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Diary White Rhino & Friends. Fall 2021 Grow.


Well-known member
While I'm still most impressed by your Purple Bud it did make me revisit the now-decades-old "is Sensi really selling what they claim" question.

Not just because of the color but also because of how different their catalogue photo looks at first glance.

But then when you look more closely and realize they have a photo of some huge main top, and you look around the edges you can see that there is actually similar foxtailing going on, with actually really similarly shaped bracts as in your photo, which I suppose is of a smaller side shoot. Also the leaf finger shape is very similar indeed.

I think I will give Sensi the benefit of the doubt and say that it seems like they are legit. Probably just need the cold temps for the color. In fact they even say so in the description "Low temperatures will actually encourage the plants to become more purple as flowering progresses, resulting in a colourful harvest of dense buds".

It's hard to be sure, but if this one is nearly as good as the previous from this seed batch that I smoked, I will be a happy Alice. This is a "rescue" plant, growing in only 2 litres of coco/perlite. Its had a rough life, so not sure if it could create fat-ass colas like the one in the sensi picture - and I have much to learn as a grower - only on my 3rd season, and first time trying coco. I dont remember the cola being that symmetrical last time either, but it was my first grow... The long, finger leaf shapes do look similar, and are distinct from anything else I've got growing at the moment. The stand-out feature for me was the effect - proper melty. This plant smells identical to the last one - again distinct from other plants I'm growing - a kind of perfumed ginger/pine/herbal hash. I've got two more clones of this in flower now. Also have it backed up as a graft on the SQA on the bench.

Just realised that I messed up the labelling on one of the photos earlier - the BSG x Afghan looks kinda similar to the F2 MM x WR #3, both have similar form (different to Purple Bud) - except the BSGxA has pointier buds and deeper, sharper leaf serrations - the MMWR has shallower, more rounded serrations. Subtle differences tho - they look like they are family.


Well-known member
Harvested the MMxJohaar #1 yesterday. Nicely sticky. 69 days. This one was in compost rather than coco, although I lazily gave it the same nutes as the other plants. Didnt seem to hurt it... go figure.

Also got some more seeds (I know, I promised.... couldnt help myself). 5 Auto Zamaldelica fems & 10 Erdpurt standard from ACE, and 10 Kalichakra from Mandala. All via Real Gorilla Seeds - speedy delivery, and the Lemon Drizzle fems (Super Lemon Haze x White Fire OG) they included as a freebie look tasty.

Looking forward to making some hybrids for guerilla grows. Reckon the Erdpurt should work nicely with Purple Bud or with the Purple Bud/Blueberry.

But doubt realistically I can pack in any more this season. I still have a few clones waiting on the bench, and want to be wrapped up before spring is done.

Thinking of starting with a sativa run next season - Highland Thai, Kalichakra, Nanda Devi, and the Johaar/NLH hybrids. I'll run some autos (both the zamaldelica and my own AK47 hybrids) alongside them to progress the auto sativa project.


Well-known member
Saw a little critter in the grow cupboard today. Thought he was a fungus gnat for a second, but too big, and shiny gold! Moved like a tiny hoverfly or bee, not in that half drunk way like fungus gnats. Will leave him be unless hes harming the plants. Spiders will most likely get him soon. Or the pingulicas. Difficult to get a decent pic. Here he is sitting on the Green Gelato.








Well-known member
Am taking some rough cuttings from the prunings of the plants on the bench. Just trimming & sticking them in a pot of coco/perlite with no further fuss, and misting them daily. See if it works - nothing to lose. Took cuts of the F2 MMWR#3 a couple of days ago, and the male White Rhino just now. Gave the WR some rooting powder. I'd been expecting the #10 Blueberry to be male, and was planning to use that to make seeds with Green Gelato, but will use the WR instead if I can get a cutting to root. Purple Bud x White Rhino should also be a banger.

Am loving the form and scent of the F2 MMWRs. Looking forward to see how these smoke. Have lots more F2 seed from that batch. If these are good, then I'll grow out lots more next season.


Well-known member
Just worked out how long things had been in flower for. Need to find a better way to keep track of this! Will add some pics this weekend.

Green Gelato: 27 days
Flowering beautifully, and really advanced considering its been in flower for under a month. Nice sweet stem-rub. Looks set to be productive - hungry plant, with some early lower leaf yellowing. Not sure if this was because the overall amount of medium in a tall pot was low; it drains fast and drinks heavily. Have topped up the pot and have also increased the amount of feed this one gets. Might also be hungry because of a massive BSGxJohaar scion.

