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what ph level is your coco runoff?


Xanode how much is run off ppm?

As of now after doing the flush: 400 -550 in,... if i was to put 550 through right now like i did last night the run-off came out at like 500 i think. Does this mean the plant is eating and not locked out if runoff is lower than feed, it sure is growing steadily still. And is the opposite true? Higher ppms out than in, can mean the plant has enough food? too much?

Read somewhere also that a PH swing from low to high at feedings means the plant is eating, any truth to this?

Im coming to the conclusion that ultra too small pot + too much salt + not enough moisture caused the burn, well i hope its only burn as its not that hard a fix for a noob... pot size and ppms might have been ok if i had a constants drip feed into the small pot.

When i was up in the 1100's my run off would be maybe 100 150ppm over


Active member
If you start to read threads you will see a lot conflicting points about run off ph and ppm in coco. Some peoples says run off in coco isn't worth measure , run off say nothing. Other peoples say run off is everything in their garden and when is off they have issues. There is more peoples that grow without run off in coco than peoples that grow with run off. So I don't know im noob like you. When I feed with 1000 ppm my run off say 2000 ppm/ 4.0 e.c.wtf...!!??? I dont have any single burn leaf tips. Are plants or bud stems with issues is right under the bulb or too close?
I noticed buds right under bulbs or too close have simptoms like ca- and other parts of plant is ok. When I pomp cal mag like crazy they greener back and no more rusty spot. But my cal mag is very high on N 4%. I have dark green leaves even after 10 days flush. Ballance is the key but I can't find yet. Grow and learn from mistakes is only right way, day after day years after years. There is too much disasters that can hit you and kill your crop for week. I stop worried after years with issues like botritys, powder mildew, and all kind of bugs. You will have good crop even with few discolored leaves.
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hmm, yea i should be grateful for the flowers being as healthy as they are with me being a novice.

Since the flush and cutting of the ppm's, the problem doesn't seem to be getting any worse, and growth is still at a good rate, everytime the tent is opened, its flowers are fatter... so can't complain