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This helps explain why the neocons on both sides want to take over the Ukraine, but only after killing them all off. Problem is those pesky Russians. Straight from “to the last ukranian” ole sugar britches himself.



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From the Normandy landings to the Gaza genocide

by the Pr. Djamel Labidi

The landing beach in Normandy makes us, 80 years later, irresistibly think of the sand of the Gaza Strip. Why ?
Until now we have been watching images of the second world war distractedly, with the’ interest in archives. With the war in Ukraine, in Europe, this war becomes terribly present. We discover not only new aspects of its history but we see how it has been truncated. We see much better now, how the butchery of the first world war prepared that of the second. And how much the second world war’ has never been over and could justify in turn a third. Isn't N’ finally a single war that doesn't’en end up continuing ?
We then ask ourselves, today’, questions that’on is never asked so much’History seemed definitively written to us, questions that were evaded, passed under silence, retracted. For example what’ brought this second world war of good to’humanity ? Wasn't N’ also a big butcher shop like the’ was the first ? And as would inevitably be a third, this one, really, the «der of the ders».
False problems, false questions ? Not so sure because they could serve us in the quest for peace today’hui.
This context of the return of the war in Europe inevitably leads, on all sides, to a rereading of the second world war. The subject is obviously broad and beyond the scope of this article. A few points, however :

The Munich Agreement

The reference to the «paix shameful» of the Munich agreements of September 1938, as c’is baton on the media of the Occident «bien-pensant», is one of the central themes of the va-t’en war and the current anti-Russian Western propaganda. We repeat on all accredited channels that giving in to Putin in Ukraine would be the same as «the shameful capitulation of the Munich Accords where both England and France had backed down before Hitler» by ceding the Sudetenland to him and allowing a few months later, in March, the dislocation of Czechoslovakia. The reference is clear to the Crimea and the Donbas that are currently annexed by Russia.
On this occasion, we remind those who want to hear the’, the famous words of Churchill, which’il never actually spoke. He would then have commented on the Munich Agreement : «The government (of the United Kingdom) had the choice between war and dishonor; it chose dishonor and it will have war». Vladimir Putin is compared to Hitler. This’ is now the rule for any leader perceived as an opponent of the’ Occident: Nasser, Saddam, Milosevich, Geddafi. It gets boring, but let's pass.
This comparison with «Munich» is totally wrong. ’History is now better known, far from the official Western version : At the end of the first world war,’Germany is humiliated. By the Treaty of Versailles, he was stripped of the Sudetenland and the 3 million’allemands who lived there. Nazism instrumentalizes this question, and a gear is set in motion that leads to war. There was a real historical problem. This illustrates well how solutions through war create new wars and make the bed of all systems of HUMAN’ oppression. At that time, the’URSS proposal to oppose the’ annexation of Sudetenland by’Germany was met with Poland's refusal to allow Soviet troops to pass over its soil. Poland felt indeed (already !) more sympathy «for a western country like L’Germany» than for L’URSS, backward and asian «slaves». In 1934, she signed a non-aggression pact with’Germany. Churchill, a well-known ultracolonialist, a fierce anti-Bolshevik, also has more hooked Anglo-Saxon’atomes, culturally and historically, with’Germany, than’ with Russia and he wants to direct the Nazis towards the’URSS, a, what will happen in 1941.
In the meantime, the’URSS, the only socialist regime on earth, is alone, unprepared, bloodless after a long civil war. It wants to save time: it seeks to neutralize all these maneuvers by signing a non-aggression pact with’Germany. This is the true story of this pact that’on is now constantly emerging in an obvious questioning of the results of the second world war. This historical revisionism is spectacular in these ceremonies of the landing, through the’absence of Russia but the presence, on the other hand, of the countries that fought the’URSS, alongside the Nazis, or have collaborated with them : Romania, Finland, Greece,’Italy, Sweden, etc. Strangely, they have all entered’OTAN, and for some of them, in a hurry, in the last two years. They're all,defeated in the second world war, Germany in the lead, in the current anti-Russian’alliance.
Even more strangely, a kind of historical gateway is realized with the war against Gaza where we find a Germany that supplies Israel with weapons, as it supplies in Ukraine. Many of these European countries actively participated in the persecution of Jews including the Banderists, who provided the’ of the westernist and russophobic forces that took power in Ukraine. Is it just coincidence or is the second world war not’ over ? Does it come back in different forms, ideological, military, political ? Would President Putin be right when’il talks about’a struggle against the heirs of the Nazis throughout the’ Occident ?
On the beach of the celebration of the landing, floats all Western flags, except that of the main winner, Russia. This one, now seems to have gone to a friendlier world, the rest of the world. These ceremonies in tribute to the landing are more like a new warrior alliance than’ to the celebration of the end of’a war. In fact, when Zelensky arrives, he is greeted by an ovation from the western’Establishment gathered on this Normandy beach.

