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When to tell your kids about pot?


Amstel Light

any of you worried about D.A.R.E.? you know the naziesq group of assholes that show up at schools to interrogate your children subliminally? I am, I know my kid is smart enough to maybe know (if not now soon.. real soon) what is going on.....

how do you deal with explaing the truth of it all ?


For real being 19 now and can still remember being a kid very well i still consider my self one. I wouldn't say any thing. He is eight wich means he will change more than you can imagine in the next ten years. He will be confused about growing up and im sure if your a good parent then you wont allways agree and he will have lots of emotions he has never had before. What im trying to sey is I have done alot and said alot that I regret verry greatly now in my life and alot of it is how i have wronged family or said hurtful things. I wouldnt risk it if you get fucked then it will realy mess his life up also so for his saftey i wouldnt tell him. Also drugs are verry confusing espeacialy at that age i dont think its fair for him to have to carry your secret around just think of how much stress it puts on you knowing that you grow that stress will be transfered to your son. idk im realy stoned and that was lengthy but I felt like alot of the people posting in here are older and i still remember how confusing and hard growing up is

Threads like this realy make me glad i come on ic mag you would never here shit this real other places


lol my mom just never said anything bad about cannabis, I have pictures of me outside with 7 foot monsters when i was 4 years old... mama had a green thumb tho I knew she tried drugs before never asked... she used to roll up green cigs when i was younger and her eyes got red.. but i DONT THINK IT WAS POT she never said it was or wasn't so she has never lied about anything :)
oh she bought me lights for my 16th bday or 17th and the next year took me to the Amsterdam for the b-day I pretty much have the best mother


Active member
Hi all, ahh the drugs and my kids question, my son is 12 now and knows exactly what dad's about, we talk about it as medicine, i live in the western US and have a medical card. i grow for other suffering patients, talk about the benifits of it as medicine, share it openly with needy patients, what i remember most about it from my own youth was how wrong the teachers all had it, my father was one of them, a middle school teach who identified it as the reason kids changed, how silly is that, it's called growing up. I guess what i'm saying is the truth is what matters most & don't kid yourself, they will discover it and if they catch you lying will they trust you? When my son came home and said there was dare starting this year i made a visit to the school super and politly told him NO. i explained i would handle the morality education end of things, just stick with the facts. kids are individuals and demand different approaches to get them to listen. of all the drugs they could experiment with pot is, i believe, the most benign, non toxic recreational/medical drug out there. j
While I agree with you about this from a sociological standpoint, the research you just through out there looks like crap

Journal of Psychiatric Research - what might there bias be????
cmon! there are more confounds than I can shake a stick at. Nice sample size BTW; dont overexert yourself. really:noway:

how many of them also smoke cigarettes??

That was a quick google, didn't break a sweat really, so where's your data to refute it?
There've been a few studies recently saying that dope is not good for the developing brain.
With your response I'm not bothered looking further.
Go ahead knock yourself out, your kids can hardly end up much stupider than their predecessors.


This question has bothered me for a very long time.

I have smoked MJ since I was 13 but I have never abused it. I smoke a lot during festivals and holidays but on an average month I maybe smoke two or three times.
I feel that my moderation with drugs (including alcohol) has prevented any negative effects and has only brought me positive effects.

I think when it comes to raising kids I want them to have the same upbringing as me = moderation.

I have many friends that have an "addiction" (hate to use that word) to drugs (nicotine included) who grew up with me but why did this never happen to me?

How can I raise kids to live life in moderation? :2cents:


roger that brother, i understand. it sure seemed like a tirade to me, that's why i threw my two cents in.

I walked away from organized religion and the Christian faith. I don't know of many people who would look at someone with those qualifications and say they are indeed someone to emulate.

so you are smart enough to not buy into the adult version of a fairytale? idk sounds like you may have some redeeming qualities after all :smoke:

life, like most everything and everyone in it, is like this [mr. know-it-all clears his throat :D]: if you want it to be something different than what it really is, you will be disappointed. and while you are disappointed at not having what you would like life to be, you are missing out on what the real thing is trying to offer. what it is may not be as pretty or feel the same as what you wish it was, but the hell with it. enjoy the parts you like, and try to ignore the parts you think suck.

If I was stuck in an elevator with someone, sure I'd like it to be a brilliant conversationalist and female exotic dancer wrapped into one. but honestly i'd just be happy with someone who has enough manners not to fart. :yes:

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
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ICMag Donor
as soon as I was in 5th grade my mother who is a nurse stopped sheltering me from the harsh consequences of hard drugs. She showed me all the pictures in her medical books of rotted out heroin arms and shit. there was a picture where a guys dick rotted off cause he kept shooting into it. I am still scared of needles, and i have never tried heroin... to say the least.

