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White House Drug Czar Speaks to Legalization


One day you will have to answer to the children of
"In your example, $3800 MRI - deductible of $1000 leaves 2800 for the insurance co. of the 2800 you pay 30% for a total payment FROM YOU of $1840. Leaving $1960 for the insurance co.

Assuming the contracted discount is only 35% (could be more) your insurance co pays $1274." Cannagrower.

So the problem to me seems to be WHY does that one hour on that machine cost $3,000. That is one expensive hour. You may as well take that money to the casino and see if you can double down.


Active member
Stringent population control doesn't work.

Just like animals, in the face of an abundant supply of food, human populations respond by creating more humans.

That simply isn't true. Population control does work if implemented. China is a good example. They realize their population is too great, and have mandatory controls, so they have zero population growth.
Populations are actually out of control in the poorest countries where they have the least food. On the other hand, populations in civilized European countries are declining, although they have plenty of food. So, what this brings us is a world of refugees, all of whom want to get out of their countries, and come to ours, further degrading our standard of living. In muslim countries, and in Africa, the average female has 7 children, although they have no way to support, feed, or educate them. This is a tremendous burden on the rest of us. Why should we be squeezed out by the ignorant and irresponsible? Why should we allow the environment to be degraded by people who should never have been born? People in third world countries should be given a stipend to get sterilized after 2 births. But our gutless leaders and the corporations who market to the masses are not about to bring that up. And it flies in the face of religious superstitions.
It seems like war is the only way. Maybe that is nature's way to limit human populations: by making man warlike. Right now we are having a crisis in the U.S., as thousands of illegals are about to march on Washington demanding citizenship for 20 million illegals! This is the worst thing that could happen, and wouldn't be tolerated in any other country. As an American, try going into Mexico and asking for social services. No way, Jose, they got nothing for us. You can't even move there without having a large amount of money.
"Give us your tired, etc" is an idea whose time is come and gone. We don't need more people, we need more space, and fewer politicians who pander to the ignorant for votes.


America , you had one chance ....RON PAUL 2008....but , you blew it
I think Church groups would support it more, on their own individual thought...as long as their wife didn't feed their brain to much.... but all of this is just something I think they would see, after it's been prosperous.

America could have great tourism with the legalization of responsible drug use....great tourism.

I don't think I would want to see New Orleans with crack legalized. I'd hate to see needles and crack heads, other than that not to many problems.


ICMag Donor
originally posted by RetroGrow:

"Population control does work if implemented. China is a good example. They realize their population is too great, and have mandatory controls, so they have zero population growth."

".....So, what this brings us is a world of refugees, all of whom want to get out of their countries, and come to ours, further degrading our standard of living. In muslim countries, and in Africa, the average female has 7 children, although they have no way to support, feed, or educate them. This is a tremendous burden on the rest of us. Why should we be squeezed out by the ignorant and irresponsible? Why should we allow the environment to be degraded by people who should never have been born?"....


Just who is to decide who should be born? You? What happens when another group comes to power and decides you were the one who shouldn't have been born?

There's an old saying "Those that forget history are condemned to repeat it". I suggest you look up (or google) the term "eugenics".

There was a real big eugenics experiment in the 1930's and 40's where a lot of effort was put into deciding who should have been born and who should be allowed to breed. You might have heard of it, they were called Nazi's.

Sorry RetroGrow but IMHO china is not a great example of anything. They have a situation now where girls are being aborted or killed after birth in such numbers that one of their biggest problem in the next 10 years is going to be the the imbalanced boy/girl ratio.

"The age-old bias for boys, combined with China's draconian one-child policy imposed since 1980, has produced what Gu Baochang, a leading Chinese expert on family planning, described as "the largest, the highest, and the longest" gender imbalance in the world."

From a relatively normal ratio of 108.5 boys to 100 girls in the early 80s, the male surplus progressively rose to 111 in 1990, 116 in 2000, and is now is close to 120 boys for each 100 girls at the present time, according to a Chinese think-tank report.

The shortage of women is creating a "huge societal issue,” warned U.N. resident coordinator Khalid Malik earlier this year.

The hint of "serious" problems ahead can be seen in the increasing cases of human trafficking as bachelors try to "purchase" their wives.