Does’History repeat itself ?

Indeed, there is an air of revenge in the’hostility of many countries that’on has just mentioned and the way in which they joined’OTAN. There are strange’s repetitions of the’History: thus, Romania, declared, in March 1940 that’«elle s’allied with the’Germany for fear of being invaded by the’URSS». Exactly the same arguments as the countries of’Europe of the’East and North, which joined the’OTAN in the current alliance against Russia. We see, this is not’ is not new, and it is not’ the war in Ukraine that was the trigger. There is rather a continuity.
We ironize today’ on these Munich agreements but who can say that peace wouldn't’ would not have been a better solution ? This’ is a point on which it would be interesting to reflect historically in the light of the new data that the’evolution is born since. Did the second world war bring any solution outside’ be the largest butchery in’ history with its 60 million deaths ?
Do we not find today’hui, about’Ukraine, the same language, the same va-t’en guerre as at the time of Munich. They repeat the same, exactly the same, sometimes word for word, that «Putin knows only force», that «the only solution is’is victory over Russia». They point fingers in the same way, with contempt «les pacifistes», «les russian agents». ’History repeats itself but the difference is that this time, they all want to make us die. What is this strange species that did not even’ the survival’instinct ?
D’evidence, today’, all efforts are made to revise the’History of the second world war. This revisionism is an important element of the anti-Russian propaganda in the conflict in Ukraine. The goal is to minimize, to devalue the essential contribution of the’URSS, its sacrifices with its 27 million deaths. Demographically, she is never given S’en. This is close to the number of Western losses : United States 418,000, United Kingdom 450,000, France 560,000. When we read these figures, we feel how unworthy it is to want to revise thus the’History and to what decay a certain Western propaganda has arrived.
But as often, the comic is not far from the tragic. The avatars of historical propaganda sometimes give amusing effects: as much the Westerners wanted to say «the Russians», talking about the’URSS, during the period of communism and the cold war, as much they want to today’s today to distinguish between the victorious’URSS of the war and the current Russia. The conflict in Ukraine has gone through this. Stalin, the Georgian, however, wanted, himself, to pay tribute to the leading «role played by the Russian nation among the Soviet nations».
The comic, and also an atmosphere of end of reign. L’Occident has aged, much aged. President Joe Biden seeks to sit on a chain that does not’exists, under the worried gaze of his wife, and American veterans sitting on wheelchairs. Some seem to hold back a laugh. This episode seems to brighten up the’atmosphere. Despite the pomp, the flonflons, the fighter planes that tear the sky, the ceremony seems strangely very sad. The choirs of’inaudible children, the song of the partisans repeated for the nth time without great conviction by a military choir, do not manage to animate the’atmosphere. President Biden and Macron seem to plunge into their worries, which’on press, and do not say a word to each other. They even hold back yawns.
The landing is no more than’a memory. It would have been better not to touch it.