She showed me many other similar examples of what happens from other hard drugs. She said dont smoke pot because effects your short term memory with heavy use, and it gets tar in your lungs. Thats all she saud about weed. dad says it is harmless, along with lsd and mushrooms, but he is what i like to call a texas hippy. That is a totally chilled out cool guy, that is kind to all; as long as they have manners and dont mess with any of his rights, or guns. I guess thats me too though.

Amstel Light

When my son came home and said there was dare starting this year i made a visit to the school super and politly told him NO. i explained i would handle the morality education end of things, just stick with the facts.. j
i would be paranoid to say no to it... like a breathalyzer test...

....what is wrong with you ? you dont want your kids to learn the dangers of illicit drugs from a police officer that is visiting your childs school? must be cause you do "drugs" yourself? yea a real doper i will be watching you closely now and inform sgt. prick that you refused your child this learning opprotunity.....
this is my phycic interpertation from the assitant priciple as im telling him that i dont want my child to attend the dare program...

but honestly i'd just be happy with someone who has enough manners not to fart. :yes:

my dad never gave me the marijuana talk even though he is a weekend user since high school. I started smokin freshman year highschool, mom was the enforcer so when i came home high she'd be extremely mad but my dad never said shit to me..
Maybe he just didnt know what to say i dunno.. but he sure as hell never had my back.
its all good, we toke up every now and then.

when i raise a kid, i want to tell him about pot before his friends do. If you tell a kid not to do something, they will usually do it anyway.. at least thats how i was. educating them on the subject is key.

but i wouldnt tell them about any grow op til at least 18 yrs old. its tough keeping secrets.


I definitely think giving the kid all the information to make an informed decision is the best way to go about it. Not just with weed, but life in general. I understand when the kid is young you need to make decisions for them, but the older they get they need to ability to control their life. I mean it is THEIR life.

As far as it having a negative impact on their life that is a relative view. You definitely need to let the kid know that their actions will have direct reactions, but it's up to them on whether they are negative or not. Does NOT smoking weed and being a straight A student and then becoming a doctor mean they succeeded in life? If they are happy sure, but you can still be unhappy and be rich. They could be stoners and work at a low paying job and lead a happy life. All I want for my kids in the future is for them to be happy...


Tell them young and they'll know you didn't hide it from them or lie to them. Warn them about the cops. Tell them its not for kids. Tell them you hope its legal before their your age. Explain its not something to talk about outside the home and tell them they can ask any question and you'll always give them an honest answer. Tell them before they go to school.


Treat your kids the way you want to be treated, With that as a base its hard to go very wrong. A friend has a son who smokes (he's 15, A student and a great golfer) I suggested that she punish him not for smoking, but only if he gets caught.
For getting caught.By anyone, even her. The idea is to teach caution. Taking a piss is illeagle if your not discreet, so caution is a concept kids as well as adults already practice.


Well-known member
"If one truly believes that there is nothing wrong with growing and making useful items with plants, then why would one lie and hide the plants from their children? The herb sits among all the other plants in the garden. My children do not see anything wrong with the plant and enjoy watching it grow. They appreciate and are taught the usefulness of each plant. It is not separtated from the bamboo or the tomatoes. They do not separate people either. They appreciate differences, but do not place them in any separate catagory. People are just people, and plants are just plants."

This was my favorite answer. I think if talking about cannabis to your children is part of a holistic understanding of nature it can be a positive thing. With a larger garden, teaching children about plants and their varied uses such as cooking and medicine can be very educational and I believe these concepts should be introduced at quite a young age. Information can lead your children into making better educated decisions in the future. I think however focus should be given to the plants medicinal properties rather than recreational ones.


Active member
If one truly believes that there is nothing wrong with growing and making useful items with plants, then why would one lie and hide the plants from their children? The herb sits among all the other plants in the garden. My children do not see anything wrong with the plant and enjoy watching it grow. They appreciate and are taught the usefulness of each plant. It is not separtated from the bamboo or the tomatoes. They do not separate people either. They appreciate differences, but do not place them in any separate catagory. People are just people, and plants are just plants."

"This was my favorite answer. I think if talking about cannabis to your children is part of a holistic understanding of nature it can be a positive thing. With a larger garden, teaching children about plants and their varied uses such as cooking and medicine can be very educational and I believe these concepts should be introduced at quite a young age. Information can lead your children into making better educated decisions in the future. I think however focus should be given to the plants medicinal properties rather than recreational ones.

I agree. In socio-cultural terms; it is more than just plants.

ito People are just People...Charles Manson = Dr. MLK
Plants are just Plants....Poison Oak = Aloe Vera :noway: