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Who says Potassium will stimulate flowering?


Well-known member
The only thing that promotes flowering is the plant sensing environmental changes /pressures and end of life is coming so it's time to reproduce to continue the species. The plan is to have enough nutrients available at all times so they don't run out whilemaintaining a kind ph but excess of any won't stimulate flowering and can retard growth,they like the water salty but not too salty.

I Care

Well-known member
im really wondering what that feed schedule looks like. Bruce is t’uned in and he mentions that the research one of his colleagues In the field is high THC, and that she saw improved yields with higher PPM.

Bugbee and his coleagues in the university are studying light and nutrients, and they’re affect on yield. Seems that is their main focus on their work. But I would like to know what the levels of other inputs should be if youre trying to maintain a low P input for whatever reason. I

@HomelyFans, seems like you’re really serious about contaminants. I painted a bike frame in a closed garage due to rain, that was the only time I’ve been high on paint fumes. It’s kinda crazy that you don’t have to buy paint and you just smoke some fresh dried buds and get the same effects. The shooting range… ammo isn’t cheap, neither are fireworks. It’s crazy that cannabis Is basically for everybody, doesn’t matter what someone’s into. I do hate that crackling you get from over ferted buds. Between the P and Bugs, pesticides whatever else, Ive smoked a lot of bad shit that I wish I hadn’t. In absence of the law, I would have been growing organic soil for the last 20 years. Then I would boast as confidently as the rest of them

Loc Dog

Hobbies include "drinkin', smokin' weed, and all k
Decrease in light/increase in dark hours stimulates flowering in photoperiod strains

Phosphorus and potassium are essential macronutrients

As a plant produces fruits it needs more nutrition to support the increase in volume

There must be adequate availability in what is holding and providing the nutrients, typically either the soil or reservoir

As a plant grows so does its root system, the more developed the root system the more efficiently the plant can access the available nutrients

Increased availability is typically achieved by organic matter in a soil breaking down and becoming available as the plant grows, time released fertilizers that provide an increase in nutrition as the plant grows, or an increased concentration of nutrients in the water being held in a reservoir

An excess of a nutrient can disrupt the availability of other essential nutrients, as can a ph imbalance, decreasing or completely halting the production of fruit
Have seen some batshit crazy bro science over on facebook, including people stripping 90% of leaves off thoughout growth.


Well-known member
At one time or another over the 5+ decades I've been growing I've done just about everything. Adding this, doing that, etc... What I've found is that just putting a seed in good soil and feeding a base nutrient from time to time is all that's needed. All the hocus pocus, fairy dust, voodoo spells do little if anything when it's all said and done.

Ever notice that the majority of people that have issues with their plants are the ones following some cannabis specific feed chart that requires a dozen different things? Yet the ones just treating it like a normal plant typically go through their grows without any issues. You know the guys and gals that mix some manure into a hole in the ground and end up with a 10ft plant with branches that need to be supported so they don't break from the weight of the flowers.

When you start adding additional amounts of something you can end up hindering or even completely blocking the uptake of other necessary nutrients.

A good example would be calcium. Too much calcium is antagonistic with just about everything. I don't know how many posts I've seen where the grower was having all kinds of issues with their plants. Upon questioning the grower was using tap water, a nutrient that had plenty of calcium, and adding calmag every watering. Most responses in that situation would typically refer to a deficiency and to add more of something else. But the correct solution is to stop adding so much calcium which is locking out other nutrients.

It doesn't have to be a science project. You don't need charts, graphs, and a dozen fertilizer products to grow dank weed.

I Care

Well-known member
maybe a half dozen if you can’t find the good shit. 1ml at a time


Most Loved
The way I've been understanding it... nitrogen is for growth and magnesium helps transport phosphorous is for roots and blooms potassium helps fruit along with calcium. The rest are like needed in smaller amounts to help with the enzymes and shit.?

I give em N and P most during the beginning and mid then they need more mag and K towards the end than they need N & P since not growing vigorously.


Most Loved
At one time or another over the 5+ decades I've been growing I've done just about everything. Adding this, doing that, etc... What I've found is that just putting a seed in good soil and feeding a base nutrient from time to time is all that's needed. All the hocus pocus, fairy dust, voodoo spells do little if anything when it's all said and done.

