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White House Drug Czar Speaks to Legalization


Active member
Our president is a liberal at heart but his governing style is populist. This means that for any real change to be enacted the people must vote in a congress that will get it done. Voting for a president is great but without a congress to create the legalization legislation its futile. How many of you know who is running for congress in your state this year? How do they feel about The Green?

What is much more important (and more difficult) than electing an open-minded president is electing an open-minded congress but that is exactly what needs to be done here. If both houses of congress passed a legalization bill and the pres vetoed it then we'd have a demon. Until then, meh.


Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
is electing an open-minded congress but that is exactly what needs to be done here. If both houses of congress passed a legalization bill and the pres vetoed it then we'd have a demon. Until then, meh.

Roots hit the nail on the head. All politics is local. The congress is your voice these days. Throw them all out and we might start getting somewhere.

The President is a puppet for the Federal Reserve (a private corporation). He only listens to Mr. Money Bags.

We are really not much more than mindless cattle to him and his predecessors.

The Congress is our only hope for peaceful revolution.

BTW, Obama is a neo-liberal. Not a liberal.

Just as Bush was a Neo-Con, not a conservative.

Neo-liberal and Neo-Cons are all Progressives. SAME PARTY, different media portrayal for mass consumption.

There is a reason all the administrations have looked more or less the same over the last few decades.


Active member
First time I have ever heard the term neo-liberal but I suppose its fair to coin that. How do you define this term if you don't mind me asking? And how about your definition of progressive too. Not messing with you either I really just want to know what you are saying. These terms seem to get thrown around a lot but some people define them different than others and it would go a long way if we were all having the same ideas to words meanings.


Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
"Liberal" in the correct academic definition refers to Classic Liberalism.

Classical liberalism is a political ideology that developed in the 19th century in England, Western Europe, and the Americas. It is committed to the ideal of limited government and liberty of individuals including freedom of religion, speech, press, and assembly, and free markets.[1] Notable individuals who have contributed to classical liberalism include Jean-Baptiste Say, Thomas Malthus, and David Ricardo. There was a revival of interest in classical liberalism in the 20th century led by Friedrich Hayek, Milton Friedman and other economists.[2] [3][4]
Neo-liberal describes "Social Liberalism"

Social liberalism is an egalitarian ideology that believes the state should establish rules and regulations to extend personal rights and freedoms to all people.
Neo-liberal came to in the 1960's when the Progressive movement essentially hijacked the word for their use. Notice how they are the exact opposite definition.

Progressive government is totalitarian government. IE Progress to total government control is how it should read.

Neo-Con Republicans hide behind the God banner for their progressive social justice scams.

If anyone says that government knows better than the individual and family then you can consider them progressive. All progressive roads lead to totalitarian regimes.


Roots hit the nail on the head. All politics is local. The congress is your voice these days. Throw them all out and we might start getting somewhere.

The President is a puppet for the Federal Reserve (a private corporation). He only listens to Mr. Money Bags.

We are really not much more than mindless cattle to him and his predecessors.

The Congress is our only hope for peaceful revolution.

BTW, Obama is a neo-liberal. Not a liberal.

Just as Bush was a Neo-Con, not a conservative.

Neo-liberal and Neo-Cons are all Progressives. SAME PARTY, different media portrayal for mass consumption.

There is a reason all the administrations have looked more or less the same over the last few decades.

Yes, yes, yes!!!

We are terribly entrenched... so much so that it would require a culminating event to alter... and apparently a financial crisis clearly exposing the corrupted underpinning of the economic & political sectors... well, it's just not enough... nor is the poverty & exacerbated discrepancy between the uber-rich & the rest of us...???

I disagree with the contention that Congress is our only hope for peaceful revolution... they are the establishment, the rich, the entrenched... they have everything to protect... not just for themselves, but for the future dynasties of those in power... who cares what 'political' flag they fly... as long as they have something to protect (self-interest, i.e., play the game) or can be alienated & accomplish nothing... the establishment... the entrenched.

History has it clearly outlined for us. Revolution it is.


Active member

you are brainwashed.. I don't watch Fox or any other "newz"

My vote is not a waste. I'm not voting anymore except with my cash. I choose what corps receive or do not receive my money. that is real power.

You vote for one party. GWB the chimp is on Obama's side.

Bill Clinton and Daddy Bush Sr fly around together on "humanitarian" missions.

Enjoy your one party state. I hope you don't depend too much on govt services you will be miserable when the system collapses.


P.S. you are just as bad as those douchebags who used to say disagreeing with Prez Bush policies are "unpatriotic".

Congrats on parroting the status quo. We are all Americans. We are all people. THEY want to ***divide*** US.

Peace Brother.


Active member
BIG TOP: don't worry, we are on the brink of either a Civil War or WW3.

There is your inciting incident for change.


Problem is that the next regime is usually just as bad... over time especially... inevitable as power & greed are tied to human nature... inevitable...


Active member
Roots hit the nail on the head. All politics is local. The congress is your voice these days. Throw them all out and we might start getting somewhere.

The President is a puppet for the Federal Reserve (a private corporation). He only listens to Mr. Money Bags.