China's police have freed more than 42,000 kidnapped women and children from 2001 to 2003.

The vast army of surplus males could pose a threat to China's stability, argued two Western scholars. Valerie M. Hudson and Andrea M. Den Boer, who recently wrote a book on the "Security Implications of Asia's Surplus Male Population," cited two rebellions in disproportionately male areas in Manchu Dynasty China.

According to their analysis, low-status young adult men with little chance of forming families of their own are "much more prone to attempt to improve their situation through violent and criminal behavior in a strategy of coalitional aggression."

The growing crime rate in China which is being linked to China's massive "floating" or transient population, some 80 million of which are low-status males, seems to add weight to their observation.

Source: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/5953508

History also tells us that the "So, what this brings us is a world of refugees, all of whom want to get out of their countries, and come to ours, further degrading our standard of living." arguement, as well as immigrant groups having large families, was used in America against the Irish, the Italians, the Asians, and now the Mexicans and Muslims. America has always been a nation of "refugees" starting with the Pilgrims. it is because of those refugees that you are now enjoying the standard of living that you are so worried about protecting from the next group.

I can agree with you that overpopulation is a problem but espousing simplistic, reactionary, historically proven nonsense to deal with a complex problem is seldom helpful.

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
the drug war will eventually end due to public outrage. The old drug warriors are dying off, and the new generation knows decriminalization and treatment is the answer
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Elevator Man

Active member
RetroGrow - I hate to write this, but from what you've posted, there's no other conclusion to make than you're a racist and a fascist. So third-world countries need to be sterilized to allow you to continue your lovely life? What if your parents had been sterilized? Of course, it won't be the West that suffers your mighty sword of truth, just those dirty, mass-breeding foreign types. Most poor countries have lots of children because many of them die before they reach adulthood anyway - so a few spares makes more than good sense.

I think the US generally has a policy of supporting those who have escaped extermination regimes in the past - I seem to remember having to tick a box when I entered the US that I am not a member of any organisation that committed crimes against the Jews in WWII. That's required just to come on holiday where you live!

You sound like the classic Chicken Little - with a lethal injection handy to put down any troublesome (and clearly happier) people who can prove the sky isn't falling, or don't want to conform to a fixed-family limit. If you can convince people around the world to stop having sex to satisfy your particular political peccadillo, good luck - I look forward to reading your election literature.

And although I actually live in the UK, and can demonstrably state the case that we are NOT overrun by Muslims in any sense, you seem convinced that they're crawling out of the sewers with knives between their teeth. Total immigrant populations of the UK amount to about 7-10% of this country - that's ALL nationalities. You might be petrified of them, but I buy much of my local provisions in Muslim shops, mostly because (Allah be praised!) they stay open very late, and on Sundays, and often have a reassuring whiff of weed going on round the back.

And just to refute one other point you make - 100 years ago, the city I live in was overrun by slum development, the air was polluted with coal dust and industrial pollution of all types, the rivers were contaminated by faeces, heavy metals, cyanide compounds, etc. All these conditions were created by mass industrialization - a necessary stage in our development, which allowed us to create the technology to get us where we are now.

At the present time, I can catch brown trout in my city centre, thanks to clean water bills, closure of the factories, and a general awareness of the need to keep the environment safe and pure. Which is great. But unemployment is growing, thanks to mass closure of industrial facilities. Think Detroit - is that the fault of foreign overpopulation? Hardly. Corrupt car manufacturers, racist ideologies and complicit politicians are far more likely candidates for that mess. I don't see much clean-up there. Can you catch trout in downtown Detroit?

I don't know which I should prefer, but I'm sure as hell not going to blame poor, dark foreigners for any of this, as they're now toiling away in conditions we had 100 years ago, to provide the industry we need to keep the world going. And to allow us to vent our spleens electronically at any time of day or night, and broadcast our political opinions worldwide. Even when we're advocating the extinction of the people who ultimately provide our facilities and fuel.