Ever notice that the majority of people that have issues with their plants are the ones following some cannabis specific feed chart that requires a dozen different things? Yet the ones just treating it like a normal plant typically go through their grows without any issues. You know the guys and gals that mix some manure into a hole in the ground and end up with a 10ft plant with branches that need to be supported so they don't break from the weight of the flowers.

When you start adding additional amounts of something you can end up hindering or even completely blocking the uptake of other necessary nutrients.

A good example would be calcium. Too much calcium is antagonistic with just about everything. I don't know how many posts I've seen where the grower was having all kinds of issues with their plants. Upon questioning the grower was using tap water, a nutrient that had plenty of calcium, and adding calmag every watering. Most responses in that situation would typically refer to a deficiency and to add more of something else. But the correct solution is to stop adding so much calcium which is locking out other nutrients.

It doesn't have to be a science project. You don't need charts, graphs, and a dozen fertilizer products to grow dank weed.
This right here. All they doing is separating all the nutes you get for 20 bucks in the little tub, already generalized for most use cases, into little pilesand then they charge you 20 dollars for each pile and profit. Extra profit if they can water it down and then sell you those little piles for 100 dollars now in a bottle that's mostly water.

Literally haven't done much different since day one except realize everything is better growing medium than miracle gro potting soil. Got better lights and switched to a more complete nutrient powder. I use Jack's now instead of maxibloom. Still using miracle gro all purpose in veg and then switching over to bloom focused fertilizer for flower. The end.

I Care

Well-known member
Thats another thank you picture. Really was able to find everything plants need, but it really took a lot to get every micro

i had to put a few things together and probably missed the list of organic compounds found in plants.


to be honest, the only things the jacks tomato is missing is the sulfur most specifically; 0005% Cobalt is what’s in the micro I got when all I had was grow big and general organics biothrive bloom.

took a lot of advice from ICMAG contributors and beyond to get some juicy greasy paint huffin gun blastin put that in ur pipe, smoke it, get ya hooked up, catch a big fish, coco blended indoor funky 1 endo.

I think if you really want to know what a plant is doing you should probably give it everything if you can. I guess when I had someone barking at me, I didn’t immediately assume that it was harassment or threatening. So I found the broadest range of nutrients I could find (before I found jacks). again, the only thing I actually needed another bottle for is the sulfur.
@gmanwho turned me on to the sulfur


Well-known member
Thats another thank you picture. Really was able to find everything plants need, but it really took a lot to get every micro

i had to put a few things together and probably missed the list of organic compounds found in plants.


to be honest, the only things the jacks tomato is missing is the sulfur most specifically; 0005% Cobalt is what’s in the micro I got when all I had was grow big and general organics biothrive bloom.

took a lot of advice from ICMAG contributors and beyond to get some juicy greasy paint huffin gun blastin put that in ur pipe, smoke it, get ya hooked up, catch a big fish, coco blended indoor funky 1 endo.

I think if you really want to know what a plant is doing you should probably give it everything if you can. I guess when I had someone barking at me, I didn’t immediately assume that it was harassment or threatening. So I found the broadest range of nutrients I could find (before I found jacks). again, the only thing I actually needed another bottle for is the sulfur.
@gmanwho turned me on to the sulfur

Have you ever ran the jacks hydro formula to compare to the tomato formula ? I tried the tomato feed before but to me it didn’t seem as good as the part a and b

I Care

Well-known member
I havnt done the 20-20-20 and 10-30-10. I used tomato as a supplemental through flower. CaMg, FF pt3 micro, AK morbloom, biothrive bloom were the base, then I used tomato to bring the water the rest of the way to the 1200ppm range on the aliexpress TDS meter.

Tomato has the extra potassium we’re talking about here. Base water may as well be distilled at 52ppm and 7.1ph when last tested. No matter what my feed is I start with 1ml of CaMG and 1ml of FFpt3 CN Micro. I also use tomato as a supplemental in veg. Now by veg base is Pure Blend Pro the local grow shop uses.
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I Care

Well-known member
Somebody here must have rooted a couple cuttings and tested this already. If one clone got sexy a day earlier with extra K vs the other without.. then the answer is yes.

like if you have one plant on 20-20-20 and one on tomato. Then the one on the tomato flowers first, maybe you would say yes.


