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Will Trump get impeached short before he leaves?


Active member
Hey I was going to post that link


I admit, I got the link from Drudge Report.

Got to admire Mr. Belichick.

I still think Facebook Twitter etc. are making a huge mistake cutting Trump off entirely.

They could always assign a few moderators to moderate Trump's social media posts.


Only place I found the text of Trump's speech - Al Jazeera.

This is the very last part -

"So we’re going to, we’re going to walk down Pennsylvania Avenue, I love Pennsylvania Avenue, and we’re going to the Capitol and we’re going to try and give … The Democrats are hopeless. They’re never voting for anything, not even one vote. But we’re going to try and give our Republicans, the weak ones, because the strong ones don’t need any of our help, we’re going to try and give them the kind of pride and boldness that they need to take back our country.

So let’s walk down Pennsylvania Avenue. I want to thank you all. God bless you and God bless America. Thank you all for being here, this is incredible. Thank you very much. Thank you."

I don't think that qualifies as incitement. It's politician-talk.

What happened at the Capitol is the Yin to the Yang of some of the more violent BLM riots.

An important part of the situation - 9 months of Covid lockdown.

I do believe that is affecting people's behavior.

Did Trump say anything else besides his LOOOONG "speech" to the crowd near the Capitol ? (before they went berserk. Besides his 2 months of whining about the election.)

if you read the speech, it's like Baskin Robbins 31 flavors of how the election got stolen from Trump.

I hope there's not a test ...

I didn't know Trump was smart enough to remember this many numbers.

He lists a bunch of states and how the votes were lost, stolen, mis-placed, de-filed, Jizzed on, etc.
He’s been talking about it for weeks. Signaling. “Stand back and stand by”.


Well-known member
you know, didn't see Trump actually walking down Pennsylvania avenue
kind of a 'charge the enemy' and I'll be with you
however, instead we have quite the bag holding experience, with bag boys and egg on their faces


Well-known member
you know, didn't see Trump actually walking down Pennsylvania avenue
kind of a 'charge the enemy' and I'll be with you
however, instead we have quite the bag holding experience, with bag boys and egg on their faces

He made the kindling and struck the match and knew exactly what he was doing
So in the patriotic words of the loyalist..."LOCK HIM UP !":biggrin:


Well-known member
He made the kindling and struck the match and knew exactly what he was doing
So in the patriotic words of the loyalist..."LOCK HIM UP !":biggrin:
there are plenty of crimes that would fit just fine with the evidence
just enough to get him in the joint, he's terrified of prison in any form
nature could take its course real quick inside


Weed is a gateway to gardening
ICMag Donor
Has nothing to do with Trump and everything to do with censorship of your political opponents which you obviously support. Facebook has no competition and yes getting banned without cause is censorship. All this will backfire on the Democrats eventually.

Do you and I agree that the Bill of Rights is to protect the citizen's of this country from the government?

So if you are a Senator, or Representative, or President of the United States (who is the head of the Federal Government, btw), it's going to be really, really hard to frame this as a 1st Amendment violation.

The Bill of Rights is not designed to protect the Government from the People.

None of these private entities have to platform President Trump. I really have a hard time believing that Twitter, Facebook, et al., could violate someone's rights without the Government compelling them to do so. I would dare say it is impossible seeing as how they are privately owned and you have to sign a Term Of Use contract when you join them where the explicitly lay out what the rules are.

Now if you want to argue about breaking Facebook and Twitter up, you'll get none because I agree. But not for those reasons you list.
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Well-known member
Do you and I agree that the Bill of Rights is to protect the citizen's of this country from the government? And to limit the Government's ability to stifle free speech?

So if you are a Senator, or Representative, or President of the United States (who is the head of the Federal Government, btw), it's going to be really, really hard to frame this as a 1st Amendment violation.

The Bill of Rights is not designed to protect the Government from the People.

None of these private entities have to platform President Trump. I really have a hard time believing that Twitter, Facebook, et al., could violate someone's rights without the Government compelling them to do so. I would dare say it is impossible seeing as how they are privately owned and you have to sign a Term Of Use contract when you join them where the explicitly lay out what the rules are.

Can you show me which rule Ron Paul broke? I follow him on Facebook and Twitter and never seen anything close to a violation. He even criticized Trump on occasion, especially concerned our debt.

I'm convinced that most liberals don't care that a business that can influence elections is practicing censorship on their politics opponents because it helps them. If the shoe was on the other foot... We have yet to find out.


Weed is a gateway to gardening
ICMag Donor
Can you show me which rule Ron Paul broke? I follow him on Facebook and Twitter and never seen anything close to a violation. He even criticized Trump on occasion, especially concerned our debt.

I'm convinced that most liberals don't care that a business that can influence elections is practicing censorship on their politics opponents because it helps them. If the shoe was on the other foot... We have yet to find out.
I have no idea and can't speak as to Ron Paul's situation. We're not discussing that.