We are really not much more than mindless cattle to him and his predecessors.

The Congress is our only hope for peaceful revolution.

BTW, Obama is a neo-liberal. Not a liberal.

Just as Bush was a Neo-Con, not a conservative.

Neo-liberal and Neo-Cons are all Progressives. SAME PARTY, different media portrayal for mass consumption.

There is a reason all the administrations have looked more or less the same over the last few decades.

A true Revolution cannot be peacefull by definition. Of course the FED govt controls school book information and they like to change the meanings of words over time, or change ideas.

Look at the rioting and protests in Greece. Sadly, Americans are too confortable and pussified to stand up against our aggressors.

Not to worry, we won't be comfortable for much longer. What makes you think the USA is any different than any other man made govt? We will collapse. Our currency will collapse. It's not a question of if, but when.

I have several backup plans. I hope you all do to.




I used to think stockpiling was a thing of those crazies out in Idaho, or the like, but then again, Red Dawn (change some character names) just might be happening... fav of mine as a kid ;-)


Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
A true Revolution cannot be peacefull by definition. Of course the FED govt controls school book information and they like to change the meanings of words over time, or change ideas.

I agree. There may be a slim hope of change, but I think the whole system is going to have to come down before we make any progress. It's false hope more than anything else. I know my history books.

When American's wake up and their money has been destroyed by hyperinflation in a matter of a few days and people realize they were victims of the biggest scam in history, I don't doubt that we will see a river of blood.

Student's of history know exactly where this is all going. Make no mistake people, there is a real war going on right now and it's about to reach the average American's doorstep. There will be real casualties and real death, something American's know little about.

They say American's learn their history through the wars we wage. What a sad condemnation of American society. Sounds like something from Hitler Germany.

Our ignorance and apathy is about to disappear in a hurry.

mr noodles

and good luck with palin ...

you will need it...

here we have harper....we are all fucked period .

very dark days ahead ...


This is why I said you gus need to call your local politicians and say enough is enough. The Restore America Plan is our last hope to end this thoughtless persecution as well as several other abuses that are against the constitutional rights of the people. This is happening in the next few months so you need to send a clear message that abusing the rights of the people will no longer be tollerated and the Govt is to protect the people, not limit them and make their choices for them...nevermind how rediculous it is they say it is harmful, especially since the real scientific evidence proves otherwise...and I have COPD so #8 is BS 100% made up lies....if it weren't for pot I would have trouble breathing but because it keeps my lungs clear I have no plugs anymore....maybe the descision should be left to the people, especially since science now promotes theoreys as fact without a shred of real evidence...


You can also google your local militia groups and joing them. There is strength in numbers and they are assembling now so it is time to join, it is the only way a peaceful solution can happen. If the Govt thinks it has a chance at stopping us it will, though in trying to do so, those involved would be guilty of a capital crime by the constitutions standards...but if enough people make a stand now, while people aren't happy, this is when people will act. Lets git er done!

Just goes to show Obamma doesn't care about stopping the raids, he outright lied to the people...he hasn't ordered any raids stop and they are still hitting dispenseries, so the DEA is a Rogue Op as far as I am concerned and needs to be dismantled...for abuses of power. Remember this come election day, should we still have one as scheduled....


  • Restoring America Plan.pdf
    272.8 KB · Views: 88


Active member
I agree. There may be a slim hope of change, but I think the whole system is going to have to come down before we make any progress. It's false hope more than anything else. I know my history books.

When American's wake up and their money has been destroyed by hyperinflation in a matter of a few days and people realize they were victims of the biggest scam in history, I don't doubt that we will see a river of blood.

Student's of history know exactly where this is all going. Make no mistake people, there is a real war going on right now and it's about to reach the average American's doorstep. There will be real casualties and real death, something American's know little about.

They say American's learn their history through the wars we wage. What a sad condemnation of American society. Sounds like something from Hitler Germany.

Our ignorance and apathy is about to disappear in a hurry.

that's because most are too fat to fight. fact. check the obesity rates. oh well.

i won't start the revolution, or any fight, but i sure will finish it.

think how much nicer it will be after the dust settles and we lose half the population. it will be like the garden of eden. plenty of everything for everyone.

P.S. 50 million people were killed for the promise of a better future during the 20th century communist rule in Russia, China,etc.

All you have is the present. NOW. Right NOW, everything is FUCKED.


Currently listening to Eckhart Toles THE POWER OF NOW


Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
think how much nicer it will be after the dust settles and we lose half the population. it will be like the garden of eden. plenty of everything for everyone.

That's the bummer about Progressive Utopia's that nobody seems to consider anymore because most are not taught.

If you want your garden of Eden that's been promised to you for all these years, a good many (millions) of you are just going to have to die and the government is going to pick who it is instead of nature.

"Starve the beast" as Alexander The Great said. The man conquered the world till there was nothing left to be conquered. Are we so fullish to believe that that ambition has died?


a mindless infestation we are... to predicate on growth until critical mass is achieved.

such a shame it is. i didn't think I'D live to see it ...

after all, it's just a few nights and days in a hotel. our card was punched when we were born...

after the youthful enthusiasm wore off, i pretty much lost all hope for the earth and it's civilizations... understanding history doesn't help either.

o well


Active member
"Liberal" in the correct academic definition refers to Classic Liberalism.