Well-known member
I havnt done the 20-20-20 and 10-30-10. I used tomato as a supplemental through flower.

The jacks hydro is something different. Those two you mentioned are the all purpose and bloom booster.
Jacks hydro is 5-12-26 and needs to be used with calcium nitrate. You can get even higher potassium levels with that


Well-known member

"I frequently see soil tests for ornamental and vegetable gardens that have an excess of phosphorus. These high levels are detrimental because a surplus ties up important plant micronutrients such as iron and zinc. Symptoms can include stunted plants, yellowing leaves, and an overall failure of the garden to thrive."

That sounds just like the symptoms many start having once they get into flower and start adding bloom boosters aka monopotassium phosphate mixed with water in a shiny bottle, cartoon character on the label, and a silly name. All for the low price of $25.99 a quart.

When those symptoms start to occur the majority of recommendations are typically to add more of something despite the issue being caused by an excess of something.

Many people confuse marketing with science and choose to believe whatever claims some company trying to get your money has to say when they should be listening to people with advanced education backgrounds in plant science. Instead they post links to some youtube video with some "influencer" promoting some product.

As an example, I got slammed on a different site for pointing out how some canuck guy on youtube didn't have a clue how to grow cannabis. Yet his defenders came out in force defending the indefensible. It was bizarre.

Here's a couple screenshots from his videos. To this day I don't understand why anyone would copy anything this guy was doing. This is the kind of garbage some are getting growing advice from. It's sad.

They should use these photos for that article. "stunted plants, yellowing leaves, and an overall failure of the garden to thrive."



Old Uncle Ben

Well-known member
Ya gotta laugh. I recently got banned for exposing a citrus/fruit growing Fakebook site as a cover for a friend/admin's snake oil products, so cannabis forums are not unique. Too many are greedy, out to screw the next guy. Here's this ag Dr. selling a 2-0-4 "organic" product with no microbes for an outrageous price, target being citrus which prefers a 5-1-3 with micros.

Buyer beware.......


Most Loved
"I frequently see soil tests for ornamental and vegetable gardens that have an excess of phosphorus. These high levels are detrimental because a surplus ties up important plant micronutrients such as iron and zinc. Symptoms can include stunted plants, yellowing leaves, and an overall failure of the garden to thrive."

That sounds just like the symptoms many start having once they get into flower and start adding bloom boosters aka monopotassium phosphate mixed with water in a shiny bottle, cartoon character on the label, and a silly name. All for the low price of $25.99 a quart.

When those symptoms start to occur the majority of recommendations are typically to add more of something despite the issue being caused by an excess of something.

Many people confuse marketing with science and choose to believe whatever claims some company trying to get your money has to say when they should be listening to people with advanced education backgrounds in plant science. Instead they post links to some youtube video with some "influencer" promoting some product.

As an example, I got slammed on a different site for pointing out how some canuck guy on youtube didn't have a clue how to grow cannabis. Yet his defenders came out in force defending the indefensible. It was bizarre.

Here's a couple screenshots from his videos. To this day I don't understand why anyone would copy anything this guy was doing. This is the kind of garbage some are getting growing advice from. It's sad.

They should use these photos for that article. "stunted plants, yellowing leaves, and an overall failure of the garden to thrive."

View attachment 19034691
View attachment 19034692
Growing them all bud pheno's 😂

I Care

Well-known member
I just got some armor 0-0-4 potashium silica and decided how to apply it. At a 1ml/ gallon rate. Plants already look better than they did before application. It is becoming part of my base water. Interesting to establish the rates. 1ml armor, 2ml/gal phosphoric acid rich 0-10-10 morbloom, cal mag 1-0-0 at 1ml/gal, and calnit micro 5-0-1 at 1ml/gal. This makes about 310ppm low/mid 6 pH base water* for my personal demands. Going to be the new base/starting solution for during veg and early flower from now forward.

*the well water I used to establish the resulting readings; about 130ppm/7.2pH