The lies of the landing

The ideological attempts to revise the’History of the second world war are manifested in the half-truths, omissions, lies of the official Westernist narrative on the landing.
The Normandy landings took place on June 6, 1944 less than one year before the end of the war, May 8, 1945. It is therefore only five years after the beginning of the war, that the USA and’England finally open the second front requested by the Russians. Until’s landing, the’URSS had carried the weight of war alone. It had fixed two-thirds of the Wehrmacht troops. Moreover, they were the youngest German troops, the best trained, the best equipped. 85% of the German troops were destroyed on the eastern front. Certainly the landing will contribute to the victory, the’ accelerate, but the’Germany was almost defeated by the’URSS. The allies of the’URSS will go, in fact, to the rescue of victory. They will especially want to prevent the’URSS, which then goes from success to success, from’ to arrive before them until’en Western Europe.They are all the more worried that the resistance is directed everywhere by the communist parties: in France, Greece, Yugoslavia, Italy etc.. The resistance led a heroic and terribly difficult struggle in these countries against Nazism and its collaborators, and it enjoys an immense prestige there. The first act of the Western armies will be to disarm it as in France and Italy, or to fight it, as in Greece.or to fight it, as in Greece.or to fight it, as in Greece.
We learn moreover, today’hui, very beautiful about this landing. The United States humiliates General de Gaulle until’ does not inform him of the landing in his own country. They even want to administer France directly. The United Kingdom and the United States have nothing but contempt for this country which has surrendered and where the Vichy government collaborated intensely with Hitler, especially economically, and even participated in the persecutions against the Jews. It is the’URSS of Stalin who will demand the presence of General de Gaulle at the table of the victors of the war. Human’ingratitude is unfathomable.
We learn that the battle of’England, this mythical episode of the second world war made 30,000 dead during the whole war. There were probably twice as many in Gaza in 7 months.
In the American troops reigned a’apartheid regime with strict separation, on which scrupulously watched the military command, between blacks and whites. Blacks lived in special barracks.Even in military cars and trucks, armored vehicles, tanks there was never promiscuity of whites with blacks. The American general, commanding the’entry of allied troops into Paris, ordered that’no black soldier n’y participate. President Roosevelt could then celebrate «defence of Western values, freedom, democracy and civilization».
How is’astonant that the greatest colonial massacres of the twentieth century occurred just after the end of the second world war and have continued until the’s 90s, and up to now’. It’ is moreover at this moment, the end of the second world war, that the’ State of’Israel is founded, in Arabs too weak, so that’s can oppose it effectively. On this subject,’historian Maxime Rodinson, notes, in 1967, that «european supremacy had implanted, even in the consciousness of the most disadvantaged of those who participated [in’emigration to Palestine], the idea that, outside’Europe, any territory was likely to’ be occupied by a European element» and he specifies : «The’State of’Israel is a colonial fact». The genocide in Gaza is not finally’, the logical continuation of these colonial massacres of the post-war’.


The beach of this Normandy landing looks strangely like the sand of Gaza. She had also been bathed in torrents of blood, with the difference that there were soldiers fighting on equal terms, and there men women unarmed children, left to executioners whom only the fatigue of killing could stop.
On June 8, 2024, 270 Palestinians died in the Israeli’ operation in Gaza to free 4 hostages. D’after the chain of’information El Djazeira, the attackers came from the recently built U. S.-built pier on Gaza beach to deliver humanitarian aid. An American landing there too but of’another kind.
270 Palestinian civilians were killed, shot as if on the hunt. The previous days, it was the same, the same monstrous rite: every day the’ogre came to take his tribute of blood, preferably that of the children.
In the streets of’Israel, we dance of joy to the’ announcement of the news of the release of the 4 hostages. Like a win in a football game. Dances disheveled, pagan. In admiring western media, we talk about’an attack carried out with the usual «talent of Israeli special forces», of quasi supermen, of an operation such as a Hollywood’action film. The difference is that the dead are very real, and that’s have been slaughtered, without glory and without risk, like «human animals» to resume the terms of the Israeli defense minister.
Are they crazy ? Are they unconscious ? Are they sick with hate ? Are they insane ? What future do they reserve in this way in’History of the world ? What planet do they live on. Awakening one day, and it will necessarily come, risks being terrible’.
4 Israeli hostages released for 40,000 Palestinian deaths. This is expensive’otage on the’Israel stock exchange and Western media that exult and make special broadcasts on «cet event». And afterwards, it will be said that’Israel does not practice racism and’apartheid.
On October 7th there had been lies and follies, that the whole world now knows. In the same way, Israel shamelessly lies today’s about the hostages. In the same way that’il had not said that the largest part of the victims of October 7 were military, he does not say that at least half of the hostages are Israeli soldiers. The big Western media are very discreet about this, proof of’a sensitive point They are therefore prisoners of war, so much so that’on can talk about war about’a massacre, and they are just like the 10,000 Palestinian prisoners languishing, some for decades in Israeli prisons; dozens of Mandela.
These mass killings, as we now understand from the perseverance of the Israeli prime minister, are the very strategy of Zionism. Kill the Palestinians until’s can not even think of revolting, to live standing up. This’ was the logic of the great colonial massacres, which will continue the very day after the landing.

