Ya I caught that too, you're not hallucinating not sure who it was.
thanks Amigo , my memory has been slipping lately
it’s concerning me to the extent that I may seek medical intervention
here is an example of what’s been going on
Port Angeles is a new place for me so I am learning my way around
so the 5-7 mile drive to town and back is giving me a familiar pattern
but I’ll be damned if I forget where I am at and don’t know if I should turn left or right cause nothing looks familiar
even if I’ve been on that particular route a dozen times , one would think it would be fresh in the memory banks
but nooooooooo , I get to hear Swede tell me to turn the right way and then say that can’t I remember anything , we just came this way yesterday…
maybe there are some early signs of Alzheimer’s , I need to do some research
also , we want to buy some kind of stealthy hidden security cameras so we can keep an eye on the place while we are away
anyone have any recommendations?…