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weeds on showtime Beware:Could be spoiler info

well im proud of the fact that a network took a chance on the mj front!! i figure if the faggs and qeers can have there shows so can we!!!
to those lookin the second season starts august 14th 06. and you can buy season 1 at wally world!!! (walmart)

Wacky Tobacky

Active member
FullyMeltedDome said:
They where naming some good strains though.She asked for some Grape Crush and SWT :joint: .But the Ol lady she scores from is idiotic,thats the worst part on the show, the lady always cookin while being trying to be hard ,lol.I like how she left her Land Rover as collateral for 2 OZ's,lol :dueling: .
bat: .Peace and stay safe,DancesWithWeed
ya they got the strains right but the prices are rediculous. a car as collateral for 2 oz is just plain stupid. theres alot of dumb things on the show but i still think its hillarious.


New member
I like the show because it is unique.

It is funny, no doubt about that. However, I wish they would bring on an ill character that really relies on his/her medical cannabis for relief of their symptoms.


stone fool
The last season is showing tonight, 5 episodes I think at 8 central. I did not see it last year, so this is catch up for me, figured somebody else might too. The new season starts tomorrow I think, that is the reason for this evenings shows.

Jam Master Jaco

I get too easily rapped up in shows like that. Weeds is a good show, except some of the characters are just too fuckin weird for me. Like her brother in law who she overheard admitting to having cyber sex with a 15 year old deaf girl...and she flipped out for like 5 seconds about it and has never since brought it up. What the hell people?


ICMag Donor
Its a great show...I love it, cant wait for the new season...looks like she starts growing...very funny, its not just like real life but not suppose to, its a tv show...

Chronic...I watch lost too...another cool show, very complicated but good..the new season starts soon but its like 6 new shows then a 13 week break then the last few shows...not a very smart move in my opinion but what do I know :)


I've only seen a few episodes.....I want to marry that chick....maybe I'll get lucky and find her for wife #2 or 3, I plan on going through a few.

Jam Master Jaco

yourselfimage said:

"But it'll take a little suspending of your disbelief. Botwin's seed money for her new venture is the $80,000 she gets from the insurance company after her bakery burns down."

Sounds a little exspensive for "seed money" to me...wonder what else they will have growing be like.

Hmmm....yeah....Well so much for trying to be down with reality, guess she's gonna get a few thousand different strains.... :confused:

But hey, at least they're trying.


always hopeful yet discontent
does anyone know why nancy doesn't smoke herb? is it because she's only in it for the money? i don't understand how someone can sell without ever smoking herb.. it just bugs me lol

also bugs me how they portray stoners as idiots. the scene with doug and andy trying to catch the rat was pathetic.

i also would like to know how conrad was able to cross and backcross his magical new strain.. yet is still looking for a spot to set up his hydro crop.. where has he been breeding this whole time??

i'm probably taking this way too seriuosly..


Active member
LOL, they should 'keep it real' for one epsoide..

They have their door kicked in by an Asian gang and robbed at gun point.


all praises are due to the Most High
Weeds = Crypto Anti Cannabis Propaganda

Weeds = Crypto Anti Cannabis Propaganda

mars2112 said:
does anyone know why nancy doesn't smoke herb? is it because she's only in it for the money? i don't understand how someone can sell without ever smoking herb.. it just bugs me lol

also bugs me how they portray stoners as idiots. the scene with doug and andy trying to catch the rat was pathetic.

i also would like to know how conrad was able to cross and backcross his magical new strain.. yet is still looking for a spot to set up his hydro crop.. where has he been breeding this whole time??

i'm probably taking this way too seriuosly..

True dat, besides the show is just a bunch of propaganda.
i watched the first series of episodes, it was so stupid i couldn't
get myself to watch it after 5 episodes :bat:

why doesn't the main girl smokes you ask? because the intention is to show she is doing it for the money to take care of her family, so the logic is that sometimes moms have to do illegal stuff to take care of their family when their sub-urban american dream style of life isn't possible without enough money.

mark my words, the series will end making cannabis look like a bad thing, more than it already has... as it is, they already have blacks and browns doing dry-bys and being all criminal and shit, wtf, how can some of you say it is positive?

bunch of batty writters and tv executives.

peace out.
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always hopeful yet discontent
^^ lol or have her open a dispensary and then get raided and shut down..

btw i can't believe they had craig x on that show (see temple420.org).. and he's a consultant for them.. it was really lame when she walked into his dispensary and he immediately starts showing her product, and never once asked for her card or recommendation. c'mon people, just a little reality please..

when does Lost start??? lol


Old School Cottonmouth
they already portray weed as a bad thing.

likes its a dirty seemy underworld.

when I saw the writers of the show. it was all middleaged jewish fat women with glasses. I'm not joking. it was a special behind the scenes look with writers and directors and shit.

lets emai them from laptops at coffee shops and tell them they suck.
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Active member
Eh the show's not that bad. I'll admit it does portray weed in a negative light...sometimes. However some episodes are pretty fucking funny, someone mentioned the rat scene. Have you ever seen a yuppy try and kill a rat? They freak out, my sisters husband threw a heavy paper weight through their wall in a lame attempt to kill a rodent. And he wasn't stoned in the least.

I think it's time to just sit back and look at it for what it is. A sitcom. I don't think there's an ulterior motive to ruin marijuanas already spotty image, it's just a money making vehicle. And I gotta admit, it's better than 80% of the shit on the tube these days. I'm sorry, but I don't want to see random people go on a date, or people stuck on an island without giligan, or some dude in prison that thinks he can break out, foggetabout it.


stone fool
I just get the urge to exicute the incompetent bitch, just for lack of parenting alone. Normally I avoid entertainment that evokes this reaction. But in this case, like a trainwreck, I feel compelled to keep watching, sucky as it is.