We are discussing the President and sitting Congress people trying to claim that their 1st Amendment Rights are being violated. Which simply isn't true.

Case in point is them going on National TV to complain about being censored on Twitter. The key being them going on national TV to do it. See what the issue is here?


Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
I have no idea and can't speak as to Ron Paul's situation. We're not discussing that.

We are discussing the President and sitting Congress people trying to claim that their 1st Amendment Rights are being violated. Which simply isn't true.

Case in point is them going on National TV to complain about being censored on Twitter. The key being them going on national TV to do it. See what the issue is here?

or literally having a whole room in your taxpayer funded house dedicated to speaking to the people via the press...


Weed is a gateway to gardening
ICMag Donor
Sagaar Enjeti had an interesting take on removal of the President, and how Biden/Harris could easily win a second term without impeaching him -

Successfully roll out the vaccine and make sure everybody gets $2,000 checks. Just be good for the average American and improve his life.

Sounds so simple doesn't it? Don't worry, they'll fuck it up.


Active member
It's not always about Trump believe it or not. Do you follow Ron Paul on Facebook? He did nothing to get censored, your party is calling everyone a fascist while practicing fascist tactics against their political opposition.

That sucks.
I had the same thing happen to me on breitbart....I got banned five times!


Well-known member
That sucks.
I had the same thing happen to me on breitbart....I got banned five times!

anyone ever figure out what gave booger the idea that the Democratic party/"leftists" controlled Facebook/Google etc? any privately owned business gets to decide their business model. wasn't he one of the folks screaming about a bakery being "forced" to make cakes for customers that the owner did not like? refresh my memory... looks to me like those media platforms decided that endless/mindless/meritless conspiracy espousal and violence advocation was not in their best interest. certainly NOT a hill to die on...


Active member
anyone ever figure out what gave booger the idea that the Democratic party/"leftists" controlled Facebook/Google etc? any privately owned business gets to decide their business model. wasn't he one of the folks screaming about a bakery being "forced" to make cakes for customers that the owner did not like? refresh my memory... looks to me like those media platforms decided that endless/mindless/meritless conspiracy espousal and violence advocation was not in their best interest. certainly NOT a hill to die on...

I think what gave boogie that idea is that that’s the reality.
It’s not so much that the dnc controls tech,
It’s that their interest are aligned
(And who doesn’t love state sanctioned power)

I agree... they can censor whomever they want.
I don’t agree that’s in the best interest of the people as a whole to censor anyone.

Social media banned Alex Jones in 2018 his ideas are more popular than ever.

I kind of feel like there are some other examples of prohibition driving demand...
Ohh ya, drugs, alcohol, etc.
If something is a dumb idea.. the best way to confront it is with logic...
Not censorship.
Just like if drugs are a bad idea the best way to limit their use is thru education not prisons for those that disobey

Imo anyway


Active member
I do not believe that facebook, twitter, etc engage in political censorship. They seem to censor based on their terms of use rather than politics. In fact, the trump campaign spent oodles and poodles of money on facebook analytics and advertising and trump has Zuckerberg on speed dial. Zuck seemed to give trump a lot of special treatment in my opinion.
Bottom line, if one acts like a petulant toddler on a public forum, one can expect to be treated as such.


Active member
I think what gave boogie that idea is that that’s the reality.
It’s not so much that the dnc controls tech,
It’s that their interest are aligned
(And who doesn’t love state sanctioned power)

I agree... they can censor whomever they want.
I don’t agree that’s in the best interest of the people as a whole to censor anyone.

Social media banned Alex Jones in 2018 his ideas are more popular than ever.

I kind of feel like there are some other examples of prohibition driving demand...
Ohh ya, drugs, alcohol, etc.
If something is a dumb idea.. the best way to confront it is with logic...
Not censorship.
Just like if drugs are a bad idea the best way to limit their use is thru education not prisons for those that disobey

Imo anyway

It’s not in the best interest of the people to broadcast everyone. Besides, the people choose the social media. It’s not government run and it shouldn’t be. It’s the free market.
A lot of folks are leaving FB and Twitter. Posting elsewhere. That’s how it works.

I got deleted off of Twitter after replying to Don Juniors tweet. If that ain’t some hypocrisy. It’s just talking points to them. Bunch of babies.


ICMag Donor
It’s not in the best interest of the people to broadcast everyone. Besides, the people choose the social media. It’s not government run and it shouldn’t be. It’s the free market.
A lot of folks are leaving FB and Twitter. Posting elsewhere. That’s how it works.

I got deleted off of Twitter after replying to Don Juniors tweet. If that ain’t some hypocrisy. It’s just talking points to them. Bunch of babies.

