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What does it mean when ur plant has hot pink hairs?


ICMag Donor
Very cool pics catcher and DocLeaf!
I also noticed this on 1 of my 3 MCCI's (MexicanCashCropperIndica) that are outdoors this season. From what I've seen, "pinky's" appear to be more common on indicas, as do purple leaves; most likely linked to the genetics. I have also noticed that I have some purple leaves starting on one of my outdoor PoisonSourSaver ladies, which is not usually a purpler and I have a BlackRose (green pheno) that is purpling up and the night temps here haven't even gotten that low yet. Perhaps it's just going to be a very colorful season?? Oh boy! :biggrin:

DrPoison :laughing:


Active member
imo pink hairs are prevelant primarilly in outdoor grown specimens. this trait is also very noticable while on a fresh bud, but after drying the hairs shrivel up and pretty much dissapear to the naked eye
This thread is great b/c all of the bud candy, and BOY does it look like CANDY, and the oohs and aahs, which I engaged in myself while looking at the photos. It seems like this can pop up at any generation, and it's just something some pot does, like there are lots of types of pot that do cool things that others don't. And if it's recessive, well, if you don't like recessive traits, then there you go. It's finding good recessives that a lot of people around here appreciate, given my limited knowledge of how all this works.

GREAT PICS!!!!! :)


Active member
this is awsome

lol,,,can someone explaine to me why i could not make a pinkhair F1??,,,,some breeders use outcrossing to stabilize traits like this

wish I could, but I dont know shit about breeding, I can still get cuttings of her tho if ya wana try. The hairs dry to be red, but its fucking unbelievable while growing, when shes done ill post dry shots.

Im positive its a recessive trait in specific genetics that hold the trait, like I said I dont know much so dont absorb what I say, but i dont see how its diff from two brown eyed parents havin a blue eyed kid (that is IF either of those parents held the blue eyed recessive trait)

Much respect english


Active member
Very cool pics catcher and DocLeaf!
I also noticed this on 1 of my 3 MCCI's (MexicanCashCropperIndica) that are outdoors this season. From what I've seen, "pinky's" appear to be more common on indicas, as do purple leaves; most likely linked to the genetics. I have also noticed that I have some purple leaves starting on one of my outdoor PoisonSourSaver ladies, which is not usually a purpler and I have a BlackRose (green pheno) that is purpling up and the night temps here haven't even gotten that low yet. Perhaps it's just going to be a very colorful season?? Oh boy! :biggrin:

DrPoison :laughing:

Thanks poison:respect:

can we see your mcci?


ICMag Donor
as someone said beffore,,,pink hairs usaly apear in outdoor specimines,,,,

its oviously a genotype + enviroment = phenotype issue


Active member
Are you calling me a liar?

Are you calling me a liar?

I'd like to see infor to backup ur statements. TOO, nor do you proof behind your statements or any proof that you and your plants arent just lucky and ya got recessive phenos.
This makes no sense. Who cares if its dominate or recessive. In my line I get at least 3 outa 4 showing pink hairs. Sometimes its all of them. The seeds are the F1 cross. Thats proof enough to me that His statement is False. read this post again and you will see other growers have pink hairs on F1 plants, its not only me.
nor is there any way to prove that youve seen seedlines that are all pink pistils and in that case, prove those were all grown from seed and due to common genetic, and not pheno, if the plant even did carry the recessive trait for pink pistils.
Are you calling me a liar. I posted pics with pink hair plants. I have plants as we speak that are all pink haired. I do not have a camera to show pics with at the moment. I suggest before you come and try and call me a liar you get to know me. I have plenty of expierience growing strains with pink hairs, for years. It sounds to me you are the noob who does not understand plant genetics, I grow from seed. Its a fact. So do others that have the same experience. I 'm sure others will chime in and back up my claim.
If there are pink pistilled seedlines that you can get at least a 50/50 pink pistilled plant ratio out of a sack of beans, and even though they turn red after curing and pink doesnt really matter- the genetics and line would be WELLL known and popular, and I cant say I've heard or know of one. Anyone out there?

