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Why does everyone hate McDonalds?


Active member
If I had the extra $ I would drive to Burger King and get a double whopper w/bacon and cheese, king sized fries with strawberry milkshake. I have the munchies. So hungry I'd eat anything but WacArnold's. Although, I do like the double quarter pounder w/cheese.
I went to the McDonald's in Amsterdam. Was filled with British people.

The mcdonalds in amsterdam ? Is there only one ?

The place is sortofa wonderland in amsterdam.

S4l : i heard that in nyc, there are some intersections in poor neighbourhoods where the 18 wheelers dont stop of fear of getting robbed. I dunno if thats the kind of truck you drove ?




Active member
Was it you the guy who started a thread here, showing all the thank you letters he wrote to various companies ?


ICMag Donor
1. Garbage in, garbage out....food quality laden with additives.
2. Low wages
3. repeat #1.


I would just clarify here, i hate McDs as much as all the other fast food places. If you eat that "food" on the regular, best believe you will be in terrible health. Once in a while as a treat is ok, but making your meals at home with fresh quality ingredients is hard to beat

D. B. Doober

Boston, MA
The mcdonalds in amsterdam ? Is there only one ?

The place is sortofa wonderland in amsterdam.

Yeah there was only 1 that I saw, downtown somewhere. Hadn't eaten in 2 days. I want to go back to Amsterdam, haven't been there in 15 years. Stayed at Hotel Deluir? On Deluir Straat? Near Leidseplein? Remember Barney's, Grasshopper.

Pinball Wizard

The wand chooses the wizard
Don't anybody put McDonald's breakfast down!

...that's where I draw a line in the sand...
Bacon, Sausage & Eggs rule the world.



Active member
Not trying to be argumentative, but this line of thinking is pretty common in the canna world. Big biz=automatically bad, especially if its one of the big dogs... Also pretty common with alot of the younger crowd, they use emotional appeal to justify their standing, use confirmation biases, etc.. Now if you want to hate McD's thats your prerogative, and I will never judge based on that, me myself i personally hate their food. I'll stop in at a local mom&pop while traveling, prefer the service, attention to quality(small batch, made to order cooking), and like discovering new favorite spots. Its along the lines of automatically discrediting GMO's as useful advancement of science and tech... Huge part of this and lots of perpetuating ideology in the more "progressive" mindset is this scientific illiteracy, hardly progressive if you automatically demonize something without first considering everything...

I'm a skeptic by nature, and that includes both sides of the spectrum


it may be a regional special, idk, as Culver's are few & far between there's never a big advertising campaign running. Walleye is the MN state fish and a big big favorite for dining; perfect flaky white meat and frigging delicious anyway you prepare it. I'm not sure that they run walleye on their daily menu.

yeah, when Culver's runs ads for a $5 walleye sammich, fries & beverage we try to make an excuse to go shopping down in Baxter.

Culver's in Houghton will I bet, but there are much better places to get an eye dinner about there.


Remember that 2004 special "Super Size Me" with Morgan Spurlock? Part of the '30 Days series'... He ate at McDonald for a month straight. 3 meals a day and every item on the menu (not just Mac's).

He gained 24 1/2 lbs, blood pressure sky rocketed and he looked like sh*t at the end. I can't believe he put himself through that but he def' got the message out> McD's is NOT good for you

It took him 14 months to shed the weight. And this is a guy who worked out and was very active.


Active member
It's also not good to eat bacon and steak in heavy portions 3x a day 7 days a week... I'm sure there's tons of stuff out there that would garner similar results... Anecdotal evidence is just that, anecdotal, there was an example of a professor that ate nothing but twinkies for a period, lowered his blood pressure, lost weight and generally actually got healthier..

The key is moderation in everything, just like with growing, instead of dialing enviroment, be in tune with your body. Instead of useless additves in your nutes, cut out the overly rich, salty foods and also focus on you macros.. As long as you pay attention, it ain't that hard being healthy. Only thing left to do is be honest with yourself, and have determination. I mean shit if you wanted you could get cirrhosis of the liver by drinking everyday, but most of understand that its bad for you I hope, don't blame a potentially dangerous substance for improper impulse control, bad dietary education, and poor examples. Shit i thought we learned this from weed prohibition?


Active member
I look forward to the study that will show working most jobs is bad for you
Especially 8hrs a day for 5 days straight

Im all for hardwork and being proud of the work that you do but since we are talking more and more about health and mental health..

Considering we have worked for thousands of years now (at least) to support the wealthy, i think its time for a well deserved break.

Its one thing to go out and be useful to the world its another to spend your precious time and energy marketing, producing, and selling garbage. God knows we produce a lot of it.