Setif and Gaza

Gaullist France celebrated liberation by a blood orgy in Algeria: 45,000 Algerian deaths in the cities of Setif and Guelma, May 8, 1945. They are guilty of’ having also asked for their release but of colonialism. They would then die, without anyone being able to see them, they were very alone, while’ in Paris, London and New York we danced with joy in the streets.
The French Gaullist government, from the liberation of France, will go to the reconquest of Vietnam. He believed he had gained his freedom by resisting Japan and its allies of the’Axe. In June 1945, General Leclerc, the same man who had entered Paris with the American’arme, was sent to Vietnam to fight Ho Chi Minh. These are the proclaimed values, «of freedom, of’ality and fraternity», of «la France eternale», following the expression, all fresh at this time, of General de Gaulle.
80 Years later, Israel too will «liberate the Palestinians from Hamas» by killing them en masse in the name of defending the same Western values.
Faced with one of the largest massacres since 1945, President Macron will say, on June 6, the same day of the’anniversary of the landing, that «it is not reasonable to recognize now the Palestinian’ State».

Irony of’History

The celebration of the’anniversary landing was the theater of’a great operation in trompe l’historical eye and’ ideologicalaffabulations. But irony of’History, a few days later, President Macron, master of ceremony of this celebration, is facing the greatest crisis, perhaps, what the country has known since 1945. It dissolves in disaster the French National Assembly.
D’un coup all the gilding of the landing ceremonies are quickly forgotten and relegated to what’elles are : a historical comedy with false pretenses, with false actors, with false heirs. As a result, the unresolved problems of the second world war reappear: western nationalism, relations with the non-western world, decline of western’hegemony etc..
All these false heirs of the glorious fight against Nazism are recalled to the’order: to really end with the second world war, it’is to prevent new bloodbaths, it’is to prevent war. C’is making peace in Ukraine. C’is making peace in Palestine.


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Great maneuvers


By Andrea Marcigliano

C’is the season of great maneuvers. Political manoeuvres, economic manoeuvres. And above all, strategic and military maneuvers. Because all countries of the world are positioning themselves in the perspective of the new global risk.

From what, to simplify, we could call these maneuvers the third (or fourth) world war. Because it’ is of that that’il is’ today’hui. Of war and world war. Provided, however, that we bear in mind that’il is’ a conflict profoundly different from those to which the last century had accustomed us. This’ is an asymmetric war, a hybrid war that requires many definitions. But what is important is that in this conflict, neutrality, setting aside’, is a luxury that Costa Rica and Monaco can perhaps afford. And j’insiste on the «maybe».

However, the world takes sides. Countries, major and minor powers, regional powers, etc. come together. In a variable geometry system. Not rigid. For those who are allied in one geopolitical quadrant may be rivals, even enemies, in another.

It is therefore first and foremost a’a diplomatic war. The diplomatic weaving of political and, in the first place, economic ties can put a power in a position of security, strengthening it even in the event of direct military conflict. Conversely,’ can delimit a substantial isolation. This is almost always a sign of defeat.

And if’on looks at the facts with one eye, let us say, without prejudice, without being influenced by partisan fanaticism, we realize’a very precise thing. In terms of major diplomatic maneuvers, Washington and the entire collective’ Occident are losing.

While its two main global rivals, Russia and China, are gaining ground every day.

In Africa, in the Sahel region, the French have now lost all control over their former colonial empire. And Washington's attempt to take over from Paris in its control of’a strategic area, both economically and geopolitically, has proved futile. Niger, Burkina Faso and Mali have now clearly entered Russian’orbit. And they are home to garrisons of private militias controlled by Moscow. Especially the now famous Wagner. Chad has followed the same path.

In Senegal, a new president openly hostile to the French and the Americans came out of the polls. And Congo S’s has approached the Kremlin diplomatically.

Moreover, throughout the center-south of what’on once called the black continent, it’is Beijing that dictates the rules of the game. Using the’ penetration instrument «douce», without conflict. Through economic cooperation. As the Xi Jinping Doctrine theorizes.

In Asia too, the game of equilibrium is changing rapidly. Emerging giants like’ Indonesia are watching with concern the growing tensions between Washington and Beijing. They are trying to maintain a position that does not harm their vital trade relations with China.

On the other hand, Russia is intensifying its relations with the countries of the region traditionally considered to be in the’ of Washington. Putin's statements on good relations with Seoul, which, according to him, «n’ is not plagued by obtuse Russophobia», are extremely significant.

But the position of’India is even more significant. Modi did not welcome Washington's attempt to force him to break off economic cooperation with Tehran. And the response to the American threat of economic sanctions appeared extremely harsh. According to the usually prudent and high standards of the Indian ruler.

In reality, Moscow and Beijing – that we can now consider as a common front – have two instruments of diplomacy and international relations extremely elastic. And therefore very effective.

