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What is your average Grams Per Watt?

What is your average Grams Per Watt?

  • 0.25 gpw

    Votes: 4 4.5%
  • 0.50 gpw

    Votes: 15 16.9%
  • 0.75 gpw

    Votes: 29 32.6%
  • 1 gpw

    Votes: 19 21.3%
  • 1.25 gpw

    Votes: 13 14.6%
  • 1.50 gpw

    Votes: 3 3.4%
  • 1.75 gpw

    Votes: 1 1.1%
  • 2 gpw

    Votes: 2 2.2%
  • 2.25 gpw

    Votes: 1 1.1%
  • 2.50 gpw

    Votes: 2 2.2%
  • 2.75 gpw

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 3 gpw

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


Active member
I'm polling, FOR SCIENCE! What is your average yield in grams per watts of light you are using for your last three (3) harvests?


No one is judging you, no one is trying to be the best.. This isn't a contest, this is just a poll about your actual results, so please give your ACTUAL results for the poll. The whole point is useless if you lie and you are not tricking anyone, you are only hurting yourself trust me I am mad do not screw with the methods ;)

No one's asking for proof you only did .25gpw last grow, or that you get 2gpw. Obv. just round up or down or whatever is closest for your last 3 grows.

Maybe this'll be fun! Meow!


Active member
Mine has been .56g/w of dried cured buds. Under dual 150 HPS cycle is 2 week veg once well rooted clones are put into 2 gal pots at and 70 days flower I have a very short height flower space . And the strains I run just take that long to finish. I get about another oz of sugar leaf and trim I make budder from. That I did not include in the totals. 4 plants ttl .
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Active member
Pot size is also significant,my goal is 4 8 oz plants under each vertizontal,flowering in 5 gal pots.I started out flowering in 3 gal pots and my yield was significantly less


Active member
Can we add a time limit to this.
G per watt means nothing if it took you 6 months to get there.

Gram per watt per cycle.
Or gram per watt per month makes more sense.
No there's a reason for that... It's an average per your last 3 harvests... Cycle doesn't make sense here..

Or if one is a critical thinker, using a perpetual harvest, etc., take a best average guestimate for some kind of time span, say every 2, 4 months, or 6 months, depending on how often you are harvesting.

If its your first or second grow, average that. If you have an odd number, like 1.35gpw, well, do your best averaging up or down, honestly, are you more likely to be on the 1.25 end often times, or 1.5 end.. Again, critical thinking lol.

This isn't about how much you are growing in a given time span, it's how much are you getting at harvest vs wattage you are using to obtain that. Time doesn't really matter here, it's your last 3 harvests; you could be harvesting quarterly, or once a year, it doesn't really matter. You did 3 harvests in 3 years, one every year, ok what's the watts from each harvest and what is the grams and then for all 3 you average it. Or 3 harvests in 3 months, again time isn't a factor. She likes it no matter how long it is!

If you put a time limit, then you can't ever run the experiment again; ie. this is a test, and you can keep testing yourself every 3 harvests indefinitely ;)

What was your gpw for those last 3 harvests? How much wattage did you use, and what did you get?

Now, think about and focus on what you can do in the future to increase that gpw average. This is why time, or size of grow, neither really matter. It's just about improvement for the next round(s).

Now. Harvest 3 more times. What is your gpw meow? Did it go up? Did it go down? Or stay the same? Why (if you have any thoughts or reasons ie. temps dropped, overwatered, don't really know, etc.,)?

Of course if you are reaching the upper tiers of what is doable (2+gpw) you are obv. doing something right, and if you hit that and can't go further, it isn't something to be ashamed of or even think you perhaps can do better as there is obviously a real point at which you can plateau with what your plants can put out, but in that regard, it is then of course the goal never to go under that maximum you have obtained after reaching such a point.

There is a reason stop questioning the madness :dance013:

This isn't the only metric for growing of course (gpw), but it is a good one, one that is absolutely quantifiable, and that you can easily track yourself and keep numbers on, if you are honest. Its the most bare bones way to ensure you are improving, and neither faltering or plateauing. But it only works if you are honest with yourself, here cheaters truly never prosper.

AND! Everybody learns.

Unless you're like me and smoking it before it's even try and drying it in an oven to smoke it. Don't be like me! I'm a dick!


A gram per watt is nearly 36 oz per 1K light.

It can't be done.

People must be weighing wet or telling lies.

I did wonder if this was bs. I gave up trying to get gpw a long time ago because it seemed un achievable to me.
Didn't know if it's because I'm in soil and organic. I have managed a bit better than .5 per watt before that was more the strain because I did nothing different to what I do every grow


3rd-Eye Jedi
this measurement is really only relevant when comparing against your own last measured results based on local environment + cultivar

my last three I have gotten 1 gpw but at like 30 watt per square foot and because of the ugly realities of my space I can't increase watt per square without adding climate control and movers (which makes no sense in this space)

I grow LOS, multa-strain, open ventilation and no nutes or chems, no dehumidification or AC year round (I live in a temperate clime) and an average of 30 watt per square foot

my numbers would be far better if I was trying to beat some personal record but I am really trying to get the most out of my environment with as little alteration to it as possible

i have tons of 1/2 - 1 lb plants per homer I did under 1000s, can do that in my sleep



I gram per watt is 4 8 oz plants per 1K and that is very achievable in soil

I'm a tent grower so I find it hard to grow big plants. 4 oz plants were my best with topping. I keep meaning to try a scrog maybe I could do better like that.


Active member
I used to run 3 1K vertizontals in an 8 by 8 room with co2 and could pretty consistently pull 5 pounds out per cycle although I got really close to six once so I know its achievable.I do think you need 50 watts sq ft and co2 to do it though with 1K hortiluxes


The Doctor is OUT and has moved on...
Well to muck things up, I am perpetual grower and harvest every 7-10 days or so. I run various strains that vary from 65 to 90 days to harvest, so the actual number of plants in the flower environment varies. Then to complicate matters a bit more, I use 3 different lamps each with unique light spectrums (first few weeks under 600w MH 7.2k (kelvin) during bloom 1000w HPS 2k & finish last few weeks under 600w MH 10k--very high UV-B).

Over the past few years the numbers varied, but the last 3 harvests these are my equivalent numbers based on using the total number of plants needed to have 9 batches in the room at once (the number necessary to have a harvest every 7-10 days):

Grams per plant: 95
Grams per watt: 0.97
Watts per plant: 98
Watts per sq ft: 68
Lumens per plant: 8,987
Lumens per sq ft: 6,222

BTW--I have had as few as 7 batches and sometimes 11 batches in the flower at the same time (12 batches is butt to butt). Just depends on who & how long. Sweet spot is 9.
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Bush Dr

Painting the picture of Dorian Gray
The most accurate ratio is gpw/yr

I could go over 3gpw but only a maximum of twice a year if that

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