The government data farms have a real creepy, big brother vibe. Hard to believe they can't extract anything on the web they want. They invented the internet. Hard to believe that they just let it go autonomous.

White Beard

Active member
The Twenty-fifth Amendment (Amendment XXV) to the United States Constitution says that if the President becomes unable to do his job do to mental or physical issues the Vice President becomes the President. This can happen for just a little while, if the President is just sick or disabled for a short time. This link goes into detail


Impeachment is when a POTUS commits crimes or uses the office for illegal activities. There's more to it than this, you will have to look it up to get details. The House does the investigation and provides the evidence to the Senate. The senate holds the trial based on the evidence the house provides.
Not exactly. The Senate does not vote to decide whether impeachment occurs. The Senate votes to decide whether or not to punish the impeached. The impeachment stands, separate from the Senate’s action or inaction.

It’s been kicked into the corner, but it’s an important distinction.

Impeaching Trump will stand, whether the Senate *ever* votes on it or not. It SHOULD prevent from ever being allowed to hold, or seek, a position of public trust, ever again.

anyone ever figure out what gave booger the idea that the Democratic party/"leftists" controlled Facebook/Google etc? any privately owned business gets to decide their business model. wasn't he one of the folks screaming about a bakery being "forced" to make cakes for customers that the owner did not like? refresh my memory... looks to me like those media platforms decided that endless/mindless/meritless conspiracy espousal and violence advocation was not in their best interest. certainly NOT a hill to die on...
A lifetime of brainwashing

The government data farms have a real creepy, big brother vibe. Hard to believe they can't extract anything on the web they want. They invented the internet. Hard to believe that they just let it go autonomous.
Big Data in all its forms has that same vibe. As for the the govt net.mining, an early “accomplishment” of the “Patriot” Act was to provide govt with a backbone snapshot courtesy of ATT. Don’t recall if the snap was updated or on what kind of schedule. With that, they could dig out anything, eventually.

There's many bills that pass in the house that never see the light of day. In the USA what the people want rarely becomes law. Mitch wont pass that bill. Even if that happened Biden will veto that.
People always talk about politicians, especially long-term politicians as treacherous and undependable, but folks are talking about Biden as if he’s a prisoner things he said, utterly...predictable, therefore...dependable. Who cares what he said? Don’t politicians do things to improve their position? Why wouldn’t national decrim *and* rebalancing improve his position?

What would it cost him? Why the FUCK wouldn’t he just *DO* it, and get all the credit, at a time when people are hungry for good news and there’s a lot of enthusiasm for the new administration to soak in and use?

I found something in German newspapers. I used google translator:

"In a letter to Pence, the Democrats in the House of Representatives also demanded the premature disempowerment of Trump by their own government. The elected president had incited an uproar and "tried to undermine our democracy," wrote the democratic members of the judiciary committee. Trump is "mentally not healthy" and unable to "process and accept" the election result.

The procedure for the removal of the president provided for in the "25th Amendment" is complicated - if it actually got rolling, it might not be completed before Trump's term in office ends anyway.

Because a mere cabinet decision is not enough for the permanent removal of the president. It is true that the president is removed from office immediately if the vice-president and cabinet submit a corresponding declaration in Congress. The President can then, however, certify his qualifications with a counter-declaration, which would immediately put him back in office.

In the next step, the vice-president and cabinet would again have to declare the president's incapacity, which would lead to his renewed provisional removal from office. Congress would then have to vote on a possible final dismissal within 21 days. A two-thirds majority would then be required for this."

Sounds like it is not that easy...
It sounds like the 25th amendment is not equal to its task

One difference between the 25th Amendment and impeachment is the justification for the president’s removal. In order to be impeached and convicted, the president must commit “Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors”.

The 25th Amendment, the vice president can assume presidential power if “the President is unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office.”

The process of invoking the 25th Amendment may change who holds presidential authority more quickly than impeachment, both processes could easily take more than two weeks to fully play out.

At LEAST DJT is suspended indefinitely from Facebook!!
At the very least, keeping the 25th fresh in peoples minds keeps the pressure on, keeps everyone watchful and attentive.

does sedition count as treason?
It sure as shit SHOULD if it doesn’t...I imagine the founders couldn’t conceive of a native-born American turning so intimately against the nation.

He would need to be found guilty in the senate for that to work. He can be impeached 100x by the house. This doesn't mean much. It wont prevent him from running again.
Impeachment is accomplished by the house. It is presented, with evidence, to the Senate for ACTION. If the Senate fails or refuses to act, then the Senate and its members must bear the consequences before the voters.

The impeachment stands. No one’s ever been impeached a second time, but it’s as much a rebuke of the Senate as it is of the president, that he commits impeachable offenses above and beyond, because THEY REFUSED TO REMOVE HIM.


It will force the Senators to have a trial and vote on record

Country or Emperor