The famous BRICS, which are expanding. And that create a web of economic relations such as the sanctions threatened by the collective’Occident against Moscow and Beijing are derisory.

And the’Shanghai Cooperation Organization. Mainly led by China, at its recent summit in Astana, it took a decisive position alongside Russia in the current international scenario.

’OCS, of which’Iran, Pakistan and’India are also members, is also a military cooperation organization.

To these instruments and to this diplomatic dynamism of its rivals, Washington responds with blind arrogance. An arrogance of’ all the more striking as the statements of the political summits of Brussels and’OTAN are «insensed» and improvised.

A stupidity that is due to the claim that only the Western collective represents the famous «international community». And that, therefore, it is he and he alone who has the right to’ to impose rules. And to break them at will.

But this primacy’ exists only in the world of dreams. The reality is quite different. And this West finds itself a little more isolated and besieged every day.


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"American navy sent the nuclear submarine USS Helena (SSN-725) to Cuba".​

To demonstrate their weakness because they cannot detect the Russian's Kazan K-561, submarine which is the most powerful, silent and stealthy in the world!

USS Hyman Rickover is already present on site but in vain

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It's not the Fake News media that are going to show you this image... The Burj Khalifa tower in Dubai was lit up in the colors of the Russian flag on the occasion of Russia Day...
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The B-52H Stratofortress strategic bomber of the US Air Force carried out a simulated nuclear strike on Kaliningrad on Russia Day, the Military Observer Telegram channel reports. According to the channel, the American bomber acted in coordination with Swedish fighters and the German Navy's P-3 Orion anti-submarine ship.


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After Ukraine, Serbia ?​

Moscow is convinced that the straussians will try in Serbia, not in Transnistria (as originally planned by the Rand Corporation [1]), the next round against Russia. It is’ would provoke the 3° World War by replaying the’ incident of Temes Kubin which succeeded one month to the’ assassination of the’archiduc Francois-Ferdinand in Sarajevo. The false news of a Serbian attack on Austro-Hungarian troops caused the’ emperor Franz Joseph I to lose his temper. He declared war without having verified Serbian responsibility for the death of his nephew and heir. Similarly, an incident for which the Serbs would be held responsible could push the European Union’ to support a war against Serbia after a war in Ukraine.

• Many clashes took place between Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina over the Bosnian Serb Republic in 2023. An attempt at « colored revolution » was organized in Serbia, in January 2024 ( cf.0039 ).

• (cf. 1172), contradicting Russia, The Security Council, n’ has not observed any aggravation of the current conflict between the Serb Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina and the other components of Bosnia and Herzegovina negotiating their accession to the’ European Union (cf. 0686 and 0832). Finally, on 23 May 2024, the’ General Assembly adopted a resolution, submitted by’Germany and Rwanda, instituting a « International day of reflection and commemoration of the genocide committed in Srebrenica in 1995 » (cf. 1377). According to Russia, it is not intended to honor the victims, but to endorse the version that it is attributable to the Serbs.

• so Moscow, Belgrade and Sarajevo are preparing for the worst. Milorad Dodik, president of the Bosnian Serb Republic (on the left in the photo), was invited to the Kremlin on June 6 by Russian president Vladimir Putin [2].
The latter assured him that Moscow would continue to support his country in accordance with the Dayton Accords.

• On his return to the Balkans, President Milorad Dodik participated on 8 June with his Serbian counterpart, Aleksandar Vucic (on the right in the photo), at the first meeting of the’ Assembly panserbe around the slogan « A people, a gathering ». This Assembly adopted a Declaration on the protection of national and political rights and the common future of the Serbian people [3].

• During’an interview at the’agence Tass [4], on the same day, President Milorad Dodik reiterated his desire to’end the Dayton Accords, while’on the contrary, president Vladimir Putin based his action on these same agreements.
At the Dayton Conference (1995), the Bosnian delegation led by President Alija Izetbegovic (former supporter of the III° Reich) included within it the’United States Richard Perle (a straussian who subsequently played a central role in the western war against’Iraq and the Israeli war against Lebanon).

• Westerners officially consider that the Panserb’ideology was the root cause of the Yugoslav wars; what the Serbs deny. It’s to credit this interpretation that Rudolf Scharping, German Minister of Defense, circulated the famous plan « Horseshoe » to expel non-Serbs from Kosovo. He justified the war in Kosovo, but this document turned out to be a fake, made by the secret services of’Otan.

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The Afterlives of Lies​


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