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Weedhoppers thread,,all are welcome.


Well-known member
I'm just making my way back here from a long hiatus. I remembered my handle and password though haha. Still enjoy growing though favourite hobby.. switching to LEDS.
I think everyone I know has been on here at one time or the other. This place is like a big airport with lots of terminals.😁
I'm staying here where I don't get lost 😋
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Well-known member
No coincidence ,,i was invited over. Most on MP know my name was Cowboybudsky yrs ago. It's on several threads. Remember the Nickname thread? Pute knows if he thinks about it,, it was in the Mod Forum.
Anyway I was here long time ago. Wish I could remember the name and password I used. I post on several forums but MP is my home.
Glad to see you drop by my thread. How's the pooch. That dog has some cool eyes.
Tell Big the Earth is Flat. 😁

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Well-known member
It's a big place. Open forum open thread.Was here long time ago ,same time I was on Firestax. Glad ya dropped by Pute.
Moving on.
Lost my fking wedding ring today. Really sucks. Thank God we didn't get stupid with expensive jewelry.
Wife said she will get me another one as soon as possible where I'm not single to long.😁
Told her I would rather have a new fishing pole.😋
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Cabana’s bitch
It's a big place. Open forum open thread.Was here long time ago ,same time I was on Firestax. Glad ya dropped by Pute.
Moving on.
Lost my fking wedding ring today. Really sucks. Thank God we didn't get stupid with expensive jewelry.
Wife said she will get me another one as soon as possible where I'm not single to long.😁
Told her I would rather have a new fishing pole.😋
I’d like to think that you will show people here more respect than you did over at the passion… Your incredibility took quite the hit when you guys started playing games by banning people after you read the PMs… On a lighter note, I have the last of my legend OG beans in the veg tent…


Well-known member
I didn't ban anyone and you know it, and I can't read PMs no more than Pute could. I got you unbanned twice remember.
Besides im pretty sure nobody here cares about shit on another forum that they are not on.
On the same note.
Hope those beans make some good dank. I'm thinking about popping some WW and GDP. Thinking I'm going to grow in my storage room.
Haven't used that SF 4000 yet.
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Cabana’s bitch
Please reread my post and don’t put words in my mouth. I said you guys, not you in particular regarding the banning… I guess my only question is, do you feel proud about the way the members were treated before the mass Exodus? You were part of the team weren’t you? I’m sorry, but I can’t get over the way I was treated and lied to by admin and moderators.


Well-known member
I tried to help you. Got you unbanned twice brother.
Moving on and I'm sorry you feel that way.
Hope you and the pooch are doing well. Hope his head is healing. That pig is lucky he didn't get in there.😁
Did any of those other beans I sent you work out?


Well-known member
how about you guys just let bygones be bygones and keep others sites business stay there...

if you click on a members name it just takes one click to add them to your ignore list
You have no worries with me. I'll give you no trouble. Not here for that. I was invited over here and that's pretty much it.
He is still my brother and I have no reason to ignore him.


Well-known member
Thanks Pute,,and I'm at home watching the Rifleman and checking forums.😁
That site is far from being mine brother .I don't own it or run it and you know it. I'm just a Mod. I'm not here to bother you nor was I trying. I was invited over here and decided to start a thread. There are 100s of threads on here bro. Mine is just one little thread.
Your welcome here anytime my friend .
Have a good night and a better tomorrow.👍

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