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Blueberry (#7, plus a scion of #10): 27 days
getting into the swing of flowering. Multi-topped plant is making several nice colas. #7 has pretty little purple stripes on some of the calyxes, and actually smells berry-like (have not noticed this in any of the previous blueberries I've grown from this batch of seeds), on top of the underlying herbal funk. #10 is more narrow leaved pheno, taller and without the berry smell.

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F1 AK47 auto x (Medical Mass x White Rhino) #C6: 27 days
Flowering well, bulking up. Handsome plant. I've been enjoying the smoke from the previous one that I had to chop early due to mould. Strong, long lasting, active feel-good high. I'm going to let this one go till its ripe. I've another one of these ready to go into flower on the bench.


Medical Mass (scion) on SQA: 57 days
Multi-topped SQA has stayed manageable with stretch controlled. the untopped clone has shot up, crazy tall. Must remember to top this one properly if I run it again (still have it backed up as graft). Really attractive candy stem rub. Buds had same form and size as MM initially, but MM buds are now much riper, with denser frosting and mostly amber pistils.

Just chopped the MM scion. Have the mother in flower.


F1 BSGxAfghan: 60 days
Ripening nicely. Some intense high-note volatile terps. Hard to place.


F1 BSGxJohaar: 69 days
Lots of foxtailing - crystal covered buds getting bigger and wilder. Crazy vigorous plant - needed lots of training to fit in the cupboard. Will be a heavy producer. I gave some seeds of this same batch to someone who grew it outdoors last summer - very nice smoke, tho they had to harvest early due to bad weather/northern european climate. Interested to see how long this will go for, and what difference growing under lights will make to the smoke. Similar intense (eye-watering) volatile terps to the BSGxA, but with strong Johaar lemon tang. Would be a great scrog plant. I have a couple clones of this on the bench.



F2 MMWR#5: 74 days
this is a slow plant. Compact with narrow, slightly droopy leaves. Buds dont seem to be developing much further, still lots of white pistils and not a great deal of frosting. Weirdly very little scent - a rub of the lower buds gives just a ghost of floral funk. I seeded a lower bud with SQA, but dont have this backed up as either clone or graft. It was a relatively sickly seedling. Interested to see what the effect is - am not expecting much but you never know. Currently on plain pH'd water as final flush to get it to ripen.


F2 MMWR#3: 62 days
Bigger buds, faster ripening, more frosting, lovely terps (hashy/sweet/floral). Seems to have taken more of the White Rhino form but the Medical Mass terps. Broader leaves with a beautiful dark green glossiness to them. I've got this one backed up as a graft, and have taken some cuttings. High hopes for the smoke.


Purple Bud: 67 days
Buds and leaves actually showing purple now. Chunky flowers with some foxtailing, gorgeous incense/ginger/spice terps. Has been on plain water for final flush for past few days. Two lower buds seeded - one with BSGxA, one with SQxA. One ripe seed dropped off it yesterday - fat and very dark brown. Would like to run this alongside the BSGA and SQA hybrids, and the F2 Purple Bud x Blueberries, with VGs Bluedigiberry for comparison. too many seeds..... not enough time.

Last edited:


Well-known member
Oh sweet that the Purple Bud is actually getting some color!

The MMWR looks like a huge yielder and the BSG x Johaar has a really interesting bud shape.

And at least for me if the no fuss cutting directly into the medium method doesn't work, it isn't a plant I want to keep around as a mom anyway...


Well-known member
Cut the F1 BSG x Afghan at 62 days.
Cut the Purple Bud at 69 days.

Space is looking a bit less crowded now, better for ventilation. 8 plants in lower space, 4 in the upper. That should be the limit, really, for flowering plants. *note to future self. The SQxA will need some support soon. Starting to lean with the weight of buds. Will rig a net tomorrow. Took the Blueberry out as I'd noticed a bit of mould on the walls. Cleaned with alcohol and wiped down with a fungicide. Dont want mould in the flower space. Increased the internal fan times & been leaving the door open more during lights on.

Took some pics of the Blueberry whilst she was out of the cupboard.




Well-known member
Rigged up some eyelets and paracord to make a rough scrog net. Like, really rough. But should be enough to keep them upright, and I dont want to use canes (pots too small, and I'd probably get poked in the eye 😅). Think this balance of space and plants is about optimal now - 8 in flower in the lower space, and 4 in flower in the higher space, with plants in various stages of ripeness. Thats worked really nicely, so as one is harvested another that had been vegging on the bench moves in. And then moving plants closer into the centre, or forming a stadium round the edges. Cycle of love 😍






And another new Purple Bud clone lurking at the back. The Medical Mass is relatively huge as it had been on the bench for weeks, and repeatedly pruned, so I'm hoping this will pack it on. Such a shame the MMWR#5 has so little smell - it looks awesome - long thin leaves, purpling as they fade, on a super compact plant with big buds. Ah well. The MMWR#3 smells great...

