if your looking for puerly commercial and starting from seeds, i'd look into something like next generations dynamite. its a heavy yeilder, good quality and finishes quick. heres some info:
Next Generation Dynamite is a squat growing Indica strain, well known for it's heavy yield and high quality bud. Dynamite is very fruity, thick with resinous smoke. It's cannabis seeds produce a deep grapefruit smell that finishes with pink/purple colours as the buds ripen. Dynamite is our stabilized version of Canada’s famous Grapefruit clone. It's cannabis seeds flower indoors within 50 days and can be harvested outdoors early October. Dynamite's structure is short, branchy and grows wide outdoors. Winner 2005 Oregon Medicinal Awards.
am sure this was used to make sonics pynamite mate
uk pineapple x dynamite
I miss this in my garden really nice and powerfull too