3lbs per 2000 watts is not very effective. It's rather cost prohibitive.
Lets put it this way. I had hired a 2nd generation organic cannabis cultivator, paying him 6 figures to consult on the initial facility design and run it once constructed to his specifications. He yielded maybe .3 gram a watt and cost me a shit ton of money. Yes I shit canned him after learning far too many costly lessons. I had to take over the grow not out of desire but necessity. Getting my grow to produce .68 per watt right now pays the bills and allows for some extra cash to improve the business overall. I am working in a poorly designed facility and have come up with innovations that take 1600 sq ft and produce up to 20lbs a month. Maybe that's good maybe that's not. What I know for certain is I have happy patients and happy wholesale customers and my yields jumped from maybe 5-6 lbs a month to at least 12 and sometimes 20. Also I have up to 15 strains on my shelf that I cultivate. For a newbie that has never done anything like this before I think I'm doing OK. Got a suggestion to make it better? Please share.