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moose eater

Well-known member
Amnesty International's report on North Syria.

These are 'some' of the places we helped to 'clean up.' Or so we're told.

30,000 children in detention, and torture, to include pregnant women who were forced to have miscarriages during torture and interrogation where, in at least one incident, the guard knew the subject of his torture was pregnant and told her his intention was to cause her to miscarry.


moose eater

Well-known member
Biden still posturing as he continues to speak out both sides of his face, obviously fearful of the likely loss of his reelection at this point... Same double-speak weasel and stuffed-shirt he's always been... And -still- sufficient to provoke the wrath of the Nationalist Zionist sociopathic war criminals fascists.

Never say no to a tantruming spoiled toddler unless you're prepared for more tantruming.


moose eater

Well-known member
There's a reason why music has fit into nearly every revolution, just as orators of greater convention have, but both formats typically need to be in a language or delivery style that the target audience can hear and digest...

This was some of the language of revolution in honky tonk, (somewhat, mildly) secretly-hippified Texas...



Well-known member
I know I go off on tangents that are kind of off topic but all this stuff is connected none the less. I agree we need to challenge these Oligarchs, humble them, give them a tough dose of reality. And to do so will take organization and even casting aside of some differences.

Like the fall of any empire it will probably go down in chaos. Are there enough wise and just leaders to rise to the moment to hold shit together?

What it would take for folks to organize is a vision for an alternate way to be, one that is viable and realistic. I often think there is a compromise between socialism and capitalism, but for any of it to work you have to identify and maintain a fight against corruption. I think innovation comes from trade and I also don't have a problem with prosperity, but its hard to maintain ethics. Sometimes we don't know that what we manufacture is hurting others until down the road, but sometimes it is deliberate. Sometimes it feels like there are necessary evils, like our current use of fossil fuels. But that doesn't mean we need to abuse them. Everyone enjoys a warm bath or shower, or at least I do, should I have to give that up?

I guess the question is how can we raise the standard of living for all in an ethical way, and how do we curtail those that abuse our resources. Like those that water there stupid lawns in the desert in a drought?

So who do we need to pinch, and how? I think oil tycoons are an easy target. Then all the evil commodities brokers. People should stop buying stupid blood diamond engagement rings. And beyond boycott is the raising of alternatives that they try to suppress like alternative plastics, hemp, alternative medicine, and the like.

You can even ideologically boycott, not subscribe to prescribed societal conventions. Let those freak flags fly. Wouldn't it be cool to one day see a real person running for office with flaws, piercings, and tattoos?

Oh an how much $$$ is spent on the fascist militarized police? That was a great point, they love showing off all there stupid riot gear and how they can quell civil disobedience. And when the cops cant contain it the next will be the national guard/military. Why do you think the govt. isn't concerned about rednecks with AR-15's and their militias? Because they have sound weapons that will make you drop to your knees and shit yourself is why. But really fuck those cops that are all too eager to engage in an overly aggressive way, like abusive fathers. Like honestly I have been involved with civil disobedience in the past and everyone knows they are going to get arrested and it can be done with much more decency. But no..because they are ideologically opposed to the free speech at hand they get the pass to thump heads. More people should be pissed off about that because guess what, its a slippery slope and one day it will be your head being thumped.

But one thing is of concern, the illuminated clan is also fine with total chaos as noted with their Shiva statue outside of CERN. They are fine with destroying this world so they can rule on top of the next.

So with all that comes the apathy - the feeling of why do I worry about so many things that feel like they are outside of my control. All the while knowing that is exactly how they want me/us to feel.

moose eater

Well-known member
Start small/local and look to a bigger horizon at the same time. OCCUPY more or less began with a news or even simply an 'idea blurb' in a magazine in British Columbia, if I recall correctly. Probably a good rumor mill or word-of-mouth network before that.

GE is a major player in the DoD contractors' list, and always has been. There are ways to not give them money in their civilian markets, thus indirectly affecting their DoD investments, but they NEED to know that there's a reason behind it, which means letting them know what is being done and why.

Same with -many- other DoD contractors. They often have civilian markets and products they participate in, as well.

Sociopaths often only feel three (or so) things: that which affects THEM, personally. And that's typically either themselves (physically or financially) or their loved ones (physically or financially, assuming they have the capacity for love) or their wallets. Those ultimately have to be the targets, and the wallet is the least likely to bring excess, over-the-top, no holds barred, mayhem to organizers and actors, though OCCUPY in Oakland and Newark/NYC proved that when you pinch their wallets, they don't mind hurting people, to include even decorated Iraq war veterans.

But any organizing has got to be in the language that the would-be marginal supporters of which ever goals/actions can understand.
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moose eater

Well-known member
None of this involves truly new ideas. The people fucking the planet and its inhabitants have been doing so for decades upon decades.

This was about 50 years ago... and before that there were decades and decades of other commentary regarding other actions and issues that were declared in all sorts of languages.

***But how many people are willing to become unemployed, arrested, shot at, or otherwise impacted in order to make it different? Nope, I think there's not enough yet. Not yet. And they'll continue shopping at Walmart and the box stores... and banking with the most criminal banks. Their DeFacto jail keepers.

We're all responsible at some level.
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So Hai

Well-known member
Iran just demonstrated how inadequate the US air defense systems are. Fantasy defense systems. Don't let the People panic, just keep them fat, happy and stupid..
Yemen did it long before Iran. I remember reading some report even as far back as the 90’s that the patriot system had something like 9 percent efficacy. Apparently the israelis have adjusted their numbers from 99.9 to 25 percent effective.

America has already lost the weapons race. Russia, even Iran is leap years ahead. And it isn’t the only area where the US demonstrated itself to be inadequate.

moose eater

Well-known member
Yemen did it long before Iran. I remember reading some report even as far back as the 90’s that the patriot system had something like 9 percent efficacy. Apparently the israelis have adjusted their numbers from 99.9 to 25 percent effective.
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America has already lost the weapons race. Russia, even Iran is leap years ahead. And it isn’t the only area where the US demonstrated itself to be inadequate.
A political ally who is an expat from Oregon and runs a translation business in France for many years now, previously worked in the arms industry years ago. He still stays in touch with old pals, and a couple years ago he stated unequivocally that Russia's, China's and Iran's hypersonic missile tech are way ahead of the United States'.

Bluffing about one's capabilities sometimes works out (I've successfully done so myself in limited instances) but can have catastrophic outcomes as often as not.

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