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weeds on showtime Beware:Could be spoiler info


natural medicator
so i'm bettin against nancy getting killed off (after the end of this last episode) and the DEA guy getting kidnapped, taken through the tunnel, and disposed of. they're going to have time to do it because he's going to want to take credit for the tunnel himself, and not tell anyone til he's got the case on lockdown.

Nancy is going to be kicked out of the store. I think the season may end with one of her children being held across the border until a case/trial is over and she's committed to not testifying.

That or she just loses the store thing and that's where the show sets up for next season with silas's big grow.

Shane is about to get into dealing or something I think.

Theres all my speculation. 99% chance most, if not all, is wrong :biglaugh:

Mr. Tony

Active member
I hope it turns out good, She for sure won't be working at the store much longer....fucking snitches....

BiG H3rB Tr3E

"No problem can be solved from the same level of c
honestly>>>seems like WEEDS is an ANTI-MARIJUANA show,,, think about it:: the whole premises is that weed is a gateway drug and people who deal with it and use it are losers and/or gang members. they sure took a great show and drove it into the ground,,, i know they already announced 26 more shows after this seasons ends,,, but after how lame and pathetic this season is,,, along with the low ratings,,, makes it hard for me to believe they would sign on for two more seasons...

VictoryGardener said:
Although I don't watch a hell of a lot of TV, I cannot wait for the new season of Always Sunny in Philadelphia....

just started watching ASIP over on www.hulu.com and am addicted to it,,, the characters,, the actors ,, the writers :::all top notch. not to mention it stars danny devito in a role that proly couldnt be cast any better....cannot wait for new season,,,
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Active member
lol, showtime has nothing else going for its self other than maybe dexter. they'll sign anyone to be on that channel. they're fucking desperate. for years they were the lowest common denominator of any movie channel.

p.s. bring back the wire!!! fuck weeds.


Pretty intense episode but it was more drama then anything. I feel bad for doug he is so passive aggressive though. :laughing: That one scene was way gruesome and it came out of nowhere.:yoinks: Another smokeless episode. They couldn't even show shane make a fool of himself with his lady friends.
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ICMag Donor
yea it was quite the show tonight!....what kind of thing was Silas growing in?..the plants looks so fake, its too bad it cant be real stuff...Shane scores a bag, atta boy!! hehee ...
yea Nancy is in way over her head, did she really think no one would find out she was the leak?...once she saw those girls she figured she had no choice but to try to stop it, but another 3 tunnels just takes its place, too bad.

yea SH, that was nasty with that sander!! ewww poor guy!

El Andy and Maria!! lol and doug calling the damm Imigration ppl, asswhipe!

Next week season finaly, dammit


That wasn't a sander, it was an angle grinder with a cut off wheel on it. Pretty gruesome. Can't believe Nancy snitched! Remember the old adage snitches get stitches.


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
RudolfTheRed said:
the bitch is a snitch... wasted goods...
i hope she gets wasted by the mexican mafia

Well the game did change alot. They are no longer dealing in pot or even heroin or guns. They are dealing in human beings. I think that changed the game big time for Nancy. Whole diff set of morals involved once she realized they were dealing in people.
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Babbabud said:
Well the game did change alot. They are no longer dealing in pot or even heroin or guns. They are dealing in human beings. I think that changed the game big time for Nancy. Whole diff set of morals involved once she realized they were dealing in people.

Yea so u go to your lover the guy who runs it. I know she did the first time. The second time she mentioned it he said it would never happen again. Oh too late i already talked to roy till. :bashhead:

BiG H3rB Tr3E

"No problem can be solved from the same level of c
nancy is puto bitch,,,she would have never made it this far...

that mayor could be banging some WAAAY hotter tail than nancy,,,

pasty creame faced ponacha,,,ever heard of implants???

and shes going crazy,,,cause a few people went through the tunnel???

this bitch should be living in indiana,,,working at the cold stone>>>

she couldnt even handle a reidential grow house,,,,why did anyone think

she could traffik??? this show stupid as fuk. out of all the

people who grow,,,selll,,smoke and traffik>>>>they dont have ONE person

who knows what the fucks is up???

can anyone even remeber the last time someone toked on weed?

and what happend to my sexy blonde MILF?????

best part of the show>>>>

kevin nealon:::Hello San Diego County,,, INS please

hHAHHAHA :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

i was cryin laffn so hard
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I Feel Good
ICMag Donor
yeah i have to admit that this show is really hitting rock bottom...

the best thing about this last season was silas banging the mom.. :rasta:


Kevin Nealon makes it hilarious.

Anyone else notice that in the credits, Advanced Nutrients is listed as consultants?


Toad said:
Kevin Nealon makes it hilarious.

Correction - Kevin Nealon " Made " ... not makes

Incredible to me - in season 4 - they have made Kevin Nealon into a not so funny, not so likable - idiot ... and are ruining his good character

Not the show we have all come to know and love


ICMag Donor
Yeah I miss the days of NotFrancie selling oz's to college kids...it has not gone the way we all think it should but still a good laugh, I try not to dwell on the changes and just enjoy the moment....

Tonight is the season finaly and it says a few surprises, so we'll see what happens!


IcMag Resident Comic Relief
sweet mother of god we finally got our cable box working.. ill be able to discuss the season finally right after it for once, and not have to wait until someone posts it.!!! wooohoo.. to bad the season is over


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor
Mrs.Babba said:
Yeah I miss the days of NotFrancie selling oz's to college kids...it has not gone the way we all think it should but still a good laugh, I try not to dwell on the changes and just enjoy the moment....

Tonight is the season finaly and it says a few surprises, so we'll see what happens!
the writing of seasons 1-3 was fine although we all know that some of their technical portrayals were wrong. Babba is dead on as are others who've mentioned that it's gone in directions that seem nonsensical, but I feel that it now unfortunately portrays weed dealers as members of organized crime. I finally stopped watching this seasons episodes, no interest in a friggin' bullshit story.

migrant worker mules, gun smugglers, even a murderer (Nancy snuffing Bubbie) is just too over the top for me, as though it's being written by the DEA propaganda machine imo.......