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There's always someone above I just wanna know where our souls go when we leave this mortal coil - on here were human mortals
What happens next?

I was 3 years old when a can of cleanser slipped from my hands. It hit the floor and blew up in my face; up my nose and in my mouth. Asphyxiated, I fell backwards onto the floor.

After the initial shock/struggle for breath I relaxed. Everything was black and then brilliant lights. An intense spotlight appeared in the lower left corner. There was an invitation: Go into the light. At 3 yrs old I was already a rebel -- Nope, I aint going. The brilliant lights faded and the spotlight was the last to disappear..

Then I found myself flying amidst a light grey sky and lighter grey clouds. I braced myself for cold temperature but it wasn't very cold at all. I wondered were my destination would lead me...

Meanwhile, back here on Earth.. my father came home from work and found me unresponsive on the kitchen floor. He gathered me up and ran me to the hospital where I was revived...

4 days later I awake to reality sitting in a highchair at my Great Uncles home. The look of disbelief on his, Aunty, and her mother's faces when I came to just freaked me out.. Aunty got on the phone right away to call my parents to let them know I was conscious ..

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Active member
I never saw it through someone else's eyes. The grim nature of the black figures, shadows, coupled with her vertical projectile vomit. It's heavy fuckin metal