maybe you should let everyone know what line ur doing?
Re read this post and look at the pics. Just because YOU have not heard of them does not mean they do not exist. Do some research and you will find out how they do in fact exist.
I get pink pistils in the following strains most of the time.
Bubblegum x Purple Passion
Hindu Kush x Purple passion
Blue Moonshine X Purple passion
Blueberry x Purple passion
All grown from seed and this is yrs of growing HUNDREDS of these plants and every time, without fail, I get pink pistils. The seeds are F1 and i have shown my plants to plenty of people. Got plenty of witnesses. Just cause I don't have a camera, and just cause I dont' post pics does not mean I am a liar.

Noun. Gene that produces its characteristic phenotype only when its allele is identical. "The recessive gene for blue eyes"


oh man... sounds like a heated discussion. i haven't read through the thread, but i thought i pop in and add that the old hawaiian line that i've been talking about sometimes throws out plants with pink hairs.


Active member
If I was calling you a liar jita, I would have done just that. Youre misunderstanding me. All I was doing was calling bullshit on the "bullshit" you called on secretgarden, when you provided not much more proof to your statement just like he added none to his.

And as far as his comment, all I agree with is that it was pheno, I shoulda stated that, I did not, I dont know shit about if it is in F1 or 2.

I would like to get to know you- you have far more exp. and knowledge than myself- esp. if im gona be calling you presumptious things which I did not. I just failed to find validity in what you said, just like you found none in what secret said.

peace, much RESPECT jita...:huggg:


New member
haha, this is a rather amusing discussion, I agree with the other few who have said "It means your plant has pink hairs,"

No biggie, there's some cool looking plants in this thread though.

I believe colour tends to be more pronounced outdoors, though this can apply to even the shade of green the leaves take on, in fact I think it refers more to leaf,stem and calyx colouring than pistles. I've heard this is due to the cold nights but I think it's a combination of things. Just my humble opinion.

Are there any other pistle colours coming from that line of seed?


Active member
haha, this is a rather amusing discussion, I agree with the other few who have said "It means your plant has pink hairs,"

No biggie, there's some cool looking plants in this thread though.

I believe colour tends to be more pronounced outdoors, though this can apply to even the shade of green the leaves take on, in fact I think it refers more to leaf,stem and calyx colouring than pistles. I've heard this is due to the cold nights but I think it's a combination of things. Just my humble opinion.

Are there any other pistle colours coming from that line of seed?
It does seem to get pinker as the nights are getting colder. It was around 70 but its 63-65 now which is unreasonably cold and a record low for this area at this time. I remember Humboldt Grow mag had an awesome plant with pink pistils. Its just pretty, not a big deal at all.


ICMag Donor
sometimes red stems its a sign of P defficancy,,,,,,any plant can have a defficiancy

headband 707

Plant whisperer
It means your doing the right thing LOL LOL

Wait wait perhaps on second thought you should grow she out and kill her before she spreads she could be hermie ,infection, recessive, poison in the grow send it to me for analisis LOL

peace out Headband707
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Cam sucks but these are hot pink !
as someone said beffore,,,pink hairs usaly apear in outdoor specimines,,,,

its oviously a genotype + enviroment = phenotype issue

My first grow was some bag seed I got from the girl we bought from. I grew it out indoors, and she had planted some out in her yard. (seeds out of the same 1/4 pound)
Hers had pink pistils, mine had normal white pistils. I was SO jealous!!!!
I know it could have been pheno related, but the whole outdoor thing makes a certain sense. WHY I don't know.


Well-known member
Ok so like I have a plant for the 2ed time this year that has pink hairs. :D the first time was with an auto flowering ladie.
Now its with a regular plant from seed. So Ill get some pix of her and them pink hairs later this afternoon.

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