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What strains for breeding a german genetic?


New member
Hey Guys,
im from Austria and think its a great idea to breed for an original smoke that is climatized to the conditions of Central/Northern Europe.
I don't think all the hate above is really beneficial for such a mission eventhough I see a lot of your points about hybridisation and "real" landraces.
As someone pointed already out, bottelnecking could be a real issue in the long run therefore my proposel:
People with a shared interest in creating such a strain (I would be all in for this) could agree on a cross of common heritage (for example the F1 purple satellite) as well as a common goal of breeding (for example hardyness and euphoric effect) and select for these.
So if my population loses vigor I call up my friend Franz from Bavaria and he sends me seeds from his Purple satellite Line.
Tell me what you think about this Idea.
I would love to get down to business ;)