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor
Remember that 2004 special "Super Size Me" with Morgan Spurlock? Part of the '30 Days series'... He ate at McDonald for a month straight. 3 meals a day and every item on the menu (not just Mac's).

He gained 24 1/2 lbs, blood pressure sky rocketed and he looked like sh*t at the end. I can't believe he put himself through that but he def' got the message out> McD's is NOT good for you

It took him 14 months to shed the weight. And this is a guy who worked out and was very active.

nobody ever said you should try to live on the stuff. and using the figures above if I ate 3 meals in a month @ McD's I'd likely gain .81 of a pound or 10 pounds a year.

Aspirin can kill some people, I take 6 full strength Bayer per day, that guys body obviously couldn't handle the McD's load that others can.

I had a bad back accident 10+ yrs ago, haven't worked or exercised a single day since, yeah I gained weight, 40 pounds and I have not watched my diet very well.

and it took him 14 months to shed the weight??? I was exactly 251 pounds at a doctors visit, having to visit him 30 days later I weighed in @ 225 pounds, 26 pounds lost in 30 days by cutting carbs and jogging/speedwalking 3.5 miles a day, that was 2 years prior to my accident.

Super Size me Guy sounds like a fucking wimp w/an axe to grind, maybe he got some old cold fries on a drive thru munchies run. it sounds like he was neither very active nor working out and he was most certainly on an agenda to sell his story.......



Active member
I was talking bout food in particular, I'm not sure I follow what you're getting at

Anyways, the amount of talk towards the wealthy and generalizing groups in general reminds me of how people who even participated in the use of drugs at all were classified in a group of 'others'. Usually I find that people that view the wealthy as a 'other' usually allso are in favor of equalizing the field or getting rid of them.. I have two contentions with that.. that the methods to achieve that are diametrically opposed to freedom, and self achievement. 1)why should what you earn be given to people who didn't deserve it, I agree they should just want to be more lovin and share the wealth. But if you were forced to give it up just bc someone says 'it isn't fair' wouldn't you resent it? 2) By regulating or getting rid of that strata you in effect, hinder their mobility at socio-economic freedoms and ability to move forward or ability to effect invest or save.

Most of the modern elite and wealthy may be crooks to you, and most of them justly so, but I am of the perception:all good men can do bad and all bad men can do good. Most of them at the very top are borne of self achievement, the wealthiest etc. Whatever gripe you have against them and the establishment, I would say hold the gov accountable.. Hold your gov accountable, don't sit and accuse the rich, when you should be berating your local politicians to do their fuckin job and raisin hell when they're crooked...

I hold lots of contrarian views probably, hold personal freedom as the ultimate right... I tend to bite my tongue bc I know its just my beliefs, not everyone elses.. Sorry for the rant, just feel like sometimes I'm alone in my thinkin...


it's alot easier to lose 24 lbs when your a fat bastard...than it is for someone who's closer to optimum weight. Mr. Spurlock was 'ripped' when he started the burgerthon'..totally. He looked great for 30ish. McDonalds pretty broke him in a single month

Ghost I think most people have a problem with distribution of wealth and it usually ends up with people generally hating wealthier folks. Why bring this up in a thread about bad food? blah blah blah


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor
it's alot easier to lose 24 lbs when your a fat bastard...than it is for someone who's closer to optimum weight. Mr. Spurlock was 'ripped' when he started the burgerthon'..totally. He looked great for 30ish. McDonalds pretty broke him in a single month

BULLSHIT!!! that fucker was on an agenda!!! And I think you got some McNuggets jamming up your common sense network.

14 months to lose 24.5 pounds is a preposterous lie. if he started out @ a buff 200 pounds then 224.5 puts him NO WHERE NEAR optimum weight as you considered above. If he had any intention of being honest he'd have told everyone that the first 19-20 pounds are EASY to lose with exercise and the change in diet and then perhaps he may have had some trouble making it back down to that 200#s even with the last few pounds left to lose. But if it really took him 14 months to weigh in @ his former weight then he sandbagged the results to jive with his agenda.

it wouldn't sound so dramatic to his readers if it had only taken him 3 months (a generous amount of time imo) to trim down.

Back when I was ripped I competed in HS & college track and soccer, I ran & jogged for fun. I had a 150+ mile long dirt pathway behind my house, it ran north from The Bronx into the Adirondack mountains and right about up to my cousins home on Great Lake Sacandaga. I know a thing or two about weight loss from both sides of the equation.......


I’m God’s solider, devil’s apostle
McDonald's is like Mexi schwag. Think about that next time you consume that garbage

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