You're a weirdo.

Now you dont wanna read my response that showed you dont know what the fuck you're even talking about or what sour is. You keep switching your stance , probably after reading what other older heads wrote on forums, stop trying to act like you're an OG around here you aint shit. Trying to get all buddy buddy with the other old cats on here but sorry it aint working. Even dude above posted pics from 08/09 of OUTDOOR LMAO. Here ill post screen shots of what you said in 2024 thats showing otherwise. you even got chacos cut and said thats what you guys were running back then!?!? and now you're on this post with pictures of it like you been holding it for 25 years, like you didnt just get it back in 2024, thats even IF chaco cut was what you were running back then since you switched up your terp descriptions of sour. Lmao you're a clown. You probably havent even smoked the lemon head candy sour that wolverine was talking about back then anyways. You can say all the bs you want. You basically proved it with not even knowing what it taste like. YOU LITERALLY GOT CHACOS CUT IN THE OTHER THREAD AND IN HERE YOU ARE SAYING IT AINT IT LMAO. Heres lets get the proof now to shut your dum ass up. Maybe you forgot what you were saying a year ago, maybe you're so old dementia is kicking in, idk. I can tell you probably had to try your hardest to fit in, you cant be yourself, having to switch up to fit in, should of stood on what you originally said in 2024. Trying to suck up to what wolverine said he experienced as sour, which I believe him over you, since well you can see why in the proof I posted. YOU'RE A LAME. Lmao no Sour? IM smoking on some CHACOS cut RIGHT NOW, grown to perfection outta my TENT. Lets see your bud shots and compare my tent grown since tents somehow equates to experience growing.
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Active member
Theres the proof since you seem to forget what you were saying even a year ago.
Dude was all over chacos cut saying its the one u ran back then with your crew etc. Even described the terps. Now you're doing a complete 180 and trying to act like idk what I'm talking about?? Lmao your a clown and there's your proof. Not even worth responding to your soft ass. I was growing before it came legal in mass, and who cares if I'm in a tent. I bet I produce top quality let's see some budshots u clown and at least I stick to what the fuck i say and take accountability if I'm wrong, unlike you who switches up to try an get approval from old heads on here, I call that soft fake sht. You ain't solid. Can tell from your responses. Sht I even got pictures from before 2014 growing u clown. Here everyone take a look at the proof of what he said then and now. Dude came out of no where in 2024 and got told to stick around maybe you'll find a cut. 🤣🤣 and then lets compare bud shots after since I grow in a tent lmao. Only produce top quality in my tent. Funny you called dude a poser, when in fact you're the poser lmao.


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Active member
You hit the nail on the head with that. I'm in a legal state too and even though I've been growing for 30 years, I've barely talked about anything up until a few years ago, didn't even post photos and still keep it minimal. Seems like a lot of us older heads understand that.

Imagine pressing your dealer or grower friends for photos, and calling them liars, questioning what they did, throwing a temper tantrum in public and telling him to prove anything he said or did. If I acted like that I'd be lucky if they found any part of my body.

The audacity of some people just never ceases to amaze me.
He definitely hit the nail on that, but that wasnt the point anyways in your case. The point was taking pictures, whether you posted them or not. A lot of people did it, thats why you see pictures on here and other places from the early 2000s if you look hard enough, thats a point im trying to make. just like a lot of people risked it to grow that super stinky sour diesel back then too. Thats my other point. You weren't scared to stink up your block to grow that dour, but you were too scared to snap a little picture at any point in the years you were growing it, doesnt make sense. If LE came to kick my door back then, Id damn sure rather defend some little pictures over a full room sour lol. Nobody said to press any one for photos etc, matter of fact you're the one who started with photos by going to grab mine to compare. Nobodies pressing you for photos, im just calling your ass out for not having any from back then because of a reason which make sense to most, but when you actually think about it in your case, nah. lmao. Its up to you whether you decide to find some to post. All I said was post some fire sour lets see it. It cool if you dont want to though, so next time keep your opinion to yourself then, since you felt comfortable enough to go to another thread to grab my pictures to compare. You actually CANT back up what you say when we got the screenshots to prove it, and you dont have any pics either. All you can do is find comfortability in the other old heads around here by trying to kiss their ass and acting like you relate to them. "Us older heads" lmao this is between me and you not them, try and stand on your own. You obviously dont relate to wolverine at all. I believe him genuinely, not you who switches up when an old head comes around.
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