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What are you listening to? II


moose eater

Pied Pear in Victoria, B.C., 1984

True characters.

Pied Pumpkin, then The Pear/Pair of Pied Pumpkin

A fine, talented 2-piece, Canadian band.

If you were in the Yukon Territory in the mid-to-later 1970s, you probably knew who these folks were.

The original band included Shari Ulrich, who later was with Hometown Band.



Well-known member
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moose eater

I don't see a link or such, Tycho. On the other hand, I'm about 1/6 vision impaired with my glasses, until I get a new Rx, so... who knows? The 1's I'm wearing are almost 5 years old.

Yes, Gry, some of my 1,000 original cassettes and 750 Lps are old enough that they're dulled in sound, even considering original quality, and finding performances that are likely ONLY available in live or semi-private context, as opposed to commercially available.. has been INCREDIBLE.

Don't know how long we'll keep the 1-GB transfer speed, but for now I'm head-first in the trough with my swim fins kicking in the air. ;^>)

Tommy Bolin


Homeward Strut


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