Neo-liberal describes "Social Liberalism"

Neo-liberal came to in the 1960's when the Progressive movement essentially hijacked the word for their use. Notice how they are the exact opposite definition.

Progressive government is totalitarian government. IE Progress to total government control is how it should read.

Neo-Con Republicans hide behind the God banner for their progressive social justice scams.

If anyone says that government knows better than the individual and family then you can consider them progressive. All progressive roads lead to totalitarian regimes.

"Social liberalism is an egalitarian ideology that believes the state should establish rules and regulations to extend personal rights and freedoms to all people."

What is bad about this definition? What other is this than the base of the American system of politics? We decide who we elect and they decide what rules and regulations there are. This makes sense.

What doesn't make sense is how we sometimes elect people who make these rules and regulations not in the public interest but in private interest and we keep putting them back in office. And this doesn't mean "throw out all incumbents" but educate yourselves on who is who in DC. I promise you if you turn off the toxic news channels and start watching c-span you will see there are some people out there who are trying to act in the public interest. They are in the minority of course (on both sides) but they need to be added to and the ones who are acting in private interests can be lost through the vote.

Huge side note:

Most of the posts in this thread revolve around the writers' black and white view of the world when in fact the problems we face are of a much more abstract nature. Thinking in simple terms about extremely complex issues may be an easy way to wrap your head around a subject but if you don't continue to expand you thoughts with what you learn and challenge your perceptions every step of the way it becomes easy to fly off the handle a little bit. I see talk of "revolution" in this thread and ominous warnings of civil war. Well, I'm not fighting my countrymen, you can kill me but I won't fight you. You will never win any revolution the way you are talking about. People may listen to you because you carry a big gun and are scary but they won't respect you because of your violent ways. They will train themselves to think opposite of you in protest and the ideas will never go away. Now if you are all just getting riled up to be the next guy to fly his plane into the I RS building or try to shoot his way into the pent a gon then so be it. Fine. But realize that if you want to take up arms on behalf of ? ideology ? then your ideology is broken to begin with. This is the problem with some of the thinking in our government too. You really cannot win in the long run fighting fire with fire.

I think the main problem with these ideas (aside from the violence) is that they seem desperate. Where is your patience, your conviction? Any man can pick up a gun and get himself killed for a cause but it takes real determination and true courage to live your life fighting with your ideas. YOUR ideas, not some political buzz. Try to influence your friends family and neighbors without the threats and violence, you won't reach every one but you will make a difference and learn a ton about yourself along the way. Human change takes place over generations not overnight or over decades. Any violent "revolution" in this country will be short lived for the same reasons. You will never be able to kill the ideas of these "elites" because their children will carry the ideas to spite you. Don't you see violence only begets violence?

Of course there can be non-violent revolution it is the only true way to revolt! You play violence and you play into your much stronger enemy's hands all the while alienating your family and neighbors. Think Ghandi and MLK, the victories they won through non-violence are true social changes that will carry for generations. Wars just hurt people and change boundaries. Think help people and forget boundaries.

Elevator Man

Active member
I was just about to post a similar opinion, but you did it for me. I'm always amazed how often the US seems to always be on the brink of 'the end of the world', and that it's time to begin stockpiling this and that because 'the redcoats are coming', etc. We don't think like that over in the UK at all, but then we don't have any guns handy either, which probably explains that one.

Let's face it - the world is better than it's ever been before, and it's getting better all the time. Seeing the world and its various scenarios in this polarized, and pretty negative way, seems to me to be just fear of the future manifested as personal, state or federal paranoia. Neophobia, in fact.

The US has the most integrated, feedback-oriented and public-connected political system on earth, and is followed and participated in with a passion that's almost totally absent in the UK. Granted, we view political rallies largely with a raised eyebrow, and I don't know anyone who would even travel one mile to see any of our political leaders speak in public - they seem that boring and irrelevant.

I'm often jealous of the passions raised in US politics, but then I'm equally puzzled by them, as I often feel we've begun to transgress traditional politics altogether (especially in the UK), and the lack of a concrete replacement for our current systems is what's triggering much of the anxiety displayed here. Additionally, puzzlement at seemingly opposing points of view can convert quickly into hatred and bigotry, when tolerance and a sense of humour are much more likely to produce positive results.

Finally - on Obama - give the guy a break, please. He's hardly been in a year, and it seems like he's halfway to becoming the antichrist. He's a very intelligent, competent and tolerant guy, but he's still only a politician, and just as hamstrung by the system as everyone else. As if he's immediately going to legalize cannabis, just like that. Compared to the evil, twisted retard that's been incumbent for the previous eight years, he's a genius.

And also considering that 90% of the world was almost convinced that at least half of the US were as brain-dead and twisted as Bush was, for electing him so readily and cheering on his maniacal warmongering at every opportunity, I'd chill out a bit - we're all feeling a lot safer now Obama's in, and looking forward to visiting and doing business with the US again...;)
