I am the poster formally known as Hazy Eye and I managed to get back access to my first account here.
I have put the request in to delete Hazy.
Bio- Thanks! When my garden grows up, it wants to be like yours!
No eggplants for me...well, I didn't plant any. Which one are you talkin' about?
Rebel- 3 days of rain here...but before that, weeks of 90's. Water every couple days and that's it.
skullz- Thanks. The peppers were starts from a local spot. I think there's a pic of them in here when I got 'em. They were maybe 6". Just dug a hole and stuck 'em in.
looking good guys. it is hot az here. hoping for some rain this week. ate my first few sweet bananas yesterday. will be some jalaps ready in few days, might have some tomates in about a week
tomatoes are getting pretty crazy, some are sprawling everywhere, need to get serious about staking and pruning next year.
We did one eggplant last year. Got two eggs,... Two plants this year have lots of flowers, not seeing any fruit yet.
Pulling lots of green beans and the corn in my front three sisters has started to tassel and make silk. Have about 5 spaghetti squash ready to pull, did one on the smoker yesterday.
Great shot of the cat Don! And the garden looks great too.
Co Med- What is the plastic for on those plants? (radishes?)
When is the next photo update Bio? I imagine it's going crazy out your way.
I thought my tomatoes were getting a little unruly so I pruned 'em up real good. The results have been good. More flowers and fruit. I should've used the big cages because they're already outgrowing these.
The beans have went crazy on the trellis and should have it covered by this weekend, I'm guessing. The Kennepec spud is to the right and is doing great. I dug up the Yukon Gold and got 5 little spuds from it before it died completely. The start was $6.99. Not good math. In the back on the fence, the Lemon Cucumbers have pulled through after being attacked by earwigs. Same with the regular cukes but you can't see them behind the beans. They should begin climbing soon.
Pumpkin in a pot is doing good after a slow start. I don't know if I should let it grow up over the orange fence and down to the ground or if I should put it down now and let it set those roots in as well.
This morning I took my first veggies out of the garden...8 peppers. The bigger 3 are Hot Banana & the other 5 are Sweet.
Hope everyone is doing well.
Keep your gardens green and your eyes red.