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What did you have for dinner tonight? Pleace show pic


I find searing the meat in the cast iron and putting in a *450 oven for xx and turn for xx.


NO MATTER HOW stoned you ARE, remember NOT to touch the handle, it's easy to forget when straight. After, right after the oven place pan (minus meat) on high heat and deglaze the iron with whatever, I like water/wine. Pour sauce over meat, let rest for at least 10.


Once I forgot and I might be dumb, but not STUPID, let me tell you, never again, use your imagination!!!!!!!!!!!!!


The Hopeful Protagonist
I have a regular gas oven but put a stack of a couple pizza stones on the floor, works really well, I turn the oven all the way up and let it get fully hot, put the pizza in and then turn it off after about 3 minutes, the residual heat finishes cooking it in about 7 more minutes. Have to resist the temptation to open the door and check on it, don't want to loose that heat! :noway: Nothing like crunchy crust fresh dough baked on a stone, smells and tastes so good. :yoinks:

This one is just tomato and cheddar, surprised me how tasty it was :smile:

I knew you did something a little different, I was in the business(many moons ago) and can spot the difference right away.

Well done.


Bobby Stainless

"Ill let you try my Wu-Tang style"



gotta love steak...and lamb to...:yummy:


Active member
Really want to try lamb... always looks delicious.

@CT - Yeah... I can not remember the last time I overcooked a steak... usually it's a little under if anything. I think if I do the cast iron again, i'll just finish on the stove top so I can keep a eye on the temp... shouldn't make much difference than finishing in the oven..

IDK, I just never thought my little ol' electric stove could get the iron so hot... i just need to get the times down :| If the iron is light greyish/white (ashy color) from heat, and I sear a 1.5" steak for 2 mins a side...how long do you think it should be in a 350f oven? I think I left it in there about 8 minutes :| which I thought would be nice and medium.

Bobby Stainless

"Ill let you try my Wu-Tang style"
I think an oven holds the heat much better than a grill does, so the cooking time will be abbreviated.

I like my steak and lamb just a hair over rare, so my cook times are about 5 minutes each side.

I also let my steaks "bloom" for about an hour before I cook em.Which is a fancy word for letting them sit out and come up to room temp. That way the meat cooks evenly.


Active member

Grilled marinated chicken satay on toasted pita brushed with garlic and olive oil. Topped with basil and cilantro. Accompanied by grilled artichokes basted in melted butter, garlic, lime and basil, dipped in a aioli made by mixing the leftover basting ingredients with a little mayo. Also with some delicious red beans and rice.

Yay for 10 dollar rite aid barbecue. Excuse the puke orange counter tops.



Active member
Got these right before they brought them out @ ~4:30am...


Smoked this before going @ 4:15am~

p.s. not dinner, but more like my 'brunch'... lol


The Hopeful Protagonist

^^^ I'll have what he's having....That thing looks great! :joint:

I see a pita, and what looks like cucumber sauce maybe ?

What else is on that ? Is that lamb ?


Active member
Last night's rib eye becomes tonight's beef curry. Mmm with a little yellow and red curry, smidgen of tomato sauce, coconut milk, lots of garlic and onion, lime juice, brown sugar, and a few other seasonings with green beans and peas. Topped with the always essential cilantro and basil.



IcMag Resident Comic Relief
:nanana:: It's official, we have smoked ourselfs retarded. :woohoo:

(did the last 2 posts make any sense?)

Bobby Stainless

"Ill let you try my Wu-Tang style"

Here is what I had last night. Some of my favorite stoned food. BBQ chicken baked taters. Butter, Sour Cream, and cheese underneath the BBQ!


cant stop wont stop
Cant take credit for the photo but mine looked alot like this

Spicy Indian Chicken and Mango Curry served on white rice.
Stuff was so bomb!!


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