oh we gon'drankPurple passion ..." I can't even taste the alcohol!?!??!" " That's the plan baby, that's the plan!"
oh we gon'drankPurple passion ..." I can't even taste the alcohol!?!??!" " That's the plan baby, that's the plan!"
Neighbor from the river days up here, close to 40 years ago, living in a crack house in the Bay Area in California, got popped for petty larceny, stealing shirts and shit from a clothing store. In the middle of questioning, he blurts out that he murdered his best friend up here at a gravel pit over a girlfriend issue. Cop's asking him about stolen cheap-ass dept.-store shirts, and the next thing the cop knows he's getting an unsolicited confession for 1st degree murder.Never seen a dude turn himself in?
I didn't have a corkscrewModern problems require modern solutions