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Why go 24 hours lights on??


Carl Carlson

No there is nothing wrong with it, if some punk claims to be the smartest person around, has a degree in botany, and is rude and disrespectful to everybody then he better have the best fucking plants on the planet and be able to trounce everybody's yield out there or he's just a punk.

Spurr is a punk, end of story. lol, move your light closer. I'm pretty sure Nasa did a paper on him being a punk as well

He's a punk because of his attitude and the way he talks down to people.
Keep digging that hole, JF.
Most people can see past language and realize that an insult is an insult regardless of how it's worded, just some of us aren't scared to do it directly or bother to try to insult in a way that we think is "safe". Spurr you started the insults in this thread, own up to it.
Japanfreakier's first reply to this thread:

People who have actually done it, you know that thing called "experience" Go out and get some instead of making threads to show you don't have it.

How is that helpful to the OP (who was being perfectly civil and asking questions) other than proving that you're the punk asshole that can't be helpful?

What a joke this thread has turned into, and if it's this thread that got Japan banned, that's a shame.
Yes, Japanfreakier turned this thread into a joke. Banned? Shocking...

Carl Carlson

Takes a special kind of pussy to talk about somebody once they've already been banned Carl.
Nice attempt at deflecting from the real issue, which is that you're a pathological liar and a useless troll. And to boot, you think you're really tough and intimidating! That's the funniest part.

what an amazing pussy you are, but everybody already knew that about you.
That's the nice love letter you penned on my profile page. Let's see what others have been saying about me:

Stpuid NPK question of... 11-25-2010 12:04 PM SensiBC Thanks for the information!
By far and without a... 11-24-2010 09:04 PM Lazyman Excellent work, thanks for the post!
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Vertical bulb / Organic... 11-23-2010 01:45 PM labtec beautiful setup
VPD and nutrients... 11-23-2010 01:14 PM noreason Helpful Answer Positive Rating
Please can we have a... 11-23-2010 10:48 AM DARC MIND Helpful Answer Positive Rating
Please can we have a... 11-23-2010 10:13 AM Clackamas Coot Helpful Answer Positive Rating
Please can we have a... 11-23-2010 09:12 AM VerdantGreen thanks
maxibloom alone as... 11-22-2010 09:34 PM dubwise Helpful Answer Positive Rating
By far and without a... 11-22-2010 09:10 PM dubwise Great Post! Thank you!

etc. etc.

Meanwhile a visit to your former profile page shows that you're always involved in several running battles. That about sums up your contribution to icmag.

But yeah, the thread starter is just another punk who started this thread to start a fight.
In your mind, sure. In reality:

Thoughts, ideas, etc.. greatly welcomed.
I know a lot of you bitches have problems with honesty, but don't get pissed at me if you spit into the wind and it comes back at you.
"Japanfreakier" really needs his own special platform from which to spew forth. Five different icmag accounts clearly isn't enough.



i think it is time to drop Freak Ghost as well....

back to the topic, my gut tells me that my girls like to sleep a little. I have settled upon 20/4, been steady on that number for a few years. A little sleep just seems more natural.

That said, one can point to places in northern latitudes like alaska where plants enjoy huge growth rates under 24 hours of summer light.



I love this topic one of the most debated on any board. So silly. I veg 24/7 it grows my plants faster and there are no ill side effects. I would be willing to wager that if you asked chimera, djshort, heath robinson, simon, neville, shanti, frano or any other breeder or serious grower out there they will concur or at least a majority. Thats the real knowledge base for this industry. In fact I am so tired of this argument I go I am going to pm every breeder listed here and see how they veg. Stay tuned.


Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
given that most breeders probably veg under HID lights, and that vegging plants will show sex quicker when they have a dark period, i reckon the majority of them will have a dark period in veg.

not really interested in a wager - perhaps a 'sportsman's' bet??


maybe from seed but I would still think they veg 24/7 when they know what they have. good point though. lets give it a little while for the bet i want to see who chimes in before i do a mass pm.


Thanks for the scientific information and academic articles that were posted, they were very helpful.

And to everyone complaining about lengthy sentences, "fancy" words etc.. what do you expect when you're taking about fucking plants? IT'S SCIENCE, hence academic articles and controlled testing.Throwing resources out the window that have been conducted over decades with millions of dollars that none of us will ever have seems stupid.

Also, why would people be labeled as academic assholes and nerds because they know MORE than you? Some people learn from word of mouth and messing with their own plants. Others take the extra step of justifying their thoughts and actions through scientific research.

And to stir the pot here, I've actually told people to go from 24 hours of light to 18/6 and the plants grew faster.. any thoughts?


