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moose eater

Well-known member
let's put a dollar or two on that. if it's him VS The Chump, i'm willing...:D
No problem doing that.

People who engage in genocide or are complicit in it and speak out both sides of their mouth in such a blatant manner aren't very popular with a number of the Dems, not to mention progressives, and Joe's policies are clearly Neo-Con oriented, and have been for decades.

His ignorance and support of the Israeli Zionist Nationalists will contribute to tRump's re-election unless tRump is banned from the ballot. And I suspect the current SCOTUS is apt to see much of his verbiage on J6 as free speech rather than directly involved in insurrection.

Not that I support him, but that's the hand of cards we have currently.

I'll be voting third party, myself... again.

When people offer me a shit sandwich or diarrhea on noodles, I go to another restaurant.


Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
and yet,once again sane americans will hold their noses and vote for joe again even if we don't really want to...and once again he'll squeak by and win while the whiny child rants and raves about stolen elections once again...hopefully from his jail cell,but i'd settle for bankrupt...monetarily as well as morally


Well-known member
When people offer me a shit sandwich or diarrhea on noodles, I go to another restaurant.
and if there is only one open? do you starve, or vote for the lesser of the two evils ? i sleep well with my decision. are you willing to allow our democracy to die because of your choice?
hopefully from his jail cell,but i'd settle for bankrupt...monetarily as well as morally
he's half-way there already...now they just need to take his ill-gotten gains away from him.

moose eater

Well-known member
and if there is only one open? do you starve, or vote for the lesser of the two evils ? i sleep well with my decision. are you willing to allow our democracy to die because of your choice?

he's half-way there already...now they just need to take his ill-gotten gains away from him.
There's always a high-quality dumpster that's open all night that offers decent eats if you know where to go.

But in this election, there'll be some decent third-party candidates, and I suspect a WHOLE bunch of people will be looking that direction. Polling already indicates that.

It's not a matter of sanity or insanity to draw a moral and ethical line in the sand and say, "I will never vote for the lesser of 2 weasels again." And I said that years ago. Thus far I've stuck to it.

I didn't vote for tRump or Biden last time around, and I sleep better for it, when I can sleep at all..
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moose eater

Well-known member
If people got past their fears of 'what if that guy wins' during elections, maybe we could elect some actual decent third-party or more functional new people.

Ranked Choice Voting in Alaska helps to make that a reality for our State level and State federal senators and congress people types of elections now, but not so much for the Prez.


Well-known member

The United States and the United Kingdom prosecuted for complicity in Israel's war crimes in Gaza​

AA /Istanbul /Tufan Aktas

"The United States must now be held accountable for the crimes it has committed" said South African lawyer Wikus Van Rensburg, who is the head of a team of 47 lawyers and has received support from American and British’avocats firms​

Last week, the group of lawyers, which now has 47 members, wrote an open letter to the leaders of the american and british governments, in which he states that they cannot shirk their responsibilities.


Well-known member

Iran plans to become third party in Pretoria trial against Israel​

The Iranian authorities are preparing the documents required for Tehran to become a third party in the proceedings brought by’Africa against Israel at the International Court of Justice (ICJ) of the’Un The Hague, Mohammad Dehghan, vice president of the Islamic Republic for legal affairs, said on Wednesday 17 January.


Well-known member

Russian Ministry of Defense : The point of deployment of the French mercenaries destroyed in Kharkiv​


Russia said Wednesday it targeted the previous evening a building where «mercenaries were deployed French» in Kharkiv, the second city of Ukraine, located in the northeast of the country.

«Russian troops hit a center of foreign mercenaries, mostly French, in Kharkiv», in, made known the Russian Ministry of Defense, stating that «more than 60 fighters had been killed» .

« On the evening of January 16, the Russian armed forces launched a high-precision strike against a temporary parking center for foreign fighters, mainly French mercenaries, in the city of Kharkiv. Following the attack, the building where they were deployed was completely destroyed. More than 60 combatants were killed and more than 20 others were placed in medical establishments ».

The’ announcement of this strike by Moscow intervenes after the’ad made by Emmanuel Macron, Tuesday, that France would deliver to Kiev 40 additional long-range missiles (Scalp) and «hundreds of bombs». He also claimed that France was «in the process of finalizing a security agreement» with Kiev of the type that was concluded Friday between the United Kingdom and’Ukraine on ten years, which’il will announce during its visit on the spot in February.

So Hai

Well-known member
Imagine a group of thieves, standing in front of your home, celebrating, boasting, chanting, and singing of the taking of your possessions and homes!
Not to mention the slaughter of children. Just look at how happy they are here celebrating the murder of an 18-months old baby.

the Israeli Zionist Nationalists
There is no such thing as national zionism only world zionism. What you percieve as national zionism is but one side of the zionist coin, the other deals with world domination. America is a good example. They have inserted themselves in every key position of american society. At this point the USA is nothing but an israeli proxy state.

moose eater

Well-known member
Not to mention the slaughter of children. Just look at how happy they are here celebrating the murder of an 18-months old baby.

There is no such thing as national zionism only world zionism. What you percieve as national zionism is but one side of the zionist coin, the other deals with world domination. America is a good example. They have inserted themselves in every key position of american society. At this point the USA is nothing but an israeli proxy state.

For now the Israeli Zionists seem focused on their 'promised land', and making sure it is an exclusively Jewish state.

None of the Jewish (non-practicing) Dead Heads I know of support such nonsense, and the limited number of practicing Jews I know from over the years, one from Peru, don't spout any of the Nationalist Zionist rhetoric or support it.

Religious delusions and theocracies, especially fascist religious/theocratic governments, are very dangerous and should be put down, as indicated by the fruits of the Crusades.
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Well-known member
If people got past their fears of 'what if that guy wins' during elections,
"maybe" if we didn't have one of the two national parties pushing an autocratic Mussolini wanna-be quoting Adolph Hitler, more people would be open to that sort of experimentation. i know i would...but not with The Chump or his ilk on the ballot. some things are not worth the risk, sorry. :snap out of it:

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