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Who knows the Original Characteristics of the oldskool NL#5 (´89/´90)?


Active member
On the Swiss platform I have logged off because I wanted to use more than 800W for breeding. Certain areas are then no longer publicly readable. I think it was in a Haze discussion of mine?

Especially the NL#5 was and is present in many crossings, there you have taken on something. Did you never create reserve samples of the 11 lines of the Northern Light for safety?

For me the NL#5 was interesting because Neville Schoenmakers should have crossed this with the Haze A? Regular Nevilles Haze I had acquired at the end of 2021.

The Nevilles Haze is a top genetics, one of the few exceptions of polyhybrids I collect and receive as an IBL.

I have stopped trying to recreate original Haze and have destroyed most of the crosses as the purebred parent genetics were more interesting. Today it is already spoken of Haze if you cross two 100% Sativa (according to the old definition) with each other.

But that leads here in your thread too far away from your question. I'm thinking about giving you the email address of the [Maschinenhaus] collective?

Neville Schoenmakers, a legend alongside Shantibaba and Sam the Skunkman.



Active member
Especially the NL#5 was and is present in many crossings
I know and it is/was definitely a great strain and crossing partner

Did you never create reserve samples of the 11 lines of the Northern Light for safety?

I have a broad theoretical knowledge of Northern Lights and I also remember the NL in the 90s very well. Unfortunately, I didn't keep the NL in those days. The NL#5 itself, which i had heard so much about, I got many years later. Now the time has come for saving it. But what I need for my project is practical experience from farmers who grew them back in days, in order to select them by the old seattle variety or by characteristics of Nevilles cut. Do you have any NL-lines?

I'm thinking about giving you the email address of the [Maschinenhaus] collective?
sounds interesting!



Active member
Do you have any NL-lines?
Unfortunately no, only Seedy Simon's NLX and a few more hybrids from the 80s and 90s that were in the estate and have Northern Lights genetics.

I used to like the work of a Henk van Dalen, besides the 100% Durban I still have the Orange Bud inbred all these years. Günther was a collector of Indica and +20 years older than me.

What I have in old genetics from the time until 1995 is mostly from him. Also I bite myself in the ass that I have not secured a few things from the 80s, K2, Neville's Haze, Big Bud. I don't count these works among the polyhybrids I usually criticize so severely.

Today we old men run after genetics and try to save what can be saved. lol


Active member
Durban [..] Orange Bud
yea orange bud is killer - it was a very kool skunk selektion in 90s. i had it, but didn´t save it. But I have my oldskool Skunk Lines I preserving

unfortunately I losst my great original Durban, I had in 90s. I search for it - and also a pure Thai. It´s almost impossible to get them. Today, Durban is not that what Durban has to be. But we talked about that at swiss board a few years ago.


Active member
It is the old Sensi Seeds Durban, 100% at the time and there was also a Durban Poison.
Opinions differ, my old Sensi Seeds Durban has remained so until today as IBL. Unfortunately, there is only Durban 95% from Sensi Seeds today.

You have a clear high with the old Durban to not stand out at work and still be more productive. Smoke one more Splif and you'll draw a ticket to an interesting journey that will never stress you out like other strains do.

Work and party, both are possible and I hardly know a strain that is as old and as IBL as homogeneous as Produktiv. To tie in with the Northern Lights line, Seedy Simon's NLX is an underrated strain ;-)


Well-known member
It is the old Sensi Seeds Durban, 100% at the time and there was also a Durban Poison.
Opinions differ, my old Sensi Seeds Durban has remained so until today as IBL. Unfortunately, there is only Durban 95% from Sensi Seeds today.

You have a clear high with the old Durban to not stand out at work and still be more productive. Smoke one more Splif and you'll draw a ticket to an interesting journey that will never stress you out like other strains do.

Work and party, both are possible and I hardly know a strain that is as old and as IBL as homogeneous as Produktiv. To tie in with the Northern Lights line, Seedy Simon's NLX is an underrated strain ;-)
Glad to hear you kept it going.

I was skeptical of Sensi Durban til a buddy gave me a cross with it. I selected for the Durban and crossed it to Blueberry Blast, making Burbon. Smells like blood and 15 minute fuse, then a white knuckle ride.


Active member
Glad to hear you kept it going.

I was skeptical of Sensi Durban til a buddy gave me a cross with it. I selected for the Durban and crossed it to Blueberry Blast, making Burbon. Smells like blood and 15 minute fuse, then a white knuckle ride.

For me, all crosses with the Durban were never that good, I crossed it with a Dutch Dragon several times and selected on a small scale. The result was that it was fierce on the head and body but not as clear and relaxing as the pure Durban.

With F1 pollen from a male St. Vincent I did a partial pollination on a female Durban. Let's see what the result will be?

The Sensi Seeds Durban definitely remains an exceptional genetics.


Well-known member
I have various nl lines,Iv grew it many times,I kept cuts for years,iv got most of the recent legit lines(Mels,empyrean etc).iv made seeds with my cuts too.i found her hard to reverse tho,whereas the current crap lines reverse easy.what lines are u working with?.should be real interesting.76


Schüler und Lehrer zugleich...
Got that NL#5 (Sensi Seeds Reg.) years ago. Growing like the old Mazar from DP (indica) , but with the (for me) original (afghan) NL taste.

Sadly just this pic outdoor


Next one was Nl#5 xH SS, it was closest to the "original" i had. Golf ball buds and the same Therps.


Sy, i'm old and young at the same time, born in the early 80s...


Active member
Would you mind sharing more details about these old lines from Afghanistan/Pakistan? Smell, effects, look? Any pictures?

Only that he grew them purely outdoor annually, he liked these two varieties very much. I have inherited these seeds with even different genetics after his death and want to first see what performance it can deliver indoors?

So old genetics, seeds from purchased grass and only inbreeding? Surely some of the genes will have disappeared? Germination test was 4/10 with the Afghan and 6/10 with the Pakistan, last grown outdoor, according to his list in 2016.

Sufficient seeds are available, I will show pictures here.


Schüler und Lehrer zugleich...
Ten+ years ago. It´s all Sensi Seeds reg. .... dont´t know the line. But for me it is NL in therps and nugget.

Sadly lost this cut....


Active member
Which line of the Northern Lights family is included in the NLX?
All I know about NLX is that its a polyhybrid-Strain. The original NLX was a NL (dont know which line) with white widow and Seedy crossed this cut with Xdog and cubed it a few times with NLX cut. Becuase of that its a polyhybrid that includes various NL Lines and skunk, too.