Thinking of things to improve for next round:
Proper scrog net (with paracord, woven)
Could re-hang all 3 spiderfarmer TS100s more centrally. Currently the top one is too close to the interior door, and the others are not centrally mounted. Could get a more even coverage with less wasted light.
Repaint the walls with something mould-proof, and tile the lower 18" of the cupboard - much easier to keep clean.
Get new fans - maybe 2 or 3 smaller fans would be better than the one big desk-fan I've currently got.
Build a seedlings and cuttings area under the lower flower space, with a slightly sloped roof that incorporates drainage from the flower space above.

Stuff to do in my off season over the summer.


Well-known member
Rigged up some eyelets and paracord to make a rough scrog net.

Thinking of things to improve for next round:
Proper scrog net (with paracord, woven),..

Are you serious??!!
How much does your plant weigh??

My parachute cord holds 100 pounds per strand.
A net could probably lift my car. ??

All of my plants have always supported themselves with no netting or eye pokers.

I think that if you're growing something that can't support itself, then you're growing something unnatural??


I think that if you really want to throw strong technology at your plants, you should put lights on your walls,..

Light is King
It controls all other factors.

(speaking of which, I need to make another drink before the sun goes down so'as I can see my cup. lol)


Well-known member
Maybe it infuses my plants with sexy purple energy? 😈 Or maybe it just looks pretty...🤣

I've also taken to putting stones on the pots to remind me when to stop feeding & just give plain water.

Ditch the stones and the promise to marry and just give them light energy..

Purple, Red, White.. whatever color.
More Light !!,.
It powers and controls everything.

(I need a drink. lol)


Well-known member
Maybe consider something like this,..


More light in your box can only help, and it may be the best bang for your buck.??

I fill my box with light,..



Well-known member
Are you serious??!!
How much does your plant weigh??

My parachute cord holds 100 pounds per strand.
A net could probably lift my car. ??

All of my plants have always supported themselves with no netting or eye pokers.

I think that if you're growing something that can't support itself, then you're growing something unnatural??

I think that if you really want to throw strong technology at your plants, you should put lights on your walls,..

Light is King
It controls all other factors.

Hey PC :)

I'm using the paracord because its strong and smooth - and because I have lots of it to hand. I'd been using garden twine previously for supporting or binding plants, but realised that it sheds fibres which get stuck to the buds. The hooks in the walls will pull out long before the paracord gives way. Its over-engineered... but thats not a problem.

I'm growing in a very different setup to you, PC. Some plants are in pots as small as 2 litres, none are in pots bigger than 4 litres, and they get top-heavy. If I tried to stick canes in these pots they would just fall over, so a net makes better sense.

I'd been wondering whether it was worth it to add supplemental light. The 3 x 100W spiderfarmer quantam boards seem to be doing a good job in the small space (footprint 90x180cm) - maybe adding some side lighting would help tho?


Well-known member
I'd been wondering whether it was worth it to add supplemental light. The 3 x 100W spiderfarmer quantam boards seem to be doing a good job in the small space (footprint 90x180cm) - maybe adding some side lighting would help tho?

I think that it can only help.
Yeild is proportional to the amount of light and it is really hard to over-do it with lighting.
It's only really the heat from the lights that can be a problem but LED strip lighting spreads the light and heat out more evenly.


Well-known member
BSGxAghan and Purple Bud are curing. Seeds from the Purple Bud (hit with BSGxA, and also with SQxA) are twice the size of the smaller seeds from the BSGxA. Had some smokes from the buds I removed for seed, which dried quicker. Lovely stuff, even before a proper cure.

The BSGxAfghan has a smooth incense smoke – like the BSG mother. Expansive and relaxed high, positive, sociable, functional daytime weed. but also given to absorbtion in creative tasks or investigation. Very happy to have a big jar of this.

The Purple Bud is as good as I remember. Dense oily smoke, Ginger/herbal on the exhale, very relaxing.


Well-known member
Chopped the MMWR#5 & swapped out the last C6 clone from veg, which has been topped a few times and will bud up nicely. MMWR#5 looked fine, but still hardly any scent - very faint lemon hash. Wondering if the terps are associated with THC 🤨 Interested to find out how she smokes.