@ all,

Watching plants is one way to tell when they are getting too much light at any one time, or over the whole day. If the leafs at the upper canopy angle upward, like they are praying, that usually means the plant is trying to reduce the surface area of the leafs. Plants do this as a means to reduce the photons striking the leafs, which in turn reduces the light-energy for the plant (photon absorption). Kind of like how human squint their eye in bright sun.

Plants also 'canoe' their leafs (curl inward) to reduce surface area to reduce the photons they absorb.

If plants are 'praying' at the top section of canopy, or if the leafs are canoeing, it's a good sign too much light is being provided. If both are happening at the same time then photoinhibition (reduced rate of photosynthesis, etc) is usually soon to follow...

When the plant angles leafs upward or canoes leafs it's the plants' attempt to protect itself from light saturation and photo damage.

I have to comment on this point. This is using a bad analogy to try to prove a point and misinformation. If your plants are doing this it means your plants are not transpiring properly. This is an environmental factor i.e light to close or too low of humidity or to high of temperatures but it is not because the plant can not handle more photons. Lets not let noobs read something like this and spread it around.


Weedomus Maximus
I have to comment on this point. This is using a bad analogy to try to prove a point and misinformation. If your plants are doing this it means your plants are not transpiring properly. This is an environmental factor i.e light to close or too low of humidity or to high of temperatures but it is not because the plant can not handle more photons. Lets not let noobs read something like this and spread it around.

<sigh> Not more than a couple of months ago you were asking basic growing questions.



name one mother fucker i been growing since 94. take the challenge then. and that is bad info. and the links he provided are not even talking about marijuana and then do not even specify what class of plant they are talking about. marijuana is a class III plant it does not need a dark cycle. jackass.


Active member
@ bobman,

I am not responding to your misunderstandings, but please don't think you are correct, because you are not. I have decided to not respond to people when they have a basic lack of understanding and have an adversarial attitude. A basic lack of understanding is fine, we were all there at one point, and I love trying to help people, but not people who are adversarial.

FWIW, there are more than 3 'factors' that can make leafs canoe...hence I didn't claim photon absorbency reduction was the only factor that makes leafs canoe. But it's a fact the leafs canoeing can indicate too many photons (i.e. too much light).


I went back and read what Spurr linked to and I have to say what a load. Nothing he linked to has any relevance to the argument on whether 24/7 is harmful to marijuana. Come on guys. I am all for science but come on. Half the studies do not name the plants or classification of plants being reported on. All plants can not be lumped into one single classification. I used to get upset with this argument because people would use the logic that people need sleep so plants must to. This is worse because is says what is good for one plant must be good for them all. Not true. From the way he presented the information it was like saying my dog sleeps for two hours at a time so it must be best if humans sleep for two hours at a time. Plants have different classifications just like animals.


buddy i was going to try to be nice but the gloves are off. the info you provided was ignorant and you know it. runaway now before you are exposed further.


@ bobman,

FWIW, there are more than 3 'factors' that can make leafs canoe...hence I didn't claim photon absorbency reduction was the only factor that makes leafs canoe. But it's a fact the leafs canoeing can indicate too many photons (i.e. too much light).

You are implying this means they need sleep/darkness simply not true. Maybe they need the light to be moved farther away but not sleep/darkness. A little knowledge is a dangerous thing boys and girls. Learn to learn for yourself and then learn how to apply that knowledge properly. No takers yet not even spurr or simon.


Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
bobman read the thread, spurr is not claiming that plants need a dark cycle, he is saying that, providing they get enough light during their day, they will be healthier with a dark cycle. im very grateful for this info because since moving to LED for veg my plants have shown signs of stress on a 24hr light cycle. i have now diagnised this as calcium deficiency and the plants have been much healthier on a 18/6 cycle.



My problem with what he is saying is that he is backing up his argument with no facts. Yet he is claiming through those links that they are his proof. He is not using science correctly but claiming he is. That is my problem with his argument. When you use science you must use it correctly in order to prove a point and he is not. This is a very dangerous thing. He is trying to learn something and i applaud him for his seeking knowledge but he is not expert but he is claiming a greater understanding than he actually has. The only thing i know for sure is marijuana is classified as a type of plant that does not need a dark period. That is fact. That being proven and factual I can only make an educated guess and say 24 hrs of light will grow the plant faster and will have no adverse affects on the plant.

As far as you and your led is it not also possible that you have not dialed in your plants with this new light and once you figure out their needs and how this light affects these needs 24/7 may grow them faster and healthier?


Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
bobman, you are still not taking it in. no-one is claiming that they NEED a dark period.

and my LED isnt new, ive had it for a year now, the plants were cuts ive run plenty of times, they looked healthier after a couple of dark periods. i usually run 18/6 but had run out of timers as i have haze flowering on 10/14 right now as well as my other can on 12/12
