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While scouting for an outdoor grow...(Pics)


I wish i still had my camera or i'd throw some pics up!

the wild flowers are really in full effect this year! Havn't seen any snakes yet kinda strange. Lots of great blue heron this year they are everywere! Its cool to watch them fishing, they make me look bad. Lots of baby dear out this year, idk what ppl are talking about destroyin the environment I havn't seen this much wildlife thrieving in my whole life!

<3 nature


Active member
elite, im curious as to where you gained all your knowledge of nature. Books, internet, experience?

Mostly experience...Anything I'm interested in, I pick-up knowledge real quick and retain it.
It goes both ways though...ask me about politics and I'll name you the US president, lol, thats about all I know. Its not that I don't care, I'm just uninterested.

I'd say the species I know most about is the Blue Crab. We have, what we call "doublers" which is a Male crab on top of a female crab. I was told as a kid they were fucking, by a professional crabber. I actually learned from experience that the female crab is getting ready to shed, so the male protects her (they procreate, missionary, like us...well some of us :D). If there is no food source (trapped in a crab pot), that male will be the first to eat that female once she peels (sheds)

Odd thing is, I'm very good at catching, cooking and "cleaning" (picking) crabs, however I don't eat ANYTHING that comes out of the ocean. Its not a religous thing or anything, I just get sick from the smell alone. Once in a great while, if I'm drunk I will try to eat crab and I just gag until...well, you get the point.



Active member
BTW, I don't take pictures of deer because they are more common than dogs out here...I never really get tired of seeing them...Its just no longer amazing when you see dozens a day.

I lied :D Sorry people, I was too hung over to drag my ass outside today...


I won't take or upload anymore deer pics unless its a cute fawn or something...



pure dynamite
Anything I'm interested in, I pick-up knowledge real quick and retain it.
It goes both ways though...ask me about politics and I'll name you the US president, lol, thats about all I know. Its not that I don't care, I'm just uninterested.

That's exactly how I am.. I use 100% of my resources doing and learning about what interests me and I'll not even try to lie that I am interested in something I am not.

Good luck! I think we all expect some new pictures every now and then in this thread.. so I hope you'll have time to take more pictures. :wave:


Active member
Good luck! I think we all expect some new pictures every now and then in this thread.. so I hope you'll have time to take more pictures. :wave:

Shit...Expectations?? I hope I can live up too them :wink:
Lemme kick it up a notch...

Someone that looks VERY similar too me :wink: Sceptically petting a wild island pony...Yes they bite and kick...Hard...You don't want to be on either end of them...


LEGAL DISCLAIMER: NO ANIMALS, were harmed in this thread, except the BW and about 40 Ticks (so far) May you burn in HELL!


Active member
You know I am a bit of a photographer and I have some nice stuff. I guess I am in a depressed state lately and don't feel like posting anything. I always photograph nature and animals too. I got to get out of this funk I am in. I took some nice photos this weekend but don't feel like going through them and finding a reason to post something. It will pass I am sure. You know I think when I smoke weed for a week straight (like lately) I get really lazy. But if I don't smoke it I get cranky.

I have the Highest respect for you, If you didn't know that...now you do...

GET OFF your lazy ass!! Don't be selfish, please share with people who don't get to see what we do...

Kinda reminds me of this NYC kid who was simply amazed by the first cow I showed him...

Sad really...



Proud Cannadian Cannabist
wow that deer is beautiful. uh i mean hansome. did you zoom or were you that close? it looks like you could almost tackle the fella. i havent seen a deer yet this year but spotted 2 last year, only from way far away though.


Active member
Well damn Elite, I feel you are a good guy too.

Here is something from this weekend in Galveston. It is sort of deep and with a message.

I don't quite get it...I'm going to Corpus Christi in a couple days...

Sorry, every once and a while EVERYONE needs verbally "bitch smacked"




Active member
billy_big_bud! Thats the real way to hunt...If if can't kill it with a blade, its not real hunting (IMO!!)

WE were that close....deer are depermentally curious...I find no pride in killing anything that dosn't feed me....even then...a .50cal with a scope is a joke...Your proud you can sit in a tree for hours and shoot a deer...A fucking child can do that (I'VE SEEN THEM)...Like gambling...I'll never understand the obsession...why try??

:please insert 50 cal to the head: Elite

Edit: Bah, Blah,Blah...GF Drama


im pretty sure you live in heaven! That is an amazing amount of wildlife for your backyard. What amazes me most is the fact that you take a net and "scoop" crab off the bottom.. I spent 12 hours on spring break trying to catch ONE (1) crab with bait, and couldn't even do that.. impressive


Active member
im pretty sure you live in heaven! That is an amazing amount of wildlife for your backyard. What amazes me most is the fact that you take a net and "scoop" crab off the bottom.. I spent 12 hours on spring break trying to catch ONE (1) crab with bait, and couldn't even do that.. impressive

LOL, Thanks...
Actually I scoop them off peilings....The trick is, they move backwards...so they need to be approached as such...blocking their direction of travel...much simpler than it sounds...



Active member
3 days of rain finally let up...Did some fishing in the pond...

3 days of rain finally let up...Did some fishing in the pond...

Large Mouth Bass

Measured in at a little over 15" decent size, for a pond this size (I don't weigh them).



Smokes, lets go
love checkin in on this thread while im high, i have caught some fish in my day that looks like a good catch to me did you keep it


Active member
Nope, I don't keep anything I catch period.

But also, I don't eat ANY seafood, and I try too keep the pond as stocked as I can.



Love your thread here, I am a big wildlife person myself. But I have found a balance in the need to be an animal and hunt and the respect for the wildlife that surrounds me.
Ok so Im a hunter but at the same time I am a wildlife saver at the same time.

I wanted to make a comment on the snake pics you had, but I can't remember what it was now, but anywho
The cottonmouth around these parts are the most curious snake around, unlike most posionous snakes that would just as soon slide away without you even knowing they were there, they will come out to see what all the noise is about. Since I live in a swampy area I see them regularly and try every thing I can do to be quiet as possible, I am not real crazy about having to kill one unless it has decided to chase me for what ever reason. On the other hand I have a copperhead den under my rough cut board pile. The last time I checked on it there were only 7 babies there, but I haven't looked in the last week or so.

Sorry I don't post pics but please keep up your excellent post, love seeing wildlife.



Active member
i just seen a freakin baby possum in my front yard, i thought those crazy ass things only lived in the deep south Lousiana and shit!