I reccommend some extensive foreign travel immediately...
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Elevator Man

Active member
Heh - I've had local politicians ringing me recently to see who I'll be voting for in the local elections. I told them I didn't understand why a political affiliation needed to be included in a refuse-collection policy, or an education policy, or a museums, arts and crafts policy etc. It's just Public Service, and therefore doesn't have a political angle at all. Of course, allocation of budgets is the only political angle that really exists, and the only issue that's ever really worth arguing about. Everything just needs to work effectively at a local level, and therefore I can't see what party I could possibly support or not support that would make any real difference in that context.

Hypothetically, imagine if the BNP were elected as a council majority. For non-UK readers, the BNP are the 'legal' extreme-right 'patriotic' party, that purports to represent the 'indigenous' British race. And you know what that means...

Anyway, assume the BNP decided to use their majority to enforce a 'political dimension to a public service'. So refuse-collection, for example, is organised around preference to 'indigenous British'. All fine and dandy, if Street A is 'indigenous British', Street B is third-generation Pakistani immigrant, Street C is first-generation Yemeni immigrant, etc. That way you could have weekly collections for Street A, monthly collections for Street B, and once a year for Street C, with some heavies with broom-handles handy if anyone complained.

Of course, in reality, everyone's mixed up in different streets, and so the refuse-collectors would need handily-colored trash bins to identify the racial makeup of the collectee. Or some nifty handheld device that would identify the DNA profile of the household and their residence duration, and also their shopping preferences, and what iTunes songs were downloaded last week. Actually, that device would probably be infinitely preferable to a slightly right-wing, tech-savvy council wanting to 'up their digital profile', than colored trash-bins, which would be a little distasteful, to say the least. There, I'm giving that idea out for free, if there's any 'developers' reading this one...

But you take my point - it's extremely impractical and rather stupid to manage 'services' according to political ideology, just as it is to blame distant foreigners for problems which are clearly domestic in origin, and largely exist only in the febrile imagination of the supposedly 'forgotten' US worker.

All industries collapse and new ones evolve, just like 'empires' (and Great Britain knows that better than anyone - first empire ever to collapse without everyone dying - result!). Cars killed off blacksmiths, but no-one campaigns for the reinstatement of the anvil as a symbol of 'pure, unspoiled manufacturing'. I rarely see hip-hop millionaires with horseshoe emblems round their gold-swaddled necks.

However (and more disturbingly to me), when I visited New Orleans a few years ago, I saw casual and endemic racism on a level I couldn't believe existed in a modern country - that truly was an earth-shattering experience to me. KKK-decorated houses in suburban neighbourhoods, for example, or vile hard-core and degrading (exclusively black) porn on rotary displays in corner stores on Canal Street, and sold by kids too, for that matter. In San Francisco and Los Angeles (and New York), I saw embedded racism as a daily routine, rather than extreme and strange, which it would be here.

When I visited Thrasher Magazine in San Francisco many years ago, when they were based in the notorious Hunters Point district (notorious to whitey, anyway) on the bus, I was told that I probably wouldn't come back alive ('are you crazy?!!'). I was the only white person on the bus, but other than being a curiosity, I never felt remotely threatened - and came back alive.

Anyway, most of this ranting is ultimately trigggered by the frequent consumption of some rather potent and extremely stimulating Thai weed, grown, nurtured, harvested, cured and smuggled to the west by some rather enterprising, definitely dark-skinned (and probably quite skinny) third-world foreigners, and I bless 'em for their hard work and determination to succeed.

Keep up the good work, folks...;)



Active member
Again, from the information we get in the UK on Obama's healthcare reforms (admittedly skimpy on detail), we can't work out for the life of us why any country wouldn't want something similar installing as quickly as possible, especially in a country with so many obviously needing urgent treatment? It's baffling, from here at least...

The problem is that the system is completely corrupt. It's a huge circle of cash flow from the citizens to the chemical and insurance companies. The doctors are trained by the teachers that are paid by the pharma companies.... they give the people millions of tons of chemical pills each year..... and our overall health is in the toilette.

The entire system is a corrupt money train.... and our noble leaders are in the process of making it permanent. :jump: One more HUGE anchor to suck the lifeblood out of America. Thanks.

Americans need to focus back on Family Values, Education, Ethics and Empowerment. Hand outs don't make a nation well.

Educate Yourself America! Then Educate Your Neighbor!!!!!!! Or we're all fucked.